It seems perfect doesn't it? The concept of taking the ultimate threat against the existence of a people, like in the days of the Judges of Israel, using that to make their society agreeable to their neighbours. A bunch of Benjaminites do a broad all night long until she is near dead and then in retribution surrounding tribes go about extinguishing all the Benjaminites2. Then what? well, the Benjaminites cry out that they won't even be able to continue as a people. So, provision is made. Provision was made for Cain too. The majority of the people like commerce. They like being able to buy things, go places, find reasons to accomplish a bucket list, and having money lets them do just that. Money eliminates having to resort to threats like taking the life of another to get what you want. Ah, but you need to earn money. Right, work for wages.
In the old days, including the days of ancient Egypt, when you visited a far away place you ran certain risks for travel unless you were an outstanding merchant bringing the wears. Foreigners, very often were taken as slaves. Good hospitality mattered in the days of Lot. Males, even the pretty ones were castrated -- had their testicles lopped off -- so they were no threat sowing† their seed. And they made better fellators to the one that lopped off the testicles. In modern times it is easy to see how the ancients were so Draconian. Un-evolved, even. Today it's simple, nations shake hands with one another and make room for improving the wages and conditions for their own people against and with the cooperation of their neighbours. Why even tariffs (taxes on trade goods) benefit the tariffing nation putting limits on what outsiders can bring into a nation, enjoying peace, by working at the same kinds of good jobs for good things as other nations. With these wages the people bring more children into the world to work for more wages and go more places. The freedom to travel is a State level opportunity. This seems like obvious prosperity. And, it is, if not for a very grievous problem. This prosperity was achieved through cheating. That's what mac said, cheating. You see, the house needed to win. In this case the house was Heaven. It had to be perfected. When Heaven was perfect there would have been no human and drug trafficking. There would have been no crooked cops. There would have been no bastards. There would have been no widows. There would have been no reason to grieve if you were a human. You would have not been born with a birth defect nor would you have suffered with obesity, laziness, depression, infidelity, bad marriages, blindness, deafness, not even harelips or abortions would there be. That was what was supposed to happen under Satan's masterful godship to fulfil Jesus ministry.
In the days prior to Jesus, people were focussed on regional simple toiling. The world seemed to be going nowhere. Invention was slow. People died young. Few ventured far. Those that did travel to and from afar knew to travel as an army to keep their testicles. Obviously architectural remains have mass burial evidence with buried sophisticated living in pockets of the world where civilisation was concentrated around desirable resources and agriculture. If people didn't like sex or get a reward for it, they sure wouldn't breed. Breeding makes more breeders. Being parents is work. Somehow being parents has a reward. Watching children grow. How a persons Spirit soars when everyone is happy. When Johnny scores a goal, more soaring. Then came the Johnnies that couldn't score goals unless they were on Jane's team. How is dad happy about that? He needs to evolve so he can pander to his son's laziness and be happy about Johnny's needing to be a Jane.
When America was building its military arsenal post Hidalgo Treaty it was in a precarious place of pushing its collective Ggodlyness -- a democracy -- over other nations whose people wanted to maintain the purities of their own cultural refinements. The French are still superior to the English and Germans, just ask them. The Japanese are still superior to Chinese and Koreans likewise. These old prejudices exist because none of these people were doing the work required to perfect Heaven.
America has a huge problem, for them. To build themselves militarily they adopted a little Ggodly nectar from everywhere like bees in a garden, let's say. mac's loquat is blooming and She was watching the bees happily pollinating the blossoms with a few colourful butterflies while She poured a morning coffee in Her kitchen. The loquat has managed to hang on from mumsies poisoning the roses, gardenias, fig tree, hibiscus, plumerias, desert roses, night blooming jasmine, and other plants mac was tending the front yard with making a floral banquet to enjoy Her morning coffee in. (Round up will kill roses. It will even kill turks cap if you use enough of it. Just ask mumsy.) Isn't bees sipping some nectar here and there so quaint, and necessary if you want to grow food to feed people. All the Saints say "Yea." But, people -- little gods themselves -- have been little gods in their own right since Jesus death, are not bees. This being little Ggods is why, when the apostles died off, civilisation and the government, became the collective Ggod and people grew to fancying Ggods* did not even exist. The firmament is filled with these little spirits from the little gods that died. (Another thing the JW's don't know shit about.)
One would think that from the preserved narratives of the native Americans that civilised people would understand that to act like a bear in warfare, when one is a human, just gets you extinguished by the Ggods. Soldiers fornicating like little bees does not work; in the same way being a bear did not work.
Fornication is the way one does the godly act of copulating. To get this access to copulate you must dawn the apparel of many other Ggods, potentially, to get said fucking done. Did you rape? You abused your sword as a soldier. Did you get a whore? Pay-up and make sure with that pay she never needs or wants for another item again. As in; that pay for sex is required to compensate her for the rest of her days. Did she have to turn another trick? You fucker are the one in the wrong under the Ggods provision for the female3. This is why a female can pull off being smugly satisfied with her being righteous as a whore turning tricks. She also knows that is her ticket to freedom. It registers in her as she is the smart one the John is the dumb desperate one.
Apart from America's being bad, and cheep, fuckers4 they were taking part in disputes of other peoples to spread commerce maintaining a stable government so everyone can have the freedom to get whores and heroin. mac's bad. Certainly governments installed by America's military were going to eradicate such illegal problems right? You were not deliberately supporting a government of lesser quality than your own, were you? America's military while building its military arsenal was told again and again, don't get, do, take that by the little maggot5. To do warfare the way America did it had to avoid doing warfare deeds on all means of power other than the LORD to avoid the consequences, mac, the Christ is enforcing to the eye for an eye letter of Ggodly justice. They, America, do not get one once of firepower, manoeuvring, focus, mental acuity, strategic thinking ability, nor anything Christ like in their solutions without kissing Her ass -- a metaphor -- doing everything her way, not a metaphor, literal. When mac tells Heaven She destroys such and such this way, Heaven makes sure the enemy is in Her line of fire. And that is supreme warfare power! America is proving all the Ggods they went after taking power from in the performance of their duties. And these Ggods are all in the firmament. You think that Filipino beauty one hundred soldiers raped to death in patient succession isn't going to deal you brutally? Think again marines! This is what you fuckers didn't understand about karma. Karma is real.
What will be observed in Heaven is how many flowers the little military dudes pollinated between and in the way they go about their tactical and intelligence gathering duties. Pollinating is cute when a bee is on a flower. So delicate a dance. They float in air. This floating in air is how you know pollenating is good for bee to do bad for human. Humans really fucking clumsy, awkward, smelly, and brash when gang pollinating. And two generally need some Spirit incentives to get it on even in private. Use a disco ball and drugs all around to make it hip for groups -- right? And, of course, a disco ball is great on an amphibious warcraft. When a human goes after what their own Ggodlyness and even the little maggot tells them they ought not, eventually, they get to demonstrate what they flowered.
mac is letting them go. They worked their hearts out in America's military command certain that mac was the God that approved of all their perversions. They did against the LORD again and again and again. All the Ggods they tied themselves up with mac is turning them over to those Ggods. They are yours. While you Ggods have your own criteria for how you interacted with your neighbours mac does not support what America did to the LORD.
mac sees that Americans have some potential because they are people. "These are humans. So they can use tools better than monkeys. They walk on two legs, and some don't spit when they talk." mac reminds the LORD when She is not seeing the wannabee or has-been soldier for who he is and was. (The females mac does not defend. They are rancorous ego maniacs that tell Heaven, against mac, in passive aggressive tradition, 'She is a defeated looser idiot for her work in the Corps.') So mac gets confused that the males, even in fatigues, are really happy that they defiled the LORD so they could glutton themselves and make warfare easy for themselves. (mac's means of interacting with the Divine means: You do not do wicked things and get good things like leisure, idyll, and a pre screened dating pool.) They are also, evidently, people happy to be headed to Hell because serving mac is work. Not only that, serving mac requires a total restructuring of base facilities, removal of all civilian occupants, alterations to housing, changes in staffing, changes to schooling dependent young, no non-combatant positions. People must belong totally to mac, as in be the seed stock building earth into a paradise to be Her soldiers. Ggods of the world, mac presents to you the United States Military. This mixing pot of debauchers has stollen a little something out of all your cultures to stand before you with the authority of their own President to shoot your people. They fornicated into their warfare authority and by that authority of fornication they are going to die. Note: the authority of fornication is exclusive. This is why the Ten Commandments6 were written in the order they were.
You bitches in fatigues, lower your eyes when you see mac! Of course having said that, now you know why your eyes will be gouged out in Hell at least. Other places your boobs, perhaps, will be carved up while you are still living. The Russians might want to harvest your mammary glands through a black market for milk. The Russians are very resourceful market makers. Did that talk scare you straight Jo baby? Will any of your sisters decide the costs to their body just might mean respecting a new command is necessary? That's what you get Bass, you get words. The Ggods have work to do. Had you kept your word you would not be reading mac's.
Males, mac is throwing you a bone. You have a concept in your mind of a person who you want to serve and satisfy you. That is being male. That is also how you tune into listening to not self. It is a seduction tool, as it were, to make friends with a higher authority. That higher authority for you is not a human female! (You must put your Ggod in the place of directing you to mac.) But, that thinking on a being that would fulfil your expectations in all the ways this person respects your person is what you kindle to realise a Bass -- like Jo -- or a First Lady is just a fuck. Fucking, that is your guaranteed ticket to Hell. Make a commitment to hold out for everything you are looking for, right down to; no ink, no fat rolls, no buck teeth, no lisp, no cackling laugh, no arguing with you in public, no getting drunk, no ignoring your breakfast in the morning, no making time with other females more important than time with you, and that living, fornication free, demand that you get your own definition of perfection gives Jehovah a means of preserving you alive to meet just that one. You can even specify; eye colour, hair colour, nose shape, ear position on the skull, brow line, toe and feet shape, leg shape, muscle definition, shoulder pitch, bust size, waste size, belly button innie or outie. For those of you who have discovered there are certain vaginal traits that are just horrid, you can exclude those. It is a horror to be in the place of having knowledge of having experienced horrid genitals, but that is our present human predicament. The genie is out of the bottle. Has been for a long time.7
mac does not need any of you to live nor serve Her. She will make the earth a paradise as the only person on the earth and even perfect the Ba'al all by Herself as that is the guarantee of the system that allowed Her to be sacrificed to begin with. Allness8, as was, really loved His enforcer. Why they allowed more life to happen, God knows. mac has yet to meet a person who has not put her in the place of saying again and again to Heaven, "Making people seemed like a real bad idea. But, what the LORD built, should have worked." Once the big MEGA Ba'al is perfected then humans can again walk the earth alongside mac. You have no leverage here people. And mac has no reason to pray for the survival of any one of you. Nor does mac have any reason and/or requirement to make petition to the Ggods in the firmament to do anything other than send you people to Hell as fast as possible.
mac stays focussed on personal revenue stream. And the Ggods know this. Most times all the Ggods have for mac is making mental note. mac wants to replant Her gardens. She wants Her mother to do the twenty years in the federal pen for murdering Lucille (grandma) at least. mac wants to collect the social security She is due for that awful marriage to Terry Allen Smart -- after he drops dead She should get half the benefit. "Noted," says Heaven. mac keeps preparing Herself for practical solutions to stay occupied for a year or two holed up in Her home while the region is sieged with the mobs the Corpus Christi Police Department with Canales, Zanoni, and the NAS-CCAD idiots were counting on chasing Her away from Her presidential order9. Tools. This region, not Trump or Obama was the national last, and only, hope by May 10, 2019, for building a new perfected America. They like Jo Bass did not do what they promised for the Ggods that gave them the same go ahead that mac launched Her ministry with once those people defaulted. Jo and this regions muck-a-mucks are cowards, on top of traitors. They will die as such.
mac makes sure that spirit of the firmament learn that mac means business. Otherwise her coming to them with a sword will not mean for them, they had best rend a garment in repentance, or they die. It is fine if they go after taking their chances and decide: "We like braking the law. We are going to kill you Christ." As long as they understand they are taking their chances at facing the warrior delivering their final execution. It's fine. Being fooled that they have some reason to think mac does not mean business is not okay. These people will be fighting the Ggods when they fight mac. But, these people mac is going to be sure they understand they are laughing at Heaven's executioner if indeed they need to laugh at Her. If these people are prostitutes, and the law says no prostitutes, even the pregnant ones with husbands will be executed.
Fuck you Trump and the asses you rode into Washington on. By the way, General George Washington's spirit is the firmament devil you host now. No, you didn't get Jefferson. Obama might have. General George Washington has a resurrection to look forward to as all persons of the firmament do. Those that died between Jesus death and August 21, 2021, are all resurrected, human. All present humanity is wiped out first. One would think, at some point between now and that shut down, mac -- in Her shear tenacity of will -- will be able to wrangle a few from Hell's gate. mac is just not bending over backward for traitors, fornicators, nor posers. mac did Her bending over backward to make sure the LORD could be saved. If indeed He needed it. He didn't get a choice in the matter. mac just pulled Him from the fire because She decided to as He was incapacitated from being forced into Ba'al's jacket in the first place. In mac's saving the LORD, Putin lucked out.
With Trump in Hell, certainly you can see how Jehovah will be perfected. Because, you see, Trump decided perfecting God was going to be his crowning achievement. There wasn't room for him and Putin, just ask Trump.
History will now never know if Jo Bass and the Corpus Christi brain trust would have done a better job at running the world. They were not allowed to destroy the person that pulled the LORD from the fire. When mac was handed everything Heaven had, all She could think of doing was getting Satan to repent, and put the LORD and Lady Wisdom back together again even at the expense of Her own life. mac had much to learn. Her ministry began. Writing W(w)ords** is all She has. And the future will benefit from what History will never know.
- * Ggods is, of course, deliberate. This first appeared June 6, 2021, with 📖 The Ggods Must Be Crazy This article was so good mac did a 📖 II and📖 III.
- ** W(w)ords is a deliberate mechanical device conveying the meaning of perfected -- in their own right -- beings branded with words. This goes with why Ezekiel knew it was from God that he carve Jerusalem on a brick 📖.
- 1 📖 "Words words words. I'm so sick of words. I get words all day through first from him now from you. Is that all you blighters can do?" Name that performance.
- 2 📖 📖 📖 More proof the JW's don't know anything about Israel. As if the Jews and Catholics didn't know that.
- † Sewing was the original word mac used. After posting with the word sewing mac wrote 📖.
- 3 📖 Search sex entitles on this article to short cut to the explanation.
- 4 📖 NAS letter link -- bad fuckers. Postscript there is no way, now, you people can buy any kind of comfort in Hell.
- 5 📖 One Maggot Takes All Iwo story. This letter to Putin will be used to write many more explanatory passages, articles, and web pages.
- 6 📖 Do the first and the others fall into line.
- 7 📖 mac's sex semaphore list.
- 8 📖 Allness.
- 9 📖 Your Spanking for Treason Coastal Bend.