“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comHeadquarters, Where Great Warriors are Born
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comHeadquarters, Where Great Warriors are Born

Taking Down the Ba'al Is Here

This is the LORD's Warrior Building Subscription Program

Allness Is Built in Ba'al's Wake

Headquarters Teaches Being Shepherded by God Almighty,

Lead Like Abraham -- the LORD's Great Patriarch

National military bodies pay for a subscription for their soldiers to partake under their own free will.

In the mean time, the lulu button, at least, connects you the soldier to the god you are serving. You will be a stronger warrior than your present state of disconnection feeding from the excrement served by, protestant, catholic, jew, islam, and existential religious clergy, monks, or gurus. While you are at it, pick up a Holy Bible beginning daily Bible reading. The Bible is the wickedness playbook and there is not a play in there that Allness did not invent, first.

If you are looking for a career, be a soldier. That at least earns you a resurrection. That is the importance of dying for God and Country. College or working for Microsoft et. al., on it own, offers bupkis -- at this time.

mac Makes Allness Holy

As king Solomon said, "Everything in its season -- time." To Allness time is only another word for place.

When gods are interacting with mac's genetics they are learning how to control their portion of all things to make discrete consciousness and physical bodies Holy. Spirit are tearing down the Ba'al, because the Pentagon High Priest -- mac -- is the genetic blueprint that makes Allness Holy.

The key to all things that are possible with God producing fine results is everything put in its proper place of education so the physical lives cautiously as a serpent and innocent as a dove. This means even prayers of heart will not inflict evil upon another, eventually.

Total Shepherding from God Becoming A Great Warrior of the LORD Is Only Here At Headquarters

As a soldier, the LORD's leadership begins with improving your secular knowledge. With secular knowledge He adds to your thinking ability. As your thinking ability grows you improve your physical stamina. You build muscle, improve your tactile responses and coordination between body and thought. What is commonly referred to as hand eye coordination is a misnomer, but even your hand eye coordination will improve.

Holy Bible reading, Herald scholarship, and formal education through the curriculum listed. Mastering the curriculum material means you are equipped to build nations through Holy Warfare eliminating the woes of the earth. These woes are the fruits of plundering Heaven.

The Headquarters Curriculum
  1. Theological Studies -- Section I
    1. Satan Finally Sees the Face of God Almighty
      1. The Gift of Prophecy granted by Saint Paul is the result of you faithfully dedicating yourself to the total education curriculum, embracing the theological knowledge along with the physical and secular acumen you are attaining as a marine.
      2. Obtain an Oxford English Dictionary and New American Bible. (A Douay Bible is an excellent resource as well.) You will develop a journaling format that allows you to follow the LORD's queues as you learn the materials in this curriculum.
      3. Leadership -- for Life -- begins with you as flesh following the LORD. The electronic companion to this text includes competency examination of reading, writing, and logical argument development. Through these skills you develop your lie detecting Superpower.
      4. The Theologic summary of this section answers the fundamental questions of philosophers through the ages. When humans started pondering their existence, it was because they lost that knowledge that kept their soul glued together in the first place.
      5. God Almighty developed with Righteousness, Light, how life lives. Once life figured out how to destroy itself, the reverse engineering process was born. You are learning from the Christ, the One who restores life, Light.
      6. And God said, "Let there be light." Then the Pentagon got a High Priest, and Light is now fulfilled for time immemorial.
  2. Beyond Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic -- Section II
    1. The Building Blocks of Secular Understanding
      1. Expect to purchase one hundred college text-books over the course of this six years of material. Required texts will have a digital companion. A printed shared library of all course materials will be available at school study halls across base facilities.
      2. This book contains notes to assist you in understanding some of the common pit-falls that result in calculation errors as well as realising how to frame your solutions around a premise that makes text-book problems solvable. These secular notes are your High Priest's tips from Her study of the program materials over Her career. Your High Priest did not have this knowledge when she came down the birth canal, vagina, nor did she instantly have it at eighteen. She worked for this knowledge. No different than the founders of new theories from physical phenomenon worked for their knowledge. Sharing accurate knowledge is Divine. Being an ignorant soldier is inexcusable. Study!
      3. When you look at a homeless veteran on the street corner, how much of what they learned in even high school did they use to end up on that street corner, panhandling? This question is in response to the infamous reasoning, "Why do I need to know this, I will never use it." You are learning to lessen the chances of being that veteran. Keep seeking, even secular knowledge, and you give the LORD reason to glorify you. Hate knowledge and learning, and expect friendly fire to bury you, not provide you a street corner. Study!
      4. This is a foundation for you to use to choose a course of advanced knowledge in any professional discipline you desire growing beyond the end of your first six-years in the LORD's Service. What you are now is the LORD's student applying these secular topics in your work. In other-words, if you fire a gun, you will understand the physics, mathematics, and chemistry of how that weapon produces the result it does. Furthermore, if you turn a knob on a ship, you are going to understand how that ship moves through its fluid and why that knob is used.
      5. There is a text-book reading assignment with problem sets along with competency examinations for all coursework. This is a six year program that when you enter, all of the assignments you are required to perform are issued you on day one with this master program syllabus.
      6. Lab practicum accompaniment courses are restricted to locations with appropriate facilities. When you are dedicated to combat assignment the weekly hours of dedication are reduced to allow for physical recovery and rejuvenation. This just might be when you reveal your inner Picasso to the world, take up Shakespeare with drama, and develop new music and dance. All courses with lab practicum are designed so the lab practicum can be taken separately from the lecture, theory courses. The lab practicum may be taken concurrently or after its relevant course lecture.
      7. Each year a cross discipline competency examination is issued. It is multiple choice, and a four hour examination. Passing is seventy percent, satisfactory. Passing is required for promotion to the next years study.
      8. Making this Your Own the Journal Table Month Day , Year Use this text interactively, as a journal, recording your six year progress as you learn this mandatory curriculum.
      9. The digital companion has entry placements for notation. Should you opt to print this text, all or part, eight pages print on one standard letter size paper.
      10. The "Month Day, Year" entry above is for your date of entering the LORD's service. Other workbook style journaling elements are included with similarly formatted prompts.
    2. Annual Bible Reading Calendar
      1. The Three-Hundred Sixty-Four Day Rotation
    3. Building Your Humanity
      1. The Origin of the LORD
      2. Demanding to See the Face of God Almighty
        1. The Origin of Humanity
          1. From Eden to the Ark -- Version One
          2. From Abraham to the Ark -- Version Two
          3. From Nebuchadnezzar to the Ark -- Version Three
        2. Being Human
          1. Understanding the Human Body, According to the Ggods
            1. Stop Fucking
              1. The Anus
                1. Everyone Shits
              2. Sex Identifying Genitals
                1. Male
                2. Female
              3. Human Identifiers
                1. Man
                2. Woman
              4. Personality Identifiers
                1. Masculine
                2. Feminine
              5. Being One Flesh
                1. Husband
                2. Wife
            2. The Senses
              1. Sight
              2. Hearing
              3. Smell
              4. Taste
              5. Touch
              6. Listening
                1. Your Mind on the LORD
                2. Talking About Your Body to the LORD
                3. Classifying Yourself
                4. Sex and Disposition
                5. Are you male or female?
                6. Are you masculine or feminine?
                7. The Man Assumption for the Soldier
                8. Being A Woman
                  1. Do you fornicate? You are a woman.
            3. Black or White
              1. What You Need to Eat
              2. Talking About the Body You Want to the LORD
            4. l-o-v-e-LINK
              1. Making and Keeping the Marriage Union Holy, and Hot -- the Good Hot
            5. Letting the Shitty be Shitty
              1. When to Speak
              2. Appreciating when the LORD Makes you Mute
              3. Dealing with the Infamous Trolls
              4. Gathering Intel
            6. Saving Your Money
              1. Is Hidden Currency in this Deal?
              2. When to Pick Up the Cheque, or Hold Your Breath
            7. Understanding Creation
              1. The Seven Creative Days
                1. Spirit, Consciousness -- The Award Goes To?
                2. Stars, Planetary Bodies, and Moons
                3. Birds, Beasts, and Swimming with the Fishes
                4. Man then Woman
              2. Law: Democracy or Kingship
              3. The Glorious Eighth Day of God Almighty
        3. The Holy Bible
          1. Revealed by Spirit
          2. Major transitions in Godliness through the Ages as evidenced through Biblical History
            1. Deliverances
            2. Counting Generations
            3. Forming the Law
            4. The Hierarchy of Creation
              1. When Spirit Dictated to Flesh
                1. Sprit and Humanities Search for God Almighty, Immanuel
              2. When Flesh Dictated to Ggod Almighty
          3. Being Civilised
            1. The Law and Its Spirit
            2. The Language of Law
            3. Functioning Under a Constitution
            4. Policy and Procedure -- Defining the Bodies Purpose
            5. Work Instructions -- Being a Functioning Part of the Organizational Body
            6. Enforcement
            7. The Shutdown Decision
            8. What Earned Humanity, what We at TeamGOD call, the Two-Fer?
              1. Law of One Destroying the Life of Another, the Ultimate No-No. Darkness did not get to destroy Light. Neither did Light get to destroy darkness. What proved Righteousness, Light? The being that provided existence to both was is and always will be Righteousness -- it let darkness live. What happens now? Puting it in its place.
          4. The Big Lesson of Allness
            1. Being Forced to Live with Yourself
            2. Dealing with Injustice
            3. Healing Hate
        4. The Founding of the Americas
        5. The Ggods Version of History
          1. Noah
          2. The Vikings
          3. The Spanish
          4. The Romans
      3. The Pentagon High Priest Saved the LORD, the LORD Saves You -- at Cost
        1. Asking the Potter to Fashion You for An Honourable Purpose
          1. Prayer
          2. The Power of "Jesus"
        2. The Holy Church
          1. Why Saint Paul was Writing to You, the American Soldier
          2. The History of Warfare
          3. When Civilisations were Dominated and Nearly Forgotten
      4. Rights, Titles, and Ownership
        1. Understanding Government -- the Ggods Explain
        2. Understanding Law -- the Ggods Explain
      5. Written Language
        1. Interpretations Belong to God
        2. Speaking One Language
          1. Phonetics
          2. Symbols
            1. Developing Writing Habits for Practical Success
            2. Letters
            3. Numbers
            4. Music
            5. Emoji?
          3. Tongues in English
          4. Who Made the English Language
            1. Major Contributors
            2. The Hebrews, Hebrew
            3. The Arabs, Arabic
            4. Sanskrit
            5. Greece, Greek
            6. Rome, Latin
            7. Out of the North, the Norse
            8. The Germans
            9. The French
          5. Understanding Oxford's Notation
          6. Who Used this Word First with What Meaning?
            1. Getting to the Root of the Matter
          7. Subject
          8. Action
          9. Describing Action
          10. Describing Subject
          11. The Prefix and Suffix
          12. With Whom Are You Speaking?
          13. Using the Pronoun
          14. Your Audience Dictates Your Voice
            1. Fuck You Jill
          15. How Many Are Involved?
          16. Past, Present, and Future
        3. Being Active, Being Passive, and Formal the Writing Style of the LORD
          1. Conventions of Grammar, Punctuation, and Word Choice
      6. Building Your Secular Foundation
        1. Finding the White Papers, and Comprehending Them
        2. Looking for the Truth Among the Lost
        3. Identifying, Hypothesis, Logical Argument, and Conclusions from Findings
        4. Paying Attention to the Method of Work, Study
        5. What was Tested?
        6. What was Used to Draw a Conclusion?
  3. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Building the Civilization the Ggods Wanted -- Section III
    1. Mathematics
      1. The Great Effort at Seeing Allness in Symbols
      2. Adding and Subtracting
        1. Being a Computer, Multiplying and Dividing
      3. Adding and Subtracting
        1. Being a Human, Writing Equations
          1. Using Symbols, Logic
          2. Using Symbols, Algebra
      4. Using dimension, Linear Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry
      5. Statistical Measures and Sampling
      6. Throwing You Curves, Calculus
      7. Changing Over Time, Differential Equations
      8. Mathematic Modelling
        1. Is the System Animal, Vegetable, or Mineral?
      9. Recording Observations
        1. A Graph
        2. Placing a Picture to Data or an Equation
        3. Vectors
          1. Quantifying Systems
          2. Establishing Dimension
          3. Understanding Direction
    2. Matter
      1. Energy and its Conservation
        1. Light
        2. Colour
        3. Temperature
      2. Mass Centres
        1. the Importance of A Simplifying Assumption
        2. Why the Geometry of A System Matters
        3. Understanding Frames
      3. The Relativity of Being on Earth
        1. Finding Balance Under Force
          1. Being a Solid
          2. Being a Fluid
          3. Being a Gas
          4. Being a Plasma
    3. Making it Come Alive with Art and Music
      1. Expressing the Soul
        1. Lab Practicums
          1. Building Your Own Tuned Instrument
          2. Metallurgy Sculpture
          3. and Ceramic Vessels
    4. Making the Computer Your Slave
      1. The Invention and Basic(s)
        1. The Computer Diet, they Byte
        2. Storing Ones and Zeros
        3. Architecture of A Computer
        4. Why Computers Can Use Electrons
        5. Lab Practical; Building Your Own Computer
          1. Creating Logical Language Commands
          2. Creating Your Own Calculator
          3. Creating Images and Moving Objects
          4. Using Browsers
          5. Java -- Not Coffee -- Script
          6. HTML and Style
          7. php
      2. Managing Information
        1. SQL
        2. Spreadsheets Belonged to Pharaoh (Duh)
      3. A Label and Its Information, Value
        1. XML
        2. Arrays and the Infamous Problem of Null
        3. Stings and Structured Information
        4. Object Oriented Programming
    5. Chemistry -- Lab Practicals are Concurrent
      1. Atomic Theory, the Model
      2. Classification of Matter
      3. Solids
      4. Liquids
      5. Water
      6. Oil and Vinegar (Wine)
      7. Gas
      8. The Power of Water
      9. The Power of Heat
      10. Making Solids and Liquids
      11. Acids and Bases
      12. Forming Inorganic Compounds
      13. Forming Organic Compounds
      14. The Chemistry Powering Life, Organisms
      15. The Chemistry of Inorganic Energy
    6. Physics -- Lab Practicals are Concurrent
      1. Defining Physical Existence
      2. Having Potential, Because Force Exists
      3. Defining Movements
        1. Because Force is Happening
        2. The Famous Action Reaction Pairing
        3. Vector Modelling
          1. Two Dimension System Simplification
          2. Three Dimension System Simplification
          3. When Three Dimensions Are Not Enough
      4. Projectiles
      5. Energy of Movement
      6. Energy of Presence
      7. Doing Work
      8. Overcoming Opposition
      9. Special Environments
      10. Gases
      11. Fluids
      12. Light
      13. Magnets and Electricity
    7. Physiology and Anatomy
      1. Lab Practical, Documentation of Muscle and Bone
    8. Economics -- The Macro and Micro Views in Parallel
      1. Studying Exchange for Profit
      2. Who Makes Demands?
      3. Who Supplies?
      4. Agreeing on Price
      5. The Free Market
      6. The Rational Assumption
      7. Balancing Labor and Capital
      8. Measuring Costs
      9. Measuring Benefits
      10. What Governs Spending
      11. What Governs Saving
      12. When Others Decide for You
      13. Forcing Price
      14. Forcing Quantity
      15. Endowments
      16. Growing Wealth
      17. Good Faith
      18. Nations Sell their Debt
      19. Banking on the Solvency of Outsiders or How the Alien Resident is "Welcome"
    9. Using Invention -- Building Civilization
      1. Distribution Chains
      2. Electricity
      3. Fuel
      4. Logistics
      5. Consumption Habits
      6. Environmental Hazards
      7. Plastics
      8. Ceramics
      9. Corrosives
      10. Cost Benefit Analysis
      11. Optimisation
      12. Disposal and Recycling
      13. Solid Waste
      14. Sewage
      15. Potable Water
      16. Cremation
      17. Decomposition of Organic Matter
      18. Recycling Bodies
      19. Harnessing Earth's Power
      20. Sun
      21. Wind
      22. Geology
      23. Oceans
      24. Forests
      25. Prairies
      26. Inland Waterways
    10. Making Time
      1. Calendars and Time Measurement of Man and Ggods
      2. the Clock
        1. Lab Practical; Building Your Own Time Piece
    11. Making things Move
      1. the Engine
        1. Lab Practical; Building Your Own Engine
    12. Making things Speak
      1. the Radio
        1. Lab Practical; Building Your Own Radio
    13. Biology
      1. Animal and Vegetable taught in Parallel
        1. Lab Practical
      2. Awareness
      3. Senses
      4. Survival of the Species
        1. Habitats
        2. Energy Sources
          1. Food
          2. Water
          3. Light
      5. Animal and Vegetable Organisms
        1. the Body
        2. the Systems of Bodily Function
        3. the Organs
        4. the Cells
        5. the Fluids
        6. the Produce
      6. Classifying Creation
        1. Seeing the fractals
        2. Conscious or Unconscious?
          1. Animal
          2. Vegetable
          3. Mineral
    14. How Humanity is Wired
      1. Preserving the Flesh
        1. Water
        2. Food
        3. Shelter
        4. Sex
      2. Progeny
        1. Making New Life
        2. Genetic Engineering and Tinkering with Life
  4. Appendix of Definitions and Texts -- Section IV
    1. Library and References
    2. The Glossary According to Spirit
      1. Because Oxford did not always consult God Almighty, human definition lacks insight regarding life. Don't point the finger at Oxford, neither did NASA; ever.
Some Proverbs, Time, and Prophecy for the Soldier to Tide you Over here.