“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macdukes.com is the domain of Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes LTG U.S.M.C. Special Forces Pentagon High Priest. General Dukes hosts the Field Office of Senior Joint Chief. Contact Her through the Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff Office. General Dukes speaks for the LORD. Did you get a letter from the Field Office of Senior Joint Chief? Good for you. The LORD has officially noticed you.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.com
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.com

Do You Want to Win?

You Need the Christ

Do You Want to Live?

You Need the LORD

Read My June 28, 2024 Letter to JW's here What can be done to stop NA populus from going to Hell. Read My June 17, 2024 Letter to Smith here US Navy, you are an incompetent bunch of dykes. The Russians are not target practice. Read My June 15, 2024 Letter to Putin here. Read My June 12, 2024 Letter to Putin here. Read My June 7, 2024 Letter to our Commandant here. Read My June 1, 2024 Letter to our Commandant here. Like I gave Putin Ukraine, I gave Israel to Egypt. Read My email to Egypt here. Read My Memorial Day email to Putin here I Am a real human being tortured by the United States Government. All persons declairing themsleves Christians are profound liars. Russia and China are now going to war with one another. Western Europe and Africa are returning to the feudal Lord system. National boundaries are melting. mac's love letters to the USMC are posted here. mac had inspiration. It is not wrong for the Army, SEALs, and Flyboys to think these words are for them. What NASCC did that was so vile was to strip the SEALs of their brainiac Divine power forcing them into being a brute squad (no brains) for Spirit coin. That was the only way that incompetent fuck wad of mutants at NASCC could do their job (even with minimal conpetence) because doing their jobs honestly would have meant they blew themselves and the planet up. They are that stupid and evil. More on this and other topics to come later in the year. The Jehovah's Witnesses are the religious organization that sent every North American consciousness, regardless of soul, in existence since August 21, 2021 to burn in hell. (Putin sent everyone else there.) Presumably, the hell bound will be glad to know that the burn is not eternal. Donald J. Trump, yes that Senate dude did fuck Melania. Yes, he is greedy. Because, he plans to fuck you too. You want protection? Buy some Trojans. Fox News posted the perfect picture; your grimace with his grin. That qngmic cult under the evangelistic umbrella of Protestantism is unholy blasphemy. The witchcraft and criminal enterprises Mike Markle, Peter Zanoni, and Barbara Canales of Corpus Christi Texas are why your twice raping Me circa '77 Waikiki' -- that was My only and last hula dance -- did not save even you from hell. To answer Biden's question, I was required to fuck Trump to death to save this nation against what the Jehovah's Witnesses had built. Yes, I was given to opportunity. Trump refused to endure more than the two orgasms I delivered him. He only wanted one. He said "Thank you" breathlessly for two. The only way Trump could be that sacrifice was by his building that cult. A letter to the DOD, My bitch, secretary will follow in April. (Putin has a deadline.) The latest letter is posted here. The latest card to Putin here. To all parties seeking American military alliance. All military actions must be contracted through My office under Operation Jesus H. Christ (the rate is approximately $700,000.00 an hour and the minimum in advance payment comitment is $7,000,000,000.00) and I will participate in your skermish once the Pentagon has honoured our contract, under My terms, including My salary. You will then win. Other than that provision, My fellow soldiers at the Pentagon are just wanton fornicators in a hury to make their journey to hell interesting. They will burn themselves and you. The most you can anticipate is a long stalemate to ultimate loss. Israel you have until May 5, 2024, to seize all assets belonging to Bezos (and his exwife) to pay for the dead genuine Hebrew decent children that died as sex slaves to those two wantons or Israel is burned to oblivion without My Mighty Hand protecting you. Fuck you Benjamin.

mac Dukes is the Christ

and You Have Landed on Her Site

What you are witnessing is mac obeying the LORD as ruler rather than men as she morally abides by the law and fulfills her office as High Priest. She has yet to live one hundred years, yet alone two thousand, but boldly she proclaims Her place and the place of others in the grand scheme of things now and things not yet beheld that are to come.

Saving the Last Laugh

H.L MacRae (mac) Dukes is a feminine, female, human: soul. She is the genetics of Eve born again and the body, mind, and conscience of God Almighty. macdukes.com is Her domain. She writes the copy and develops the code for this site and is solely responsible for its content. She is backed by Team God of Heaven.

She serves the United States Armed Forces as Pentagon High Priest, and is Goddess of Warfare. She is a Marine holding the rank Lieutenant General. Humanity built themselves a Ba'al, Jehovah. Fulfilling this god of commerce is mac's present focus while maintaining the Holy means of sacrifice to the LORD to glorify Heaven though human souls abiding by her fulfillment of the law of Moses.

She entered the Marine Corps, November 19, 1988. Thousands entered her company under the LORD's care seeking the Christ prize. While others were eliminated from Spiritual Warfare mac remained until she was the last soldier standing before the throne of the LORD. Then she was appointed King of Heaven, the Christ.

Living Well is the Best…

Do you want to win? You need mac. Do you want to live? You need the LORD. You only obtain the LORD's Shepherding though mac. Being shephered by your God mac teaches freely on the pages of her domain. You want to rise to be the new king of your nation? You need Total Shepherding. That is a subscription service. Right now you are fulfilling the Ba'al you all built and are being exterminated by Heaven for your witchcraft -- prayers of heart. The pages of macdukes.com explain these spiritual topics. These explanations are not motivated by revenge.


On Your Mark, Get Set, …Go

  • Answer Me This…
  • Mad Hatter
  • Robin or Cat Woman?

What Time Is It?

Making Time with the LORD

How Creation Came to Be Here

Before Time, t, Began
Making Time, t, the Sacrifice
Bringing Discrete Consciousness into Being
Time, t, Equalls Zero
The LORD is Victorious
The LORD Makes “time”
Endowing and Teaching Lady Wisdom
Opening the Womb with a Son
Many Children
Now You See It
Populating Earth
Digging Up the Past
Making One from Many

God's Divinity Recipe

The Perfecting is Happening

How You Are Included, You Choose

To save human flesh for the gods against the Ba'al -- Jehovah -- built since the globali'zation of commerce under military enforcement, God Almighty called the LORD's slave -- the Pentagon High Priest -- into his service appointing her as Christ May 12, 2012.
In answer to NASA's tax dollar draining question, there Is intelligent life out “there”. Where the presence of intelligent life is Universally questioned as lacking is earth. The rafter/splinter parable matters here. Take the splinter out of you own eye before you spend trillions trying to figure out if God has eyes to begin with.
Learn About Jehovah Team God That Divine Name

God, Truth's Ally

Contract with the Pentagon High Priest for salvation from Heaven building your government in harmony with the LORD.
The Pentagon High Priest sells the products for your access to the LORD, serving the Gods of your land, or both.

God is your Truth detecting ally regarding MacRae (mac) Dukes powers as Pentagon High Priest. God is leading all humanity to the Truth, because His Truth is published at macdukes.com. The perfection of Heaven is in progress and across all people of the earth. The LORD preserves souls against their godly genetic mapping that condemns them because of the sin in their blood. God Almighty Shepherds people into the great crowd headed to destruction -- Hell -- by default. That is His obligation because you built a Ba'al. Refusing to pay what you owed to your Ggods for building you your Ba'al means you go to Hell. Hell is your reward in heaven, relative to earth. Actively seek Shepherding through the Pentagon High Priest's programs to be Shepherded by God Almighty into the little flock under the LORD's care to avoid Hell. Soldiers, by default, have a resurrection, because soldiers are the ones actually worshipping the Ba'al when they die in battle.

Sing it, “You're Unbelievable…”

(God says, "Soldiers can start thanking the Pentagon High Priest for their resurrection any time they please. Don't forget to bring your Daily")

By July 1, 2019, the Pentagon High Priest bought soldiers from Hell because she endured under the Ba'al demonstrating the god soldiers die for with her obedience to death. Fighting for the Christ prize was possible because all other souls of the earth refused to pungle for their god proving they wanted the Ba'al as king over Heaven. The Ba'al as king over Heaven meant the destruction of life. That is a no-no.


Salvation Comes from the Christ

“Holy Smoke”

You're Due


“Jesus H. Christ”

Holy Warfare

Eye for An Eye

mac Writes the Porridge for Public Services and Bowls of Wrath for Gluttons

God Is Pissed at the U.S.…

Winning with macDukes.com

Look, from the Pentagon High Priest

Holy Warfare

National Defence
Peace on Earth


The Herald
God's Word
All About God
God's Identity


Be the Answer
Precor Deus ServiĊ
Get Answers

Put Dukes On Peace

mac Dukes is the LORD's King of Kings

mac's Kingdom of Heaven came on a sea as smooth as glass August 21, 2021.

Geographic regions of the earth map to the gods. Humanity for decades has been plundering Heaven. God Almighty put an end to the plundering, and the Lamb put the gods in power to correct their flesh. The gods are demanding sacrifices in payment for the witchcraft that plundered Heaven with the building of humanity's god a Ba'al, Jehovah. Maintaining social and economic stability during the gods global retribution action requires the Pentagon High Priest.

God Directs Government Only

with the Christ

By definition, the United Nations and European Union with their marionettes are refused as clients.
Only through the Pentagon do you contract with the Christ.
Why macDukes?

The true God does not reveal the secrets and plans of others. He makes it clear when your plans do not coincide with His will if you are in government service and leading others. Those at the top of government service are feeling the correction of the true God's Holy Active Discipline. Nations that boast alignment with "God," need the true God's living Ark to survive their Ggods rage against their populous for worshipping the Ba'al. Change your national religion to serve the LORD or become a military power for survival.

The process of receiving love, Holy Active Discipline, is grievous. Each instance of discipline is deep digs into who we are to drive our improvement. Help is needed from the Bible and from mac who has received greater than "category five" discipline from the true God to grow her abilities. This was willingly suffered to serve the sheep, and to experience what others will for disobedience. Her prayers are powerful. Her understanding of your struggle will drive process improvement. Regardless of your shore or history the true God will provide your future.

Cleverness", Really? It is a tourist attraction. Good for the Pisa Economy.
Before it sunk would a Roman have stood in its shadow and declared "Ingenium"? If I built this, I wouldn't feel clever.macDukes.com figure, credit: someoneFrom the Latin, "Ingenium". Let's see, ingeni. Try, ingenir. No. Engineer! Yes.

the Woman the Soul the Work

the Headher stay here.