“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdNineteenth Hole -- Strokes of Genius, from God's Woman on the GreenYour Spanking for Treason Coastal Bend, Part III
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdNineteenth Hole -- Strokes of Genius, from God's Woman on the GreenYour Spanking for Treason Coastal Bend, Part III

 Nineteenth Hole -- Strokes of Genius 

 from God's Woman on the Green

Your Spanking for Treason Coastal Bend, Part IV

February 14, 2025


Take a moment to read what transpired between Elon Musk and God Almighty back in ’12. Musk kept rising to power and fame. Fucking, procreating some, and polluting the earth so the whole world could learn what kind of Satanist he, Musk, is. Then shortly after Christmas ’24 a desperado army fornicator proves he has no business taking on a special forces operation when God Almighty lets him blow up a Tesla in Vegas at a Trump tower. What mac said of that idiot (the soldier) was. "Anyone who has his hands on that much fire power and then only takes out the porte cochère is a looser. I could have wiped out the entire population of Vegas with what he had in that truck. What a douche. The military needed to be rid of that fucker! Fools like that have no place in special forces.*"
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Your Spanking for Treason Coastal Bend, Part IV

NAS-CCAD Closes Under the Christ's Hand
"You can't live unless you save that US Military." -- Elon Musk
"Oh! contraire Musky-wusky-poo." -- God Almighty
"I'm going to crush them. And you will be desperate to give me everything I want for me to lift my thumb oppressing, choking them out of existence." -- Elon Musk
"Musk, you will neither get diddly nor squat. Wipe them out fool." -- God Almighty
"Your bluffing." -- Elon Musk
"You only have one way to find out since you refuse to believe Me." -- God Almighty
"What do you have a death wish?" -- Elon Musk
"Musk, the world is full of assholes like you, and as long as there is so much as one asshole like you that can come into the World: yes, death is better." -- God Almighty
"Aren't you going to put a restriction on My destroying them?" -- Elon Musk
"A restriction?" -- God Almighty
"Spare their life. You know! like Job. The challenge, you stupid prick. Strike their bone, but don't kill them." -- Elon Musk
"Musk, My stupidity is a matter of record once more than one existence was allowed to come into the World. And where picks are concerned Mine is the biggest. You do whatever you deem the things you need to against them to get what you want from Me." -- God Almighty
"You sound like you are trying to get me to do your work for you?" -- Elon Musk
"Oh, you're a bright boy." -- God Almighty
"I'm owed damn you, and you need to start bowing to me." -- Elon Musk
"Why doth I need to bow to you?" -- God Almighty
"Because you can't let that military die." -- Elon Musk
"This is circular. Improve or loose your audience." -- God Almighty
"I know! destroying the US Military is the open sesame to make you hand over immortality to me."
"Musk, the US Military cannot be destroyed even if they took their act to Sesame Street." -- God Almighty
"You hand me immortality now!" -- Elon Musk
"Musk, immortality is not in My hand to give you. It has been given." -- God Almighty
"But...I can force this to happen. You can't just let yourself die." -- Elon Musk
"Musk, whatever rule book you are reading from, perhaps you should publish it for the world. My life is in the hands of the One who has immortality." -- God Almighty
"Let's see you write a book." -- Elon Musk
"I did." -- God Almighty
"You wrote a book for superstitious un-evolved simpletons fixated on cave graffiti. Write a real book. A book for scientists, engineers, and the elite." -- Elon Musk
"Which one of those is you Musk? I have you pegged as an un-evolved tagger." -- God Almighty
"I made you, you bastard! You give me what is due." -- Elon Musk
"Musk, you are now inferring that I Am your offspring. Musk, even you know a parent stores up for their child. You making Me by definition means I have no Divine gift to give up to you. Are you asking for Me to make you?" -- God Almighty
"I am made you stupid fool." -- Elon Musk
"Answer Me Musk. Which one is you?" -- God Almighty
"The next thing you will be inferring is that I need to learn about; aether, miasma, and bile. I Am an elite engineer who has mastered science." -- Elon Musk
"I left the publishing business. My doge is writing My book. By the way, your solution wasn't even a good dodge." -- God Almighty
"Write that book. It will be good toilet paper." -- Elon Musk
"Oh, you don't need soft tissue for that tochus then. You must be one of those dudes who can wipe with sandpaper." -- God Almighty
"Don't confuse me with some stupid marine." -- Elon Musk
"Then you have heard of their legendary toughness. That's nice." -- God Almighty
"You can't save them. That's it! They are as good as dead, and you can't even save them." -- Elon Musk
"Musk, do you want to meet who saved that US Military from My hand of destruction?" -- God Almighty
"You tell me who I punish and torment to get that immortality I am due." -- Elon Musk
"Musk, what would you do with this gift of immortality?" -- God Almighty
"Colonise Mars." -- Elon Musk
"Mars wants nothing to do with humanity, at this juncture. You need to evolve. You need to clean up earth. You need to remove all your space junk." -- God Almighty
"I'm taking Mars!" -- Elon Musk
"Musk, Plato already beat you to it." -- God Almighty
"How does clay get Mars?" -- Elon Musk
"Plato not play dough." -- God Almighty
"So, you agree, clay gets Mars." -- Elon Musk
"Would you like to meet Me in the clay?" -- God Almighty
"I have learned you are nothing. You aren't even powerful enough to destroy the wicked." -- Elon Musk
"Destroy the wicked? What an inspired idea. Who are the wicked Musk?" -- God Almighty
"Killers are wicked." -- Elon Musk
"Are their others besides those that make the killing?" -- God Almighty
"Now, you are trying to twist what I said into good business, profit, is the same as killing." -- Elon Musk
"What would happen to your profits without military spending?" -- God Almighty
"Now you are attacking my patriotism." -- Elon Musk
"Oh, your patriotism. So you do not allow your products or technology to be sold outside of one nation privileged with blossoming from your patriotism?" -- God Almighty
"It is time to be one world and one people with one government. America needs to learn its new place in the world." -- Elon Musk
"What America is capable of learning Musk is fabulously limited. One people, with one government was ended with Pangea's end. Where does Mars fit in with one world?" -- God Almighty
"World in the figurative sense. What is wrong with you?" -- Elon Musk
"That sounds like the question answered a myriad of ways in legions of books." -- God Almighty
"Who do I get that immortality from?" -- Elon Musk
"Jesus H. Christ!" -- God Almighty

Musk might still be waiting for his answer as he understood God Almighty closed their discussion with profanity.

mac wrote an article in the Putting series about attempting to put duct tape on the bow of a battleship. Evidently that was a no no. Five naval officers reached simultaneously for Her hand without being able to touch Her as mac was standing-up from crawling on the deck to tape down loose sound cables. "Mr. Doobie," the class instructor, just about had a stroke (too bad the fucker lived) as he bade mac, "Don't use the tape." The episode was over in less than a minute. mac was placed in a kind of standing detention through the duration of the performance that the "Doobie" stage crew from Robert A. Millikan Senior High School staged for some tedious evening fund raiser at Terminal Island back in Spring of '88.

A wonderful thing happened in that moment of mac searching the eyes of those five, muscular, this was the eighties -- the ship crew was all male, and males still understood they needed to do push-ups, sit-ups, chin-ups, and laundry. They wore khaki dress uniforms while the general crew were sill in blue bell bottoms. A couple years later the navy upgraded to fatigues. Evidently not even the women would have been willing to wear a bell bottom after the seventies. (Keep the fatigues.) Wow, did mac break off and digress. Five, muscular, fair-skinned, light hair, light eyes, all American California boys, all grown up and in the navy, stared into the eyes of mac. She studied each one of them in the seconds that belonged to Her to do so. The detention forced on Her was hardly a punishment. She stood alongside of and on the half deck below that stunningly beautiful command crew accompanied by the captain. mac committed to save them. You bet Heaven was angry that She, the mega enforcer, was the person that moved through the Divine to be on the deck that night. She, mac, died afore time. She saved Heaven because humanity had sought to turn Heaven into a martyr for their own corruption. That corruption of Heaven is what destroyed all Creation - sans the enforcer with a bunch of frozen solid shit for Her to occupy. This is the same as once the theory, math, is done to show the outcome of the present experiment set-up demonstrating, through numbers, the researchers would blow up the lab, their home, their wife, their children and so on; they decide not to light the fuse walking away from, aborting, the mission. Why abort the mission? People would die. Who does not get to walk away from an abortion in human government and management over deaths of people, soldiers.

What mac made possible was, indeed, wrestling soldiers from Hell because She made sure that She held the Divine authority to enslave, as in own under Heavenly authority, all United States soldiers. This ownership is why no individual or group either civilian or military is required to endorse, support, validate, or fund any aspect of mac's life or ministry. This article will continue including the penalties and consequences due the Coastal Bend. The point to make clear is that all you people are doing your own destroying of one another. God Almighty, Spirit, the LORD, Saint Paul, Saint Peter, and myriads of others, are not destroying your people. mac is making sure Heaven in no way touches this action. She empowers all of you to slaughter each other under your own godly authority. Soldiers that want to outrun Hell, it all begins with, no fornication. Solders can be saved from experiencing Hell. As in, their whole soul escapes Hell. mac only owns U.S. Military soldiers. This is why She has been so damn demanding about obeying Her and mac's ownership is how Jo Bass got a shot at taking that command as a human. Jo was allowed to be a Jonah. God was not stopping Jo from being a liar anymore than any other soul on the earth. The United States military because they have this grand opportunity -- even as killers -- are doing that global shoot'em up shit. You can simply use less bullets, take out more targets sooner, and have more fun if mac is leading your assault. That is, of course, old boasting. Look for the completion of part four April 1 or so. The key in all of this is that April 1, Heaven across all Spirit consciousness will not be suffering any consequence or attachment to human flesh for the deeds of flesh. The proverbial umbilical cord is cut. This is how the souls mac has paid for can escape Hell, if they choose. They are freed from Heavenly attachment. (The lives of the firmament are supporting you.) mac does not expect cooperation with a single soul until after April 1, 2025. (A reminder: cooperation from people includes contracts, recognition, restitution, visibility, money or there is no cooperation.) This arrangement is how Heaven does not in any way share in your death sentence. It's Satan's way. This same refusal to die for any of you or bear any part of your burdens is identical to mac's refusal to die for any of you nor sacrifice Herself in any way for you. This is how She is more like Satan than anyone. She demands perfection without martyrdom or extortion. You do not get to eat Her, use Her, expend Her, so you benefit. If you need to eat some of Her to save your life She can grind up finger nails or give you a little of Her blood or spittle and you will pay Her a fortune for that as well as say thank you. In other words if mac were your mommy and you were twelve and you wanted to be a cheerleader: mac would look at the budget, and if it did not take away money for Her as a person to maintain Herself on par with Melania Trump, you were three years ahead in all your school work, you did your own laundry, you did chores in the house related to keeping your room and toilet area cleaner than the local hospital, you cooperated with yard work and maintenance of the home; then cheerleading (or even football) mommy would let you do. Surely you understand mommy just a little better now as to why you are all so vile and unworthy of anything from Jesus. mac protects Jesus sacrifice so that it does perfect Creation to the Glory of the LORD. mac is Jesus H. Christ! Just ask Heaven. The balance of this article will concentrate on something other than why mac hates how you have justified your lives at the LORD's expense. First mac is going to tear into you horrid shits. Suck-up marines or go to Hell. Only one soldier, mac, needs to live -- and She is immortal, as flesh -- for the US Military to be preserved. A million American solders can simply end up scattered across the killing fields and oceans of the globe as all flesh, sans mac, is wiped out.

Refusing to perfect the Ba'al is why humanity globally is in this mess with mac making sure perfection is upheld. mac's willingness to die was Her demonstrating to Heaven; She wanted to have no memory or existence ever again to avoid interaction with the shit humanity of this earth, if, indeed, She could have been blessed that way. You people make excuses for being born with deformed genitals (even a five foot tall dude should have an eight inch Johnson -- erect penis -- by adulthood) rather than understand you should be euthanised so your genes are removed from the gene pool. A tiny penis is vile! If the Ggods wanted to save you -- little dicked adults -- they can change your livestyle so you can have a beautiful penis and genes worthy to pass on. Only Jesus, Lady Wisdom, was allowed to be totally destroyed. That mac has a life that Heaven agrees: "It would be justice for you to die. The people around you, and what you are forced into is abuse no human has ever endured or been forced to suffer." mac upholds making sure the Ggods have that authority to eliminate the flesh, genetics associated with them -- Spirit -- that demonstrated physical deformity. mac also does not get to die. She categorically refuses to martyr Herself so you can live. What you people proved is that without Her martyring Herself to fix Heaven you people would destroy all Creation. She demanded being honoured as Christ to do anything for you fucks, ever! Mexicans are the worst at making claims to: bait wiggling matters more than the bait; the motion of the ocean matters more than the size of the boat. You sell excuses for your physical corruption. mac is making sure you are destroyed so physical corruption cannot come into existence. When the human is physically corrupt; Heaven is corrupt. A game like baseball came into existence so that a dude as ugly as Babe Ruth could get a female that was not as comparatively ugly as him.

Let's talk about birth defects you have yet to experience. Some people are born conjoined -- a two-fer. Some people are born mongoloid -- not human. Some people are born without limbs. Some people are born without eyesight. Who has been born with their lips conjoined to their own ass-hole with their head located between their legs and not on their shoulders? Who has been born with arms growing out from their sternum? Other than computer animation or a Picasso, how would you create that? What surgeon would be allowed to keep their licence, even in India, for performing a cranial rectal insertion? If a female gets super big tits she will have more than her own two hands to do her work, won't she? If that same female has a fat roll on her gut she needs to be treated like a dyke.

April 1 rant...super destructo details of the NAS-CCAD fucks with the Port of Corpus Christi including the greater Nueces region being handed to Mexicano here. Consequences for treason with lots of words like Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel used. Germany gets rich off Mexico drugs, gold, and hoarded U.S. dollars. They will use it to align with a third of Russia. (No, the French don't have long.) Details on how civil war is launched in the region. Details about the constructs of the firmament making this all possible. The continents being shifted including things like California being cut in two, is a function of evolution along with the re-sculpting of the Gulf of America. What you people are is the lab rats living out the duration of your environment because the mega pharmaceutical company of Heaven funded your experiment. Through the firmament, massaged and sanded by mac, you under your own autonomous godship are finding all your pieces of labyrinthine concealed cheese.

April 1, all Heaven is rebooted into its camps building itself according to the human blueprint of the last two thousand years. What the LORD needed was His very own General George Washington, as it were. mac is that individual. She has the hard earned four stars the LORD can worship in His Heavenly warfare campaigns. That was a glimpse into the articles of the coming couple years.