“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdNineteenth Hole -- Strokes of Genius, from God's Woman on the Green
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdNineteenth Hole -- Strokes of Genius, from God's Woman on the Green

 Herald of the Fine Shepherd 

Nineteenth Hole -- Strokes of Genius

from God's Woman on the Green

Say Something 19th Holy

Oops, Hole'y

Something whole and include missing the first 18.
Fuck you Trump.

The event that defined the virgin was mac's conception; Valentine's Day 1970. The consequences of what virgin souls mean creation is witnessing. When the virgin populous hit four-hundred million -- the magic number of human souls in mac's calculation -- the harvest and mac's Heavenly reign began, August 21, 2021. Mary was mac's competitor for heavenly reign, as in, it was Mary -- mumsy -- who was the last adversary to mac to take her crown and be the Christ. From the four-hundred million virgins the locusts are populated. These are spiritual topics that merit additional explanation for human minds to cogitate on and understand. No different a cognitive discipline than if they were studying integral calculus. Spirit is in the place of understanding off the scant one liners mac delivers. Then mac conducts spiritual warfare to delve beyond Spirit's comprehension, arguing with some component of flesh -- the human mind in this case. All people relate to one another in this way, sans mumsy. (A reminder, she is not human.) This is why some people regard others as hard headed and, still, others as soft hearted. Those are examples of spiritual response judgement calls.

Spiritual response judgement calls have absolutely nothing to do with discernment and that is why you fuckers are such fornicating fuckers. Training your perceptive powers to discern a person that looks like a scum bag is a scum bag requires you understand what marks a human a scum bag. Females with commercial ink -- little froggy and floral tattoos, for instance -- are trailer trash. (Indigenous peoples' markings, male or female, are not included here. Mocking indigenous peoples puts you in the place of accountability to the corresponding Deities when you wear their Divinely patented markings.) Now, you dude knowing said female has ink, and is trailer trash, does not mean you are allowed to treat her in any manner that you yourself would not wish to be treated. That is the golden rule bit. People are not equal. How you treat people requires an even keel in your manner regardless of them being scum bags. When they go after striking you you are welcome to duck. The Hail Mary provides specific guidelines for building discernment and commandments for obedience. Nineteenth Hole explains the bridge between what is Spirit and what is flesh including accountabilities due each.

Articles are posted openly for Spirit to use with non-virgin flesh. It is Jehovah accounting during his kingdom's fulfilment the deeds and reasonings of Sprit brining about the kingdom. mac corresponds the world over -- across Spirit -- to communicate what direction the divinations a leader has created for himself.

The commentary and experiences God Almighty, the first Christ - the Lamb, Saint Paul, and Jesus, with mac exchanged with humanity to birth Christ's kingdom of Earth are incorporated as parenthetical inputs formatted to draw the readers attention. These are expanded from the original Herald parenthetical entries.

This text is arranged by date of entry. The online Herald divides these posts into topical categories and provides a chronological index. The ITZA Staff Shepherding Journal with topical category descriptor and reader personalisation pages are included with each topical category descriptor section. The ITZA Staff App available for download will be provided at additional cost at a later date. If you are a reader that decides to journal welcome to being a Paddler.

Textural commentary is personalised by the Paddler with section margins formatted for journaling. Journalling exercises build awareness for the Paddler of the minor and major personal fulfilments to assist them in providing proof of God's shepherding. God's Day of Shepherding that accompany the readers Daily Verse entries is journalised for the Paddler.

To belief there must be proof or it is not belief that is built on Christ as the chief cornerstone. Isn't it something how Satan's truths have been woven in to blockbuster fiction?

Truth is what is understood and corrected by God in His human creation on a cellular, genetic level. How tiny that book of DNA is. And every cell in an individual's body has the same code, sans gametes. Isn't that a marvel? When we are confronted with not-self i.e., cancer, virus, bacteria, new karyotype, the body defends itself.

Only a slave could bear this mantle of genetic learning. Once mac grew to an accurate understanding of truth, it was counted against Satan not her, while mac updated the textural entries. Sprit beings and your demons understood the genetic translation, truth, mac carried. Textural updates happened as expediently as possible. If Satan had not made a slave of Adam this "lag" would not exist. That the eye fools the body is scriptural fact. How the individual interpreted God's truth with their eye is the separation work in progress.

mac's one flesh union with the Lamb is why she is the Christ. She is bride to the Lamb and the Lamb was the Spirt being, angel, in purgatory hosted by her. (Depending on the sea shanty "demon" might be more like it.) Their union is also why mac is king of kings. A king of kings is a king maker. The benefit to her wife, spouse under written law, is this individual is lord of lords, and is one flesh with mac and the Lamb.

The notation of this book includes isolating letters, sent correspondence via email, post, or hand delivered, with italicised font. mac edited the letters in the text and provided a neutral graphic signature in place of her typical "Mahalo" closure.

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