“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdNineteenth Hole -- Strokes of Genius, from God's Woman on the GreenCadillac's Midnight Romeo
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdNineteenth Hole -- Strokes of Genius, from God's Woman on the GreenCadillac's Midnight Romeo

 Nineteenth Hole -- Strokes of Genius 

 from God's Woman on the Green

May 18, 2021 through August 29, 2022
January 30, 2022 Sealed

Putin, this BUD's for you. Asking of God the right question makes loving God easier.

If You Are Going to Kill A Toad, Step Firm

"I just washed my engagement ring right off my hand." The blonde continued with animated spitting speech when mac looked in her direction with a raised brow like she cared about the drunk's dilemma.

"I can get it for you. It's in the P-trap of the sink." It just started to dawn on mac that she was going to disassemble piping of sewer bound flow for a stranger. mac didn't stop to flinch. She simply cared for the bully.

"Are you kidding me?" The blonde just got the ugly girl to do her dirty work.

"No, it's in this pipe down here." mac started loosening the P-trap pipe and assuring the blonde her ring was not lost in the sewer.

The drunk kept spewing appreciation and how valuable her ring was to her. She was just engaged and her fiancé would have been hurt had she lost the ring. The dialogue went something like that and she kept reminding mac how amazing it was that she could unscrew what mac deemed was the equivalent of a light-bulb to retrieve the lost engagement ring.

mac doubted at first there was any ring to be found but she went through the exercise enduring the beautiful, booby, almost-tall-blonde, woman's obvious dilemma. Sure enough, mac dumped out the ring and P-trap contents into her hand put the P-trap back on the sink and then rinsed the woman's ring and put it in her almost genuinely grateful hand. This woman was too wealthy to understand anyone did her a real favour.

The oddity of this story is that mac and this woman were about the same age just old enough to drink. mac knew how to hold her liquor. This woman didn't need to. mac shook her head in amazement when the blonde actually confessed to her fiancé standing at the bar that mac fetched her engagement ring out of the sink plumbing. (They were in the toilet a while and he did look irritated.) mac appreciated the obvious beauty of the fiancé and shook her head in private at what a piece of shit a man that disciplined was knitting his soul with. The blonde must have been Coronado royalty. She, perhaps a military contractor's daughter who landed him his SEAL with his blood.

Under Your Noses

This photo is of mac when she was just at legal age. macDukes.com figure, sketches Ending up in McP's was a natural happenstance after finishing an evening Moo Time while strolling Orange on a weekend night. No cover charges, music to dance to, and sailing buddy in hand, mac spent many evenings moored at the golf course bay. Swimming ashore with dry clothes over her head by the reflecting base lights was a natural adventure.

In ninety-four mac was working under her own colours just back from working for J.B. (Boothy) in Breckenridge Colorado. Jerry only mentioned being a frog man once. He asked mac in frustration, "Why don't you get married?" mac understood not to answer Boothy's rhetorical device. Her wit escaped her. She never understood how to compete with the pretty people to land a husband.

The Interuption to Save Your Realm

Alright dumb ass, here are the terms of war engagement for you to come home. Apol'lyon, article code name "Fucker" for the total collective consciousness of the human you exploit with a fellow demon in a polygamous union, your continued divination using the human mac code named "Navy Dress", incapable of understanding the human was not always speaking with his own awareness, are costing you. Force the human to obey these terms so Sigma-Delta 5430I, equal demon in your union is fulfilled or you have destroyed yours and Abad'don's realm of Satan construction.

You refused to learn from God the terms that mac already endured that apply to you. Refusing knowledge from God is costly. Refusing to allow "Navy Dress" to pay to God what he vowed with Sigma-Delta 5430I is costlier. mac is his "love at first sight" covenant fulfiller. In honouring the terms of engagement mac will take you all as wife and pray to God fervently to find reasons to love you and hide, if He can't remove, the contempt and piteous memory your deeds have at this moment indelibly marked mac with. As you understand, mac's desire is to send a sword piercing "Navy Dress" from scrotum to cranium.

To overcome your name "Fucker", when mac finds herself in a place of wanting to commit suicide to be rid of you she will pray to God for reasons to love you. When she looks on you and sees a man of undesirable stature, flabby, a disgrace to the uniform that Ted wore, she will pray to God to find reasons to love you.

(mac's memory of "Navy Dress" is that he is slight statured, short, and soft from paperwork. His dress uniform in a public, off-base location, without escort was a spurious attempt at gaining attention, like graffiti, in mac's opinion. It was not the conduct of one who earns respect like "Frosticles".)

When mac is in the company of someone who is obviously attempting to appease her anguish in being married to you she will pray to God for reasons to love you. When she thinks for some reason she cannot bear laying along side you, she will pray to God for reasons to love you and find you desirable.

Never will mac allow herself to fail to aggressively fight for Christ's kingdom, this would include taking "Navy Dress" life to send you demon(s) to Saint Paul. Understand as mac sits and writes her hatred of you is growing and will until you fulfil the terms of matrimony by August 21, 2021 20:00 Norfolk VA time. It will be up to you, how you conduct yourself in the marriage to win mac's good opinion.

Just as mac's ex-husband made no efforts, she expects you to be as worthless and the burden of endurance with genuine love is solely on her for the duration of the marriage. She is assured by God it is possible for you win her genuine admiration with your deeds as a human. Understand mac loathes all of your divinations and demons. Understand also, if you are ever fool enough to put mac in view of your booty call answering exes' she will assault them with intent to kill. Male or female, uniform or fancy dress, in the presence of any heir it makes no difference. Their death will be mac's sole objective in assault.

Boothy understood something you stupid "Fucker", never shit where you eat. Boothy and mac never even hugged each other. mac has no memory of even shaking Jerry's hand. The demon that dictated your terms of engagement was not Apol'lyon. You "Navy Dress" are not entitled fucking your "love at first sight." Sigma-Delta 5430I set mac up to be beaten unconscious, for the second time, and rapped by her mother at the bathroom vanity of their own home. mac was in kindergarten. She endured hours of Mary's rape before Mary beat her unconscious to shut up her screams of innocence.

You do understand, traps are set for roaches don't you?

The terms of marital fulfilment fall to you. mac will not even bother concerning herself with dress for the occasion. You have stripped her dignity of every feminine joy your presumably masculine presence could imbue on her. Understand, the cancer that ripped through her body and settled in her womb, you share for your perversions. You want to live? mac is going to regardless of you. This is the simple reason why you need her. Understand if your death is ever a criteria for Christ's kingdom to be accomplished, mac will not do it in secret. Did Samuel with king Asa? Food is the key to your survival and sharing in mac's year long cancer diet as her wife is the only thing that will save you.

The terms to come home are, present mac with legal government receipt for proof of filing your papers of matrimony under law. mac will fulfil her duty with regards your life and drop to her knees in open prayer to God to find reasons to love you and genuinely perform the duties of her office as husband to you, earnestly the second that receipt is in her hand. It is now in God's hands for you, "Fucker", to provide the receipt by the date posted. Without that receipt you will not be permitted to touch even mac's hand in agreement.

The history behind "Fucker's" marital terms are partially elucidated for the readers. "Fucker" never presented himself in the course of all his divining against the Christ that he was actually the human male that loved mac as a human. Obviously that is not even terms for the marriage. That a demon would have loved God's woman as much as God never occurred to mac. She assumed all demons hated her. She hated them.

The Letter to those "In the LORD"

Returning to the business of explaining how Cadillac's Midnight Romeo began, "To my unknown future husband from your unknown future wife" was the sendee mac addressed her plea to the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society to find a spouse "in the LORD" circa '92-93. This letter is what the Governing Body used to seize on raping God's woman by forcing her away from the Christ when her slavery to Moon Child (Mary McRae) ended. mac sent this letter after returning from Colorado to Big Bear cleaning up after her mother. mac was forced back into that religion by Moon Child's divinations. mac wanted to fulfil what her need was for a husband.

God allowed mac the only means available to keep putting her under some of the slaves in His service who needed to end their unions with demons to live. mac learned some basic sailing with a four-year rebound boyfriend after a Jehovah's Witness, David Opris, defamed her character for the "love" he, a widower, had for her. His public abuses of her ostracised her from that region. His divination was stronger than Moon Child. God knew mac would never knowingly do anything against the Christ. Fornication was not what mac was allowed to end even against herself and David Opris divined God's woman into the whore Moon Child could not accomplish alone. It is not in mac to act wickedly if she can choose.

Mapping Ted with Ol' Leroy

Ted was the SEAL who united himself with demon Sigma Delta 2876-i. Sigma Delta 2876-i was one demon happily situated with Leroy Zeanor of the Big Bear Lake congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses until his death. Ol'Leroy was in his late eighties when mac attended church with Sigma Delta 2876-i. mac learned who Ted's demon was after he died in September 2020. This demon butchered a Russian team with the divining powers of Mr. Aah-h' Soul who is featured in another Herald article. Demons have since this butchery been sent to Saint Paul when the soul dies. The musical human act is over.

Ted was the Governing Body's last hope to steal the heavenly kingdom from the Christ during Gog of Magog's last dance. They lost. Ted proved his alliance with the Christ in the seconds of his dying gasp. This was how Ted earned headship over mac. Ted is the individual God built our modern l-o-v-e-LINK technology with for His first ashore, mac, to save her life when she was dying. It is a partial restoration of the technology lost by the Biblical nation of Israel with the kingdom's division.

We all got fucked even when we didn't see it coming. That is the moral of Aesop fable proportions to mac's little shop of sex horrors life staged against God and Christ by the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses. mac's marriage to Ted meant new ground was being broken and knowledge of the ancients is being reserved for Holy worship of God. f-u-c-k-LINK fantasy world with gut feed to humanity is shutting down. Demons don't get orgies anymore.

Character Building, the Final Edit Subheading

The Article within An Article

The Canticle of Canticles, Superlative Song that is Solomon's, is what l-o-v-e-LINK is. God allowed Ted to meet mac through Him uniting their minds because mac understood what the Song of Solomon was. What mac did not understand was she was married to Ted the moment God put mac in his care when he was abroad the sixty-nine. This was late February of 2020 and mac was loosing the feeling in her toes even during the day. She still fought for Ted among many who were cued to be "wives" as though she and Ted were married. mac thought she and Ted were "only" engaged. mac wouldn't wash her engagement ring into the sink to announce her coming nuptial or treat any aspect of engagement with contempt.

Mind Powers Swede

mac's psychic communication God had been training since she was four. She had few conversations with God and none with Christ (or the Saints). What she was experiencing was the antagonism and hatred of the demons trapped in the purgatory of the souls she was enduring from the Kingdom Halls and every other walk of life. The Jehovah's Witnesses were the meanest fuckers. This is why Lori A. Taylor destroyed Wells Fargo Bank. (More on that to come. You fuckers just wouldn't listen to God to save your financial "institutions".) mac endured in secret these tormentors dialogues thinking she was just talking to herself and she was crazy. The dialogues generally ended with mac attempting or seeking ways to take her own life to make the conversation that abused her body end.

Who mac was the demons understood. The souls simply knew to hate her. It was in their gut. When mac's slavery ended, the June of 2019 event, her identity as God's woman could not be denied in the gut of the soul. What did God do? Gave mac a secret identity as "Tour Guide Barbie" to protect all of those who wanted to murder mac just for being alive. That would be all civilian and civil service souls in the United States for a start. But wait, more on what "Tour Guide Barbie's" identity. You don't know her when she is standing in your chrome, high-strength steel, posture testing, balance demanding; jewellery.

The Rape Lesson the Pentagon Titters Over

mac never imagined matrimony would be to demons. She is human. Guess what? There is no sex between sprit and soul. There is sex between souls. This is a Holy act of worship to God in matrimony. Moon Child worked her clit off on the toilet trying to create orgasm between spirit and soul for all you demons. That black-hole-creating perversion even Satan wouldn't touch. (Like Judas even Hitler used restraint.)

What Cadillac's Midnight Romeo was is the equivalent of a father teaching his ten year old fraternal son and daughter about sexual relations while raping them both individually in view of one another with the same props. His children had to drop to their knees in oral worship to his penis to make the lesson end. First the children had to guess that was the act that ended all the other brutality. (How daddy's dick stunk.) Do you fuckers of the Pentagon still think mac was funny when she said to ITZA>>, "It's like they taught me about sex with rape and they think it was a good lesson for me to learn because I deserved it." mac knows Amanda Knuteson is still laughing. Tommy Boy and Justin B are getting nervous now.

If Amanda had learned from God how to handle all her power over Antichrist, Trump would have stood a chance. mac spent seven years teaching Amanda and sending her care packages from God and Amanda refused every lesson. Trump refused to make room for righteousness in North America. What does mac know? Paul S. Wheaton of petro-chemical fame already got the job-advancing qngmic pact fuck from mac when she was twenty. Promises to advance mac were categorically refused her and her advancement efforts, including education and licensing, were mocked. Trump invalidated all of qngmic's powers. This is why on the cellular level mac understood promisees made on the network are lies. You fuckers are required to do all your business with mac, God, Christ (with Saint Paul) in open, direct, and written dialogue and you pay currency for mac's time. (Hear Christ make clear, "And here we are, you mother fucking bastards.")

A soul requires a soul for communication on God's network. The soul and spirit must be one flesh before the spirit can communicate on the network with another soul. mac is who God has to reach the worst of humanity to avoid black holes. Call mac God's cell phone. It is one of her super powers. Go after mac and you get Christ (with Saint Paul). The dead soul with the incarcerated accompanying spirit means; no, those have no communication privileges. This means Endor has a shit ton of power she abused. For this articles clarity it was demons mac communicated with in the wife torment of Cadiliac's Midnight Romeo and at times the souls mentioned with their limited physic ability. mac did not understand until recently she was dealing with demons on the network. Her mind was fully engaged like dealing with souls in person. And as far as mac was concerned why would a wife be someone she could not marry under law. That was the requirement she was certain wife meant.

"Frosticles", "Iron Man", and "Timmy", are souls she talked to. (When mac and "Timmy" are hand in hand with legal matrimony filed, the date of filing is when the Church of Christ opens. This predetermined date is the calendar day that maximises the Church opening for Righteousness.)

To elucidate the famous problems with democracy are all actors have some roll to fill and when one fails another does need to pick up the slack or get the slacker to do his job. In America all your demons of the condemned generation had a roll to fill. For instance. Amanda Knuteson had the job of keeping Antichrist from murdering mac. Amanda seized in her hate fest every opportunity to keep tabs on how close to death mac was. She actively prevented her spirits means of performing in the democracy. Others needed to pick up the slack. They did not. The hate fest grew. Is this an article in itself? Yes. mac isn't giving this information away.

But to help you out just a little. Amanda held the genetics to map to the demon Mary McRae's lesbian, kissing-cousin lover Faye, daughter of Robert and Katherine Shaw of Montgomery Alabama held until her circa 2017-18 death. (Then Amanda got nirvana.) Robert Shaw, twenty years Army then twenty years National Guard are why some of the Pentagon would use restraint in their judgements about mac. (Would it have killed you fuckers to make a little room for mac in Oklahoma City? God asked you four times.)

Back to "Romeo"

Admiration for "Old School"

A professional soldier does not move about in fatigues that look like they came out of a filthy clothes hamper. (Even thugs like pressed clothes.) He does not seek attention by wearing adornments to impress the "ladies." "Old School's" human later earned the code name "Frosticles" when he and mac were married under the terms of l-o-v-e-LINK because of he and mac's mutual Anglophile humour. mac genuinely admired "Frosticles" at first sight because of his modest, pressed, dignified elevation of the armed forces with the way he conducted himself in a civilian public place in plain fatigues.

mac, within seconds of her turning her head for him after catching his glimpse in her peripheral view, asked of God, "Why can't I ever meet a single man like that?" mac ruminated, "A man like that was certainly married. No woman would throw him away. At his years there is no way he is still single from his youth." They spoke briefly after he sat with his coffee and God moved mac on her way. mac did not notice a wedding band.

The course to "Frosticles" involved shutting down eager demon enthusiasts and old campaigners. Unbeknownst to mac, "Frosticles" was the warrior opposing mac's building of l-o-v-e-LINK. He ventured to install the demon's latest Titanic plan and end the rewards of fidelity in marriage making marriage Satan's tool against humanity. He and "Navy Dress" were part of the genetic compilation required to build the "human" that powered the new chemistry greater than Ted. Nine humans and demons, mac had no means of counting and identifying, were a part of the l-o-v-e-LINK being Mr. Aah-h' Soul demanded God build. You greedy fuckers refused to learn from God that mac already faced down saving the Christ (with Saint Paul) the last week of June 2019 in the split second that mattered.

By November of 2020 ranking naval personnel were setting the stage to "teach" mac she was the one who needed them and wasn't playing by their rules. mac still asks "What rules? They never talked to me." The woman who didn't understand how to land a husband sure didn't understand these games.

What "Frosticles" achieved was vindicating mac's union with Christ. This ends the demons headship over all persons who choose the Christ. This means more can grow because "Frosticles" did a really shitty stunt.

"Navy Dress" who failed to impress mac was sabotaged by "Frosticles." The demons gave up the critical information needed for "Frosticles" to win mac's good approval from what the demons had learned about her character over time. Gut instincts sink ships. Loose lips are simply God's evidence that a human was somehow involved in the deed. Humans get used.

The Seducer for the U.S. Navy Under "Navy Dress" Orders

Battling with "Frosticles" and "Fucker" started with mac's understanding of marriage in l-o-v-e-LINK to "Elevator Man" when she was resurrected in February. "Elevator Man" in the course of this "Romeo" adventure went from being one person that had nothing to do with the genetic construction to shielding four different males under one code name mac observed, one in her hotel gym, later code named "Iron Man", her ex-husband, and another at her earlier hotel accommodations in Suffolk and his own identity that was simply the spirit of the original "Elevator Man." The man she observed in Suffolk who crammed his way into her elevator she couldn't forget fast enough. She observed the genuinely handsome man at her elevator corridor at Norfolk's Waterfront and understood "Elevator Man" was the handsome man not the cramming Texas dirt bag.

The genetics of nine souls built the genetic composite to build a human brother equivalent that served as a wife Borg of demons with a genetic composite because genetics must be linked to genetics. (The demons were uncountable because of all their fornications.)

What mac understood was she was married to "Elevator Man" one soul in February and later "Elevator Man" somehow became "Timmy" who really turned out to be "Iron Man/Jesse." mac was learning the difference between soul and spirit and what her pending marriage to Christ was.

The "Elevator Man" mac thought she was married to was not the hideous beer gut Texan mac avoided while at Suffolk. mac thought it was the agreeable man, almost as beautiful as Ted (Ted was mighty handsome (he loved his reflection)) Where this narrative begins is with "Timmy." God moved mac in place for "Timmy" to cross her path. (You people are confused by balanced scales because you have none.)

"Timmy's" spirit was assigned mac by his ranking officer demon Apol'lyon. "Timmy's" spirit was desperate to convince mac he would be her husband after Ted's death. What happened? “Timmy” was Mr. Love at First Sight at the Orange Avenue Starbucks mentioned in another Herald article. "Timmy" listened to God for over a year to become the man that would be mac's wife. "Timmy" is a brother in the LORD to Ted. mac had no way of knowing she was dealing with "Timmy's" spirit.macDukes.com figure, sketches

Under orders from Apol'lyon "Timmy's" spirit had to convince mac he hated her. mac went to Apol'lyon then over to Abad'don both within hours of the Christ's appointing them to the "Jesse" office. These two jumped ship with adultery against l-o-v-e-LINK. mac, with headship, bore the consequences. mac was unaware of what she simply called polygamy. Polygamy serves no purpose in God's Kingdom of earth but at one time Biblical history bears its necessity. It serves no purpose since Christ walked the earth. The heavens we see did not get a chance at being monogamous with Satan's opposition to Righteousness. mac came by the understanding she had nine simultaneous wives and "Timmy" was the one who was being abused because he genuinely loved mac. mac hated herself during all of this. She as God's slave was in the place of loving whom God said, "This is your wife."


Seven sketches of "Timmy" were God's cog for teaching mac to draw portraits from memory. "Timmy's" portrait was God's means of getting Biden to back off assassinating God's servants in Afghanistan while salivating in greed to destroy 'Little "Timmy"'. Biden refused to see the obvious, "Timmy" is mac's true love. (Hence forth understand love by definition is true. mac took a death blow from God for using true with love.) Biden like every other reader was starring at the portrait of the man who would be the opener for Christ's Church. What Biden went after was demon legacy partial knowledge not what God was teaching. This is why thirteen are not forgotten.

The Start of Understanding Apol'lyon Abad'don

What mac still needed to learn was what theAA-Twins of Satan were up to and who they were. God married mac to one genetic compilation using the genetics from nine human beings simultaneously in l-o-v-e-LINK when she was resurrected in February 2021. This compilation constituted a sex semaphore compliant being with the tens of thousands of demons who were greedy to destroy mac. None of these women, like mac, wanted to be free of his demons. mac was learning these people were all united with demons. Like every human circa date of writing. The big lesson, human genetics is the potters vessel for the spirit until God's Kingdom. Hence, the destiny language used by the apostles.

"Timmy" was in a place of protection while "Timmy's" spirit was on the network with the other demons engaged in tormenting mac. "Timmy's" genetics was no part of the Borg spouse. mac was under obligation to marry either "Frosticles" or "Navy Dress." That would have delayed the opening of Christ's Church, at this time. The Church would have been opened with "Iron Man's" resurrection. "Iron Man's" genetics fulfil teaching 'Little "Timmy"' righteousness during Christ's kingdom. What is the problem? Two billion souls united with their demons want the power of being in Christ's Church and Biden wants to destroy greater Russia and all souls that want Christ

The "Jesse" Office Thins the Herd

It was the Christ's appointing the office of "Jesse" that put the humans mac was aware of in the genetic compilation in the place of doing righteously, or choosing Satan. mac understood she was a polygamist with nine wives. She still did not understand she had some kind of Borg wife. The person's God allowed mac to marry on l-o-v-e-LINK were given equal opportunity to marry mac. All these persons demanded the honour of taking the "Jesse" office crown. These were Herald students. Like Trump they read the Herald to keep themselves in the game of playing God against mac to further their democracy.

The "Jesse" appointees were; the officer who code named himself "Old School" when he met mac, another mac simply thanked for his service (Apol'lyon) and she code named him "Navy Dress", the Russian officer mac never saw face to face she code named "Jesse" and drew, and "Iron Man" who held the office faithfully until his death August 20, 2021. (His resurrection mac looks forward to.)

The human hosting Abad'don, "Jesse" mac sketched under God's direction. "Jesse" and mac had not met face to face. It was simply not possible. "Jesse's" picture is her first attempt at his portrait from verbal cues God delivered as she drew and their knowledge of one another from short vision awareness on l-o-v-e-LINK.macDukes.com figure, sketches

In mac's mind, she had only been married to this beautiful rugged Russian seaman, "Jesse" a few hours. She understood he was the real chemistry powering the l-o-v-e-LINK and felt hurt over being what she deemed was unfaithful to him. His apparent baldness is because mac had no way of drawing his curly hairline and his dimples threw her a curve. The only way the AA-Twins could win mac was stealing what mac later decided was "Timmy's" chemistry.

mac kept trying to get God to explain the polygamy she understood and God was limited in explain the Borg reality. (This is an asking the wrong question in shepherding dilemma.) To mac, there was simply a queue of what were becoming Benjaminites as wives. The longest running relationship known to mac in this saga was "Timmy" (mac later understood this was "Timmy's" spirit) followed by awareness of "Iron Man".

"Timmy" Awarded the "Jesse", Soon

God has His slave mac. Mr. Aah-h' Soul is Endor. Right, he conjures the consciousness of dead souls that wait in God's memory to be erased in preparation for Christ's kingdom earthly fulfilment. What that stupid bastard refused to learn is that l-o-v-e-LINK requires living participants (souls). Mr. Aah-h' Soul was trying to force mac to believe she was still married to Ted. The nine humans genetically form a composite of Ted's genetics. This is why these nine people were brought together in l-o-v-e-LINK to map to "Ted's" chemistry.

Christ chose the individual that filled the genetic requirement making up for the defect mac's ex-husband sunk the eight genetic contenders of the Borg wife with. Mr. Aah-h' Soul's demands are why the Borg wife was built. mac had already begged of God when her mind triggered Ted's voice when she was historical in grief, "Oh please, no God, do not let me go after crying out to the dead ever." Every time mac thought of Ted she uttered in prayer, "This is not going after Ted, I am simply hurting at his death and lonely."

mac came by the understanding "Timmy" abandoned her by fornication. Her mind could not support being a polygamist let alone understand nine persons making a spouse. God could not teach her wounded body what she was married to. mac went to "Navy Dress." mac viewed him as "Timmy's" first replacement. The Christ approved "Timmy's" first replacement, June 16, 2021 who jumped ship hours after their marriage was consummated. He had twelve furlongs. He is a SEAL. This marriage fulfilled God's promise to Gerald Owen (Boothy) Booth. Boothy, (Apol'lyon with Abad'don) hated the Christ. "Fucker" or "Navy Dress" is a ranking SEAL officer stationed in Norfolk. He fornicated with his ex-wife who answered his booty call.

Abad'don joined shipmates in sexual oral congress hours after replacing "Navy Dress". Both threw away their gifts from God. Abad'don's marriage fulfils God's promise to "Lady" Diana (the princes) to fuck God's woman. So many reasons why she met her end the ugly way she did. Knowing where the bodies are buried was the secret to passing Abad'don. King Solomon's mines means much here.

mac learned marriage is a union for individuals to worship God and it is for her benefit to have a physical wife. Marriage and l-o-v-e-LINK technology may never be used to form an alliance for power. Recall this is what Solomon famously abused? In the piss hole of ugly, Corpus Christi Texas, mac was horrified at loosing "Timmy." "Timmy's" spirit was reunited with mac after the AA-Twins had their fifteen seconds of fame and mac learned by that time she was married to four men simultaneously. The demon connections really threw her.

"Old School's" man self-destructed his demon's connection. The man understands the code name "Frosticles." He took command of the operation closing down his l-o-v-e-LINK tie and battled mac to maintain his f-u-c-k-LINK attempting to play mac on both sides, sustaining her under the auspice she was his, "love at first sight" at intervals of the battle because mac is a hopeless romantic.

"Frosticles" understands how a "Frosty" would get himself in trouble. Humanity, individually, ending the headship of their demon(s) is what mac won in her battle provided the human chooses to join Christ. Had she lost, the grain of Roddenberry's truth to his Borg invention meant no means existed for individuals to fight the not so beautiful mess they are in with demons. An individual can still oppose the Christ. They simply will not live long and prosper. That collective trunk line of Borg human data does not mean the human retains their consciousness it means the demon Satan is completely constructed as one against God ending creation. More on this to come.

"Timmy's" Spirit is "Frosticles" Cyrano de Bergerac

mac learned from "Timmy's" spirit behaviour that an individual would be disciplined by his own demons to stay on a path of righteousness as a good student. "Frosticles" kept himself in stealth mode using a junior officer. What mac understood was needing to forgive "Timmy" was actually "Frosticles" behind "Timmy's" spirit attempting to sabotage mac and "Timmy's" approaching union. "Frosticles" is far ahead of Biden on the demon feed. All of the Pentagon understands to make some room for God.

Before mac understood "Frosticles" was "Timmy" it went like so. What made "Timmy" fall to pieces? He was awarded the "Jesse" from the Christ. Within hours of the Christ appointing "Timmy" the "Jesse", July 2, 2021 around noon, "Timmy" was ashore, met an old flame, and produced offspring. The news shocked mac because she couldn't understand why "Timmy" was not protected from fornication. Then the penny dropped. "ITZA, you awarded "Timmy" the Jesse, didn't you?" mac went from hurt over loosing "Timmy" to good riddance in a flash. mac still did not realize she was married to nine persons. Number five is next.


Code naming the individual mac declared in hindsight, after loosing Ted, "the most beautiful man to ever walk the earth," "Elevator Man" maps to where the two of them saw one another face to face and spoke in passing, once. mac's head isn't easily turned. She makes many observations, they are cerebral, in dialogue with God, and never make it to the demon pipeline of parasympathetic information exchange. "Elevator Man" did not know diddly squat about mac's thoughts and mac does not seek to learn information from someone unless she asks them to speak, watches them do, or responds to what they are asking her for. (Training her mare was invaluable for watching physical cues.) This handsome "Elevator Man" was never in the action. God simply moved mac in his view to get him to dig his head out of his own ass. Obviously, mac was the last to know diddly squat.

After loosing "Timmy", who was really "Frosticles" as described above, mac grieved. She had to understand where this "Timmy" got his chemistry. She could not imagine in her movements trapped in Corpus, for the time being, how she would function surviving the Texas haters without the l-o-v-e-LINK chemistry that was keeping her alive. mac didn't realize that in fighting off the stalking bastards of Texas golf courses, demanding marriage before sex, meant she was never going to be consuming a shit-ton of spirits to patronise whomever ugly was willing to spend time with the, ugly girl.

mac did not understand "Elevator Man" was her fifth husband in what she decided was polygamy and the chemistry powering l-o-v-e-LINK from February. That chemistry, turns out, came from "Iron Man" Loosing the l-o-v-e-LINK chemistry is part of experiencing death at God's hand. While grieving mac said to God, "Let's end this work. If my being married is a requirement for my work, let's end this. Close up shop. I am not enduring whatever Quasimodo of a "man" is willing to overcome his gag reflexes marrying me. I'm done." mac never had the privilege of "dating" a "man" she didn't need to get drunk to endure without begging God to find reasons to love what was using her.

mac did not know she was married to "Elevator Man" when he resurfaced in the Borg union. (She understood he died before God united her with "Timmy." This one we now know was "Frosticles.") She also did not understand that her faithful covenant she kept with God of not fornicating won her a damn thing. (It was a covenant of her invention while still enslaved to Moon Child.) What she knew was alone beats Quasimodo. And this work, she does not need to do this. Humanity needs her to do it! Humanity includes the demon merged with the soul. Dog Paddle, with mac’s enlightened understandings, she is revising for clarity. It is included in the text, Live Fornication Free. This is God's shepherding package to lead individual's and households to the Christ. mac needed to learn why demon unions existed.

Friends Once

"Timmy" (the real one) held the demon that was desperate to own God's woman. That is the "Timmy's" spirit reference. Sadly, mac does not remember the name of the former Air Force veteran from Bergstrom mac met while living in the Austin area. mac liked her and regarded her as a girl friend. But the two of them, while they had a very common boots-on-the-ground way-of-looking at the world, had nothing other than an occasional lunch to do together. mac did not want to go to retro hair-band concerts. She did not want to walk downtown shops and mac did not know her well enough to back-pack with. The famous demon within a year of mac and this veteran meeting one another fled to "Timmy." The demon knew mac's type after their first luncheon. mac hated her girlfriend's death and that the hospital never even shared the card mac sent her. The pink envelope card was returned to mac unopened by the hospital after her girlfriends death.

At an earlier point in the narrative mac understood the wife Borg was over and it went like so. The heavenly chorus is "Jesse." "Elevator Man", awarded the "Jesse" fifth. With him mac thought for certain now the Christ has his ally "Elevator Man" pushed his demon aside to get closer to mac in l-o-v-e-LINK. "Elevator Man," while mac could only focus on the person she saw, was the shield for three other individuals with their demons in one on l-o-v-e-LINK with him and his demon. Her ex-husband and sadly the junior Russian officer who abandoned the chemistry between them that mac experienced as a greater feeling of love than Ted. All four went the way of fornication by the morning of August 1, 2021. "Elevator Man" was horrified at what he had done. The demon later asked mac's forgiveness. This broke the rules. Right, room for more to grow based on mac's enduring the battle. Who was this "Elevator Man"? It was "Iron Man"'s genetics with 'Little "Timmy's"' demon in dialogue with mac. 'Little "Timmy"' had a thing for mac. God made sure a promise was fulfilled.

"Frosty" the New Spy

August 2, 2021 Obama and Biden, in desperation, devised a spy from the demon of a Dog Paddle reader stationed in Corpus to invade mac's l-o-v-e-LINK chemistry. This spy was number ten. mac was single from l-o-v-e-LINK union a short while the morning of August 2, 2021 and by the afternoon was convinced to accept number ten as her spouse even though he seemed muscularly slight. She has an obligation to keep to her sex semaphore list. So she objected that he seemed too slight in stature and she wanted to remain single for a really great love at first sight, eye-to-eye, moment. mac really does not like l-o-v-e-LINK. It is spirit shit. Once Ted died and she was loosing number five above, shutting down l-o-v-e-LINK was her desire.

Number ten was is "Frosty." Under the rules in effect once the spouses from hell jumped ship, mac needed to see her spouse first to establish l-o-v-e-LINK. He needs to learn to forgive mac for thinking of him as slight to put up with her in marriage. There is no way mac would treat l-o-v-e-LINK or God's Word with contempt. God just might dink (it's a technical term) with mac's perceptions.

The GodLINK connection Obama and Biden abused, because they have no command over the Armed Forces of America, more on this to come, will survive them. mac isn't about to preserve them alive against their enemies in wait for mac's hand to be the one to put them to death. Worms are eating those two as mac writes.

"Elevator Man's" demon 'Little "Timmy"' petitioned God for mac's forgiveness. Though mac was hurt and feeling the pain of infidelity she forgave this "Elevator Man" his infidelity and took him back as a wife under l-o-v-e-LINK. God proved her forgiveness. No other wives wanted forgiveness. mac will only have one human spouse. The demon(s) that go with the union will be subdued under her heavy hand of headship. This is the territory that goes with being God. God is because mac is united in marriage to Christ. Now mac is with "Iron Man" while his genetic demon match is 'Little "Timmy"' serving in Afghanistan.

This "Elevator Man's" demon made room for more to grow breaking the demons own rules of engagement for the polygamy of l-o-v-e-LINK divined to keep "Frosticles" happy. The competition is a dead heat with "Frosticles" in possession of what this "Elevator Man" is oblivious to and what "Fucker" set the deadline for. Fulfilling being forced into fulfilment wins something "good" for team Satan. mac will not be made a fool of. Would any of you call the Christ a fool?

God sharing thinking, words between people, is the privilege of l-o-v-e-LINK with a legal marriage. The path to l-o-v-e-LINK shuts down fornication. The human is responsible for having a relationship with God to relay their thoughts in l-o-v-e-LINK. What Ggod shares is the thinking and pursuits of the demons. It is up to the human to prove what they believe. "Elevator Man" you have until Friday August 6, 2021 18:00 Norfolk, time to send mac an email, mac@macdukes.com establishing direct correspondence with mac. Until being united in marriage under law, your demon has set you up for death to end your union with mac. The horror is mac lost "Iron Man" (That is the truth of this epistle.) (mac is vastly consoled by "Timmy".)

l-o-v-e-LINK's Extension In Union with Christ

mac is fasting for her military command. Unless Christ and mac have deemed it necessary to the success of fulfilling his kingdom of Earth, GodLINK is their own stream of dialogue. Three weeks of fasting is required to be included in GodLINK. This does not mean you will ever have access to Christ and mac. You will be in a place of strength to move your soldiers off the demon network. Christ and mac do not need a military. The militaries of the world need them.

Dog Paddle appealed to "Frosty." It was written to find those (unfortunately few in number) who hate their demon(s). God moved mac where he needed to and put her and "Elevator Man" in one another’s path because he wasn't watching his blind side. With "Elevator Man" God kept his promise to Ronald Reagan. He moved mac to put her in "Frosty's" path too. She was not allowed to be single long.

mac waited through "Frosty's" refusal to consummate l-o-v-e-LINK. The demon had to get the human onboard for that. The demon was simply exploiting the human "Frosty" that mac saw under auspice of gaining power that Jehovah could never back.


These foresight labeled "first nine spouses" of this demon tale, other than "Iron Man", lost their demon's control over their thinking and did the badness needed to end their union with God's woman. mac made it clear, "Genital interaction with another individual, it's over. Until then, I am not letting you out of this marriage. I have discipline to deliver as husband and while I will not refuse you, I will not allow you to walk away from being God's servant." The only way mac and "Iron Man" could enjoy their union was for the scoundrels to prove who they were as humans. Then mac learned the total number of wives making the Borg was nine not five.

mac did not understand that demons would shape behaviour with righteous deeds to hide how despicable the behaviour of the human was. She figured the demon only shaped the wicked deeds. Now, transformed into an angel of light has real meaning, doesn't it? The sword of the Christ is the dividing rod that pierces souls.

"Timmy" and mac kept their word to God. "Timmy" had that love at first sight moment and proved he would love Christ as well. Anyone refusing the Christ, mac has no patience with. “Iron Man’s” demon could not be united with the Christ. "Iron Man" the soul fought for headship over his demon. "Iron Man" was not joined with his demon genetic match, 'Little "Timmy"'. This means not all demon hosting persons can host the Christ. These souls die. In America the most mac can do is fly a bird (hand gesture) in the face of someone that should be hacked to death like king Asa. Under circumstances like this, "Tour Guide Barbie" is mac's personality for endurance. mac decorating her middle fingernail with contrasting polish is a new wardrobe touch.

Apol'lyon, Abad'don, and "Frosticles" kept their souls on the path of righteousness until Christ was present. What these could not do was separate mac from the Christ. This article is this sum of their credit for trying. The AA-Twins belong to Satan as spouse. What these demons unleashed and other fascinations of Revelation that we are living will be elaborated on in later Herald articles.

Put Your Coffee Cup Down

To put mac in the context of humanity, Christ is her "demon." mac gave Earth to the Christ to jail. This gave to the Christ reign over the demons of humanity among other things. Had mac's cellular structure not been destroyed at Trump's command, ending mac's ability to be God's slave, mac would have never been able to win the Christ exclusively. What did mac always know? When God asks do.

God would have never taken mac as His slave until They were United. (God keeps assuring mac he is not all that awful and he has some good genes. (That's funnier audible.)) Enslaving her to Him was what was needed when Mary, with Venus, and Albert, with the Sun, demanded owning mac's powers as God's woman. Are you not angry over what those two pot-head squanderers wasted? Had mac never been raped by her uncle, Earth would not have been forced on her.

Anchors Away

The demons handle seduction when the human face to face is incapable of taking another's spouse away from them. This is part of herd immunity. l-o-v-e-LINK chemistry is the genuine cellular and psychological awareness of another person. It is reserved for matrimony. Right now, "Jesse" and mac are elevating the office of wife for men. "Jesse" is in the United States Navy. mac has met "Jesse" face to face. This is "Timmy." At one point in writing mac had the hope of marrying "Iron Man" without realising the years ahead until the resurrection were between them. He was faithfully holding the "Jesse" office. Once Christ's kingdom was established mac and "Timmy" could be married. The "Jesse" office is an appointment for "Iron Man's" time.

God has forty-eight furlongs to divide among four allies.

While there are righteous men in God's service in other countries there is an importance to people growing up with a common frame of reference to unite them during all of the quiet times in a marriage. These are the moments when gestures, one liners, and body language put one's spouse at ease. Had mac had the privilege of being raised in Russia, certainly a Russian seaman would have been a fine spouse. mac has some nerdy habits and God dinks with her routine in a way a seaman can endure.

The dissimilarity in mannerism takes years to understand. These boundaries need to be respected. The likelihood of your mate being raised on the other side of the globe from you is unlikely. The certainty is that you will see the one human before being united in God's l-o-v-e-LINK. You will also know, God put you exactly where you were in that moments first glance. What frames the awareness of that first glance is in God's hands to improve your union.

The Spy Who Hated Me

Mr. Terry Smart, mac's ex-husband (and murderer), set himself up as a mole inside "Elevator Man" and mac's marriage insisting his divorce from mac in Gallatin County Montana, civil court in September 2012, was not valid. Terry in unison with his new demons claiming continued marriage to mac went after conquering mac and "Elevator Man" sabotaging their l-o-v-e-LINK by connecting Obama and Biden as spies to destroy military powers the earth over. Military power represents the only threat to their "democracy."

Terry is a fornicator. He and Mary McRae maintained a sexual relationship with one another during all the years of he and mac's marriage. mac was blind to this. The abuses she suffered from her mother made it impossible for her to distinguish. Terry abandoned fidelity not expecting that "Elevator Man" and mac could practice abstinence and still be deeply in love with one another. What mac learned in hindsight was Christ's choice, the Russian seaman, was powering the l-o-v-e-LINK chemistry and used a ring to power divination for Mr. Aah-h' Soul. Had the seamen not mocked Christ's patience like Judas, Russia would have been honoured with much.

Terry could not last a month without genital stimulation. He refused to reveal to mac he was included in the l-o-v-e-LINK and refused to practice abstinence to preserve Obama and Biden's power of information. "Elevator Man" realized the intrusion and set up the scenario to end mac's ignorance of Terry's skin tag existence in their union. Fornication ended the l-o-v-e-LINK union for Terry and his claims of invalid divorce. Had Terry refused fornication like "Elevator Man" and mac, Obama and Biden would have maintained their connection. An "Elevator Man" went after fornication at another time convenient for him.

God will not tolerate his men being abused by their spouses. He will also not allow His men to be abused by women. Prove your fidelity to God and He will release you from corruption in a way that vindicates you. Men do not violate. These are the prayers of the Heart the Christ makes on your behalf. More on this to come.

Welcoming Everyone Home

mac's home at Dody street is under repair. The interior walls mac is texture coating and the perversions Mary was inshrining against God's servants mac has been removing. mac will sew drapes for the windows and provide other domestic appointments in the coming weeks of her recovery.

Westley is teaching mac how to play kitty soccer. She needs a lesson. A half square foot of house-hold aluminium foil balled for kitty whimsies against the tile floors. mac pics the ball up between her toes and tosses it. Westley bats the foil in air and sails it across the kitchen volleying between his lightning paws.

mac appointed Dody street with multiple kitty commodes and food dish stations for grain and gluten free vittles. He loves the little x's, lamb and rice. She opened that bag under his direction. Our domestics teach us when we have peace in our homes when our domestics enjoy peace. Westley was a feral save a few months old who came to mac twice before she adopted him. Buttercup drew him in. Westley stayed for mac. God granted him nine-half furlongs. He earned everyone.

Before planting the gardens the interior of the house was cleaned and appointed with modest Goodwill furnishings. mac moved her kitchen and household furnishings out of her locked storage closet restoring the kitchen first.

Peter, Paul, and Not Mary

The three fresh water pools mac is building serve as a hydroponic garden adornment. Once the fence is extended with an added gate they will be visible from the street. Water is needed for a human body. Do you recall from biology the roughly seventy percent we are made of? mac will also fortify these pools with soils, earth (this is what helped the woman) to welcome Saint Peter, Saint Paul, and the Christ to earth. Wouldn't you have liked to be a guest in that jet ride to the Vatican?


Putin, this BUD's for you.

If You Are Going to Kill A Toad, Step Firm

The blonde must have been Coronado royalty. She, perhaps a military contractor's daughter who landed him his SEAL with his blood.

Under Your Noses

mac understood not to answer Boothy's rhetorical device. Her wit escaped her. She never understood how to compete with the pretty people to land a husband.

The Interuption to Save Your Realm

Never will mac allow herself to fail to aggressively fight for Christ's kingdom.

The Letter to those "In the LORD"

God allowed mac the only means available to keep putting her under some of the slaves in His service who needed to end their unions with demons to live.

Mapping Ted with Ol' Leroy

Ted was the Governing Body's last hope to steal the heavenly kingdom from the Christ during Gog of Magog's last dance. They lost.

Admiration for "Old School"

A professional soldier does not move about in fatigues that look like they came out of a filthy clothes hamper.

The Seducer for the U.S. Navy Under "Navy Dress" Orders

The genetics of nine individuals built the genetic composite to build a brother to Ted because the deficit of one party demanding brotherhood was profound.

"Timmy" Awarded the "Jesse", Soon

Mr. Aah-h' Soul is Endor. Right, he conjures the consciousness of dead souls that wait in God's memory to be erased in preparation for Christ's kingdom earthly fulfilment.

"Timmy's" Spirit is "Frosticles" Cyrano de Bergerac

mac learned from "Timmy's" behaviour that an individual would be disciplined by his own demons to stay on a path of righteousness as a good student.


mac needed to learn why demon unions existed.

Friends Once

"Elevator Man" was horrified at what he had done. The demon later asked mac's forgiveness. This broke the rules. Right, room for more to grow based on mac's enduring the battle.

"Frosty" the New Spy

The GodLINK connection Obama and Biden abused, because they have no command over the Armed Forces of America, more on this to come, will survive them.


The AA-Twins belong to Satan as spouse. What these demons unleashed and other fascinations of Revelation that we are living will be elaborated on in later Herald articles.

Put Your Coffee Cup Down

To put mac in the context of humanity, Christ is her "demon".

Anchors Away

The dissimilarity in mannerism takes years to understand. These boundaries need to be respected. The likelihood of your mate being raised on the other side of the globe from you is unlikely.

Welcoming Everyone Home

Our domestics teach us when we have peace in our homes when our domestics enjoy peace.

Peter, Paul, and Not Mary

Wouldn't you have liked to be a guest in that jet ride to the Vatican?

macDukes.com figure, dody

macDukes.com figure, dody

macDukes.com figure, dody

macDukes.com figure, dody

macDukes.com figure, dody

macDukes.com figure, dody

macDukes.com figure, dody

macDukes.com figure, dody

"Jesse", Abad'don

Short Lived Twelve Furlongs at Sea for Russia

macDukes.com figure, sketches


A week after studying his portrait mac realized the correction to her drawing that she was not capable of without puzzling over how to correct "Timmy's" nose without changing its shape. If you ask mac about "Timmy" all she does is coo like a pigeon and say, "Timmy's perfect." mac is clay. What do you expect? "Timmy" in love at first sight while the demon on the wife hell 'Little "Timmy"' served in Afghanistan. 'Little "Timmy"' started his penance. The promise God made 'Little "Timmy"' Is fulfilled with "Iron Man." Learning about 'Little "Timmy"' was no small task when mac had no ability to embrace demons. That is what Antichrist powers.

macDukes.com figure, sketches

"Timmy", Seventh Attempt

macDukes.com figure, sketches

Sixth Attempt

macDukes.com figure, sketches

Fifth Attempt

macDukes.com figure, sketches

Fourth Attempt

macDukes.com figure, sketches

Third Attempt

macDukes.com figure, sketches

Second Attempt

macDukes.com figure, sketches

First Attempt

macDukes.com figure, sketches

More Reading...

From Dog Paddle