To advertise is to perpetually play the fool. Assumptions about the reader based on demographic insight are distributed across media for every consumer.
Get Off Your Donkey
In a local shop window are four tin-wall-posting signs. Each sign is a contemporary message. Each has a vintage ad campaign illustration; or made to look that way.
Advertising is not a bastion of Proverbs. On second thought, a fool speaks all his mind and a wise man holds his speech till after an affair. To advertise is to perpetually play the fool. Assumptions about the reader based on demographic insight are distributed across media for every consumer. Vintage advertising often features demoralising the consumer with sexism. A wise person would not accuse his consumer. A fool's way very often wins campaigns today.
Wine and strong drink are not intended for kings or princes. When drunk they forget the law and pervert justice. Strong drink is intended for those ready to die and wine for those heavy of heart. If it can be a moderate enjoyment, so be it. Enjoy. Excess is the pathway to folly. Try this, before reaching for a mind adjusting beverage say a prayer to the true God about your day and desire for a beverage after announcing your intention to drink, use How to Get God to Talk to You don't forget to close your prayer in "Jesus name."
Obedience the Seal of A Good Woman
The ways of wisdom are pleasantness with a peaceful pathway. Wisdom, in being pleasant, understands when to enjoy the opinion of her Lord. The woman defending her rightness has lost peace. To be pleasant and promote peace requires making a commitment to leadership and being obedient.
In the early nineties mac's privilege was to work for a former SEAL who served in Korea and Vietnam. He kept his service personal. He simply let her know on day one she was to keep the office "afloat." She stayed on top of revenues and law. They had an understanding, if he walked in announcing, "The sky is green." mac said, "So it is sire. Who of the town subjects needs this message today?" Ridiculous? The only better boss, the true God. Obedience gets a woman the best gigs.
“The way of righteousness is life: and in the pathway thereof there is no death” Proverbs 12:28
The way of the true God is life. He will never die. Those that walk in His path will live in His memory for a resurrection to eternal life. Let us watch out how we are walking. His way is a path. A path requires travel. Travel means movement. Movement means progress. Progress means knowing when to get off our donkey and do according to the righteous way. (Yes, God Says, "Ass is better than Donkey.")