There is only one mascot, and that was a terminal -- think period -- point. A team mascot is generally the spirit building cheerleading masked dancer that fans can easily see pony about. It is the job that the ugly person, with a few fat rolls even, can do. It is also the job that has no apparent real work connected to it, that, furthermore, a person should personally pay for the privilege of being such a loved team adornment. That is what you stupid, idol, worthless, uneducated, fornicating, clit-or-dick-sucking-sleaze against womanhood are that populate the U.S. Military payroll. Has mac now made Her mascot definition clear, even to you Bass1!? Get to gym, dump fast food and frappuccinos, and get to the the rifle range, now! You bitches have had Spirit Coin to earn wages in the military as mascots for all these years of mac's top secret operation. Whores! mac outranks, outclasses, and out performs you in every sense of the meaning of warfare duty. Since God had to maintain room for mac as "something" you females have been allowed to be powered by the Ggods accordingly. Americans are going to have enemies out of every conceivable lodging just to slaughter you whores. That males get wiped out too is just a function of collateral damage while slaughtering the females in American dungarees. Just start wearing stilettos and mini-skirts to perform your duties. At the very least you will be dressed as the useless bimbos you are and be less of a target in acts war on the honesty ticket. At least, you dressed this way, males won't get wasted defending you baggage.
From Whores to Trump -- Topical not Abecedarian
* On a similar vein, no person, sans a papered spouse, is welcome to call mac by the name H****** until no female named Heather is engaged in harlotry. Right now, as it stands, until all the Heathers out there are in Hell only mac's enemy refers to Her by that alternate name. Does that answer your question Trump? You puttock.
Saint Peter asked mac to write, "You prick." mac demurred to Her OED as is Her privilege. She thought about using punto. That or putto does not convey enough of Saint Peter's anger at Trump. Nor does it convey his personal opinion of Him that He is a prick. In the Webster definition, nay, even Oxford, definition of English your headshot, Trump, should be placed next to the word prick. When Oxford obeys Saint Peter, they will add Trump's head shot as stipulated to; prick, noun, use two. Harvard can't be saved as an institution until it turns unto Christ's hand serving Her as a military academy. (Obviously this means campus expansion.) Oxford is the only saved academic institution in the world otherwise.
Puttock is the word mac is allowed to use as it appeals to Her descriptive accuracy objectives when writing**. Trump is indeed ignoble, and also a nigger2 in the Biblical sense. Puttock is an example of using English in a way that tickles mac.
Trump, so that you understand why you are served up as POTUS, this time, it is so you can drop dead early, and people can seize on all their happinesses due them in false anguish over your death. The American populous just want to steal and murder in the name of restoring law and order.3 Consider refraining from careless behaviours. Heaven is not protecting you***.
** Saint Peter and mac wrestle quite a bit. It isn't exactly a feud. mac made her objection about prick to Saint Peter that it lowered the quality of her writing. The word was ordinary. She wanted a word that added depth to the description so both She and Saint Peter could be contented. The discussion of omitting prick gave Saint Peter far more dig into Trump. Saint Peter hates Trump.
*** It isn't wise to induce the ire of one who wields a ready sword stripping off ears when pissed. mac lectured the Pentagon a few days after the ear swiping incident explaining how these pathways, threads, of activity come to bear4. The thing is, it is reasonable to realise like Dundee, of Crocodile Dundee, nicking Walters ear was all he could think of to "save" him. mac has taken many nicks in Her life. Trump did not even take one.
- 1 📖 Bass kissed ass. Bass you and your sisters, the wives you have betrayed; should tear you limb from limb and eat your livers. No Pentagon females should receive a paycheck on the mascot ticket.
- 2 📖 The Biblical definition of nigger a racially blind word for our modern times.
- 3 📖 This letter to Andros explains the phenomenon.
- 4 📖 An explanation of the pathways that lead to executions on the comedy of errors ticket is included in this Treason article available post Christmas 2024.