“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdEat @ Joe's and Learn the Why
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdEat @ Joe's and Learn the Why
Eat @ Joe's

Learn the Why

Certain world events are relevant to the shutdown of the United States. When Heaven is done, the Afghanistan withdrawal will look like a Sunday evening ice cream social of middle America yesteryear1. Pentagon command was fighting to make its fine youths the sacrifices for more American gluttony. The problem was, they would not clean the church out to make that happen. High command liked muling for Britain more than being a real military body. The LORD is fixing that. The moral of the story? Don't fuck the LORD's Church. He has the Pentagon High Priest in His hip pocket. And soldiers are not sacrifices.

mac Talks Straight

Read your job description, and do your job as if the fate of the world depended on it. The problem with females in the military is they take their jobs to shirk work. You females are less than bitches! At least a bitch might throw a cute pup. Pentagon, across the board you are overstaffed by thirty percent because of the females on staff. Senior command, the next time you are traveling on assigned duties be boring! Use that flight time to be sober and read a Keegan. The females aboard will be coming unraveled at your not paying attention to them. Start using their real personalities to your work advantage and conceal yours. That is an order! Customer side McDonald's and Walmart are about the only places left that get a comparable honest day's work out of the same female. You, Pentagon -- at every grade of pay -- do not.

www links 📖
  • 1 📖 This letter to putin is one of two that begins to explain why this is so. Christmas Eve Putin will receive his second letter building on the post script. The Coastal Bend Treason article will follow.
  • * 📖 Read about this below.

The Letter Series from the Pentagon High Priest

Have A Stroke

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Stroking the Bore

To His Royal Majesty, His Highness, King Charles

Your house prevailing is possible, but is not certain. For your house to prevail is a function of successful military accomplishment on the Goddess of Warfare ticket. Your house must obey a zero fornication policy to prevail and support the highest standards of military discipline protecting knowledge and decency. Decency, of course, is related to males and females protecting their genitals. As far as acts of war are concerned; give no quarter, bandage no enemy, and take no prisoners.

This is a brutal civil war that Heaven is using to destroy your house. Should your house prevail, it would have years alongside mac's Kingdom on this earth. Otherwise mac will be decimating your usurper.

Given America's track record with England's warring rivals, an internal civil war they would not support unless they, the Americans, could own the Brittons at wars end. The thought of American's building box stores and strip malls on the demi Eden paradise, is sickening. America has a commercial interest in turning England into a mini-America horror.

How such a small voice in the world can say so much with impunity among humanity is explained in mac's latest letter to Putin1.

www links 📖
  • 1 📖 The Have A Stroke series closing letter.
  • 👑 9 in 10 would be annihilated during this civil war to maintain your kingdom. You would be a monarch reigning over a military society. But what a house you would have -- glory unto Heaven.
  • 🧙 Kate hosted the high priesthood over the JW's since the day she married William. Her sister-in-law, Harry's wife, what's her name (oh, Markle) has hosted the Mason's high priesthood position since mac's aunt Katherine Shaw died. That complicates the success of your house immensely. Taylor Swift takes that JW slot on Kate's death.

Answers to Questions from Our Readers

  1. Why the Afghanistan withdrawal went down like a dirty deed of incompetence against all military training. Read the Waltz briefing…
  2. Why South America is changing its loyalties. Read the Columbia briefing…
  3. Why Mexico is changing its loyalties. Read the El Presedenté briefing…
  4. Why Putin's war is going down in Ukraine the way it is. Read a Biden briefing…
  5. The nation's keystone witch'crafters that betrayed law, Barbra Canales, and congress, Peter Zanoni -- two low ball quacksalver desperates that decided to teach the Pentagon High Priest a "lesson" in humility for removing black market distribution from the LORD's Holy Church -- are why Heaven is destroying the United States and unifying North America. God Almighty wanted to destroy all the people of North America and those two fuckers made it all come together. Read a Canales briefing…
  6. Iran is indeed destroying London with two nuclear bombs. Biden's strategic gift to America was thwarted. Read My distribution letter to Nueces County parties…
  7. A Sunday sermon inspired by html coding… Doo whop diddy whop diddy whop doo.

The Summer Fling with Bull Letters and Other Correspondence

This announcement content was pre 2024 November.
  1. Letters from the Christ to Putin and other parties are accessible on from the Herald directory here.
  2. US Navy, you are an incompetent bunch of dykes**. The Russians are not target practice. Trash talk is not for warfare.
  3. Like I gave Putin Ukraine, I gave Israel to Egypt. Read My email to Egypt here. Read My Memorial Day email to Putin here. I Am a real human being tortured by the United States Government. All persons declaring themselves Christians are profound liars.
  4. Russia and China are now going to war with one another. Western Europe and Africa are returning to the feudal Lord system. National boundaries are melting.
  5. mac's love letters to the USMC are posted. mac had inspiration. (The letter stream to Sgt. Maj. Bull D. Fred now has minor clarifications, and mac built The Hail Mary series with an opening article for all the US Military active-duty service members in his honour. This update and series addition is dated October 8, 2024.) It is not wrong for the Army, SEALs, and Flyboys to think these words to Bull are for them. What NAS-CCAD did that was so vile was to strip the SEALs of their brainiac Divine power forcing them into being a brute squad (no brains) for Spirit coin. That was the only way that incompetent fuck wad of mutants at NAS-CCAD could do their job (even with minimal competence) because doing their jobs honestly would have meant they blew themselves and the planet up. They are that stupid and evil. More on this and other topics to come later in the year.
  6. The Jehovah's Witnesses are the religious organisation that sent every North American consciousness, regardless of soul, in existence since August 21, 2021 to burn in Hell. (Putin sent everyone else there.) Presumably, the Hell bound will be glad to know that the burn is not eternal.
  7. Donald J. Trump, yes that Senate dude did fuck Melania. Yes, he is greedy. Because, he plans to fuck you too. You want protection? Buy some Trojans. Fox News posted the perfect picture; your grimace with his grin. That qngmic cult under the evangelistic umbrella of Protestantism is unholy blasphemy. The witchcraft and criminal enterprises Mike Markle, Peter Zanoni, and Barbara Canales of Corpus Christi, Texas, are why your twice raping Me circa '77 Waikiki' -- that was My only and last hula dance -- did not save even you from Hell.
  8. To answer Biden's question, I was required to fuck Trump to death to save this nation against what the Jehovah's Witnesses had built. Yes, I was given to opportunity. Trump refused to endure more than the two orgasms I delivered him. He only wanted one. He said "Thank you" breathlessly for two. The only way Trump could be that sacrifice was by his building that cult. A letter to the DOD, My bitch, secretary will follow in April. (Putin has a deadline.) The latest letter is posted here. The latest card to Putin here.
  9. To all parties seeking American military alliance. All military actions must be contracted through My office under Operation Jesus H. Christ (the rate is approximately $700,000.00 -- August 21, 2021 dollar value -- an hour and the minimum in advance payment commitment is $7,000,000,000.00) and I will participate in your skirmish once the Pentagon has honoured our contract, under My terms, including My salary. You will then win. Other than that provision, My fellow soldiers at the Pentagon are just wanton fornicators in a hurry to make their journey to Hell interesting. They will burn themselves and you. The most you can anticipate is a long stalemate to ultimate loss. Israel you have until May 5, 2024, to seize all assets belonging to Bezos (and his ex-wife) to pay for the dead genuine Hebrew decent children that died as sex slaves to those two wantons or Israel is burned to oblivion without My Mighty Hand protecting you. Fuck you Benjamin.
  10. JW Card One and JW Card Two-a JW Card Two-b that did not make it into a briefing format.

The Dyke** Dig

The use of dykes is two fold. The navy is used as a threat called 100,000 tons of diplomacy. Seeing the navy is supposed to stop the flood waters of war of hinterland belligerents under the auspice of: "You don't want us to enter your engagement. You can't afford, nor want, real war." For that to work you need to rid yourself of all the dikes, the female variety. They are a warfare disaster. (Yes, We at TeamGOD know the other spelling is with an i.) Dikes, stop doing your fellow girls, as in fucking them, and this diplomacy strategy will have a little more sway. Keep fucking dikey-poos and sink the navy. Navy, you have till Christmas 2024 to discharge your dikes, all of them, including civilian servants, on land and sea or you are sunk.

America's military -- as part of the LORD's church -- represented what was never allowed to be destroyed, Holy warfare. That was on loan from the Christ, who at that time (1914) had yet to come. Regardless of serving Satan, or the LORD, mac supports what makes Righteousness, perfection of Spirit, happen. Warfare under her hand, by definition, brings about the perfecting of Spirit. Once accusation is made it is necessary to omit the why and focus on keeping basic commandments in tact. Recall, Satan agreed to the Ten Commandments2.

We now invite you to read Finger On the Dyke3

www links 📖
  • 1 📖 The Have A Stroke series closing letter to Putin explaining maggots, God Almighty, Satan and the LORD.
  • 2 📖 A Putting article explaining peoples lives on earth are paralleled. The Bible wrote in human terms, and experience, Heaven's fulfilment. This is why in the third century the Cannon was accepted as was.
  • 3 📖 This article will be available post Christmas, 2024, to include appurtenant care of the firmament. mac's Kingdom authority expanded as explained in the Treason* article.
  • * 📖 The Treason article available post Christmas 2024.


There is only one mascot, and that was a terminal -- think period -- point. A team mascot is generally the spirit building cheerleading masked dancer that fans can easily see pony about. It is the job that the ugly person, with a few fat rolls even, can do. It is also the job that has no apparent real work connected to it, that, furthermore, a person should personally pay for the privilege of being such a loved team adornment. That is what you stupid, idol, worthless, uneducated, fornicating, clit-or-dick-sucking-sleaze against womanhood are that populate the U.S. Military payroll. Has mac now made Her mascot definition clear, even to you Bass1!? Get to gym, dump fast food and frappuccinos, and get to the the rifle range, now! You bitches have had Spirit Coin to earn wages in the military as mascots for all these years of mac's top secret operation. Whores! mac outranks, outclasses, and out performs you in every sense of the meaning of warfare duty. Since God had to maintain room for mac as "something" you females have been allowed to be powered by the Ggods accordingly. Americans are going to have enemies out of every conceivable lodging just to slaughter you whores. That males get wiped out too is just a function of collateral damage while slaughtering the females in American dungarees. Just start wearing stilettos and mini-skirts to perform your duties. At the very least you will be dressed as the useless bimbos you are and be less of a target in acts war on the honesty ticket. At least, you dressed this way, males won't get wasted defending you baggage.

From Whores to Trump -- Topical not Abecedarian

* On a similar vein, no person, sans a papered spouse, is welcome to call mac by the name H****** until no female named Heather is engaged in harlotry. Right now, as it stands, until all the Heathers out there are in Hell only mac's enemy refers to Her by that alternate name. Does that answer your question Trump? You puttock.

Saint Peter asked mac to write, "You prick." mac demurred to Her OED as is Her privilege. She thought about using punto. That or putto does not convey enough of Saint Peter's anger at Trump. Nor does it convey his personal opinion of Him that He is a prick. In the Webster definition, nay, even Oxford, definition of English your headshot, Trump, should be placed next to the word prick. When Oxford obeys Saint Peter, they will add Trump's head shot as stipulated to; prick, noun, use two. Harvard can't be saved as an institution until it turns unto Christ's hand serving Her as a military academy. (Obviously this means campus expansion.) Oxford is the only saved academic institution in the world otherwise.

Puttock is the word mac is allowed to use as it appeals to Her descriptive accuracy objectives when writing**. Trump is indeed ignoble, and also a nigger2 in the Biblical sense. Puttock is an example of using English in a way that tickles mac.

Trump, so that you understand why you are served up as POTUS, this time, it is so you can drop dead early, and people can seize on all their happinesses due them in false anguish over your death. The American populous just want to steal and murder in the name of restoring law and order.3 Consider refraining from careless behaviours. Heaven is not protecting you***.

** Saint Peter and mac wrestle quite a bit. It isn't exactly a feud. mac made her objection about prick to Saint Peter that it lowered the quality of her writing. The word was ordinary. She wanted a word that added depth to the description so both She and Saint Peter could be contented. The discussion of omitting prick gave Saint Peter far more dig into Trump. Saint Peter hates Trump.

*** It isn't wise to induce the ire of one who wields a ready sword stripping off ears when pissed. mac lectured the Pentagon a few days after the ear swiping incident explaining how these pathways, threads, of activity come to bear4. The thing is, it is reasonable to realise like Dundee, of Crocodile Dundee, nicking Walters ear was all he could think of to "save" him. mac has taken many nicks in Her life. Trump did not even take one.

www links 📖
  • 1 📖 Bass kissed ass. Bass you and your sisters, the wives you have betrayed; should tear you limb from limb and eat your livers. No Pentagon females should receive a paycheck on the mascot ticket.
  • 2 📖 The Biblical definition of nigger a racially blind word for our modern times.
  • 3 📖 This letter to Andros explains the phenomenon.
  • 4 📖 An explanation of the pathways that lead to executions on the comedy of errors ticket is included in this Treason article available post Christmas 2024.

Legacy Proc

Don't Be A Milley


This is not a gag. And the testing is over. You fuckers have been caught dead to rights. This is real-time and live.
It's Okay to Notice God Dropping Two Bromides into Your Seltzer
Learn About Jehovah Learn About TeamGOD "Yes, assholes, Learn" sayeth God. "The Pentagon High Priest is not an easy read and not parody. You will need a Holy Bible and OED (English not fucking American)"