Letter Body
“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.
This letter has been given a little love all the way to the date of posting, December 30, 2024. The majority of military command among My peers look at what I Am writing with wry gloating, "Look here, someone actually believes that little god. Who is that stupid?" And of course all the Saints echo, "I am." Spirit love believing the little maggot. And the U.S. Military, right down to that whore Bass got to laugh and laugh at the little idiot dumb enough to believe the little voice, and then make a public ministry out of it. They took the power greedily enough while laughing. Spirit to Me, Putin, can be the faintest whisper, it is all an exogenous mental registry that registers through My soul as well when my wiring is complete. (This is a reference to the October 7, 2020, disconnection I experienced. I Am not fully functional, just connected to Jehovah, at this time. I liken full functionality to a locomotive building a head of steam. He is perfected as a Ba'al through Me.) Like people are exogenous beings independent of Me that is how Spirit register. Milley tuned into growing his career off that "Tinker Bell," and Me as "Tinker Bell" in the Church at eighteen was all the LORD had to cover Milley's ass. Onto new material.
Yeehaw. Bang! Yes, Putin, the white horse worked for Beyoncé just not Taylor Swift.
To say; Putin, that is distinct. This means you. But, Vladimir, while distinctly and pleasantly Russian, there are just too many all too common in their accomplishments with that moniker, even in America.
Putin, when I was conceived the world was full of people that had all been receiving of Spirit blessing, across the Allness in existence, with Satan as god of the world, and Immanuel -- the star born with Jesus conception -- being used to shift humanity to form the perfected Ba'al from Jesus' ministry. Heaven needs a Ba'al to maintain orbits, and such. That summary covers about two thousand words of more detailed explanation that is woven all about My domain. God Almighty in teaching Spirit rewarded flesh, all flesh, based on the assumption the perfection of the Ba'al had happened when His blinders came off, and His distinct mapping He saw for the first time. As in, that assumption was, what Satan had achieved till the time I was conceived perfected Heaven. In a physics problem that would be the assumption like saying the physical reactions calculated can be assessed assuming the object mass is all concentrated at the mass centre of the object moving, collided with, and so on. All people alive at that time were in this wonderful place of having won a kind of Spirit coin lottery that kept functioning the same until May 12, 2012 roll-over wreck when Obama needed the Constitution of the United States preserved by a human soul. I Am that soul. It is how I won the Christ prize. Obama was the one that needed the someone, period. Then by that default I wrote about earlier -- I was it. The demand was driven by the market. You could say Heaven was desperate. The Spirit coin lottery originated to open up the Christ prize to all. Because the impotent prayer maker certainly couldn't perfect Heaven as far as Sprit were concerned. "She can't make anything happen." So, My making things happen is a function of everyone else being fed what they demanded of, ordered from, Heaven, because I enforce their orders.
God Almighty had reason for confidence in comparing Himself from My genetics against the Star He filled up into in that two thousand years. The blinders were ripped off Him at My conception. Then what God Almighty was able to prove to Spirit was that the flesh who were doing under Spirits' gifts of Coin across generations -- place-holding lives in the firmament since Jesus death -- was all the things that made them who they wanted to be, these people would not do one thing to save their Spirit. As a matter of fact, they would go after killing their Spirit instead. My flesh could not be destroyed. This is the same privilege of immortality Adam had before the tree of the knowledge of good and bad was eaten. My heart was circumcised. Since God Almighty did that there is no way some measly fruit can even be served Me to change this. That circumcision removed Me from being able to desire something from Spirit. How was Spirit supposed to understand that the person they could not control with desires was the one that would save them all. Clearly the understanding of one person can make a difference is founded on one person from a group all focussed on the same objective being that leader that makes a difference. Here I Am marooned in humanity. The marooned person is making the difference. Just ask God.
The Constitution of the United States, by virtue of being the national document forming governance in America is the document that established Jehovah's identity as a god of the people by the people. Jehovah is perfected as his bride class is burning in Hell. Bass divined being the queen bitch to dictate to and run the Pentagon for their salvation. The Corpus Christi community divined a big mega king over the whole world and Obama set Me up as the human protecting the constitution of the united states. Until the CCPD stood by and watched Mary torture My cat Buttercup to death there was a different set of opportunities. Once Mary was allowed to continue her act without restraint, that meant the ultimate fulfilment of Buttercup, under God Almighty, had to be fulfilled to protect this region from Me pushing heaven though a few hoops like circus animals. The Heavenly representation of Buttercup had to be returned to Me or Germany was wiping out this bunch of treasonous frauds. That makes My closing the base a function of sitting back and watching the fireworks.
I don't have to beg, cajole, politic, plead with nor do any ten plague proving to "force" these local base jackanapes to make them take Me in "proving" My Godly powers. They had it set up where they would have gotten some free back stage passes in Hell or some retarded cake-eater drivel that was puerile in its conception for the proofs they witnessed and the closet they put a desk for Me in. Whatever they asked for, it just mocked Heaven even for them to receive it. Putin, if someone demanded of you; crap in front of them so they could wipe your ass because they wanted you to prove you crapped, you would know to send them to the Gulag right? That is about the depth and measure of what these regional fools were about. Just so you know, if someone were to make that kind of demand of you in My presence, I would expect a knighthood for executing them, publicly. The Pentagon may have been taken in, fooled, or stupid, but they -- the idiot brain trust of Corpus -- were going to get their pound-of-flesh proof. What they get is the sign of Jonah baby.
Now the Buttercup representation, as you can imagine Putin, was another one of those crazy matrimony things that meant a person needed to be directed by God to come to Me. Well, whatever fulfilment's in the web of connections that would have put God in the place of bringing this spouse to Me, that didn't happen. This person is a specific individual who I have seen.
Before I stray too far from the doo-wop ditty of fifties America sandman tune, I will explain My relationship with the sandman, all of them in their kind. I wrote on My web-posted doodle pad at 400 "you had better be the sand man bringing a dream to be above this line" I then wanted to verify sandman's existence in the OED. Sandman is there as one word, and explained to be a mythical individual that puts children to sleep by putting sand in their eyes. I said to Heaven, "Is that definition right? How does that even work?" I immediately thought of how irritated dry eyes at the end of the day leave Me needing to close them. But, putting sand in the eyes on purpose, causing an irritation so a person can get rest? Why isn't the God cure for sleep an angel that cuddles the child with care. Why not ask of God, "this child needs sleep please, let this child get some rest." Then God grants rest. I could not understand how a bad thing the irritant was a gift to put a child to sleep which is the good thing. I Am the human that has no ability to interpret God -- the mythical -- as attempting to deliver anything but the good. So if I Am asking for sleep and it does not come, I know I did something wrong and need to fix it. I need to change My diet, or stay awake for My own protection because I have no idea what might be next. Now, Putin, as opposed to when I was trying to figure out back in 2020 where evil came from to begin with, I have a better understanding of why people receive bad from God to get the good result. God is bad to them to begin with. This question of where did evil come from is how I understood Allness from wince through sacrifice came the LORD.
After understanding the origin of evil; then why those dusty dogmas of the JW's, with how their doctrines had power, fit. It is important to realise; where there is power there is at least a grain of truth. The key is placing that truth in its context that includes time. People have beliefs because some truth relative to the Divine powers that belief. Where there is belief there is thought to do the work to make belief true. Even bad things are true, Putin. But bad things were never to be under the LORD's genius with what remained of Allness. The proof is in creation even as Spirit brought about the physical from the LORD's genius. A snake's venom is poisonous, but it serves a snake. Why do humans need to be snake like? Why not look at the snake and realise as a human, if I am acting like a snake I just might have a problem with me. Humanity is the instrument used to perfect Heaven because snakes are clearly bad. Previously, people got drunk and kissed snakes claiming that made Heaven great. At the very least, now, that poison kills a person so that deed gets registered as badness, and human badness cannot bring about the perfection of Heaven. It is a long haul Putin to go through cycles of human "ingenuity" teasing out how kissing a snake might be good. Perhaps it is because many people decided to be doctors in a village because of snake kissing deaths. Saint Paul took a bite off a viper, Putin. And a tree snake spoke to Eve.
"Made a mistake. Kissed a snake. How many doctors did it take?" Then the count while jumping rope begins
People of the fifties where asking one who puts sand in children's eyes to put them to sleep to bring them a dream mate. Ignorance helps the singer when God has to deliver a dream from the god that throws sand in the eyes, the sandman, to put them to sleep. When a rifle is assigned as a dudes best friend and this dude's best friend fucked his mama and his girlfriend in high school, his rifle will not be a great friend to him. What is answered from Heaven has been power that made what people as little gods in their own right made true for their subservients. Where military training is concerned, first dudes need to know what a best friend is before their rifle is a best friend that, in the case of some, does not fuck over their own family. Specific words matter that say what we mean and mean what we say. God is the interpreter of language based on the genetics of the sender and receiver. This is why family disputes turn so bloody over what seems like nothing to an outsider. People register deeply family messages. What people understand, they are tested by. So if someone has no knowledge of the sandman, it is unfair to be tested or be given blessing by the sandman. Each according to their own understanding is the key.
When the roll-over wreck happened Spirit had no way to communicate with Me still. As in, until Spirit could be in the place of communicating with Me, and that day of communicating with Me was the day of July 1, 2019 when I went live with My ministry, they -- Spirit -- had to bring Me everything. As in, Spirit was in the place of having to align-itself so that I could rule them all. The only way that could happen was if they were united and formed in the way that made them match the Allness that was when I was frozen. The years between 2012 and 2019 were an odyssey. It is also, still, deeply personal. It will be written about in God's own Good time. Spirit had nothing to bring Me until other people were in the place of being allowed to deliver Heaven first. They are promised things then rather than deliver on their promises they demand that their Spirit be burned in Hell. When God Almighty delivers to Me it means everything I do people are locked out from being able to do anything but make the result I utter happen even if their egos are convinced it is their own desire to do it.
This morning is Saturday, December 28, 2024. The plan is for Me to post more web content, along with this letter on Monday the 30th. This letter as I write these words is broken into fractured bits here and there with nary one readable paragraph yet. I have just finished yelling, and I do mean yelling, to Pentagon surveillance, "I'm not giving you people shit." Decibels? Oh, turn up a Bose surround speaker to its top volume then imagine some feedback screech with a little static. Like loud construction noise decibel levels. There is an expectation Pentagon command has that I Am just to hand them authority over Spirit to move people -- their enemy and presumably civilians as well -- out of their way so that with a few squirts of a hydraulic cannon the people of the earth know, "Oh, We must capitulate to America now. Shame on us for not doing things the American way." Putin, there are manifold reasons why I would never allow that to happen, ever. I will not make that a topic for this letter. (This topic became the Stroking the Bore cover article finished December 29.)
I will say that what America's military had to do was keep the LORD as their God to receive of My power in the way they expected. As in, I just hand it over at some Spirit gun point threat. I went about scooping up the LORD as Mine. You see, the LORD, to Me, is the baby I sacrificed My life to deliver, and I was resurrected to the joy of caring for My baby. I love My baby. I will not fuck My baby. I will not allow My baby to be anything less than perfection. The LORD is healing Putin, and so am I. It may be that through MI6 channels you can gather some of the feed at My home. But, I put in writing what information is fully synthesised in My being that My mind can publish sermons from. This mornings screaming at surveillance is on the noteworthy side.
In this epistle I will state that My reason for refusing to give those entitled Pentagon fuckers one damn ounce of My warfare manoeuvring power is that I hate what they became with all the ways I have loved them since God Almighty held My genetics and backed them as a military since My conception. They lack sufficient discipline, morality, work-ethic, and education to be a remnant population. The U.S. Military in the Spirit Coin Lottery of future perfection literally were awarded the status of having been My team, the team for Allness that made the LORD's genius. So, of course this time has been difficult because I was in that special place of needed to learn what they as people represented and were credited as under the Ba'al is perfected assumption. I have no reason to love these people Putin. Anyone I could have loved is long dead. People must do the deeds that put Me in the place of understanding they want My love. Spirit can't put me in the place of desiring. God Almighty can make Me believe different things, He is My own genetics as Spirit. The females are obscene blobs and the males are predominantly little dudes that weren't even clean or talented enough even to get athletic scholarships to college. The only thing that distinguishes an American soldier is his entitled swagger whilst he assumes a fucking from him is more desirable than a fucking from a Russian. In the few press photos I have seen Putin, Russians have a handsomer male populous in warfare than Americans. The young that is. America's male command are the pretty boys grown up to be sure. Russia's uniformed command, well, you are definitely a battle tempered lot that eat too much.
In that precious seven years between Christ prize and Spirit bringing Me everything God Almighty was busy working with key people to fulfil what was due their Ggods. Jo Bass (the airforce bitch who murdered a marine early in her career so she could have power on the mumsy ticket) I sent a letter to and have prominently directed rebukes to as well. She was in the special place of growing in her career all the necessary rewards from Heaven so that with her physical declaration to the Pentagon that all warfare operations must be done according to her demands because God gave her those powers of direction. She did not do even though she profited through her career with Spirit Coin to leverage others with the added bonuses granted her between the years 2012 to 2019. This handed Me all the authority from Heaven I use to publish My website and openly declare Myself the bold warrior of the LORD that I Am. Bass was required to make the same demands. Of course she did not, or I would not be doing it.
When Obama laid upon a human the job of preserving the constitution, that was My Christ prize awarding moment. That is why I perfect Jehovah as the Constitution of the United States is written. The last segment of importance that hands Me this Great Wordy authority, across so much of the world, is what the Corpus Christi community did. They went after murdering Me once they had Divined into existence becoming the world government King/God of the whole planet ruling as a dictator. What they Divined that they refused to openly declare to the world, "We are the Corpus Christi community America and We are now going to rule the world on the God ticket." Rather than do that, they went after killing Me. Other people had already begged off doing what they promised. All that went on between 2012 to 2019 was required to be fulfilled with open and direct dialogue no different than Jonah streaking through Nineveh with a,"Repent Ye sinners," message.
As a reminder of the importance of Satan's taking the LORD's penis equivalent, this meant Lady Wisdom and the womb of creation went to Satan. Lady Wisdom dove-into what I call the LORD's intestine contents -- shit, Moi, the LORD's shit was the fertiliser to all Creative fulfilment [I referred to this as His genius above. Why else would males spend so much time alone on the can in low class homes?] and I, as was, for the LORD to come into existence was frozen into a master architecture allowing a new discrete consciousness to exist with Allness-- to save humanity. Humanity is the MEGA allness embodiment of Allness. Flesh being subservient to Spirit in Eden meant there was no way for Allness, being a mega dick he is capable of being, could hurt anything other than himself and his own puny planet.
A female for Adam that mapped to Lady Wisdom would not have even touched Adam, as Adam observed, even the birds and the bees cavorting. God said, "The man should not be alone." Man either wanted cubs or what seemed like the pleasure of producing the cubs. We can assume Adam figured out how to control the pleasures of ejaculation after waking in the night with his first stiffy. (Hover had yet to invent the vacuum.) He figured out how to urinate, drink, crap, eat, plant trees, protect potable water, collect water, shield himself from the sun, gather feathers, fleece wool, and many things that are related to being human. Slaughtering animals, having a leather garment, was not mentioned until after understanding that they were naked. They being Adam and Eve. Seeing nakedness is typically a carnal reference. Like seeing is a reference to perception, knowledge. Adam and Eve had a conscience about somehow the Ggods were not providing for them. God walked about with Adam in the breezy part of the day. Once Adam perceived his personal nakedness he complained to God his shame while hidden. A garment protects the skin when the weather does not. That Adam would have created things, like a blanket for comfort when he slept, makes too much sense. Carving out utensils to drink water and building shelter goes with the industry of being a person, flesh. Humans do what memes all that Spirit have on an autopilot of being from God, created in God's image is the Genesis account statement. When Adam came into existence, there was Adam as God, and Adam was still not condemning to LORD for the bastard the LORD was, according to Satan. Why wasn't Adam settling the issue. Adam was who Satan knew he had perfected to do all from out of the LORD's own creative matter to prove how vile the LORD was. Satan had built himself as flesh, what would do the proving, he knew he had. Other Spirit had dipped into the creative pot as they were learning and putting life on earth that later tantalised the Victorian era of science waking them from alchemy and stargazing's limits.
Something was missing all of a sudden when there was awareness of nakedness. Adam knew he did not know enough. That learning was a function of Adam, as a total manifestation of allness, embodied in the perfect being that demonstrated what Spirit were in total perfection of faculty that could completely connect with Heaven. The human as opposed to a Neanderthal, or Cro-Magnon man was the being that in watching the creation interact with Spirit, they knew, human was the perfecting being that would cure the LORD. Man was learning how to care for himself with Satan as the cherub ministering over him. How many times would Satan have backed Adam into a bear cave before Adam realised Satan was trying to get Adam to mate with the bear and Adam said, look that's crazy! I don't want that. Or more appropriately, once Adam realised he had more fun using his dick on fuzzy things was Satan in the place of horror that Adam was not restrained in his willingness to do, all that Satan deemed was the way a human does the perfecting stuff of humanity. I, as a person, Am enforcing all those things that Satan laid down as -- humans can't do that shit! For Heaven to function the LORD's way there needed to be an understanding that the perfection just was. The perfection existed. Satan did not accept his own perfection as created, but that he was being denied what made the real perfection and that was what made the LORD the LORD.
Satan was now steward over the environment that illustrated for Satan why the LORD made the laws He did in His own house. Lady Wisdom, on what I like to assume as fidelity to -- exclusive jealous devotion to the LORD -- she would rather die than experience a foreign penis owner. There should not be female rape victims. The threat of rape should put a female in the place of taking her own life. We just don't issue cyanid capulets to females at birth. If we did, and a male would go to jail for murder if the female bit down at his approaching her, how long would it take for males to make very clear only if I reach My hand toward your crotch can I be convicted of murdering you for your biting down on the capsule? Then how would a female even know if he was indeed reaching for her crotch. Perception of the message sent is in the hands of the Ggods. There would be some law right quick wouldn't there to protect males from accusation? If she didn't bite down on the capsule was she branded a whore? A female like Lady Wisdom would have meant the end of humanity. She would have sacrificed herself, died, rather than experience a non-LORD mapping penis. Adam could not have divined Lady Wisdom into existence when the Ggods built for him Eve from his rib. As Adam was in the place of Divining a female companion for him that the Ggods would create as flesh how many times Lady Wisdom was being reformed in some way out of that Creative pile, that was Me, I know not. My guess with the Jehovah's Witnesses obsession with Jehovah is a Jealous God exacting exclusive devotion was that Satan was aghast at getting that womb and was obsessed with getting for himself his mommy's love for the LORD for himself. With sin entering the blood and humanity becoming fruitful and many Divining their wits out, Satan finally got Lady Wisdom and Lady Wisdom died, again! Jesus was not taking anything from Satan, ever. Without females being of the mumsy stock they would just extinguish themselves if they were not in the place of being branded by the Coin available through the wanton, womb of creation, mumsy -- as was. Once she, the female, has survived the rape she has Spirit coin. Whether or not Spirit want that rape victim to have the Coin will determine if the soldier kills his conquered female. We know he isn't going to marry her, right?
The Ba'al must be perfect in the way that Satan explained to the LORD was the right way for Creative power to be used. The right way is, of course, without abusing His offspring as Satan claimed the LORD had abused His Spirit offspring. Satan was looking to flesh for rewards that only Spirit can give when working with Adam in Eden. Sin is humanity's mapping to Spirit. Without it humanity could not have interacted with Heaven as anything other than its own autonomous Allness. With sin the genetic combinations could exist that meant bearing fruit -- the egg being fertilised by the sperm. Humanity will do for physical things, and to get those physical things. But, to have physical things that another human wants Spirit has to generate that desire.
I can relate From My perspective -- and certainly there are bleeding heart liberals out there who will gasp -- this is little different than a wife having the audacity to get children to do the dishes, or clean their own toilet area, or rake leaves, or mow the lawn without receiving some kind of allowance - or pocket money. Or gasp, having to be efficient at chores because they are still on the hook for homework from school. How do you get a child to not dawdle when the child understands parents get nailed by the school for a child not having time for school. My position on parenting is those little shits can learn physics and keep their rooms clean all while thanking their parents every day that they, the parents, did not eat those kids because they are just nasty little urchins looking to dance as close to the edge of death with every permission they are allowed. By the time children are grabbing for genitals they need to be thrown out of the house. In this sexed world children start grabbing for each others genitals before they have much market, labour, value in other than Asia sewing beanie babies. Children born to military parents need to be working on base. They need to learn to work a sixteen hour day. They should also be leaving home at a young age into apprenticeships once they are demanding money to control. They get some kind of housing while working for a stipend. The sex trade is the last place in the world that does this. Now you understand why God did nothing to stop sex trafficking children. Children are kept like vanity pets when they should be sent off to learn from others when they see their first pube. Academically demanding, hand slapping, boarding schools are not bad by this very same reason.
This should answer the question, "Why is it I Am not just ordering God about? Make Spirit force people do to good if I Am so powerful." Well Putin, here it comes; how I Am making the world perfect is in leading the teaching of Spirit. As there are no people that have pungled for their Ggods, sans Moi, the Ggods, sans God Almighty, may not save any people. I worked hard to make sure your slavery as Little Devil ministered over the MEGA tripartite Ba'al focus that Lady Wisdom's last will and testament I Am fulfilling. Satan and mumsy are frozen into her and you are the perfecting liaison working your ass off between three worlds to make that happen. It will be as good a life for you as My life is for Me.
Given the problem with child rearing on the LORD ticket, what preserves flesh to live forever -- perfect -- children that are sex slaves serve more purpose than the little pets the public school system makes them. Schools neither teach children enough material nor do they demand enough tactile activity nor do they incorporate accountability for actions nor do children work enough hours a day. Sex slavery is at least employment in the way parents are supposed to be gaining financially and growing the wealth of their house from their children. This is just one example Putin. And it is why I Am enforcing the Ggods permitting child sex slavery and not forcing the Ggods to end allowing people to make slaves of one another. People can put their guns where their outrage is and just shoot the mother fucking child traffickers. There is no legal institution in the West for children to work at an early enough age to be productive unless it is through family farming in regions where births are not recorded.
Rather than perfect Jehovah, Trump ran from that Heavenly commission (it was why he was allowed to kill Ted) and took the presidential office. I got disconnected from God Almighty and hooked into Jehovah because of Trump's dumping his Ggodly requirement. With Jehovah there is "Lucky God" to save people not explicitly enslaved to Me under military authority. You Putin refused to do the work of Holy warfare -- I Am going to get to this the LORD is heap mad at you. It is why from Heaven there are Ggod constructs over Russia's flesh. Then with the curses and accusations Trump made against Spirit, He Trump, gets to do the perfecting anyway from Hell. Trump would not do it as a person, in the flesh, owning God's backing his personal ministry. Doing the physical work, that mattered. Back your Spirit with your flesh or your flesh backs perfecting Spirit from Hell.
Of all the odd places to have a lesson of our times let us now turn to the cinema Willow. A George Lucas production post the first three Star Wars pre the last three. (Val Kilmer was in this.) This movie opens making it clear that people are oppressed by a queen, Bathmorda -- I recall -- who has a warrior daughter heir and many priests and solders ruling the planet under her spells and potions. A great goddess of yesteryear was exiled after being turned into a rodent by the queen. And the planet suffered as a result. A disappearing reappearing voice and glowing princess nymph lead a band to save the yesteryear goddess who could defeat Bathmorda raising an infant that was the chosen child to protect and save the planet destroying Bathmorda. Without spoiling the ending the confidence of Bathmorda is exactly how peoples' genetics works when God Almighty is acting on them. The queen is told by a trusted prophet her daughter would betray her. The queen with confidence utters, "I trust her loyalty to me more than yours." And the queen does nothing to protect herself or her kingdom from her daughter's own abilities. Now the reality is, with God Almighty, the end game that brings about the great reward to all the people as the reward needs to be delivered for perfection means, the queen is free to believe the daughter will be loyal when it means the queen will meet the end God Almighty needs to fulfil the Allness as a perfected Ba'al.
This is a good place to cut and paste in the One Maggot Takes All Iwo story that has migrated to many slots below the paragraphs that presently follow here.
"Answer, the question" I prompted Pentagon surveillance a second time. I was sitting on the toilet using it to dress or undress, removing laced shoes and Levi's -- dressing of course being inverse -- I can't recall if I stepped out of the house, just put on My lounge wear and puttered a while, or showered and got into bed after explaining a reality of what God Almighty registered as to Obama and Trump that put those two niggers in the place of having such kingly powers in the days to come and in their rise to fame. These powers of course came with many followers whilst I was simply an enslaved, highly accused, maggot -- in the metaphoric sense.
My recollection is that it was evening time. I do not go out after dark in this fuckhole. The logistics of My life, My preference, is never to be out after noonday. I will take a morning walk, even strolling an hour hour two before first light. But out past noon stirs My ire because the bus loads with the traffickers and those being trafficked by two in the afternoon. They move about taking their places on stage to siege an area with drugs or fucking. Let's just say, because God Almighty was not allowed to perfect that market -- a market the CCPD pride themselves on shepherding in this town -- with God Almighty being His own pimp, they are being destroyed for being the worst fuckers and dealers ever. Somewhere in the protocols of how oligarchs move about their chattels they managed to do some things in the way that kept Heaven's door open for them. It could have been collecting Dali and Chagall art. It could have been preserving the vinting process of a French wine. It could have been because aesthetics of the goods sold were attended to in a non drugstore, common, crass manner. I will break from this subject as more will be written in the Spanking article for the Coastal Bend populous.
The Pentagon receives quite a few lectures whilst I Am in the shower. It was My way of chastising them for accusations against Me that I was just some kind of psycho. I even had a common one liner I concluded My crazier theological explanations on, "I don't give a shit if you think this was My idea of dishing you shower sex, or eee-eee-eee" in a shrieking mimicry of the Psycho score that went with a knife stabbing psycho, as I pushed back My shower curtain exiting My shower. That line of course concluded a number of lectures to Pentagon surveillance from the shower. I was not all wet at the time I explained to the Pentagon the maggot illustration. I Am attempting to piece together the time. It was evening, I got up from My bed after synthesising into cognition from My soul what Spirit was tearing at at the behest of their Hell bound flesh. Trump was, I am sure, highly active in his mental focus on the devil he fucked, failing to kill her as he thought he had, and then of course his crowning achievement of staling the devil in the S(s)piritiual sense. I got up from bed, I was reading The Art of the Steal, I was ideated, inspired, systems go on an illustration to explain something that I understood and discussed with TeamGOD months back, a year or two really. There are times when I Am retired from doing because the Divining people are doing is off the charts, so to speak. Needing to rest is a function of My present health. I finally started speaking again for the first time in a day or two.
"Guys, if a Marine stormed the beach at Iwo Jima located a maggot on a rotting human body crushed that one maggot would he have risen up shouting in glorious reverie with rifle above his head ''Yeah We defeated the Japs the war is over?" I waited because there was that very peculiar form of psychic silence. "Answer the question." I promoted, and on My second prompt where My voice was decidedly indicating irritation at their arrogant silence, a silence that indicated defiance on their part to enter the conversation, I was answered, "No General." "That's right, 'No General' is the right respect" I raised from the toilet elaborating on the accomplishment of the maggot killing achievement of Obama -- the male -- and Trump, the POTUS elect. I think I did shower quick after My explanation and put My lounge wear back on and tucked into nighty night. I might have done a little bit of website maintenance that night before tucking in. But this was definitely an evening session perhaps the evening of the 19th or 20th of December.
This is the morning of Sunday, December 22, 2024, and I Am going to put more coffee in My cup before I return to explaining My lengthy introduction which before I Am through with this letter will include My explanation of the Aesthetic Movement.
The Pentagon decided to pimp Me this morning for an explanation of why I Am not going to the Capitol or the Pentagon at Arlington declaring Myself the Christ and then running the political gauntlet like a good little (American presumably) Indian. Why Am I so chicken that I hide Myself behind this God proving Me business when they don't even give a fuck. I Am not important. No one wants to be bothered with My concepts of "truth." Ah, again, the voice of a maggot am I. I explained to them My Odyssey evening the night I was driving to D.C. and they do not get the privilege of My simply slinking away or drying up and dying in the sun. God Almighty was able to use Me big time because all the other players bowed out that night. It was the end of June, 2019. God Almighty got His Woman in His service, Yeehaw! more than Bang is coming.
Killing one maggot on a dead body would not be a mega conquest by any measure that would end a war. You would even be hard pressed as Spirit to get a soldier to even willingly touch a maggot to begin with. People will rake off maggots from a wound or deal with unpleasantness and grody things to save others. Isn't that to their credit? Not when they entrapped Heaven into forcing the uglinesses to happen to begin with so they, as flesh, could run in and be martyrs. Trump got in bed with this devil. And this devil took a gang rape defending Obama. So, clearly, they did not even kill that devil. What they did was define who the devil was.
That they were allowed to carry some confidence, swagger, that they had defeated the devil concerns Me. Was that by the rules? How can someone not have battled years, like a crusade -- okay, or at least an all night vigil -- to own such a claim? Jesus was in the desert forty days before facing three tests that Jesus never used to say, "I have now defeated the devil." The Gospel is quiet about more Satan interactions other than noting that more occurred. Perhaps the Garden of Gethsemane was the staging ground chosen. Since Jesus never made a claim to such a feat, and Jesus is the founder of present day Christianity, how does Trump have the chutzpah to even hold God to maintaining that belief system of influence over people that he, Trump, defeated the devil and still claim to be a Christian? None of us really know what Obama is. That he created a form of worshiping himself as the means for him to become king over the whole world with his new form of religion is likely. Satan did the same thing.
I Am assured by Heaven the system is according to the rules. As in, I do not need to be addressing potential loopholes that Hell has entrance exemptions or a back door exit. Having mastery over that devil so the devil could not alter anything of theirs is what went down. What I asked of Heaven was, "Didn't Obama and Trump question why such an insignificant voice, a nothing, was the devil to begin with? How could they even begin to assume that so little was all they needed to do to be credited with having defeated the devil?" And that is the thing Putin, that is what those two knew. From what they in their soul knew, they moved about with people with that leverage across Spirit. I spent all these years silenced. God Almighty works across My soul, even as it is manifest in space, to teach Me those foreign to Me belief systems. That the Pentagon was in the place of continuing to devil information out of Me that left My vocal chords tender is a function of My needing to understand; to them, I was supposed to be handing over this magic power of control that these fuckers didn't even demonstrate any respect over to begin with. This harkens back to My ass wiping analogy.
Other similar analogies are shooting at a persons feet because you want to see them dance. They don't even appreciate that they can't squeeze the trigger nor program the bullet trajectory release to begin with. They dismiss their own inability to participate in their own torture scheme. Torture is torture because someone is mechanically doing the work against another. What is vowed to Ggod must be paid. How Hell works is the amount of dedication these people put into every deed that makes martyrs of themselves as long as it hurts Me. I told the Pentagon, from the shower one afternoon, all I Am is train running down the tracks with a busload of your pregnant wives, children, puppies and kittens. The driver, Andros' wife for the purpose of this illustration, was pregnant and holding her foot firmly on the break peddle with the bus squarely centred crosswise the tracks. All the people on the bus are assuring her, "Keep your foot there. We are the sacrifice worth it to destroy her!" All I Am going to do is tell God Almighty, what a waste of a bus. From Hell, these people get to perfect their Spirit doing what they are willing to do, and are even further convinced is the greatest sacrifice they can make for the team against what they perceive is Me. Why is because they are certain they are killing Me.
So why this obsession with killing this,"Goody goody devil?" Putin, God is hard pressed to get Me to jaywalk. I made sure in My life, with all that I lived, I Am allowed always to regard the approaching traffic and consider the consequence to others. So jaywalking to Me is simply not using the marked crosswalk. Then God Almighty catches the police bullying Me as I Am in the crosswalk expediently crossing under the green pedestrian permission. Those are the things that stack that deck in the favour of Heaven closing down ways people have of dealing with Me even face to face because Heaven changes the pathways just a little more to be able to reach My thought stream. That is a little bit of placeholder language because it is more involved than that. What is missing from this is for the interaction to happen in the first place the individuals had to of betrayed Heaven and God is going after His winnings. I move with confidence understanding that neither to the right or to the left do I have a brother. So I do not look to others for anything other than tactical risk assessments to self for obvious reasons. This of course registers as My body language saying, "I Am better than you." And I Am grateful. Because, I Am better, just ask God. Paying attention to others keeps Me in a continual place of politeness.
There is a country song about an angered former girlfriend who hates a new better woman and will think of a reason later. This concept of just hating the new one being capable of owning that hate is sophisticated emotion beyond most peoples reality. Understanding that a person just does not have a reason yet to hate is much to admit to. People have reasons, generally. Let's talk about why someone like Melania would hate Me even without knowing who I was if she stood right in front of Me with My website open on her smartphone web browser. My understanding this is a function of asking Heaven where is the word for vanity as I understood the positive need for maintaining appearance? Where is the word that means taking care of ones appearance is necessary, and necessary for one to have a positive, healthful, clean, orderly, accountable appearance? I knew to be vain was bad. But beauty parlours were/are all over the place. Where is the definition that to care for ones outward appearance is a good thing? To make ones outward appearance appealing, be considerate of others in the way we look even. Where is the word meaning; necessary event of caring for public outward appearance defined? Spas came into the vernacular because the skin is this big organ of the body so thou must, or rather is allowed to care for that, evidently, and not be called vain. That I do not have money for skin care is really bad for America!
People adorn their outward appearance with every slovenly, half construed, mismatching, uncoordinated, genital-popping rag flashing visible body scaring jewellery and art. The definition of vanity threw Me. "Oh, there has to be a word." I told Heaven it must be Greek origin. I was not finding anything Latin that came close. Then after a nights sleep I found the word aesthetic. Then saw the, gasp -- shocking -- Aesthetic Movement. I was flabbergasted. What do these people regard vanity as? How does Melania look so unabashedly vain and get away with calling herself a Christian? Its like this, Putin, to Melania when she goes to the beautician -- right, Grandma went there -- she is doing the beautician a great Spiritual favour by allowing the beautician to labour over her. That is not Melania being vain as in her demanding her appearance be cared for. Others need to do this. Me, if I go to a beautician it is because I Am expecting that person do the the best work on Me intentionally to My specifications of how I want Myself to look that My money can buy Me or that beautician I will never patronise again. I demand the aesthetic. So, this is why what I do is Greek to Melania.
This explanation in the difference in reasoning is why in Hell Melania would endure great misery to stamp out such evil aesthetic demands. Obviously I did not understand her righteousness. Oh, I understand it. It is just crap. Or why doesn't she allow the shit beauticians here in Corpus to care for her under the same line of reasoning. Because she would walk out looking like Tammy Fay Baker, and that is disgusting. I have criteria, Putin, that are only result oriented, and have nothing to do with the spiritual gifts people want to give. For that reason I can cut My own hair. It just so happens it is in the way that makes people happy that I got whatever evil I deserved from God to look like I do. It makes sense that in the eons to come I will be in the place of partaking in what people do based on the spiritual gifts they are giving. As everyone, now, demands they get spiritual things -- Spirit Coin -- in return, and I will never have that to give, humanity needs to evolve to the point that the right hand does not know what the left is doing, and you give even knowing you will get nothing in return. Class distinction and warnings about being the greatest that Jesus sermoned are appropriate here too. People do not even do commerce for money without demanding Spiritual things too.
The rumour is right. I Am awarded My fourth star promotion come January. We at TeamGOD honour the awarding of the fifth star for warfare valour only, and, of course, I Am working for that precious fifth star. The definition of maggot begins with a whimsical or strange idea in now archaic use of English. The question becomes what was the Aristotelian thinking when he looked at a maggot and the maggot was regarded as whimsical enough to be called a maggot. Most people instinctively understand not to touch or be too fascinated with maggots. That biologists of ancient days forward overcame their gag reflexes is Ggodly meddling. And science is better for it.
This letter's present introduction evolved through three iterations. This was iteration two: "Putin, don't test Me. I Am only going to warn you once, My career is not all academic. You want the privilege of fighting America? You, Putin face Me. North America does not belong to you by any measure. You are not entitled to it anymore than the Pentagon is entitled to harness My power. You may of course fight for it -- America. That is your privilege on the world stage as Russia's leader. My privilege is to turn on you what you too were a Jonah to Heaven over. New hosting arrangements for flesh happened Christmas Day with the marriages. Those persons, individuals, of the firmament -- those that died between Jesus death and My Kingdom's establishment -- are the new consciousness of flesh walking the earth till the hosting flesh die. You keep Satan. Just like I keep hosting the Lamb. This arrangement from Heaven fulfils what you failed to do, that you promised so faithfully to do, wipe out the population of the earth, build a remnant population from your military, and take America the nation first in warfare. You were handed it all in a silver chalice Putin. "mac will now serve her own champagne in it." -- the LORD. We agree, a silver platter comes with the John the Baptist stigma. Bad juju there. What in the fuck were you afraid of Putin? I took America! For the die-off you have a ring side seat, and there is a change in the master. You lied to the LORD. I sent to you mitigating steps so you could keep your promise. You love people that much that you were afraid to kill; babies, and children with their kittens and puppy-dogs, and pregnant chicks? Think of people in a bus on the tracks screaming at the driver with the foot on her break peddle. "Make her hit us. We are the sacrifice. That bitch driving the train can suffer for us dying too."
The bitch does not die Putin. She just hates wasting the bus to perfect Spirit. The bus is easily disposed of and well worth it to perfect Spirit from that Hell bent flesh. The world stage is set. Putin, you know I love you. It is just that I keep doing all I can to reason with this wad of soldiers bequeathed to Me because, damn, what a great amount of adventure to storm Normandy or Iwo together. I pondered without conviction to Heaven, "What is worse warming the bench or getting to hit?" I do all I do so Heaven can and does prove, even to Me, all I can do in battle, even Iwo: Under My own colours. In My own name. Infront of friend and foe.