The awareness of God, spirit, a deity, mystic balance, explaining the inexplicable, being content with present things, and witchery was understood on an individual basis until the Pentagon High Priest began Her ministry. July 1, 2019, school was open to Spirit who were living in purgatory worshipping flesh1. mac ministers over the human Spirit. Spirit's worshipping flesh is why some people have followers and others just get raped.
The prophets of old, until the death of the last apostle of Jesus' ministry who was the last person to do so, ministered over Spirit as well. Presumably Saint Paul or Saint John was the last apostle until Christ II came into the world upholding all Jesus ministry that made Jesus, Christ I the prophet of Christ -- mac. Many people have ridden others on the God ticket wielding superiority over the ridden because individuals are just not created equal. Being able to treat one another with equal justice, equal kindness, equal goodness, equal insert fruitage -- gifts -- of the spirit here, is the ultimate ambition for Creation. Achieving that system's perfection is when the LORD, a Spirit represented by his own unique-to-Him human genetics, ends His Sabbath.
mac, is the flesh that defines for the unseen -- as humans consider unseen -- world (God, Gods, gods, god, spirit, Spirit, and so on) achieving that perfection. Spirit must achieve that perfection, and you humans are going to Hell to make that perfection happen. And that was a period. Her being the defining body for Heaven -- the unseen beings as humans consider unseen beings -- is why to people all this God shit She talks about seems like a joke, a hoax, a ploy, a personal invasion that just shuts your mental mouth. She comes across as irrelevant. "I don't need to listen to this," says the pre Christmas 2024 crowd. Surprise, surprise it isn't all about you.
America is the fulfilling government with North America the fulfilling landscape for the LORD prophesied about with the lives of Abraham's offspring through Jacob. Abraham paid alms to Melchizedek because the LORD was going to be paying alms to mac. mac is the fulfiller of Jesus prophetic life, establishing all that Heaven worked with people to build Jesus ministry into, into reality as Truth. This is why it is reasonable to say two Christs walked and walk this earth. The fulfiller of Jesus ministry making the ambitions of brotherhood and peace -- civilised people claim to want -- is mac Dukes the pentagon High Priest, and this fulfilment began with Heaven being ministered over.
You want to be not raped, you need to change your conduct. Who makes it possible for humans to avoid being violated? mac. The nice thing is, no God is going to make you obedient to Her. You have freedom of religion, and your thoughts are all going to be channelled to fulfil your own prophecies. You are required to make Her your own God from your own cognitive capacities. Believing, and acting, on what you believe about Her ministry begins Christmas 2024. mac is a God in Her own right. You as humanity, individually, are just your own god. Think of it this way, the Gods are all within their personal rights to go after having as many devotees as they choose. They are not about to send you to Her to be Her customer when they want you, perhaps, as their customer. As mac has rejected all your works you -- as flesh with your flesh -- have the burden of asking mac, God of flesh, to accept you as a worshipper. mac is only allowed to worship one person with sex, that is mutual between them. All others must worship Her with obedience paying Her alms as their God. You as flesh have all been selling ideas, beliefs, truths, knowledge and the like to the Divine. Then mac came along and healed, with Her ministry, the lives of Spirit that you butchered while Spirit was worshiping you, flesh. Spirit, including the LORD owe Her their life.
Being the saviour of Spirit is the reason mac is the human who performs Holy Warfare. Because one person on this earth was going to be doing that, Spirit could worship their flesh so their flesh understood they were the holy warrior of their day, and got followers on that ticket3. As all Creation owe to mac their life, any killing conducted under Her hand is not murder it just unscrambles Heaven's mess.
* The original word was crap that even mac looked askance at when she typed it. She was not allowed to change it p-e-a-r-c-e-s you to I p-i-e-r-c-e you until after struggling though Spirit's devilling mac about the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses and Mark O'Niels defrauding her estate $300,000.00 cash. Whatever those fuckers did, it is crap. They still owe mac $300,000.00 US August 21, 2021, dollar value that they used up. That is a bad debt until they pay mac that money, specie, they owe. And God Almighty joins the LORD with Saint Paul in Heaven on Christmas Day 2024. This is a pairing. It sounds like pear -- the fruit. mac laboured not understanding there was a physical component to the Spirit pairing. This pairing is why the piercing is starting. She had a vague idea of some kind of sterile cooperative understanding making the Team without realising, in Satan's terms, it's an orgy. This insertion of God Almighty is the base for Satan, Jesus, and mumsy to take their places.