“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comIntroducing God & gods, All Knowledge Is Among YouAllness -- Everything He's Cracked Up to Be
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comIntroducing God & gods, All Knowledge Is Among YouAllness -- Everything He's Cracked Up to Be

“No Soup for You”

Why Sell A Birthright Over A Bowl of Stew?

An Allness Puzzle of Creation Acted Out in Issac's House

Big Pay Days

On Insane Transactions

Is How Heaven Is Plundered

When humans do insane transactions they are finally grabbing at some quality of Ggodliness, belonging to Heaven -- the oil that greases the soon-to-be-squeaky wheels of the chariot, for instance -- and seizing them for their own gain.

Esau had his twelve tribes, stayed near his father's house, and was a mighty warrior. Meanwhile, Jacob was not allowed to keep the name his mamma gave him -- when blessed -- he needed big protection to face being near his brother again and he toiled years for his father in law. In other words, Esau knew what he was doing. Heaven blessed him big-time. That does not mean Esau made the LORD happy.

This is why the LORD's people, in the days of yore, had an ark they grew frightened of, miracles they hated, a God they rejected, and were defined as a people to support warfare in all they did. Jacob knew not to war with his brother. Esau's Ggods were not the Ggods he wanted. When the Ten Commandments were written humans were required to avoid doing the works that meant Heaven was killing fellow Spirit. Other commandments were likewise. Cain2 was protected as a murderer to symbolise God putting a stop on all Spirit being destroyed by humans deeds to destroy fellow Spirit. Obviously the warring nation of Israel were killing and "somehow" they got to kill some more. Cain killing Abel preserved Sprit sons, not humans. When people choose warfare as a profession the problems of Valley Forge, that General George Washington faced, are handmaidens of warfare on all the other Ggods of the world ticket. The LORD built his warfare protocols off Allness' enforcer. mac backs all the LORD did protecting Him as Firstborn no different than God, in Genesis, protecting Cain. No, mac isn't stating for a certainty where the LORD's tattoo is. But Jehovah's is on his dick. All that was done to the LORD by this nation, America, is what Jehovah the god is.

Once Cain killed Abel the direction of humanities interaction with the Ggods needed to include no killing. This needed to be fulfilled across Spirit. Flesh by its very nature is disposable, duh. People can even kill themselves and no God stops them.

www links 📖
  • 1 📖 Have A Stroke letter about warfare.
  • 2 📖 Dog Paddle article about Cain and Abel.

Allness for Dummies

Allness Is All Energy

But what is energy?

All matter and all consciousness makes Energy. Between consciousness and matter is light and dark oscillating the respiration frequency of Allness. But Allness is a self contained system. This means within Allness is where the respiration products would be released.

Energy Explained

  • All Consciousness
    • L macDukes figure, credit: someonemacDukes figure, credit: someone D
  • All Matter
    • L macDukes figure, credit: someonemacDukes figure, credit: someone D

Allness Is All Unified

Allness Is One unified Body where all life, growing systems -- regardless of how self-awareness can be perceived -- originated. The One from whence all matter was composed into discrete forms with purpose once serving His living body.

Allness had something special. Because, obviously, those two cogs cannot work together. He had a busy little bee moving buzzily about between All systems, at the speed of Allness' thought, forcing everything into its contented place for Allness' contented happy happiness.

Between All-consciousness and All-matter was mega'recycling. And the Enforcer [Right, that is mac, the Christ, the person you have been mercilessly fucking with for your amusement and hatefests against Holiness] made the recycling happen

Allness Humbled Himself

Just Like He Humbled His Little Busy Bee Enforcer

Allness became God Almighty in service to the LORD after being blown to bits once His Son engineered the means for infinite life and growth of Allness to happen.

Allness packed his Enforcer away, so He could go from being the mountain to the man. The war between light and dark, unsatisfied twins that lost their mother, began. The twin that engineered -- through endurance -- fulfilled All of Him allowing for discrete beings to live, each with his own unique conscience was the new Allness' [The Enforcer was torn to bits.] first born son. Allness was blown to bits so this First Born Son could come into being having Lady Wisdom at his side. Moses begins Genesis with Light, the first born son of Allness coming into being. God said, "Let there Be Light" and Light came to be. There was evening and there was morning a second day began. The point of defining morning and evening the first time is distinguishing that after light (the LORD) the LORD brought His Lady Wisdom into being.

Joe Versus the Volcano

-- Ha Ha

Man as Allness-bits

Versus the LORD

Allness Is on the Inside and Expressed Across Heaven1

There are some things that have a place only in dialogue, non sequiturs, let's call them. A Bob, Mat, or Rock joke, for instance, is illustrative, at best. If the non sequiturs physically came into being they would work and/or be perversion because they are disadvantaged. Restore the body or destroy it is what is in progress. Non sequiturs in existence as flesh -- now -- only have place in the extremes providing energy, because they defile souls with their prayers of heart -- their means of driving Heaven proving their god. That Bob, Mat, or Rock resort to witchcraft is obvious. But what is First Lady Biden's excuse? Joe's excuse for being a non sequitur is obviously her.

People See the Outside

Some bits of Allness expressed as people insist on saying, "We are all the same" refusing to acknowledge the intent or see the illustration that Righteousness is teaching -- shit is vile, flush it -- are people attempting to hide false piety. They are trying to be one spec in the big Allness making everything a good thing for "someone" even when they themselves would not be that someone. Not even the big Allness is the big Allness anymore. Everything that was perfected before is being perfected. And Allness busy bee, the Christ, is doing it. Defiling Sprit means going to hell. Hell is a cog in Heaven's growth factory. What you have all proven is, you map to the destruction of life and mac -- the Christ -- maps Allness to the preservation of life.

What time are we all living in? Learning how to put the non-sequiturs in a place of not causing harm that the big Allness could play with formerly because they were part of His body. And, of course, He had an Enforcer.

www links 📖
  • 1 📖 Learn about Space.

World's End Inflection Markers in Time

The God Almighty inflection points across time ended with mac's conception.
  • Adam Receiving the Breath of God
  • The Flood
  • Defeating Pharaoh of Egypt
  • Nebuchadnez'zar Sacking Jerusalem
  • Jesus Death
  • (Some minor crap leading to the “Discovery” of America and industrial revolution)
  • Allness meets His Enforcer Valentine's Day -- or so -- 1970

Spirit is in class fixing the Allness mapping so life will happen. Allness was totally unrecognisable to mac. Where is Godliness? "There is no evidence people know who God is" mac kept saying to the LORD when her ministry began. The vileness of humanity and the Ba'al built is against everything the Enforcer, mac -- the Christ, is. Class is now in session, God Almighty's busy bee is His Woman -- Hear God say, "Are you feeling lucky, Trump? CCPD, you own mac $492,500.00."

Allness Get's A Laugh

  • What do you name a swimmer with no arms and no legs? Bob
  • What do you name a person at the front door with no arms and no legs? Mat
  • What do you name a personal trainer with no arms and no legs? Rock
  • What do you name Ggod on the world-wide-web with no arms and no legs? Herald

I once complained that I had no shoes, then I met someone with no feet.
Think of Allness As Being Inside Out with No ExteriormacDukes.com figure, credit: someone