“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreDivine or Divination
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreDivine or Divination

Dog Paddle

from the True God's First Ashore

Divine or Divination

January 31, 2020
revised August 1, 2020


Cain spoke to God and pleaded his case after killing his brother. Now sentenced to wandering, a fugitive, the true God tattooed him. Cain lived longer and his tattoo marked him a murderer and protected by God.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Divine or Divination

The death sentence already existed for sin. What all went on aforetime?

The Cyclorama

Cain made a sacrifice of his produce to the true God that God did not acknowledge. When the true God spoke with Cain, at a later time, before Cain murdered He told him, "If you express sin in your behaviour, I cannot accept your sacrifice. If you let sin's way go, then I can accept your sacrifice." Cain was struggling, and the true God could not notice Cain's sacrifice until Cain moved away from sin. Cain knew God. God warned him to change.

Able was a shepherd. An ol' Montana rancher said it best; "Sheep are born looking for a place to die." Sheep need care. They have finical tastes and if not moved often they graze a pasture down to a nub that knots cattle ranchers' stomachs. Able was relying on his relationship with the true God to care for those sheep. He was also trying to understand why the true God would choose to be a Shepherd to deliver His promise to humanity. Find them when lost, tend to the mothers in lambing season, and maintain breeding stock rams the routine seasons. Yes, the occasional wound was cared for and, of course, predators existed. Able built a relationship with the true God to care for those sheep.

The Stage

We are in a place where building a relationship with the true God is a baby step process for people that do not have a habit of reading the Bible from cover to cover and over and over. Then let us add a daily diet of dialogue -- prayer -- because in everything we do, we reach out to God for His strength and assistance. What do we do to reach a point where the Fine Shepherd just reaches out to us and says, "Turn right, turn left, stay on this road" and spends hours with us in object lessons teaching us how to correct our understanding and apply the Bible in our own life living His law in what we do letting sin's way go? Keep showing up for school even when we take a beating the day before.

Do a Daily Verse with God. (This is explained in How to Get God to Talk to You.) Why does this work? After all, isn't this, gasp, divination? Are you crapping Me? The text in your hand is the Bible. And, yes, Satan is literate. There is a problem.

The only way Satan and her demons have influence is with either total domination of your faculties, leaving your mind disconnected from you, or by motivating you to act on the feelings in your heart. The organ pumping sin 24/7. Listen with your mind, with your Bible in hand, and in prayer to hear the true God. Only God has the power to use possessions. Recall what happened to the Philistine idol when the ark was in Philistine captivity? How about God's writing on the wall in Babylon, when His utensils a king used? And do not forget salvation using the ark during the flood.

The Curtain

Just to clarify, our heart is not that member suspended above the scrotum or that erecting tissue between the labial folds. It is the organ that the true God reads. It pumps the fluid finger-printed in every drop with sin. With every act of error we commit in our life, and get away with, it becomes easier and easier to listen to the sin in our heart. We may have started out with morals, but where we end up is a place of fornication that costs without teaching us anything about serving the true God.

Listening with our hearts draws us to our desires. The heart needs training from the Fine Shepherd to desire doing righteousness. The more the draw to sin's desire and the lower we perceive the penalty or risk of sin, the easier it is to say, "God does not care." Government has been God's way of making sure that there is a consequence for wrongdoing. And public servants of the world need God's help. If we have never lived a consequence for doing the bad thing or we are never rewarded for the good, then, what the hell?

The Orchestra Pit

The word of God, the Bible, is a living document. Reading it puts us in touch with the true God's Holy Active Discipline, directly. If so, how is it that we can end up with not being able to live according to at least the dust of good morals that churches attempt to preach? Because humanity lost basic knowledge of who the true God is. Knowledge Able and Cain possessed. Even Cain -- a murderer -- spoke to God.

The book of Job is an invaluable reference for understanding the true God's struggles. Who God is is not lost now. This is the work of His Ark. His power is in every verse of scripture and like a sacrifice that the true God approves of He is reaching out to His sheep because a means exists for Him to be personal. God's Ark is His tool for breaching Satan's world. Knowledge of who God is -- His identity -- is How you build that relationship for Him to lead you to eternal life. Abuse God and He will send you away from His face like He did Cain. That crushed Cain and he was a murder. The true God is a friend for the ages. His love, means discipline, you can think physical training here. Belly up to your Bible with prayer. You will sculpt your physique.

The Thrust Stage

God's discipline is also why people find it so difficult to read more than a few versus of the Bible in a row. When a false doctrine of religion pollutes your mind, the true God will make you stumble over that spot and linger. He wants to teach you the truth. Write down or mentally note the verse you are stumbling over then keep plowing with Bible reading. Come back in a state of prayer and read that verse that confused you.

As you read the Bible you reveal what you understand in your heart and God is reading your heart. Ask God to read your mind when you read the Bible. He will. Just like His reading your mind now, while on the work of His Ark. He uses His word to direct us. He always has. We need to learn who God is to trust when He is speaking to us. Most of us give up. Keep seeking and it will be given to you. You do understand, right? The giving is the reward for the persistent seeking.

The Green Room

After slaying his brother, Cain was told by God, "That he would be a vagabond and the earth would not give up her strength for him." (Perhaps that is where the mother earth -- woman -- comes from but don't get carried away here.) Cain was relying on the strength of the soil to produce his produce. He evidently was not giving credit to the true God for what he enjoyed. God deserved credit for the strength of that soil.

Satan and her demons in no way can communicate with humanity through the mind. (Speaking in tongues is required.) During total domination the mind is an observer or intoxicated. Satan and her demons use exogenous communication that the mind is aware of. To ruin humanity Satan's options were, to become a human, materialize in Eden -- Eve sure would have recognized a third human -- or take over entirely -- control of -- another being.

Satan chose taking over the serpent. The least likely beast to approach a human in the first place: the serpent. It was the most cautious of all the beasts. It posed the greatest curiosity to Eve. What is the significance? Spirit creatures that are on this earth can take over the will of another being and "posses" it up to a point. These are acts of domination that cost the life of the being when Satan uses them.

Angels ability to materialize genetically the true God ended at the flood of Noah's day. Destroying both beasts -- human and animal -- in bestial acts of intercourse is the true God's Law. The true God's will destroying the breeding pair and mutant offspring happened during the flood of Noah's day. Breeding wicked angels wait in a state of confinement for judgment when the Christ wars against them. Only the true God's righteous creation He preserved in His ark that Noah built.

The Catwalk

The Christ allowed the Legion of demons to enter the herd of swine. The swine were allowed at that point to commit an act of self-destruction. Yes, that snake in Eden died. So does sin, in the end. When the swine died the demons were released from the life they invaded. Demons are invited. How do we invite demons? Pot works. Cigarettes work. Alcohol works. These are legal. (California watch that pot lovin'.) Need I list the other mind-altering harms? When we decide to reduce our mental faculties with addiction we invite the company of demons. (Think of a smoking ashtray as a mini smoke pyre to god.) Our personal will lessens when addicted.

People who conjure spirits to reveal futures are seeking demons as their source of power. To provide his knowledge to others the demon must take the spirit conjurer over. Women find themselves masturbating with "Jesus" as Satan is satisfying them. Spirit world beings feeding the direct dial false prophet, repent.

Do you own an animal? That animal can take on the possession of the demons for you that your habits of living invite. The possessed animal is headed for self-destruction. Most cities lethally inject attacking animals.

The Fly System

A state of prayer is communication directly from the mind of, and with the individual to the true God. This personal relationship takes seasons to develop. Why? We demonstrate over time our repentance from sin. Rid our lives of sin's works and live the reward. Sheep want the good diet from the true God. Goats don't give a rip about what they swallow. The true God knows exactly how much to share with His sheep to bring about His will in ending sin. His sheep pray daily that His will is done on earth as in heaven.

The true God can, does, and will use angels. These however are distinguishable and awe inspiring when in a physical form. In physical form they are the true God's messenger.

The Audience

The transition into Christ's Kingdom is as smooth as a sea of glass. That massive destruction of the wicked? It is coming. First every being on this earth must understand that it is the true God that is judging them. They also needed to grow to perfect conduct over the sin in their blood. When He acts -- destroying wickedness -- the wicked individual knows; they first returned to the mire of sin's way, ignored God's warnings, and then received His wrath. People that learn the price of rebellion choose to serve God. The individual earns eternal life as they destroy their own wicked deeds.

The Box Office

Right now government is receiving discipline directly from the true God. That is the power at mac's fingertips. It is her payday. She has personal business to attend to. You have much reading and prayer.