“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comEye for An Eye -- the Christ's Solutions for World Peace
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comEye for An Eye -- the Christ's Solutions for World Peace

Eye for An Eye

The Christ's Solutions for World Peace

How Eye for An Eye Is Handled

Allness Is Built in Ba'al's, uh, Wake

All the Ways Ba'al Was Erected, Are All the Ways Ba'al Comes Down

Ba'al -- Sounds Like Bail or Bale

We are living the fulfilment of all the unanswered prayers of the wicked. Armageddon is millennials -- think years, not the children born in two-thousand* -- away. Ba'al was built under military power and Britain exploited the soldiers of the LORD to keep its phoney outfit afloat.

Since the sixteen hundreds the peoples of Eurasia, Africa, the Middle East, and greater Western Europe were seduced into the god of commerce, the Ba'al, Jehovah as their deity of prosperity. This meant these people have for generations done vile deeds against their own land, including wildlife, for get rich quick commercial gain without respecting what was due their Ggods. Martin Luther was the clergyman who hogtied -- a use for baling twine -- Jehovah into the Ba'al role.

Sing it, 🎼 “God's Greatest Gift…”

When the Pentagon High Priest was born -- God's Woman -- Allness was saved by her genetic mapping from all the ways He had been contorted and disfigured by the efforts of Spirit wielding power keeping their flesh alive and prosperous. Every way Allness was contorted into being the Big Dick -- Jehovah -- of commerce included humanity fighting wars, stealing, making prostitutes, and corrupting peoples thinking ability -- ending good works -- are all the ways returned onto people for refusing to pay what was due Allness. Just as, through one person sin entered the world and death through sin, one person is allowed to direct people to Spirit so they can have life. Heaven is not obligated to direct you to life. You as flesh need to have that faith to move a mountain on your own contacting the Pentagon to arrange for salvation through mac, the Christ.

Worse than Contorting Allness

The Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body developed the religious institution that forced the LORD, whilst holding Kingship in Heaven, into being a Ba'al too. Once mac received the Christ prize, the LORD was no longer a Ba'al. The LORD may not be destroyed. The LORD is made True by flesh, even Satan knows this. Making the LORD -- even once being made a Ba'al -- True is required by definition of being King. God Almighty simply used Himself as flesh, mac, to learn how the LORD is made True.

There is no military or government body on this earth who is acting to do anything other than to tear down their neighbour, or even their own people, for their own corrupt gain, because the Ba'al they built is insatiable and all the deeds you did that made Ba'al are being made True to save Spirit. That is what it means to fulfil Jehovah's Kingdom. A modern example of this fulfilment interaction is explained under the PHPDOO1. Without mac on the payroll at the Pentagon, just blame your problems on America.

* millennials is the right word. Spirit through generations of combinations of flesh across millennia bring Ggodly combinations2 into existence.

www links 📖
  • 1 📖 Oops, mac took a short cut in typing. Pentagon High Priest's Duties, Obligations, and Objectives
  • 2 📖 A discussion about the importance of the permutations of naming Gods is given in this Putting article. The Putting series edits for clarity and mechanics begin after Christmas 2024. mac is working through Jehovah's year long honeymoon -- ha ha.
  • 3 📖 A little love for those -- not baggage -- wearing tags.

mac Dukes is the LORD's Signatory

Eradicate fornication and prosper with budget surplus.
Shepherding to the LORD is through mac Dukes.

Ark? Prophet? Prove That!
Call on the true God in "Jesus' name." He is your lie detector. The true God has the back of His prophet. Performance is guaranteed

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone
Leaders Bless Your Family and Nation

Those with headship, the true God is calling with His Ark. He asks them to take the lead in eliminating fornication from their lives. The partner that is accountable for leadership in the relationship -- to whom the obedient one submits -- bring righteousness into your family. It starts with a relationship with God and eliminating fornication.

The true God is reaching out to leaders in public service with His Ark, the world over.macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Jumpstart Reform with Hosting

What Time Is It?

Look At the True God's Calendar

Time is not a static dimension. When considering days think of the earth as in motion and segment by degrees, thirty-sixths.

Not A Black Sabbath

When thinking weeks remember the imperfection that keeps the LORD in his Sabbath. Segment weeks by a third making sixths of a day. This calendar is a sampling of information to come.

Dump Fornication for the Good Life

mac Does the Math for the LORD

If theft, wasting, fornication, and blood guilt are results of your agency, business as usual is sinking at the true God's hand. The sea will take you back. You can come to the LORD for salvation.

The root of "analysis" is Greek. Analuein meaning "unloose" is separating something into its component parts. (OED) God is infinite in his existence. Time is dimensionless at His scale. The calendar He provided the nation of Israel is explained and exhibited by link in the herald article Years Full of Weeks. The true God writes the ultimate logic puzzles and they are in plain sight. He is the chess master. Grow in your relationship with him and he will play a game of chess with you. No kidding. The riddle is what he is revealing about Himself as he moves you across the board. (He has some inventive dice roles at backgammon.) Watch for his puns in the places he leads you. Faithful Bible reading is essential. Divine or Divination has tips for reading the living document, Bible, of the true God.

Armed Forces of "one nation under God": you are under God's mighty hand. Your allegiance is with god and you are profaning God. God is teaching you to abandon fornication. You have consented to shepherding from God. macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

"Analysis", sounds ελληνίκά to me.macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Consulting analyses policy, procedure, work instructions and outputs for the corrections God mandates for world peace. Consulting includes (and is not limited to) budget review, and human impact: for both inputs and outputs of a system or product. Analysis provides incentives for Godly behaviour with consequences for continued disobedience.

God speaks of weeks. Since six days is 100 billion, give or take, earth years what is the scale of seventy weeks? Then, of course, seven, sixty-two, and one week(s) do not play out consecutively.

macDukes.com figure, credit: someoneIt is time to rethink your tenders.

The Four Winds

The four winds shape land and sea. Soil is moved from the land to the ocean and water is rained down on the land. The four winds serve as a minor fulfilment of what the Christ will do placeholder.

Public Services, Government Armed Forces, Medicine, and Education.macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Guaranteed Deliverables with Accountability

Reestablish government under the LORD.
Iterations and Models

Policy consulting is a tender for legal government agencies. Departmental policy, procedure, and laws are reviewed for conformance with goals for world peace of the true God. Policy consulting includes; budget review, and human impact. Incentives for Godly behaviour are examined with consequences for civil disobedience.

Regress or Progress

The true God is eliminating all incentives for fornication, civil disobedience, and theft from legal government. Deliverables are; prophetic consequence for as is implementation, alignment revisions for harmony with the true God's objectives, and economic impact comparative between as is and divine harmony implementation.

Let's see…an equation.
ε = λη + aν
I know, λ, a, ν. How do I find ε without η?
I know, I will use zero for η.macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Destruction of Religion

Religion Can Return to God Almighty

A brief time is allowed to begin teaching the Truth about His identity. Otherwise openly testify to the truth of your nations god or be destroyed by him for going after the Ba'al, Jehovah.

Annual Certification is through mac Dukes God's possession. Forty-Two in Your Domain is a service for legal armed forces to end religion's reign of untaxed terror.


Religions of this earth are teachers of apostasy. There is not one religion on this earth that represents the true God. Teach parishioners the Truth about the true God and His Christ escaping doctrines rooted in apostasy. The letters of Paul, Peter and James to the congregations are weighty messages against the perversion that infiltrated first century Christian behaviour. It denigrated from there.

Religion fix your doctrine!macDukes.com figure, credit: someone


All living humans can escape being destroyed as wicked if they choose to follow God's righteousness. God does not waste one ounce of Christ's sacrifice. Every individual is going to live. Every evildoer will be corrected by God and will know why and that it was at His hand they repented. Those born with corrupted hearts are the remnant that learn righteousness during the half-a-time. God does not fail.

The true God loves his Creation. Love Him by learning who He Is.macDukes.com figure, credit: someone


All living humans can escape being destroyed as wicked if they choose to follow God's righteousness. God does not waste one ounce of Christ's sacrifice. Every individual is going to live. Every evildoer will be corrected by God and will know why and that it was at His hand they repented. Those born with corrupted hearts are the remnant that learn righteousness during the half-a-time. God does not fail.

Love means discipline.
Discipline? Oh, work.macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Learn Obedience to God

Experience Shepherding or Go to Hell

The Fine Shepherd


The Yearbook


Take the Cue

Don't Scratch

mac has racked up the benefits for coming to the LORD. The LORD's Church has a great many mouths to feed, and we love a good fight. Consider the benefits of Holy warfare before your next military operation.