“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comEye for An Eye -- the Christ's Solutions for World PeacePentagon High Priest, the Field Office of Senior Joint Chief
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comEye for An Eye -- the Christ's Solutions for World PeacePentagon High Priest, the Field Office of Senior Joint Chief

Pentagon High Priest

The Field Office of Senior Joint Chief

Duties, Obligations, and Objectives


(Not Boring. Just As Bad As the Puerile Acronym Sounds)

Pentagon High Priest Manages the HVH.YawUnit

The Pentagon High Priest is the position appointed by the Divine and defended by TeamGOD of Heaven. This national security roll preserves North America for the LORD and it defends His interests ministering over Heaven. General Dukes is permanently installed as High Priest. She was born into this role due to antichrist's murdering a Camp Pendleton Marine burying him alive under stones on the bluff near the north base boundary. Antichrist was able to perform this murder, because of the debauchery of military command refusing to return to the LORD during WWII. The benefit, perhaps -- clearly a matter of perspective -- is that General Dukes is also the Christ. Those that die in combat have the resurrection and those serving now are provided education to improve their military performance. What is the problem? You can't sore like an eagle when you are hen-pecked by a bunch of turkeys1.

What A Divine Earthly Office Does

In brief the Pentagon High Priest's Office is responsible for eliminating all narcotic, human, and black market trafficking from the United States Army, Navy, Marine, and Air Force bases. How will this happen? At present the extinction of North America as a populous and the slaughter of American soldiers on foreign soil in military operations staged under the Ba'al you all built. Why is because the President and Congress refuse to make room for the LORD in His own Church. ("Fine, assholes" sayeth the LORD. "We wait you fuckers out.") The President of the United States and Congress are no longer allowed to use the military as mules for Ba'al.

Presidents will come-and-go and joint chiefs will come-and-go, for a while, but General Dukes is permanent and She is under the LORD's protection. General Dukes is who Heaven uses to secure all North America's interests militarily upon. What under any and all conditions of warfare is the advantage of General Dukes? She wins! Her warfare specialty is ethnic cleansing urban campaigns that grow economic stability.

A Heavenly Component

What else does General Dukes do? Well, if she waves her pinky just right at the right Sunday-school-John's wife, for example, that bitch just might be holding onto the witchcraft that means Biden finally sends the navy into some real action. When that action is what fulfils the Ba'al, mac moves her pinky because that is what glorifies and preserves Heaven. mac's circumcised heart means she functions at the, "Triple dog dare you" level of negotiation all the time. All of her interactions with people are at the final phase, core, as it were, of responses. There is no dance seeking and exchanging Heavens currency or being flirtatious while getting to know someone. People expose their personal currency, mac puts them in the place of paying their god or paying her. When they do neither, the curses the bitches themselves built are fulfilled.

General Dukes is non-leveragable. She only offers, "I Am not giving you anything spiritual." People must have Spiritual Coin to leverage one another. Leveraging a human is getting advantage over another human. Leverage on the Ggods definition is the parallel to a bully uses muscle and a nerd uses knowledge. (A hottie dude ends up married to a fornicating ugly female on the Ggods definition of leverage. Hottie dudes get pretty mates. Are you freakishly ethnic? Find someone of your own race.) With mac it goes, "What is from Me is only from Me." What is more? Cursing Heaven through Her is not possible. When people go after binding curses against mac they have accidents. mac reads hearts. She responds to what people have conjured against Heaven in their heart. That forces the individual to pay what they owe for having that Divine power. When they do not pay their witchcraft is driven forward and their prayer of heart is answered to glorify Heaven. General Dukes forces payment to Heaven. (Think of her as Heaven's tax collector.) Those, including the President of the United States, that betrayed their constitutional office abusing Spirit with witchcraft building their lives to destroy Heaven and, worse, exploiting the slavery of the LORD's soldiers, these are met with opposition under God Almighty's Hand because they all failed to pay. General Dukes makes the retribution happen.

Defending God and Country is General Dukes accountability. An example of how the Pentagon High Priest is the fleshly body the LORD secures His land, North America, with warfare upon is when a military contractor develops a new product it is General Dukes making it possible for the military to make the purchase. Resolving strategic placements for security are based on thought, ideas, General Dukes is funnelling the allowed thoughts of military, civilian, and political actors to bring about the total closure of North America's populous. This is how the LORD upholds the demand of the industry high priests, "kill 'em all." That you all have said, "Fuck you LORD" We at TeamGOD simply say, "Fuck you" in return.

Being Handed A Robe

Because soldiers have the resurrection -- as flesh -- for dying in the line of duty, combat, they are not sacrifices. Because there is better opportunity for them as people then, as opposed to what the world offers now -- the jaded sicko sex leveraging empty minded callous products of Ba'al like Melania for instance (or her manicurist) -- soldiers are better off dying on the battle-field. You are also going to Hell. You want to make your case to General Dukes that you want to live now, longer? The Secretary of Defense needs to make an effort so you can have that opportunity. Resurrected, soldiers like "Timmy," that mac has journaled to Heaven, over are living in an environment where they need to master being renaissance Men, as in, they master the core curriculum General Dukes office is building in Headquarters, then he is demonstrating the genuine quality of his genetics. That "Timmy" does nothing with himself now is just a product of your self satisfaction with being Hell fodder.

Since nothing is expected of "Timmy"2 or any soldier, more than the basics -- like the people working at Walmart -- no glory does his life bless Heaven with for being a soldier. This General Dukes will change, in time. Meeting General Dukes demands in scholarship and bodily training provides soldiers the means to perfect themselves. Obviously Congress is opposed to that. Ignorance is part of the Ba'al engine. Soldiers become veterans a.k.a. skelder, and skelder make good greeters. If We have not made it abundantly clear, mac is against the Ba'al, Congress, and the President of the United States for every way they have woven in feeding slavery, ignorance, obesity, arrogance, and laziness into the service padding their personal coffers from the sex, black market, and narcotic trafficking the United States Military panders to on its bases. Biden's nuking NAS-CCAD was not payment to Heaven. Not even Jill's prostituting herself was going to force Heaven to accept nuking Corpus Christi, Texas, as payment. Only Biden's handing mac the gold in Fort Knox was payment to Heaven in lieu of him doing his personal share at fulfilling the kingdom. Fulfilling Jehovah's kingdom is payment to Heaven in lieu of what was due mac on June 30th 2019.

“Everywhere You Want to Be”

Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express bidding for business built great slogans that all had double meanings. Exposing the criminal activities of the muck-a-mucks, is almost, priceless. mac frequently weaves through her writing cues that Spirit understand because the second meaning opened up Spirits vessel for empowering flesh. Whatever role mumsy interpreted, mac was the consummate devils advocate for mumsy's shit. mac's living this life of self deprecation is why a HVH.YahUnit has a place open in Heaven to preserve flesh as flesh.

Biden, like all the other niggers of the world doing their part to fulfil the kingdom according to their own prayers, priceless. Who was counting the beans keeping score for Heaven of how prayers were counted fulfilled? Satan. Now even Gates knows there was no conflict of interest and he won't leave home without it. Fuck you Jill. A modern day reference of mac's efficacy of office to close upon.

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  • 1 📖 Finger on the Dyke explains to dudes the perversions a female is after against them -- as youth -- that send these females to clit licking. A dy(i)ke any way you spell it is the worst form of female. Dikes, take up yoga so you can lick your own like a cat. Now you understand why yoga was farmed out to the West on Jesus' merciful Heavenly authority allowing for sin.
  • 2 📖 "Timmy" is the code name for an individual referenced in this love story saga. This saga is in draft, still.

www.macdukes.com is the Domain for God & gods HVH.YawUnit

HVH.YawUnit assignments solve the global problems plaguing the earth for profit because they have a prophet.

BigMouth inc.; this is funny.macDukes.com figure,

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone
The HVH.YawUnit has Got the Tools. Religion is a shallow grave and agent of Satan. It is the land of the Bible. Idolatry invites Satan. Laws that provide: justice, impartiality, and invalidate fornication are salvation for earth and all souls. mac consults to write new, or amend existing laws for salvation.

Making Jehovah's kingdom Happen

Christ's Kingdom was established August 21, 2021 in Heaven. With Her Kingly Heavenly authority She is making Jehovah's kingdom happen. Nations are burdened with problems that only the God, Spirit, who preserves flesh, and the earth, can help them solve. mac, the Christ, is the Ggods agent on earth to save souls and wage Holy warfare. mac is your ark that the gold overlayed box and Noah's floating zoo illustrated. Neither She nor any Ggod need you to like Her nor pay Her for Her to hold Her High Priest Office over North America.

Because, God's Woman Works, This Is Sinking

This waste is not a laughing matter. Gluttony, this includes the consequences of poverty inflicted by the kings of Sodom, is being done away with.

That is a big claim. For centuries too many could claim, God is dead. Not so. Grieving? Yes. He had no alternative but to adhere to His perfect law and wait for His woman. She entreated Him earnestly to find work. After hundreds of rejections, the world over, He employed her to save humanity. God can let humanity die off. It will without destroying the gluttons of this world and all individuals who choose to stand in the way of righteousness. Say, "Hello" to no more business as usual. God is taking action against those ruining the earth. His truth is written and who He Is He can now prove because of mac Dukes dedication to Him as His possession.

Christ's Kingdom, of Heaven, is the Present Milestone

Shepherding from God is how you eradicate the problems plaguing humanity, restore righteousness and justice to government, and live forever in God's Kingdom.

mac Dukes is God's prophet to lead the wolf and the lamb in Her earthly kingdom. Sin still exists. It is in the blood. The only cataclysmic events between now and Her kingdom in Heaven ending are a consequence of the perversion Satan set in motion in Eden, and has stirred since. Armageddon is a long way off. mac's warfare puts in the soil of the earth the blood of ruiners of the earth and includes dynamic Heavenly support. Ruiners of the earth are those that ruin themselves. Their death accomplishes Jehovah's kingdom.

Two Cherries

mac Dukes condemns the vile womanising, as in making wicked, the males of the LORD's U.S Military. America was founded on the LORD. America sought to destroy the LORD through democracy which is the system of Ggodliness that God Almighty held to be One Being, Allness, before giving birth to twins. Light, Righteousness is what God Almighty Loved first and foremost

mac Dukes is destroying the efficacy of all the civilian ties against the LORD's warriors that have prostituted the LORD's first fruits, the American active duty, soldier. mac is building the provisions for martial law to restore law and order in America. Death to Austin, Long Live Berger!