“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenH-V-H-Y Wisdom Understands
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenH-V-H-Y Wisdom Understands

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

H-V-H-Y Wisdom Understands

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone
January 20, 2021


H-V-H-Y wisdom understands what was backwards and without meaning. Heaven Veal Hell Yaw, God and His women. One of perfection one of sin. Feel your mind expand.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

H-V-H-Y Wisdom Understands

"Sweet Pea, wake up." In the small hours of the morning alongside the road parked across from possum lodge, God woke mac. Possum lodge was the quintessential pained lady, in her maturity, whose painted-lattice-raised porch was the perfect concealment for the resident possum family's cave. Across the street, an eight-foot-stucco wall lined with gardenia included a gate framed at the walkway by a magnificent magnolia. This was the perfect parking space for M.S. Tejas while mac took cover from the starvation siege. mac appreciated palming sugar packets when she could as much as the free doggie poop bags that lined the park walks on Coronado.

The Food of God's Word

God called to her often in the night through the winter when the cold was deep enough to send her into a coma. Shivering into a bundled cocoon on her left side behind the driver's seat, mac listened as God asked her the question, "What are the fundamental units of physics?"

A puzzle. How mac wished there were more hours in the day for such dialogue. That was food. When God spoke, it was healing. mac was still learning from God who His Lord of Hosts was. That was brutal dialogue.

mac's Rolex

Mass was the first unit mac listed, followed shortly by distance. mac started thinking of those projectile motion problems of physics. Then mac thought of Newton's law of gravity. Gravity was a function of the mass of objects and their distance between each others' mass centre squared with a gravitational constant. Then it hit, if there were no distance there would be no reason for time to exist.

God's Oyster is His Perpetual Date

God, the rock of consciousness. We live in Him. His creation chooses to Host Him. To Host God requires knowledge of Him. An individual who demanded to live righteously, begging of God for His direction, refusing to act with malice putting God to the test, is the only individual who could prove themselves worthy of piercing the Lord of Hosts. It was mac, God's woman, who fought that righteous battle. The battle began with mac's split-second-reflex decision to avoid fornication offered by the destroyer. Her quick reflexes cut our sickened days before Christ's kingdom so flesh could be saved. (Hear God say, "mac was visited by My Christ.")

Back to Eden

How did the Lord of Hosts, God of gods and Lord of lords come into existence? That was Satan's demand of God in Eden. All God's creation He invites to Host Him. Satan demanded that individuals see the knowledge of good and bad to learn righteousness. This meant tasting death before being able to experience eternal life. This worst-case scenario stinker God and the Christ orchestrated creation to fight with man and woman. The heavens had run amuck.

Every human seeking a god, any god, God put the Lord of Hosts in their path first. This god is God's dog in the fight against Satan's seed. (God says, "Conflagration warring conflagration, do not hate the cliché.")

mac is Eve's genetics, a born-again human. Genetics is the speck of truth in the concept of reincarnation. Jesus' words about the log warning go with such specks. Paul, the former Saul of Tarsus, was Adam's genetics. Paul the Christ's man and mac God's woman. mac, as a daughter of Noah took-on the familial demon Noah drank a shit-ton of wine at God's order to preserve away from his three sons. Then Noah claimed North America in God's name. Ham had his own demons.

The United States is annexing Canada and central America through Panama. This is God's military action while the forces of mayhem under Presidential control attempt to steal (mac's bad, God meant, steel) America from God. Fools.

Flesh Gets Time

A human piercing the ear of the Lord of Hosts ended wickedness' reign. Those that went after the Lord of Hosts to perform wickedness got the demon they were seeking. Only one, God's woman, kept fighting to speak with God alone, jealous for His dialogue and shunning Satanism.

mac spent her life protecting humanity from the worst of the demon's, Earth. This legacy her strong-minded grandfather J. E. MacRae left her. At John's death the demon passed to his older half-brother Cecil MacRae. Cecil performed the family ritual of sexual violence against five-year old mac. This rape included bestial intercourse and the inclusion of mac's mother and grandmother who brought Cecil gifts from Mac's garage. mac cried out from her sleep with vaginal pain in the night on her bed for many years after this orgy. The demon, Earth, is the spirit consciousness of earth that is in Saint Paul's jail. Free at last. Free at last. Lord have mercy mac is free at last.

The Worst Enemy mac Endured

God's own law meant treating mac as her own worst enemy to teach her who she was piercing by her continually demanding righteousness from God. The Lord of Lords, God of gods, and Lord of Hosts, as well as God, the Protestant Bible documents as, the LORD, YHVH, the tetragrammaton. It is the woman, yaw, who brings God, heaven and hell, to humanity to lead individuals to the Christ, veal, so God's Kingdom He establishes on earth.

God is first. The Christ is in union with God sharing rulership. God is the Good teacher and Shepherd to all His creation. The first being God bought into existence is the One that later walked among humanity as the Christ, Son of Man. (God says, "Think Able here.") The first human being created of God and the Christ was Adam. Before Adam, They created the heavens including spirit with physical bodies of them. Christ died to receive God's womb of creation for creation to happen. God spent an incalculable amount of time with the Christ before They created another being.

God a rock of consciousness in creating the Christ, created another spirit consciousness one flesh with Him. The one who chose to oppose God and the Christ, their firstborn creation, became Satan. This was a process. The plan for salvation existed before that firstborn spirit consciousness God and the Christ created.

The Conference

Piercing the ear of the Lord of Hosts was open to all bitrubamatons. God hosted a conference. It began January 2019 when mac was shut out of employment, against God's will, and ended with mac's piercing of the Lord of Hosts January 2021. As an example, one act of worship to God, on the part of Trump, host of Jehovah, would have meant, Trump would have pierced the ear of the Lord of Hosts. All attendees refused this simple test in devotion to their god.

They all sought wickedness. mac who once hosted Earth, won. She never stopped worshipping God alone. Do you have any idea how hard the Pope has fought to hold onto his familial church demon, across centuries of refusing God, maintaining that church with God's power to destroy righteousness?

Salvation is in A Name

The name that matters to call on for salvation is fifteen Hebrew letters. This virtually unpronounceable name is what God teaches His creation to save them when wickedness is out to destroy them. Ten unique letters and three-pointed vowel pairs spell God's name in the language God built. Understanding the significance of the ten commandments, words, God gave Moses, humans need to solve God's name riddle.

If you were to write every possible permutation of God's letters and systematically go about testing a binary, yes or no decision, no computer programmer could write which character combination represented God's name. To act in righteousness is not a function of artificial intelligence.

Learning God's name is why mac God saves from destruction. mac, at God's request, gave Him a nickname that made a good battle cry. It made mac shake her head toward her notes to rhyme God's nickname with huzza.