Letter Body
“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.
What does war do? Creates a clean slate. What is the problem this time? Only Holy Warfare cleans the slate. In the mean time, We at TeamGOD, just keep the "wife of your youth" that the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society Governing Body desperately needed to fulfil Satan's mistress being born. Because of course, you, the wife of youth was being sent to slaughter by the deeds of that fucking religion's witchcraft, you get the Christ. Destroying the wife is against Satan.
Regardless of you, your duty, your commitments, your state of mind, you are simply, like Me, preserving the birth right of the first born Spirit child of the Creative Duad. (You of course are free to retire. I prefer you don't.) I agree, that paper pushing, tit-wad -- fat boobs in your face under her double chin -- drug dealing, genital groping bitch over Norfolk is a crime against the navy. (What I want is that tit-wad to go down in the Atlantic with her ship of fornicators.) There are people that need to be sent to the front lines to die. So this is why King David was allowed to do what he did to Uriah. Him taking Bathsheba meant he, King David, did not create a prostitute.
No, tit-wad should not have risen to the rank she holds. Perhaps another black female. But truth be told, there are no females that have performed their duties in the way and means that they even equally shinned a male, black or white, ever in the military that warrants her promotion over him. Me? I Am still looking forward to sniper duties and close range mortal hand-to-hand combat. Females can serve and outshine a male, they need to be put to advantage in warfare. Another note, I Am a Man, the arm of an Angel.
Most males would like to be in the place of protecting one that is for him, his treasure -- that in Biblical terms is a wife. I need to be sure the males have their preference first. What is not a wife needed to be put through the same rigours of combat I operate in.
So far in my reading about Dewy's taking Manilla with the prejudices that give way to one saying, "We need to beat this group into being productive" to justify war or, gasp, imperialism, like I can cast a stone at that reasoning. How in the hell can people be beat into being soldiers, with endurance, without some kind of force? Observing the fractal it is right to ask, "What is the repetition with pattern that swells into a larger image?" The base equation, formula, graphic object is the same, not quite stamped, just increased by order of magnitude.
That fractal analogy is why it appears that there is so much injustice. "Why doesn't God do anything?" people cry. And certainly Nable, Abigail's husband, was killed, so some people God did deal with. I wrote about loving war. What one love's they perfect. If a soldier ran from the front line, yep, I'd shoot that fucker. Soldiers in sexual misconduct, I shoot. The soldier and the one that claimed to be violated. It is now obvious why, "Don't ask don't tell" was so good. When that crumbled, the tit-wads got to rise though the ranks. That is not a coincidence.
Truth be told, the first time, I'd make the soldier shoot the one he took. If he refused, I'd shoot her in front of him. Then he would need to dig the grave. If a second offence occurred, I'd shoot him and the one who cried out. This world does not need orphans or prostitutes. After a person is raped, they very often end up feeding the human trafficking racket. Better to ged rid of them. If I walked in on the scene of sexual misconduct. Then I would shoot everyone in the room. Those in observance and the actors. You hold the rank of Sargent or higher, that is your duty.
I can share a little more in terms of the clues I process in-order to drive forward processes. Where Mark Gurgevich is concerned, before he forced his "selfie" of his penis on My notice, he shared another set of photos. They all have a process of grooming -- conditioning -- this, of course, is the subtle siege of seduction intended to defame a persons morality so the assaulted individual understands they are being put to their proper use in sucking the dick, or whatever vile use is thrust on them, it is their place of service. Mark introduced Me to his photo collection that included an intentionally wrapped pork roast resembling a circumcised penis. (Some butchers joke.) Now this was a pork roast, so the proportions were ridiculous. His fast remark was, "That is not what you think." "It's obviously a roast Mark. But, I get what you wanted Me to think it was." I replied, and handed him back his phone.
He talked openly, confessing to the Priest, how unjust his family, baby brother's first wife was, in slandering him for being a child molester. He was not allowed to teach shop in Corpus Christi. One more avenue of earning, something, off his Del Mar associates degree, other than his disability to support himself. (Obviously, she is behind him being forced to earn a living on only disability is Mark's message.) To Mark, the child molested him. He performed his seduction alright, but he just let the child do what the child wanted. Four years old is My proximal estimate of his niece's age when he seduced her. Why four? That is when her gentle tiny hand with no hardened nails, but just dexteriteus enough, would have made him think of his manhood as being like that pork roast as he watched. Did he fondle her? Most likely. Stroked her hair no doubt and tickled her back.
Had Mark not been so desperate to malign others about how innocent he was with regard to his welding practice or his family matters, I would not have had the clearance, in Heaven, to go on the hunt. Because My proven axioms of leadership are what they are, I get to go on the hunt. Because fuckers practiced witchcraft, I get to eat them alive. That eating alive is of course figurative. That their lives collapse is just bonus. In America the earth would actually vomit out the blood of Barbara Canales if it was poured out in the soil. So some people do indeed need to be strangled. Even Holy Warfare waits because your blood is just that vile.