“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenPeor's Revenge
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenPeor's Revenge

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Peor's Revenge

March 21, 2021


How God destroys the Jehovah's Witnesses
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Peor's Revenge

With evil things God can knot be tied. (Oops God's bad, mac meant not be tried.) How does this apply? When evil is happening, and even when you know for some reason God is in the mix, you do not justify behaving wickedly yourself or expect wicked motives of others when evil things are happening. (Hear God do His Sylvester, "Did y'all hear what mama said?") Nor do you oppose God with, "I'm going to do something really shitty unless you hand over what I demand of you." This is why God allows kings to say, "We don't negotiate with terrorists." It is also why we put up with Clint Eastwood's, "Go ahead, make my day." And even better, "Do you feel lucky, punk?"

Pass the Attention Getter

It also means that no matter how bad the problem, when evil is in the air, the problem is not from God. That is the fundamental truth mac understood. So much so, that experiencing death at God's hand was not an evil event to mac. It was simply the only protection for life and love where bad exists as well as good and all creation needed to learn righteousness, doing good, because bad just does not accomplish life. And life is God's purpose.

Peor was all too happy to promise Mary marriage to her for all Mary was doing to prove God was behind killing mac. What is the problem? A warrior will boldly and obediently die to bring about righteousness for others all God has to do is ask. To remove God from your military actions, it is simple, make it clear warriors die for Mammon not Godly devotion in your military pursuits. In mac's case she learned; why the Christ was permitted to die on earth, who the Christ is and was to all creation, how the spirit world is powered among physical creation, who she is to God on June 2019 when her slavery to death, at Mary's hand in devotion to the top Ba'al, Peor, ended, and lastly who I AM is. And, yep God is Always someone more effecting righteousness. How unsearchable His ways are.

The "it" in Evil

What is the "it" in the problem that is from God when evil exists? The power of belief. As long as a grain of truth exists, (think mustard seed here) the belief gets power based on the truth in the belief. The demon understands what truth is. This is why Satan's lie by omission on Eve worked.

mac does not concoct beliefs. She digs for truth. That is her slavery to God. When Mary went after killing mac to demonstrate, "Death is from God. I give you all the good things you will ever need, worship me. You can't prove God gives you anything." She was being allowed her perversion because the demons understood mac was the only other being in existence that would experience death at God's hand. Mary, a Ba'al purest, did not need to understand diddly squat about the truth, only that in pursuing killing mac, she got her nirvana with demons and fuckers like Trump.

Marriage is Holy, Not Your Fucking Religion

The extension of this "belief" system is that when a male finds a female and does not fuck her and he keeps his virginity and the female has kept her virginity until matrimony to one another, even a perverted Jehovah's Witness ceremony, with no devotion to God at all, these two fuckers even in a Jehovah's Witnesses church will manage a fairly comfortable life. Keeping a marriage covenant is just that important.

You people worshipping Satan under the Ba'al Jehovah, with a smoke screen that "Jehovah" is the name God gave himself, (Hear and see God cover His mouth and caught, "Bullshit.") still manage to leverage blessings for yourselves because the ten words of God, commandments, are just that important. These described couples in every religion and walk of life are rare, now. Baptism into any religion is a pipeline to demons subservient to Peor or the Virgin. That would be fornication or the magic arts, respectively. Stop baptizing your children. What you had no ability to understand is that two males (or two females) deserved the same opportunity at "holiness".

That Marriage Covenant of gods

mac's keeping her covenants with God are why the demons are being corrected with humans doing God's will against their own perverted desires. This would not have been an option, except, at the end of Satan's reign as god over the earth, exploiting God's power under contract, demons married, becoming one flesh with the consciousness of humans desperate to empower perversion against God. Needless to say, mac's fasting in obedience brought the bridegroom to the feast. Enter Christ. Say good bye to all the false virgins.

What proof is there that these demon human marriages happened? Hello, recall the mutants born and the perversion when Noah built that ark? Do you understand mac cries because from her perspective she would have been the ark's only survivor, with a cat, if the Christ had not stepped in to teach during the five months of torment mac endured when Trump answered Satan's call? That is how powerful the Jehovah's Witnesses have made Peor's Ba'al, Jehovah, with Mary's sick prayers of ritual using objects of idolatry and enslaving mac to death.

Satan Not the god this World

Satan's reign as god of this world ended with mac's birth to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dukes of Akanoho Place, Oahu. The demon's last stand; 'Hey, Satan's reign ends and we can really fuck God now. Let us rape His woman. She turns against God and humanity is over.' These stupid spirit bumpkins from hell (because planet and star cores are hell fire) figured the plan was fool proof because she is the only human who would have been defenseless at identifying a demon. She knew everything came from God. She belongs to Him.

All creation that reasons, thinks, strategizes, and weighs in balance, in the same manner as God, without including God, is concocting beliefs, creating faiths, based on wickedness. A demon maps to that. When God's woman was born you bitrumbamaton's went after becoming gods. Congrat-you-fuck-you-lations, you are gods. You will burn in hell and guess what? These Trumps' genetics get a second, brand spanking new, consciousness in Christ's earthly kingdom when that life is allowed to come into existence to learn righteousness. Ah, that body is going to struggle mightily learning to ignore his sin in his blood. Overcoming sin's desires and deeds is what the Christ makes possible with God's shepherding, this is atonement. Fucking God, abusing his woman since June of 1970, the bitrumbamaton. Not everyone with a demon(s) ends up married to said demon creating the beasty.

Having Sons

Swallowing a demon leads to a one flesh relationship of matrimony. The demon consciousness experiences the rewards and punishments of the human host. The individual's consciousness is a total reflection and expression of the demon they fought against God to obtain once married. This is why twenty years of age was the contractual age for a priest or soldier in God's service in Israel. It gave young people a chance to escape the bondage their birth parents may have abused them with. Eli and Samuel matter here.

Recall the Christ repeatedly making clear he and God were One? Every human can host God. At this time, two humans of their own free will, fought to be one flesh with God. This is whole souled devotion in spite of, a demon finding occupancy, and sin being in the blood of these two. Because of mac's commitment to the Christ, those with demons can choose to be men. This is easier for those of Abraham's seed.

Always looking for the pony in the shit pile of horse manure does not make an individual evil. This one may be naive but as long as this is from innocence the Christ is saviour for this one. This is what the unwitting sin offering covers. mac found her pony. (One flesh with God through Christ, that is a protection for two human beings.) mac's pony is a stuffed toy from Tractor Supply she hugs when she sleeps just like a child does. Now read on Jehovah's Witnesses, because mac made your wickedness cost you for creating an unknown future husband for her through Donald Trump and divination against the Christ.

The T-R-U-T-H

Pope, Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses, and Protestant Senior Raping Demon Host (mac isn't driving or walking to an internet connection to look up your special title) this is your chance to turn your distribution network into, T-R-U-T-H. Get your fucking ass to mac's door, knock, and prostrate yourself at the threshold until she answers. You may keep knocking. When she answers present her with your plan to pay her salary for writing all you promulgated materials and deputizing your agency.

Understand mac will continue her sworn duties to the Christ and she will be taking at least 70% of the gross total revenue the remaining perhaps 30% will fund all other entities of the organization that mac allows to remain under reformation. You have until Sunday, March 28, 2021 18:00 central time to get to 4622 Dody Street. Only two parties may accompany the ranking nigger of your band. For Catholics, that would be the Pope and two other human beings. Demons are not counted. Counting demons is what got king David into a shit-pile of trouble. mac communicates with humans.

Not A Stone

You know that execution the Christ faced? Guess what, mac is destroying Jerusalem as her first act of God against Catholicism. There is not an individual nor algorithm written in heaven or on earth that can terminate mac's war path. You will not know the day nor hour. She will not move in like Babylon, and yes, the wise will know the disgusting thing is present and evacuate the region. This is the only notice of this military action. Not a stone will be left upon a stone.

Full Faith and Credit

God is destroying the Jehovah's Witnesses, is the remark mac made in faith with willingness to serve God on the doorstep of a Gib'e-ah residence. You can substitute Wallkill building here. Mary is the human being married to Peor who has made your religion powerful on God's spirit consciousness network. You were limited to Satan as god of the world before, like everyone else. Mary's hosting Peor is why you were strong in abusing God's woman during the five month fuck fest of Trump.

Within a week of the fuck fests termination, mac took down all idolatries Mary used to power Peor on your behalf, governing body. You twelve fuckers have been shut down over the "sacred" symbols of Mary's faith she concocted to make your religion "immortal" had Mary died with these idolatries in existence like Peor owners before her. From the Helms family, to Shaw, to MacRae the Celtic witch favorer, Peor, was returning to the witch order when Mary died. Mary was sending Peor to Nancy Hanshaw (Nancy was married to George Hanshaw of Hisperia CA when she met Mary.) What mac destroyed were the "keys" plaque in the shed with no keys. Unplugging the refrigerator and destroying its box of batteries back-up. (Cleaning the frig was a bonus.) Dumping out the ginger in Mary's prayer drawer. Destroying the "no blood" (oops sin in Mary's mind) totems.

These objects and bric-a-brac Mary placed significance to and made devotional prayers that had these sacred things outlived Mary without being destroyed, you would have had your place like the Protestants Lucille MacRae died protecting. Peor was the demon the Catholics lost to England. Peor preferred the Celtic witches. The MacRae's and Shaw's of mac's Alabama heritage were sent to America at bayonet point off their family lands in Scotland to fight the Mohicans, among others. Raping what belongs to God is costly. A reminder, this land is God's land. mac is Noah's daughter.

Jehovah's Witnesses, you may retrieve Mary McRae from mac's residence at 4622 Dody Street and provide for her care. Bring a notary public and make an appointment to pick up Mary. Understand you will be providing for a thief and murder to put the pieces of power back in play to avoid paying that chunk to mac and writing God's satisfying statement on all your promulgated materials. How do you like Us now, bride class? This will buy you time until mac shuts you down under cannon, hell fire, from her vessel.

Lucille willed Peor to Donna Funk her niece through sister Edna Shaw married to Don Funk. Donna was anxious to promote the Born Again Christian movement and was willing to wait until aunt Lucy died. Mary was impatient. She not only wanted the money Lucille had stored up over her years with foxynomics, killing John MacRae young with slow poison, Mary wanted Peor to have mastery over all the Ba'al's. The Jehovah's Witnesses Peor added to the mix to get back to the Celtic witch order.

mac's Cousin Donna the Woman of Satan

Donna, you are welcome to argue before God how righteous you are for not murdering Lucille. Like Mary you were anxious to murder God's woman. Consider that "righteousness" in your prayers. mac couldn't have even asked you for a few dollars of assistance to keep her alive when she was starving roadside at Adella and Adella on Coronado (a few driving minutes from your home) or even gasp, for money for fuel to return to Corpus when; Nueces, Wells Fargo, and the great state of Texas merged a hard on of hate against her bilking what remained of mac's estate. You chose your demon's over righteousness, yet again, Donna.

Donna, you need to rend a garment, bitch. Your price was unconscionable. Choosing marriage to demons means death to you and your two children. You swallowed plenty of Ba'al's for your comfortable life. Donna thought she deserved to be God's woman for a meal donation to mac. mac required Donna worship God exclusively. mac is the jealous type.

The One-Sided Network, Stampede

The human does not need to know the other human to understand what is going on across the demon network. Mary only needed to inquire through her heart what was happening to mac. The Coronado team of spies, they earned an earlier honourable mention, made sure Mary could be confident mac was starving to death and no one assisted her.

mac never allowed anyone other than Mary though her gmail account and Amanda Knuteson anything about her other than her commitment to her work and the business she was building. mac kept asking of God, "Why aren't other religious people understanding the same meaning from the Bible as I am? What makes me different? Using me is inefficient, the Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses have a huge distribution network, why can't you get them to understand these same things I do and do this work? Billions of people would have this message so much sooner?" God protected mac from the lair of lions anxious to devour her, as long as contractually possible.

mac needed to understand the power to demons and the becoming the god phenomenon of Billy Graham. What a fucker. God had a better lesson plan than Donald Trump. God honours contracts and mac understands human sacrifice.

Fucking with mac on God's spirit consciousness network gets the human one of two things at God's discretion; stroke, or your genetics marked to understand when you are in a place of listening to sin in Christ's kingdom. This signal takes away future options for sin in Satan's kingdom for abusing mac today. So, Whimpey do you want that hamburger you will pay for on Tuesday? (Popeye and Olive Oil understand.) Yes, this means you are losing savings in your supper sinners bank account for fucking with mac today. None of you wanted to store up one once of treasure with God and you hated mac because she only wanted treasure with God. mac only speaks with the human. (Hear God and Christ say, "Put a period on that paragraph, honey.")

Operation Target Assignment

These questions mac kept asking before mac took on her operation Target assignment in July 2020. Being God's woman on the green did not horrify mac until she understood the full, despicable, definition of womanhood. mac thought there were good women and bad women. Nope, just woman as in of man, sin. To be of God, man, that is what leads to Eternity, perfection, sinless. That our blood is sin tainted now is simply a millstone and because of mac more than Abraham's seed have provision.

Sending mac your God Penny is the shepherding provision from God as mac's seed. (Headquarters will help, but mac refuses to make paying for a subscription a requirement for shepherding from God.) You will need Headquarters to be in Christ's Congregation. Shepherding contracts are under draft along with Headquarters.

Male or female you can be a man of God. Individuals born on and after January 1, 1981 (Gregorian Calendar) that seek God's shepherding abandoning listening to demons can earn Eternity. These persons, sinners every one, like mac, like the one's the Christ sought, might not live to see Christ's kingdom established on the earth but they can die faithful to God having learned righteousness in the face of Satan worshipers like mac's cousin Donna that are by no means born again. All you women are bad shit. Hear Christ ask you to, "Man up."

Humans that choose to serve God of their own will align with the Christ and are Christians only if they are Headquarters subscribers. These are persons God leads into the congregation, Christ's body. Some persons alive today lead into Christ's body or not will live to see Christ enthroned as earth's king and enjoy miraculous healing and recovery from what humanity suffers with today. mac's seed are those lead by God that in spite of demon's they host chose to abandon fornication in every form to serve God now that light burns in the world and God and His Christ can defend Their Truth for Himself. Those that are gods are dead. mac's seed just might be pinched for pennies.

These dead gods can demonstrate repentance listening to God and mark their genetics for rebirth in Christ's kingdom as followers of the Christ. This makes it easier for the new consciousness of that god's reborn genetics. This means they find learning righteousness less like hell born again. Obedience to God also means an individual marks the consciousness of their gametes to give birth to children without demons. This requires the male and female, husband and wife, are both obedient to God. (Hear God say, "Put a period on that please.")

Check Please

The Jehovah's Witnesses, Nueces County, the State of Texas, Wells Fargo Bank, and the U.S. Secretary of the Navy cost the entire population of humanity since and including Adam and Eve, ever conceived, eighteen months of delay in instituting Christ's kingdom on earth. You have until Sunday, March 28, 2021 18:00 central time to bring mac your settlement checks in the amount agreed to in prayer to God of your own free will. Make your cashiers check to "Mac Dukes." Monday the 29th parties failing to bring their free will offering are being sent an invoice. These invoices will be posted under the earth.macdukes.com subdomain. Understand this, mac believes in creative sentencing. As if the God Penny wasn't the greatest clue. At a minimum you cost mac personally $18,000,000.00 U.S. dollars.