“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenWho You Callin' Nigga?
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenWho You Callin' Nigga?

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Who You Callin' Nigga?

October 2, 2020


God's definition of nigger is the individual who is or acts niggardly. Understand nigger is a male or female who is wicked.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Who You Callin' Nigga?

The adjective niggardly means ungenerous, mean, given grudgingly. The adverb niggardly means in a mean or meagre (U.S meager) manner. Oxford defines meagre too. Lacking in quality is the distinguisher on meagre. Listen with your eyes nigger. God's definition of nigger is the individual who is or acts niggardly. (Watch God put the period on this sentence.)

The nigger may be male or female. Understand nigger is a male or female, woman, who is wicked. This peron may be a legal entity, meaning without genitals. God is protecting servants of government on all military bases by eliminating niggers' products from residential units, offices, and chattels.

What constitutes niggardly behaviour? Creating prostitutes, drug addicts, debtors, and thieves.

Are you the doctor peddling pain killers or blood transfusions? You are a nigger. Are you a businessman marketing holiday idolatry? You are a nigger. Are you the Indian chief wringing your hands over the information you wield as a weapon? You are a nigger. There are so many niggers in Satan's world. Some are black Protestants. (Or perhaps that's the Baptist. Same Jesse James foundation.) (Watch God point to the niggers. God asks, Now grade the intensities.)

Learning from Your god

God is boosting United States Armed Forces chattel moral. (oops, morale) Never has the United States experienced God's hand of discipline to the degree it will for the next three years commencing yesterday. Niggers will not sell, distribute, advertise or purvey wares on Government lands. This boost will decay if not fostered with policy and land desolation.

In short, the waste and abuse from Satan demonstrated by the choices of heart by mislead servants of God, is ending at God's hand.

God's Possession for Salvation

The lesson from the ark, Noah built and the golden adorned box God architected and Moses built, is; God is limited to His possession to save humanity. This possession is a living being with the challenge of sin in the blood. She does not know how to listen to her heart. That and her genetic programming to do God's will are what make her His woman.

The Christ illustrated the events relevant to living in Christ's kingdom and what the end of Christ's kingdom would look like. The second part of the times is a decay cycle. The half-a-time begins with Satan's release from the abyss. Christ's kingdom is a goal like building a high-rise. Scheduling such an undertaking is a discrete activity based on milestone achievements. The calendar is a tool to measure the progress of the performers. The schedule of events to build the walls of Christ's kingdom, new Jerusalem, God approves. Asking God when we will get our work done is wickedness.

mac has a defined boundary, 12 radial furlongs. God has placed certain of her chattels in His service. These have a 9 radial furlong boundary. (God would not allow her to sell them for food. He still cared for His ewe.) The radial focus is roughly circular. The area of interest is equal to the circular area in quantity. The shape adjusts as God sees fit according to His law and witnessed prophecy.

Securing the Perimeter

mac lodged at the dot by number 34. The Lady Bird Park section God secured remotely. MS Tejas, mac parked by the golf course. That is Texas with an aitch. God forbid mac crossing the river into Alexandria, VA.

In Corpus mac secured the small arc of Gulf Coast along Ocean from South Padre Island to Portland. (She wants to visit the Lexington some day and she loves aquariums.) From Portland to the Louisiana State line inland up to 160 furlongs is vulnerable. God's coming earth will clinch sources of pollution to end the corruption of the Gulf.


All government employees will seek moderation in their consumption and learn to eliminate expenditure on debt-inducing, savings-depleting items without quality. Purchasing idolatrous trinkets of fornication meets God's intervention. Home economy and self-improvement with thrift, God will support.

Empty Parking Lots

Please keep locking cars, bikes, and possessions even though the drug dealers are out of business. Addicts are leaving the force and the remaining labour force will have no difficulty picking up the work flow balance.

Clean Linens

Places of fornication and prostitution will require dusting. The women seeking men will leave the service. God is loosening their ulterior motive for honest pay.

The Model County, Nueces Tejas

Nueces County Texas, meet your two million dollars of consequences for your corrupt and abusive practices against the McRae family. Nepotism is costing you the freedom to pursue the god you have been serving. Wells Fargo executives are not going to consult with you but you can commiserate with Lori Taylor, Mary McRae, Amanda Knuteson, Mark O'Neil and Robin Tausch. What God's correcting acts on nigga's amounts to these are learning well. mac will not make time for any of you under any circumstance. God will not allow them to profit off attempted murder.

All agencies of Nueces and its dependent utilities and services to the public and government agencies, you are under God's mighty hand of discipline for five years commencing October 2, 2020 18:00 central time. Business as usual for these named persons and entities is under force to do righteously in all aspects of their life. This force God is applying against you for pursuing mac Dukes murder.

The value to you Nueces, is your drug and human pimping policies and procedures written and implied God disintegrates with His standard of conduct. The elected officials and employed that turn a blind eye to human and drug trafficking, and the addicted, will resign. Theft ends. That highway money will go a long way now and schools won't be able to cry pour mouth about the mound of property taxes they squander. Waste ends.

No More Time for Niggers

Next year this Herald and all of its contents will switch to the English spelling. The American spelling will remain in Dog Paddle and Putting. God despises the metric system. The metre is founded upon time. Precisely, the 1/299792458 second it takes light to travel in a vacuum. He appreciates the wider circulation of English, U.K. and fewer homophones.

No more bull-shit. It is time to work on President Trump's 2nd, 3rd, and 4th blessing, Meat and Potatoes.

PentaTEAM Self Destructed. October 19, 2020 Announcement

The sad foolishness of Satan's corruption is believing that because God did not act instantly His word was invalid. Recall Samuel announcing the divsion of Sauls' kingdoms. It was not divided until Solomon's and then Saul's (Paul's) deaths. Buttercup matters. Nueces County has five years before it is either laid waste to in an act of God or may remain. Buttercup must be returned. Her theft was avoidable.

It was the empty perversion of seeking ownership of God's ark that prevented mac's being united with her two pets before Buttercup's theft. The summary statistics on Christ's kingdom mean, only one in eight over 20 years of age will live long in Christ's kingdom as first fruits. These are the ones that fight for Christ's kingdom and seek God.

Sadly, of the seven in eight remaining, two thirds are annihilated for being in opposition to Christ's kingdom and as collateral damage from the cowardice of niggers seeking leveraging God. God disbanded the PentaTEAM. The final third survive to see Satan abyssed and die in a mass extinction. These did not actively oppose Christ's kingdom they simply did not work to make God's will come to pass. These individuals include family and friends of the first fruits.

For Nueces County this means, as long as Buttercup is returned to mac, in an act of God your earth is not wasted. Right now you are living five years of correction and protection. mac needed to fail God in order for God to allow Buttercup to have a new owner without mac's consent. mac does not fail God.

Get Aboard or Perish

Christ's kingdom is coming. The seven weeks conclusion can include survivors and victors or not. No one leverages God's ark and lives beyond certain knowledge of Christ's kingdom's establishment on earth. Niggers will need to demonstrate full repentance for all their corrupt practices to see Christ's kingdom instantiated.