“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreHow to Get God to Talk to You
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreHow to Get God to Talk to You

Dog Paddle

from the True God's First Ashore

How to Get God to Talk to You

November 11, 2019
revised August 1, 2020


Do you want God to talk to you? He will. A personal, specific answer to your problem or question from Him is possible. You will read or hear His answers, if not both. Your first-time conversation with God begins here.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

How to Get God to Talk to You

Your first-time conversation with God begins following these instructions. You may not however be under the influence of alcohol or narcotics. You may also subscribe to Total Shepherding for this benefit.

The requirements for a conversation with God involve a sound mind. Be forty-five minutes from your last "smoke" or vape. Seventy-two hours from your previous alcoholic beverage consumption. (Your body needs consecutive alcohol-free days.) Also, have yourself removed from the ashtray, incense, addictive products, and all paraphernalia. Extinguish candles. A ventilated legal fire God allows.

3 Steps
Step 1: Bible and a Cozy Spot

Find a place you can sit comfortably and quietly with your print Bible in your hands. (Note paper and pen is useful.)

Do you need a Bible? Purchase an official Catholic Bible. No gilded edges. Preferably with a printing of 1980 or earlier. It does not need an index or footnotes. A Bible the true God approves of will use the word "fornication" and not "sexual immorality." Also, the text in Revelation 13:18 is written out as text six hundred sixty-six not "666." Using numbers in place of words is an abomination in Bible printing along with watering down the Word with the "fornication" replacement words "sexual immorality."

Step 2: Begin a Prayer to the True God

Begin a prayer. A suggestion -- but not a script -- is, "God, I would like you to talk to me personally. Sometimes I have doubts over whether you exist. This world is so troubled. I have faith enough to try this experiment. And believe that the Christ is the saviour you sent. I do not know exactly how we are saved when we suffer so and die. Those are just some of my troubled thoughts. I want to know if you ___

Things to Include in the Place Holder are:

  1. can prove to me that you know who I am?
  2. will help my spouse and I fall in love with each other again?
  3. want me to change something in my life?
  4. will help me in corralling my children's morals?
  5. would want me in your Kingdom?
  6. will help me break the habit of ____?
Step 3: Use Your Bible
  • 1. Close your eyes.
  • 2. Flip the Bible back and forth forward and over a few times in your hands.
  • You are going to keep your eyes closed. You need to be unaware of front, back, or up and down of the Bible's new position in your hands.

  • 3. Then reach for the entire scriptures in your hands to thumb through each page.
  • 4. Thumb the Bible pages patiently attempting not to let chunks of the Bible fall through your thumb.
  • 5. You will hear, "Stop."
  • This is inaudible, and it will register inside your brain the same as if your auditory pathways were stimulated. It is the Fine Shepherd, the true God, telling you, "Stop" thumbing pages. The answer to your question will be on or begin in the verse that lay open in front of you.

  • 6. Your eyes are still closed. Let the Bible lay open on this page.
  • 7. Use a finger to roam the page from top outer corner to bottom, over to the second column of the same page -- two column format -- then up to the top of that same page. Move your finger over to the adjacent page do the same thing from top to bottom.
  • 8. During this finger motion across the page you will hear the word, "Stop."
  • 9. The Scripture the LORD is answering your question with is under your finger from the point your fingernail is pointing to or is in.
  • 10. Read the scripture.

Ask God a question to help you understand the answer if needed. Because the Scripture will nail your question, this is the start of a great relationship. You will be able to distinguish a, "Yes" or "No" answer to questions you have after reading your scripture. You also receive encouragement to, "Flip again" and given another scripture to read to help clarify your concern. This is a prayerful dialogue. When God fills your mind, you are mindful. Mindful is when God is giving gifts of Life. Write down each scripture you receive, and the question you asked. It will help you grow.

Don't Miss

Limit yourself to four scriptures of searching until you have read the Bible through, cover-to-cover twice in one three-hundred-sixty-four consecutive secular day year.

Eat a banana or potato for potassium, and calories, before or immediately after this prayer.

If your finger does not stop on a scripture close your prayer. The true God is asking you to stop, think, and pray. Wait twelve hours before doing this again.

Close your prayer with gratitude -- this is food -- and in "Jesus' name," Amen.

Keep the Love

You have just started a relationship with the Fine Shepherd, God. To keep this relationship going you need to be reading the Bible daily and praying to him in the morning and in the evening. Learn the identity of the true God, who has just demonstrated His love and understanding of you. Riding yourself of idolatry God also requires.

Why this Relationship Matters

Stop wasting your money on Satan's false prophets and clergy. The true God will Shepherd you into Christ's Kingdom then write you into His book of life for resurrection -- as a sinless perfect you -- into His Kingdom. Satan's leaders will only insure your judgment as one of the wicked in God's day of education. These are big thoughts to consider.

God will not shine you on with generalized directives or false hopes. He will prove to you as an individual, who He knows well, He reads your heart and kidney(s) and knows what you have done, and experienced, since you were conceived.

The true God is giving life in Christ's Kingdom, a fresh start, without Satan's influence, regardless of their deeds now. There is a caveat. The wicked being destroyed at His hand are resurrected a fresh slate, no memory of the wicked person they were or of their families. Those that survive this day of judgment, will be self-aware, identity in-tact, and provide love and support to those resurrected ones that need to meet the true God. God's first judgment day is what we are living now. The presence of God's Ark grants access He needs to shape humanity.

An Introduction

Introduce yourself to the true God. His voice will come to you in your mind, not heart. The mind, brain, is protected from blood, sin. The heart is where your imperfect desires and Satan's agents can reach you. Hence, why you fornicate when listening to your heart. The true God hates fornication, and it is the first habit He will break you from. You will get married, be celibate, or turn away from the true God until you are ready, if ever, this side of His first judgment day.

Acquaint Yourself

The true God's Daily Verse includes more relationship building steps with the true God. Test for yourself; God is the teacher of good, and He loves you.