“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreYears Full of Weeks
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreYears Full of Weeks

Dog Paddle

from the True God's First Ashore

Years Full of Weeks

January 1, 2020
revised August 1, 2020


The true God was not consulted by NASA when naming a "new moon." When you stumble on "new moon" in a Bible don't choke on the meaning like Christendom. The odds of Jesus hanging on a stake by the light of a brilliant full moon, at "Passover," when he was the means for deliverance is slim to none.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Years Full of Weeks

God's Law never broke the seven-day cycle. Each day began and moonrise was observed. Six days of work followed by one day of sabbath. There were twelve months. Each month was 30 days and 8 hours long defined by the earth's orbit. Three hundred sixty-four days divided by twelve, thirty and one-third days. For most years there were fifty-two weeks in a year and every few years a week was added to the end of Abib in a cycle to keep the nation of Israel in harmony with the season -- solar orbit. The cycle of years leaders remembered according to the twelve tribes' patriarch blessing and birth mother. Never did Israel fall out of time with the solar orbit more than three days when following the true God's calendar. Using the moon was a reminder that no two days would ever be an identical period of time. From one month to the next never would an identical moon be observed in a lifetime.

Make no mistake the Hebrews knew they were marking weeks and observing the moon at each month's beginning on the east horizon when instructed. After Jerusalem was built the East gate was opened on the first of the month. Build a calendar from the logic puzzle the true God gave in the Torah and it is very easy to see how humanity has been in the dark about time. Assume it was a lunar calendar and you miss the true God's points of His life and earth's future. There is no way to make lunar observations add weeks and be in agricultural agreement with the seasons. You can however observe your moon on the first of the month and say, "It didn't look like that last month." (God says, "And you built you a Ba'al. You dumb fucks.")

New Moon

The true God does not indicate the moon phase when He says this is a new moon for you. He simply told Moses and Aaron; this day is the first day of the year for you. In two weeks is the passover and your life will follow a seven-day weekly cycle. The festival of unleavened bread that followed was because the wheat had been harvested and ground. It was plentiful. Following a lunar cycle would have put "new moon's" out of phase with the sabbath occurrence on designated month days. The true God's calendar of Israel followed weeks to fill years. If aligning moon phases was so critical, they would have opened that East gate more than on a sabbath and on a new moon, new day of the month, as directed.

The true God was not consulted by NASA when naming a "new moon." When you stumble on "new moon" in a Bible don't choke on the meaning like Christendom. The odds of Jesus hanging on a stake by the light of a brilliant full moon, at "Passover," when he was the means for deliverance is slim to none. Your spring Passover celebrations of this earth are an abomination to the true God and prove your alignment with the Southern Cross. (God says, "The years beginning is in the fall. mac has the calendar alignment documented.")

You Don't Know "Weeks of Years" J.W.

Weeks are how each person of the true God set the rhythm of his life. At wwww.macdukes.com is a simple spreadsheet that illustrates the true God's cycle of weeks coinciding with our Gregorian, solar based, modern calendar. Think this through, if the true God had ever wanted His people to depend upon a solar calendar, they would have written the gold standard of calendars with precision that would baffle NASA. (God says, "Pharaoh like the Druids went after building a solar calendar. This required human sacrifices. So, Pharaoh had to be sacrificed for being a master pyramid builder. The Earth was deprived of the blood due.")

Did you ever think that weeks could so rhythmically follow the seasons? Imagine the Creator of suns knowing their planetary orbits. God's people mapped their lives in harmony with their Father and mother the celestial parents who have promised, honour us, you will live long on this earth. (God says, "And she keeps handing you the proof. Yet, you do not bless her. Like Pharaoh you will be crushed for hardening your hearts.")

The Moon's Time?

The true God defined His week of activity. The moon defined days without ever being identical between calculated intervals. The allegorical expression "shadow of death" describes the NASA "new moon," shadow of the moon in the Bible. The Israelites would have been reminded of the Christ coming and dying, the shadow a NASA new moon.

Using a clock to map the true God's design is the mark of a sun worshiper. Not a servant of the true God. The true God's servant looks for His signs of events and conducts their life based on fulfilling the true God's will, Word. Removing acts of sin from their lives by relying on prayer to the true God for their strength to do so. It is a partnership.

When the true God defines a day, guess what, it is how many solar events of the earth's orbit it takes to complete the events the true God decreed must be accomplished in His day. This reasoning goes for a week too. Oh, and that logic translates to a year.

What Time Is It?

When was the first of the year 2019 for the true God? September 13th God asked mac to observe the moonrise and said, "This is the first day of the year." When the moon was rising on the horizon on the Southwest U.S. desert. It was brilliant. He is calling this year four. At the end of this year add an adjusting week to be in sync with His calendar. (This means a week is added September 2020.) On the Hebrew calendar the first of the year is about two weeks later. They are the closest to the day. (They don't know the true God's year either.) What time is it? The seventy weeks have started. (See God tap His fingers.)

Worship the Son for Death

The Israelites never patterned their lives after the sun. That is a gateway to sun worship. Never would Israel have been in possession of a calendar that perfectly coincided with the sun unless the rhythm of the weeks pattern naturally allowed for an adjusting year. Oh, and each day still began in the evening with moonrise observed on the first of the month. The true God's people lived a life in the true God's shoes. He had a productive week of days. No two were of identical length and at the end of six productive days He took a Holy Sabbath. Holiness must exist before His Sabbath can end. Sin is destroyed to restore Holiness.

God will be King when His Sabbath is over. When sin is destroyed, God's Sabbath ends. He is following His Holy law. Humankind learns from God to eradicate the practice of sin. The wicked in our time will not be allowed to delay Christ's second coming. All sin-filled flesh will eventually die after proving how they want to live. If you want to be a slave to sin, death is waiting for you. If you want to live a life of repentance from sin's grasp, the true God is waiting for you.