“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreAre You Smoking D'Nile?
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreAre You Smoking D'Nile?

Dog Paddle

from the True God's First Ashore

Are You Smoking D'Nile?

August 6, 2019
revised August 1, 2020


Loopholes to perfect Law only exist in Satan's world. The Hebrew scriptures defined cleanliness, and how to follow the true God. This is repeated in the Greek Scriptures.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Are You Smoking D'Nile?

If you are not smoking denial, then you realize all the Bible applies to us today, and loopholes to perfect Law only exist in Satan's world. The Hebrew scriptures defined cleanliness and how to follow the true God. This is repeated in the Greek Scriptures. Cleanliness applied heavily to sexual relations. A perfect offering applied heavily to sacrifices. The moral: we must be clean people, and our being full of sin requires redemption. The offering made for us, the Christ, was perfect. We must walk in Christ's way to demonstrate our love for her sacrifice. (God says, "The Christ is one of only two beings to ever experience death at My hand.")

There is a constant turn of this Herald to use examples from the nation of Israel. Why is simple, they are valid. The true God has not changed His personality since dealing with Israel. Early Christians had the complete Hebrew scriptures as their guide as well as the inspiration of the apostles after the Jesus was executed. At that time the apostles' words were not yet compiled into scripture.

The Tribe of Benjamin, Sodom in Israel

The tribe of Benjamin was on its way to extinction. This was after Israel vowed to never give Benjamin one of its daughters. A Prayer for a Porn Lover, expressed an excerpt of faith that the true God would actually bless and help an individual in having a mate so they would not be under pain of living with abstinence while others could indulge. Members of Benjamin committed a brutal sex crime that counted against the entire tribe.

The Law made provision for marriage to occur even when a wife was taken by force. Her father was paid, and the seizing man could never divorce her. She was to be provided for her entire life. By this provision of Law, Benjamin got a wife. When Isaac needed a wife, Rebekah was found. The point, provision for marriage is made. Yes, the true God will help you find a mate. This does not mean that Rebekah would be yours. She was mother to millions as Isaac's wife. The individual who has many years of seeking the true God, past the smoke screen of false religion we are all sentenced with, till now, would be rewarded with another ox like themselves.

How does the proverb say it, "It's cruel to yoke an ox and an ass together?" Each animal is a fine beast of burden, but they do not travel under load the same. A servant of the the true God who has the energy to water ten camels, and demonstrate hospitality to visitors in the same breath, Rebekah, was blessed with God's Spirit, Life. The more work we do to learn who the true God is the happier we will be in waiting for our own ass.

Following the True God's Standards Meant Blessings on Family

To fulfil the true God's purpose, and fill the earth with His followers, Israel needed to adhere to the true God's standards then they would benefit from multiplying (fruitfulness). This does require families, man and woman to bear and rear children. In periods of perversion, when worshiping false God's, Israel experienced many curses. Loss of family integrity was one of the penalties.

We are certainly living in a time of loss of family integrity. Worse the true God has been unknown to humankind through every religious order down to today. This alienation is denigrating. Sheep of the true God; scattered about. Married couples that make room to heal the family with adopting orphans are lovingly filling a need in being parents. In God's Kingdom an individual who desires their genitals match production of sperm or egg would be resurrected with the genitals that match that persons need for fulfilment. Who makes that decision? The true God and that individual. God's leaving His Sabbath means He performs miracles for His people.

The Criteria is Masculine and Feminine not Genitals

There are two ways one could practice homosexuality. How is one a homosexual? Experience sexual relations with someone with the same sex identifying genitals either by fornicating with a person of same sex identifying genitals as yourself or a person married to one with your same sex identifying genitals. Fornicating with another man's wife is equivalent to having sexual relations with her husband. It is tantamount to homosexual rape. And both persons were to be put to death when caught in the act.

This is what the Mosaic Law referred to as "seeing the nakedness of" or "removing the garment of." One flesh means, one flesh. Sexual relations with one in a marriage is sexual relations with the other simultaneously. To give clarity to the definition, the person in this paragraph is a rapist like Ham. This includes a woman who has sexual relations with another woman's husband. She is the rapist against the man's wife. A note here is that rape is predatory sexual assault.

Respect, Respect, Respect

Respect marriage, your own marriage, and the marriage of others. Do not engage in sexual relations with anyone who is not your legal marital partner. Doing so brings you blood guilt. Because, you see, you are guilty of taking your own life, at the very least.

What about religious fornication? How many gods are there in the Bible? In truth the true God who inspired all the scripture -- God -- and whose Holy Active Discipline empowers its readers, and Satan -- gods. Satan for her fornications earned a death sentence and temporary authority to give humanity the right to choose life or her (death). How do we choose Satan? Simple, keep living the blind guide life of idolatry and/or sexual immorality that we are doing. a.k.a. keep fornicating.

Fornication is Choosing Satan

To fornicate is to do an act of worship to Satan. Intentional, free-willed, genital contact with an individual other than your lawful marriage mate is sexual fornication. Religious fornication, idolatry is prostrating yourself and praying directly to other gods or making things and activities your god by the priorities you choose in your life or leaving food on your plate in waste, or food as gifts to an entity that does not produce shit. (God shows you who you worship by what you become in your life. Temple prostitutes your vanity is now afflicted, like the vanity of your Ba'al.)

The true God hates fornication. The word fornication covers every from of worshiping Satan. In this world you are either making a stand to worship the true God or you worship Satan by not giving a rip -- thinking God is dead -- or giving a r.i.p. to one of Satan's many causes.

The Egyptians deified everything from frogs to the dead. When Israel left Egypt, the Egyptians were stripped of their wealth handing it over to Israel. The Canaanites were predatory homosexuals, Ham's offspring. The Israelites slaughtered the Canaanites. Noah had cursed Ham. The true God kept Noah's declaration true. The gavel was dropped on many peoples that were worshipers of false gods with their sexual perversion.

Keep the True God's Standards or Parish

Do not smoke denial. The true God will not allow His standards to be mocked. If you choose to fornicate you will perish unless you repent. If you are cruel in your dealings with those in a position of weakness and dependence on you, like human collateral in a war zone, you will perish unless you repent. Now is your chance to get to know the true God. You can choose to die. Fornicators change your behaviour, or He will have no memory of you, and you will not enter His Kingdom. He has abundant patience for every person that seeks His way by following His example.