There is that moment when the soul is sinking over reality. The place of experiencing knowledge when the mind is searching for what the soul understands. Perhaps this searching feeling is the consequence of passionate sexual intercourse. A piano soloist or vocalist stirs even how the body receives each breath shifting the minds awareness from surroundings to the lungs and heart during song. Listening to a virtuoso will stir soul searching depth until one feels their own breath owning deep knowledge of same, even if only for a moment. A single tear might be the only evidence to an observer. mac has just finished writing accusations Satan laid against the LORD. She is searching for composure while experiencing the depth of truth that humanity has no inkling of whilst getting pussy from Heaven anyway. Fuck you Trump.
The great double fucking event, that claimed the life of Lady Wisdom -- because the womb of creation engineered her personal survival -- ended with the existence of God Almighty when Satan attempted to claim the LORD's seed. God Almighty claimed all that seed in matrimony, under Law, as His to protect. Previously where was God Almighty?
This event one would classify as gang rape. Poets in the astrophysics department like to call it the Big Banger (Oops, Bang.) The answer to assure readers is that the LORD does indeed, like all Spirit, have physical components to His existence. How He limits His existence is a function of preserving Life when there is no need for badness. This is a little like one understanding kissing a venomous snake is foolishness that merits a Darwin Award, so just don't do it you dumb fuck. Do you need to do the bad to know there is good? Most likely you need alcohol in copious volume.
God Almighty was a concept between the LORD and His Lady Wisdom. Flesh, experiencing all of the wonder of being Spirit with all the advantage of worshiping the work of their own Hands growing Heaven's wealth. They brought discrete consciousness into existence from their mutual ownership of all energy -- Light, darkness, and matter. When the LORD was brought into existence as First Born of Allness, all badness was in the place of survival as a sacrificial Lamb that allowed other beings to exist. Deep within the LORD, His bowels, of Him, yet, isolated; what our gut is patterned after. The gametes and womb are just that kind of marvel too at allowing not self to be part of self. The place where recycling and waste are handled, so to speak.
Satan was angry over being denied knowledge of EVERYTHING. Without knowledge of EVERYTHING, surely, something was missing. The LORD and his mother cheated him! They had things he did not. Once EVERYTHING was brought into existence, EVERYTHING needed its place. The Lamb held the office of making sure EVERYTHING came into existence across all possible thought, creation, invention, mutation and being so that there was Allness again. And she walks among you. You are welcome to go earn a Darwin Award today. No god, or God will stop you.
Who are you? The flesh willing to do against your god so EVERYTHING could come into existence. Isn't that wonderful? Satan needed you and the Lamb used you. Or, perhaps, the Lamb needed you and Satan just used you. Regardless of your affair that brought mac from afar, mac spoke of a contest. And, you already know every tear is wiped from your eye in Hell so on with the games. Who has that Olympic torch now, anyway? Is that still done?