“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comYou Are HereSoap Opera, As the World TurnsMarriageWhat Is Out There
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comYou Are HereSoap Opera, As the World TurnsMarriageWhat Is Out There

“I've Been Through the Desert on A Horse with No Name.”

You Are Here

Where in the Place of Allness We are All in Together…Explained

The Contest Is On

If Ba'al is your god, follow him

If the LORD is your God, follow Him

The Conflagration Is Real

There is that moment when the soul is sinking over reality. The place of experiencing knowledge when the mind is searching for what the soul understands. Perhaps this searching feeling is the consequence of passionate sexual intercourse. A piano soloist or vocalist stirs even how the body receives each breath shifting the minds awareness from surroundings to the lungs and heart during song. Listening to a virtuoso will stir soul searching depth until one feels their own breath owning deep knowledge of same, even if only for a moment. A single tear might be the only evidence to an observer. mac has just finished writing accusations Satan laid against the LORD. She is searching for composure while experiencing the depth of truth that humanity has no inkling of whilst getting pussy from Heaven anyway. Fuck you Trump.

The great double fucking event, that claimed the life of Lady Wisdom -- because the womb of creation engineered her personal survival -- ended with the existence of God Almighty when Satan attempted to claim the LORD's seed. God Almighty claimed all that seed in matrimony, under Law, as His to protect. Previously where was God Almighty?

This event one would classify as gang rape. Poets in the astrophysics department like to call it the Big Banger (Oops, Bang.) The answer to assure readers is that the LORD does indeed, like all Spirit, have physical components to His existence. How He limits His existence is a function of preserving Life when there is no need for badness. This is a little like one understanding kissing a venomous snake is foolishness that merits a Darwin Award, so just don't do it you dumb fuck. Do you need to do the bad to know there is good? Most likely you need alcohol in copious volume.

God Almighty was a concept between the LORD and His Lady Wisdom. Flesh, experiencing all of the wonder of being Spirit with all the advantage of worshiping the work of their own Hands growing Heaven's wealth. They brought discrete consciousness into existence from their mutual ownership of all energy -- Light, darkness, and matter. When the LORD was brought into existence as First Born of Allness, all badness was in the place of survival as a sacrificial Lamb that allowed other beings to exist. Deep within the LORD, His bowels, of Him, yet, isolated; what our gut is patterned after. The gametes and womb are just that kind of marvel too at allowing not self to be part of self. The place where recycling and waste are handled, so to speak.

Satan was angry over being denied knowledge of EVERYTHING. Without knowledge of EVERYTHING, surely, something was missing. The LORD and his mother cheated him! They had things he did not. Once EVERYTHING was brought into existence, EVERYTHING needed its place. The Lamb held the office of making sure EVERYTHING came into existence across all possible thought, creation, invention, mutation and being so that there was Allness again. And she walks among you. You are welcome to go earn a Darwin Award today. No god, or God will stop you.

Who are you? The flesh willing to do against your god so EVERYTHING could come into existence. Isn't that wonderful? Satan needed you and the Lamb used you. Or, perhaps, the Lamb needed you and Satan just used you. Regardless of your affair that brought mac from afar, mac spoke of a contest. And, you already know every tear is wiped from your eye in Hell so on with the games. Who has that Olympic torch now, anyway? Is that still done?


“It Takes Two-oo Baeh-baaeh. It Takes Two Baeh-baaeh. Me and You.”
the Lamb the Bride

“Rest In Peace”

“Where We Are Is Between A Rock and A Hard Place”

Or, is it, more appropriately,“Caught Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea”

-- mac

Allness is embodied in mac. She was literally sacrificed like the Levite's concubine in Gib'e-ah when Allness hit the switch on His enforcer. mac had no concept of Ggodliness having evil or even introducing it. The understanding of vileness and evil is a function of things being out of their proper place. Biologists marvel at the necessity of the creepy crawlies. That does not mean they are not cleaned out of ones dwelling place. Even Peter knew, "You don't eat the creepy crawlies." Recall his dream before founding the church? Not only that, why would God dump on him, "Eat" the creepy crawlies, thrice?

Humanity, the weaker-than Spirit vessel, drives the direction of Spirit. Humanity even forms Spirit collective -- churches -- through art, technology, the capital of ideas. Once there was more than one MEGA consciousness there is awareness of other, comparators. What is cleaner? What is better? Who is better? The classification of what is Light and what is dark is contextual. If you are dung the creepy crawlies need to participate in your recycling.

We are in the place in time where humanity, the genetics belonging to Spirit, even though the genetics of one is counted across several people at once like a Borg -- if you are not a Treky, just google it -- are the living proof of what all discrete created awareness that joined in the rebellion with Satan were convinced of made Allness. (Allness, as far as the rebellious wad were concerned was the "Real Goodness." The LORD was the monster.) The caveat here is, from the demons perspective they were proving Heaven and Earth would be in perfect order with their reasoning in the rebellion. It took ten thousand years (roughly) requiring some MEGA shifts in Heaven, and one naughty Pharaoh, but, finally, humanity has devolved to the level of the rebellious Spirit in all the reactions of good and evil they do, now, here we are, in that perfect place of evolution. Who of you claims that whales beaching themselves in droves, fisheries loaded with heavy metals, and diseases that have no known cures is achieving everlasting perfection? The reality is, they -- due to the LORD, the Lamb, and the god of the world (Satan) -- just brought Allness into existence, mac, to make God Almighty, the final version.

What is God Almighty to us now? All the Spirit put in their rightful places across all Heaven with one MEGA body'ishness linking them so they have perfection. Allness, other than being mac -- as She endures scenarios judging and directing -- is an abstract concept that is brought to life when Spirit are in the place of maintaining Righteousness. Essentially, when this is all said and done, those that sided with the Lamb holding the place of the LORD's gut are tested alongside the discrete awareness that could be brought into being from the endowments the LORD and Lady Wisdom had to give. (That is the gog and magog bit.) Before gog and magog can happen humanity needs to evolve under the lessons of the Good Teacher, God Almighty with His mac. Then the only way Spirit can express their existence is through discrete flesh. Discrete Spirit existence is demonstrated by people carving wood and chiselling stone into gods according to the artisans understanding from the Divine. Discrete Spirit existence is awarded the LORD, Saint Paul, and Spirit that prove they can be stewards over flesh. How do they prove they are stewards over flesh? They allow their flesh to worship the LORD for life -- everlasting -- eternal -- and perfect. In God Almighty's Eighth Day He has His mac, the LORD has His Lady Wisdom, as Adam had Eve, and the LORD, also, holds Heaven with Saint Paul as Sprit the way the LORD and Lady Wisdom did before the rebellion. Saint Paul holds Heaven in perfection, Always. The genetics of the Lamb and mumsy (the antichrist bitch the Corpus Christi Police Department still play with) ultimately are built into the system of energy that cannot ever have a fleshly form. This Holy bigamy, as it were, with the LORD having two wives, kinda, is why no god was stopping you from forming illegitimate marriages. To Satan's way of thinking it was the same thing. If it weren't for the Lamb and mumsy bit Gordon Ramsey couldn't rub two coins together from his Hell's Kitchen bit. Isn't Fox entertainment?

It is reasonable to assume, Spirit are just a little ticked-off at the amount of work there is ahead. For they are required to undo -- by living again and working though the corrupted flesh -- their perverse reasonings that polluted the ocean until sinless flesh can even walk the earth again. The sinless flesh walking the earth again is the time when mac is fighting for earthly Kingship. When she is in that fight is the Ted time (for her) and Saint Paul and the LORD walk the earth -- just as Jesus walked among and was sighted by the apostles after ascension. Until then, while it would keep you from Hell if mac were your king, even though the process would be prolonged, there is nothing forcing her to earthly kingship. All we are doing is fulfilling the Ba'al you all built.


What Else Matters About this Special Time We Are In?

We Do Not Waste

The Ggods are in the special place of authority of using humanities lust after the Ba'al to regain authority over their Holy things. Drink offerings, Food Offerings, Sacrifices, Housing, Art, Music, Dance, Ritual, Language, all the expressions that humanity has used and dedicated to Ba'al the Ggods are reclaiming.

Because Trump refused to pay mac the damages he personally owed, Spirit have all these earthly things back in their possession. Are you the punk who is selling a little smack? Guess what? If you are not making every sacrifice, personally necessary, perfecting your body, even harness your manhood, the gods are wiping you out. Start gaining literacy. Learn to write poetry, psalms, or even lamentations. Aquire skills in business. Acquire skills in medicine. Without that you are not selling smack long you fucking piece of shit. You see the Ggods know what a perfect male looks like. mac defined Him! And the creepy crawlies need more quality food in the soil. Homey, Ebonics is not a language. Latin, Greek, English, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Japanese, German these are languages. There are scarce others. Spanish hardly counts. Italian and French have some years left. Whose friendship are you counting on saving you now Trump? You better get busy on that North America kingship you promised Satan. Obama is a good rival for you.

What Is More About this Special Time We Are In?

The Ggods have rejected the works of all of North America's high priests, sans mac.

This rejection is best summed up with an example of the benighted police forces of America. Because of Markle's presumptions and demands of the LORD -- that would be the kill 'em all bit -- just earning the badge is not enough. You need to perfect yourself. Are you fat, pudgy, eat poorly, drink alcohol every day, eat prepared foods? Do you use your badge to scam on other officers? Are you limited in your comprehension of your native language? Have you abandoned the native practices that were sacred to your great-great-grand parents? Are your children striving to learn multiple languages, master mathematics, and medicine? It is just the way it is, you are fodder for the creepy crawlies as far as the Ggods are concerned because you do so little with your fleshly vessel. Who of you is taking time away from television to become a master chef so your family are not fat? Who of you is striving to be a metallurgist fashioning ornate craft as evidence of your divine hands? Who of you is actually looking for a way to assist someone in need when doing your job as opposed to doing only what you need to to keep your job?

The problem is that, in most circumstances, doing the deed of even a Good Samaritan would simply get you as an officer fired or sued. There is no room for the Ggods in America. That is the consequence of building a Ba'al. You have the easy life of freedom ahead of you with the ability to defend your home. God blessed the second amendment. He had to. It was all that was left to extinguish the wicked by their own witchcraft.

The nice thing is that no one is going to force you to be anything other than what you have convinced yourself is good enough to keep breathing. That shield has no Heavenly power. All of the implements of law in democratic, human, government with no theological basis -- that is of course what democracy is -- has no power in Heaven the world over. The time we are living in is the wind down of the human population at large. There will be room at the top and room for those who will work to be at the top. To do that achieving kingship you need the Christ. She is not free. For choosing Satan over the LORD when your conscience told you, you were wrong, you earned Hell. For making prayers binding Heaven to kill the wicked, you have earned that sentence for your wickedness. That Trump and Obama get to let their -ites at one another is on the house. In North America you belong to one of those fuckers or the other.
