“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenNASA Rig-it
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenNASA Rig-it

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

NASA Rig-it;

February 12, 2021


Salvation from the heavens. God says, Huzza! The miracles of delivery from Egypt included man's deeds and God's. That is how We beat the odds.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

NASA Rig-it;

First there is belief. After belief there is faith. Between the two is proof. With faith mac moves mountains because she has already had proven to her by God that she moves mountains for Him. The first thing that happened is she believed she could move a mountain. Then God went to work teaching her how to move that mountain. Now when she says, that mountain will move from here to there, she understands she is going to be buying mining equipment and hiring labour. She struggles with being smarter than the dirt to get the job done. According to ol' backhoe operators, the trick is being smarter than the dirt to be successful.

When an individual is not playing with Leaven and Mammon God can go to work teaching them. Otherwise the god proving the tested quality of belief turning it into faith is tainted with Leaven or Mammon. A demon is the one proving the belief where Leaven and Mammon are involved. Then an individual is putting faith in demons not God. Destroying an idol of this god destroys the power God delivers to their faith.

The Cold War

The hidden currency you built against Russia, America, is how four jesters, not to be confused with Rick Steve's demon, turned democracy into an idol.

Legal Tender

Only God can deliver vengeance for an individual who does not want anything from the wicked person other than what they are legally owed. An interesting thing about taking a brother to court, one who hosts a demon is not the brother or sister to one who does not host demons. This is the legal battle God brings to justice. Every American can duke it out in court with one another. You are all full of demons. Legal tender is what settles all debts public and private.

A righteous person has no way to settle a debt using the money changers currency. A wicked person looks at money and says, to themselves, "You mean what do I think is equal to my having to pay you that amount. 8 million that's rape. Oh, you want me to rape you." The wicked person does not back away from the deal. No price is too high for their invented currency. It is what they use to stamp out righteousness. That is why mac does not have even one follower.

The wicked don't give up money as an exchange because they love money. When legal tender is not a means of exchange an individual has no way to return in kind. God is the only one who hears the case of the widow and orphan.

Puny "Mind Power"s, Swede

It is easy to see a riot to obtain the election evidence occurred. Trump made clear he was looking for the votes he claimed were not counted in his favour and that he rightfully won the election. How is that claimed proved? A total election audit. Rather than wait until the change of power, Trump went after disruption while in office. What did Trump pave the way for? A Gambit to eliminate the vote. Without proof a democratic election occurred legally there is no proof of democracy.

Total denial on Trump's part means there is no way to prove that he intended to incite the insurrection. He can be penalized under the accusation with impeachment. Only God can prove what an individual's motives are. This is what God's miracles demonstrate. His miracles prove the god an individual worships and how their faith is powered. His miracles also fold a world power infested with demons.

Why are Americans of, legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government across fifty states and claimed territories terrified of proof? They are all worshipping the same gods against God. Penalizing questioning the vote count means nothing ever needs to be proven. Trumps timing of questioning is a demonstration of his malice. Honest elections are ended with impeachment and he understands that. Trump is legally proving America's democracy is an idol.

The foursome of evil, Biden, Trump, Obama, and Clinton, staged destroying mac on God's own proprietary sprit consciousness network using their combined gnostic psyche. God had to allow them all the persons they could conference and then abandon her for it to be a fair psychic event against mac. God allowed communication against mac in that arena since she was conceived. It was the bootcamp required. Then she learned how to march through hell with a smile.

Because these conference participants demanded they never needed to provide any evidence of their involvement, satisfy the eye, or physical, in any way, God did not need to have mac substantiate anything, prove, anything for His protection. Not only that, but these did not even get to live any of the signs that Egypt did that demonstrated to Moses how Noah's Chieftains of America lost their empires. That is the value add of what the ten plagues of Egypt illustrated.

The God to Pharaoh and His Prophet

Aaron greets his brother Moses with a kiss. The symbol that your words are my words. (What the church did with marriage and matchmaking to replace God will be later in this series.) When Abraham made a covenant, he requested hand under the thy. He was decerning if his associate was after his seed. He was avoiding Leaven and Mammon with this deed.

Moses would be a God to Pharaoh, and Arron, Moses' prophet. This is how Israel was in a weakened place of seeing Moses as a god, the golden calf event is the problem to think of here. Many times mac made it clear to God, "I will go this alone. I can live without sex." God asked that she have a spouse. The evil foursome used a U.S. Naval Officer mac met October 2019 in Virginia Beach, in the psychic arena as their duck blind.

Hermetic Argument on Theosophy

God is the One that puts His faithful in the place of understanding His signs for His faithful's salvation. Mel-chiz'edek king of Salem and High Priest of God delivered God's prophecy against the America's chieftains. Mel-chiz'edek then left the Americas bringing Noah's bones to the land of his sons. Abraham passed a legacy of understanding about false gods and the consequence of uniting with demons to his children. The kings of Sodom and Gomor'rah were experiencing Mel-chiz'edek's prophecy.

God proved He was Abraham's God by illustrating through Moses the plagues of Egypt. This progression was what Abraham learned and passed to His children. First sin entered the world and death through sin. Water, potable, God turned to blood. The blood made what was living in the Nile die. Tadpole eggs survived. Hermaphroditism, both male and female in one, translates to confusion about the genitals especially in defining man and woman.

From dust without knowledge of God people create beliefs. The beliefs God proves either, from the measly demonstrations of demons, or by God Himself. When the belief system grows followers, these want to be in on the network, it becomes obvious as swarms of flying insects. Then there is disease. Animal and human suffer badly with massive deaths.

Enter the prophet. Hail and hell fire from the heavens comes, heed the message of the prophet and you do not suffer losses. Refuse the message of God's prophet and there will be massive losses and devastation. The people hosting demons are in darkness and denial incapable of seeing their own works. Between every stage God is asking, come worship Me. At the last stage, legacy destruction, God destroys the power to their faith.

God's prophet is the one that destroys national idols. When a person becomes their own idol, war is the legal way to destroy the idol and the power of that faith. Individual's rid themselves of their personal idolatry with God's shepherding. God's shepherding means an individual must do righteously.

An Explanation on Policy

Trimming the trees to God's spec means not money changing and/or dealing with unbalanced scales. Creating black holes is mac demanding of God things that limit how He can accomplish His will using her. These two fundamental rules are why mac is used by God to defeat idolatry. The foursome of evil turned the office of President of the United States into the idol of the nation. This idol, democracy, is what God used mac to destroy.

mac even understands it is better to lose an eye that to go two eyed into, blah, blah, and blah. When there is something being used by others against a person just get rid of that currency. It is simple. Obama was certain dumping a "husband" on mac was some kind of reward. To her, a spouse is one, a wife, the individual she takes the hit for not keeping the trees trimmed to spec. mac required a man of God. The needle in the hay-stack was masculine-male. Also, this individual needed to be legally eligible to physically marry.

What God did was use the demands of the niggers with mac's two policies to capture Avatar's in gaming as instruments for God to teach gamers. mac took two shots to her feet on this one. She is healing. To the one who does righteously more is given. She was married to a hell of a gaming whore, a brother to the wicked bastard Terry Smart (feminine-male woman). Then she died, faithful. Resurrection to kinghood beats knighthood. What mac understands of the prophets before her is that she is less than they were. What God asked of them she would never refuse for herself. Hosea and Ezekiel mattered much. (Peor, Mary McRae, is masculine-female woman that was Terry's mate.)

What About Bob?

These dumb theosophics keep upping the pot on crazy. Guess what? You never even realized the crazy mac has learned to process in her mind. Not Zenning information means there is no dulling of an individual's perceptive powers. You never ever even bothered to examine the body of knowledge in what is left of her library. God can communicate with the individual through their entire body and mind. Oh yes, that is whole souled devotion to God. That is not in any way even possible with demons. You niggers stop at the premonition in the gametes. You sat down to play twenty-one against the house that held ten identical decks of shuffled cards and you didn't even know how to count the cards as they were played. You kept betting expecting to hit the jackpot.

You honestly thought mac would play the part of Dreyfus. What you didn't realize is that house on the lake she would have blown up on any instant. All God had to do was ask. She would have thanked Him for the heavenly fire.