“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenThe Ggods Must Be Crazy, III
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenThe Ggods Must Be Crazy, III

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

The Ggods Must Be Crazy, III

July 16, 2021


Why humanity since Eisenhower is so fucking bad. What the corrupted heart means in the face of Righteousness.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

The Ggods Must Be Crazy, III

The first time God made the announcement His woman, as son of man, was born, the dialogue with Satan's spirit seed went like so...

“This is cheating.”
“Esp'lain this to Me Rebekah.”
“There is no sin in his blood. We have no influence.”
“What do you expect to influence?”
“We expect sin to recognize our way is better.”
“How do you go about accomplishing sin?”
“We want you to use Eve. Her sin will help us. We can influence her in our favour.”
“I assure you, Eve will be after wisdom first and foremost. If you insist on using Eve, Christ will attest for how you are influencing her.”
“We will get full credit then for all she does in response to our work.”
“Nothing will be missed.”
“Then we want Eve to decide our future.”
“Christ will establish kingship in the heavens. Using Eve to decide your future will be undetermined for now.”

When Saul was born, Satan demanded being god of the world. Christ and his apostles established a means for Satan to use God's righteousness, the Church, until God's woman was born. The means was intended to prevent blasphemy. Satan's spirit seed reasoned hedging even further over Saul's being male business. (This did read, "Saul's male business." We had our Freshman titter over the Freudian-slip-of-a-writing-moment mac delivers.) The demon hedge went with demanding that Eve be Ggod's slave.

Ave Maria

The key to Eve's (God's woman) use was her being born with a corrupted heart. To insure Eve's corrupted heart Protestantism Satan needed as well as her being born on God's land. Satan demanded of God that all parentage for mac's generation have corrupted hearts. This provided for more spirit beings among humanity. Then mac was born to Albert and Mary (squandering, pot-head, go-to for the drugs, North Shore of Hawaii couple, (Sun and Venus)) The demons were certain mac would be after saving wickedness.

mac was God's slave and her heart was corrupted. What did the demons not account for? Mary in a jealous rage over the prophecy that her daughter would be greater to god than her went after murdering mac in utero. (Now you understand why college funds were regarded as righteous savings. Provide your children the opportunity to be greater earners than yourselves.) Even Satan was desperate to save mac.

With mac's heart circumcised she was the only living being who had no ability to bind God's powers. Circumcising her heart was the only way Ggod could save her life. Now the demons had Eve, their last hope, and she had no ability to bind Ggod's power's. All prayer since Luther was limited to deeds of heart performed by persons hosting demons. mac's prayers were powerless words because of what Satan's churches did to prayer while Satan was god of the world. Every person binding Ggod's power refused to perform the righteously motivated prayers to win the Christ as their "demon."

I Believe the Children Are Our Future

mac's interjection, "How fucking stupid are they?" You want wickedness to prevail? I should have had Oprah's celebrity and Obama's Presidency and then gone on to rule the world with more wealth than Solomon ever amassed. It's that fucking simple. I should have never been; raped, beaten unconscious, starved, and abandoned at the very least by my own mother. Worse, my grandmother, the registered school nurse, turning a blind eye to Mary's evil. The law should have done it's fucking job and put me in foster care. Even in the seventies Mary was a bad parent. Those evils, not even the worst of what she did against me, happened before finishing elementary school. Shame on you State of Hawaii."

The logical question is, Why was humanities future tied to the demons? It wasn't. The gametes of Adam and Eve with all the genetic combination that could come into existence once were all that received a promise from Ggod. Righteousness provided a way for a second chance to happen. Those born with corrupted hearts would have never come into existence without Satan's sin.

Look At Me

Obama, with his corrupted heart, has Satan to thank for being born. Of course, without the two squandering pieces of drug dealing white trash, mac would not have been born. So Satan abused her mightily through Mary. With a second chance, the world looks forward to another "Witney Houston" toward the end of Christ's reign. She and Beyonce can duke-it-out with one another who is prettier. Trash should have never been genetically possible. Satan made those genetics possible because Adam and Eve were stuck with one another to people the earth once Satan defiled it.

What does mac understand? As long as one person was subjected to the perversions inherent to wickedness she could not escape the worst. How would she ever understand why only righteousness, God with Christ, make for perfection for all creation if she lived a life like Obama. (Yes, Obama, mac hates seeing your face without her crosshairs.) That demon network does nothing for a person who registers as a weakling. This is how mac registered with her circumcised heart, all her life. Why? You had no leverage though your premonition supper sinner highway.

I Can't Get No-oh Satisfaction

mac's slavery meant regardless of what transpired in mac's life, she would not be free to believe any damned thing she wanted. That is slavery to Ggod. What did Ggod create first because it is what he loves? Christ, Righteousness, Light. Call that a three in one. What did the demons demand with making mac a slave to Ggod? That mac end up believing in everything to bring the Christ. Freedom to believe in anything is what came with Satan.

You Give Love, A Bad Name

While enslaved to Mary Ggod honoured her perversions, provided mac's life was not taken. (That is the Job business.) This is why only one human God made a slave of. It was demanded of Him. This is why death enters the world through one human and exits because of another. Satan made a slave of Adam. The parties that jail Mary McRae win back the perpetual sacrifices of the Christ for some of humanity.

The bible provided every last one of you "Christians" the dust needed to keep drawing closer to God. God is Ggod in union with the Christ. god is stealing Ggods power (because He hates wickedness and the wicked) and mapping it to Satan. You Trump are a shitty little god and mac is God.

But I Still Haven't Found What I'm Lookn' For

Left to the Christ, at the time he installed the kingdom of the heavens, the demons would have gotten death as a way out. Now righteousness is simple. They will have knowledge of the wickedness they concocted for centuries, live with a conscience about their badness, and have human feeling. And rather than put Christ in the place of dumping hell on them for correction, Christ is relief from the burn, Always. If they insist on going a wicked way they have lost the Christ. They simply feel the consequence of their badness until they repent, Eternally.

Where the Streets Have No Name

Before God's kingdom, people simply grow old and die unless they chose repentance. How many wrinkles do you tolerate on your face before you seek to do righteously again? Once Christ's kingdom ends, person's will be subject to the sin in their blood without the benefits of the Christ. All humans (genetics) in Christ's kingdom is born or reborn a blank slate. While Christ is king, there will be demons you can go after, experience the consequences of growing old and dying, or prove you want to be God's servant with Christ being righteous.

When Satan is released those still alive are tested. Those that go after Satan die. Those that keep seeking God who they know and can not see, die with the reward of resurrection memory in tact in God's Kingdom. Christ's kingdom is peopled with newly born and persons reborn with corrupted hearts. At the beginning of Christ's kingdom it is peopled with those that participated in and witnessed his return to earth as king. These persons are mac's seed along with those they protected.

mac learned those born without a corrupted heart that died prior to Christ's kingdom are resurrected in God's Kingdom memory in tact. These are the ones that look for the evil doer without success. Dog Paddle will be revised to reflect this knowledge. Every person born without a corrupted heart is resurrected in God's Kingdom with their memory in tact. These are people that were just subjected to the inherent troubles of sin and had no ability to bind Ggod's power. God's Kingdom they will learn what it was they were enduring in Satan's system of sin. God does not fail in teaching His creation.

Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps

While writing the Ggods' articles, mac began pondering the notion her slavery to God ended. (This is a function of her cellular destruction from Trump's fuck hate crime. You want to arrest mac? She wants legal council. Her facing charges in a court of law brings God and Christ as witness.)

This belief of freedom she was forced to give up. She is still God's slave. She will be until risen to the heavens. (mac raised her brow toward heaven wondering if that freedom business actually sticks. God said with a smirk, "I'm thinking about keeping you as my slave.") If you think of the consequence of that, every time mac was in a place of shaking her head that she didn't get what she thought she wanted, she could simply "thank" Satan for her slavery.

Legion dumped on the Christ, I adjure you not to torment me. Christ could expel the demons but forcing doing righteously, that would have been the torment. It is mac that ended up with being able to dump Satan's solution for humanity on Satan's spirit seed. This is under the heading, with Ggod all things are possible. Now what the whole world has is, God to look forward to with Christ, light. The Ggods identity is over.


You want to be regarded as something other than trash? Repent! You niggers have demons with much at stake. They have lost power. Firstly, the prayers they would have the human being perform with symbolic deeds to secure the desires of their heart are no longer powered. Prayer for the human happens in the mind. Secondly, you as a human do not have retroactive means to pray over your past prayers of heart to secure knowledge for preserving your future or legacy.

Since mac's conception it is her power that bound Ggod. No one bound Ggods' power as God winning the Christ. You went after perversion. Satan asked for Ggod to endow mac with more power. Shortly after that, Mary enslaved mac to her with the murder attempt. Every seven years Mary was asked to free mac. She emphatically refused.

mac started learning from God what she needed to decide if it would be god's or God's Kingdom that eternally reigned after Gog of Magog. mac had already made it clear she wanted wisdom, and to serve not Satan, God.

Gambln's' First Lesson

God and Christ simply established a House that would not loose to wickedness. Satan grew pot (oops, a pot) for a short while. Life came into existence that otherwise wouldn't. Moving forward the generation of people alive that refused the Christ since June 1970 are dead (zombies.) These dead have a problem. They have lost their godly power without understanding those prayers of heart they made with acts of obedience to their demon. These dead have demons that want mac's help.

It is not possible to use mac's work for blasphemy. Some policy, work-instruction, possession ownership, and material or object placement, was mandated or constructed as a prayer of heart. These prayers are what bound Ggods power. What needs to be preserved, the righteous outcome prayers of heart. What is destroyed? The prayers of heart that appease the demon. The demon needs to provide this information to their human. Without mac, it can not be done. Otherwise niggers are destroying their legacy wholesale like Pharaoh starting August 21, 2021.

God's Country

Prayers of heart have power. Without mac's consulting you have no way of knowing which prayer of heart accomplished what. You don't have the trunk line. Christ holds the trunk line, now. That is establishing his kingdom. The Christ is not releasing this information to mac unless she is compensated for the abuses against her to secure prayers of heart under Albert and Mary's slavery deal.

mac's back pay amounts to $2,000,000,000.00 U.S. June 2019 dollars. The date of payment and national currency's amount is mapped to the day of payment's international economic adjustors. Until the funds in total clear, enjoy the bedlam you earned building your kingdoms with prayers of heart.

Once mac's back pay is posted as her available funds contracting services for legacy protection will be considered and negotiated on a case-by-case basis with the human in person.

Are you squealing? Unfortunately for the filthy rich the precedent for untangling the good, the bad, and the ugly, prayers of heart even Satan has seen paid before. (In other words, you pay the piper.) This is why God led Abram to Melchizedek. Who was it that defined the terms of slavery? Satan. Under Mosaic law a human could only own another human or their lands a maximum of forty nine years. There were no limits to Ggods slavery terms treatment of the slave. The high priest served until his death. A slave was released with their pay!


A death penalty for false prophecy falls to, Peter Beresford of Vancouver. You can check out his book, The Spirituality of Trump a Parody. Against God and Christ, this stupid fool, who evidently is awarded scholarship in Mad Studies, decided to be the voice of God and Jesus Christ in his book speaking "correction" to Donald Trump's tweets and quotes that amused him, Peter, personally. What will be more remarkable than Beresford's death is how little his death is noticed. Trump proved his mapping to Satan. You, Peter, decided to publish blasphemy against the work of God's prophet whose Herald you read.

You've Got Mail

Is God prompting you to send mac an email like He did Peter? It isn't to commend you. Those that contract mac's services know to go to her front door. Four of Christ's allies will be there soon.

Once mac's back pay is received, the provision for sending her an email is typing, "God approved this message." in the subject line. When God approves your draft you will be prompted to send. You won't miss your cue. For those that can't write, "God approved this message." there is your sign you might be like Peter.