“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenLiving Fornication Free
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenLiving Fornication Free

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Living Fornication Free

August 2, and 6, 2021, September 27, 28, and 29, 2022


How does one cut a person into twelve sections? That may not seem like much of a logic puzzle. Head, one, chest and arms, four -- the chest is bisected along the spine, belly to thighs, three -- the thighs are separated from the pelvis, legs two, and feet two. Twelve sections total. Head of gold, the chest with arms of silver, then belly and thighs of brass, legs of iron, and feet of iron and clay.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Living Fornication Free

Or We Didn't Split the Baby

The prayer of the Levite priest with the war against Benjamin meant grander than the Lord's twin was resurrected. mac frequently sighs deep, raises praise to Heaven and utters, "Prayers of the Holy ones, ITZA." To which echoes back from the Heavens to mac, "Prayers of the Holy Ones, Honey Bee." mac empathises with the sacrifices persons have made before Her to bring about God Almighty's Sabbath ending Eighth Day.


What is described throughout Israel during the times of the Judges, as in the book of, is the events of the, each one doing his own thing, people, that culminates in the demand for a king over the people by the people. The sacrifice of the concubine in Gibeah raised to mac the question, "How does one cut a human body into twelve sections?" mac wrote the comparator of how the first Christ, Moon, was ravaged and destroyed. In Gibeah the Levite tossed his concubine to the crowd to provide the human sacrifice for the first Christ, Moon, being restored. Why twelve? Moon twelve sections and Sun twelve sections, that is twenty-four. What is more, this relates to even more in John's Apocalypse.

The sections of the body are delineated according to the materials and regions specified in Nebuchadnez'zar's dream that was taken from him by the time he woke saturated in dread. Daniel, of course, saved the day with his humble petition to the LORD. Then Daniel experienced the dream before revealing it to the king of Babylon who sacked Israel years earlier.

What was Nebuchadnez'zar being warned about? He was taking away the gleaning from souls to petition the LORD. What did Nebuchadnezzar further do? Agreed to a worship only him contract. What else did he do? He built a statue of solid gold. Taking away the gleaning is what you modern day fucker-fuckers did to bring the, Holy Mother of God Jesus H. Christ, Christ. She is in the flesh and of course in your faces as Tour Guide Barbie, Prophet at large. Had there been room for Her to conceal Her identity earning a living quietly with the rest of humanity then there would be no block-buster -- Superhero-saves-the-day happy-ending getting rid of evil. Taking away the gleaning, this harkens to the Mosaic law, meant even Spirit no longer had God Almighty to map to.


mac's introduction combines the knowledge of porges, and the significance of twelve, with how the Ggods evolved into a Duad of twenty-four total for more discrete awareness to come into existence. The concubines abuses were a function of the Israelites during the days of the Judges, after Joshua's passing, finally perverting their matriarch Sarah with their fowl conduct that compared with Sodom. Sodom being the city Lot fled that wanted to abuse the Angels.

Lot's daughters, being flesh, didn't amount to much to plunder to Sodomites. So those sickos went by fire and sulphur from Heaven. Lot was not allowed to make a sacrifice of his daughters for that city. The Levite, later in time, made a human sacrifice because he knew that was the means to provide restoration in the Heavens so a king could come into being. Saul of course was anointed as the peoples first king and Samuel was ministering in front of the ark. Each one doing his own thing in Israel went with what Eli's sons were doing. Hanna having a son was as a result of how Eli cursed her rather than even realize it was the LORD she was petitioning.


There is a natural necessity to address, post article date of origin, praecognitum and pretermit topics. The text Live Fornication Free mac and God Almighty discussed writing late June 2019. First of course, mac wrote a peace offering -- Dog Paddle. Then of course the peace offering prayer of heart that only the Lamb could make with mac's deeds needed to be made straight after clearing the caatinga laid by antichrist.

The world had a two-fer with Mary. The Lord had a twin. Mary took down her fraternal twin in the womb. The twin is what was used in Heaven for the bull y'all were banking on in Heaven with no regard to its owner. mac was honoured custodianship, authority to smash that twin, because Woods refused to honour his marriage. mac honoured Hers. This of course is why obedience to the LORD mattered.

Mary destroyed her own fleshly twin in the womb. The likeness of eaglet chicks in the nest -- the strongest wild thing survives -- matters much. Two spirits were created one to each embryo. Mary the living flesh will be gone the way of the twin she consumed. What did Mary refuse to learn? There were twin spirits in the firmament born. The question becomes did Mary order, by years of strategising against her own daughter, the death of her own spirit or the death of her twin's spirit when mac was sent after antichrist? Mary is proud of ridding herself of her fleshly twin.

Questions are based on underlying assumptions. The thought process of geometry, and linear algebra, is good logic building exercise. The process of clarifying assumptions is what an editing process provides. A writer first needs to identify what another might assume from the information that is not included. Then address confirming or correcting a wrong assumption.


Esau and Jacob warred in the womb. Rebecca learned from the LORD the obvious. In one place of the Bible, then generations latter in another place, across the genetics of humanity different pieces of the Ggod construct are revealed in the lives of the people recorded. Once Adam and Eve died, the human genetics that mapped to God Almighty, the flesh coded to him was gone, until Saint Paul, and then mac. Saint Paul was resurrected to Heavenly office. mac holds the earthly office. Every Spirit consciousness created by the Sun and Moon held discrete awareness had some good and some evil. That is what being Spirit from Allness is. What is more this Sprit was of course from the former Democracy of Allness and is instrumental in bringing about God Almighty's Eighth day perfecting creation with humanity.

Elizabeth secluded herself for five months, and John the Baptist, her son, wore skins, walked about in the wilderness of Israel, and ate honey and locusts. With Jesus death the locusts exoskeleton was sealed. The paternal houses and restoration of Jerusalem that Neheimah and Ezra accomplished with returning exiles that cast off their foreign wives and children was to fulfil their faith in Heavenly Jerusalem.

The immature seed, complement to the souls living today -- marked by mac's Kingdom, will fill the locust Borg as described previously. Specifically, when Obama dies, when Woods dies, when Sharpton dies, when Biden dies these people just expire. Their genetic combinations are marked as bad shit never to be created again and the Spirit complement God Almighty covenanted during Satan's epic fellation, joins its appropriate place with the Locusts. It it the Lord that bundles the bad genetics of all the marked expired as a harem marker of never-never land. Kinda like lost boys that never grow up, isn't it?

What happens with Obamas discrete consciousness? It is gone. What remains? The imprint, image if you will, of Obama's life as he walked the earth perverting justice and abusing God Almighty's slave, is a matter of record in the locust Borg at the locus that suits recordation for Creation to be rid of evil. As in, the precedent has been made and there is not means for wickedness to exist agin.

Jesus death was the event that meant the Heavenly hope of the Locusts described in Revelation was fulfilled. Satan took the god of the world contract with Righteousness holding the Heavens. Flesh maps across the totality of God Almighty. Spirit, Angels and demons were created with discrete identity and growing to maturity when rebellion ensued and humanity was created by agreement of all the gGods, Spirits, for God Almighty to be restored.

Four Play

The Quadripartite of Creation holding the Heavens is as so. There is the LORD, Jehovah [Yes, We at Team God still hate that moniker. We understand humanity labours with needed to call a God a Dick.] Saint Paul, the Lamb, and Allness -- God Almighty. These hold the Heavens. What was before mac's birth? Saint Paul was in purgatory. Satan was god of the world, and in purgatory. The gGod construct the LORD, Jehovah was forming in the Heavens, surrounded by Allness with no particular self awareness and the Lamb was in a place of existence without Immortality, still. A fragile balance to be sure. Shortly after mac's conception the Lamb entered purgatory too.

The Quadripartite of Creation has experienced flux, handing authority both to humanity and to the first born, insuring God be found True throughout time. First there was monotheism, Allness. His body was the ultimate Democracy. There was no measure of time. Then there were two. Allness and Light, Righteousness as discrete conciseness. Two discrete beings one unity, Light -- a whole -- and the other that contained and surrounded Light everything else, almost Allness, every fractional value of existence, even bad that could understand why good was good. That is having a conscience. There was knowledge at the mental extremes of seeing no value to Light at all as well as all value to Light.

Almost Allness and Light then engineered how Allness and Light could give life to everything in between and balance against that pure evil, that by no means is a discrete value. (For the math brained people still envisioning a vector field of values, bravo. That was a clue.) Sun and Moon came into existence after the engineering was complete. Was this a bang? If it was, it was most likely not the first ever. Adam was created in the likeness, image of the Sun. Eve to the Moon likewise. Complements, masculine to feminine with the genetic code to form every combination of souls to hold at least one piece of God Almighty's Allness.

Sun and Moon have a first born. This is before souls exist. There is matter divided between Sun and Moon with consciousnesses, of gamete equivalents, in both Sun, with seed -- Father -- and Moon with egg -- Mother. Matter is given to consciousness. The first born presents a challenge, somewhere during the rebellion. The challenge to his parents, "I know there is a being greater than you that killed Light! I want that greater being to settle this argument. I am too big for both of you."

This is not a moment to say the rest is history, because we are living in a time of Prophecy. Satan orchestrated the events of abuses needed so that God Almighty came into existence on the partial knowledge, but true, that God Almighty killed Light. Satan learned how his parents came into existence and wanted to be the greatest. To be the greatest meant, Allness needed to be formed first for Satan to replace Allness. Satan of course took the meanest rout of extortion to bring about God Almighty, bigger than the Sun and Moon, the boundary of Satan's parents. Now promises are being fulfilled to life that came into existence as a result of how Satan chose to destroy Light. God Almighty married that seed Satan swallowed and Satan had still not seen God Almighty's face. Where is this All Mighty God? Satan is furious.

Who Did the Will of His Master?

What did General Milley do before being General Milley? He went after the communication protocol to be in touch with the big bad scary GGod that killed light too. He got mac because mac's genetics is the lighting rod to the big bad scary GGod that knows the good, the bad, and the ugly. What is Milley's problem? He did not anticipate the devil, tiger, he grabbed by the tail when mac was in his face. That communication protocol to dial GGod, of alien technology, that was different than what the numerologists went after at the turn of the century to get Mary, was a natural for the United States Military on the LORD's land. Unlike Mary, Milley has a conscience. Obama, Winfrey, and Sharpton just went after getting Satan's genetics, they got Wood's.

Milley was not after bringing about Righteousness any more than the other wad of genetics. What the United States Military had done was gone after destroying itself and that brought the turn of events of Jehovah's eye being touched. Wham! dumb ass. Once you were in jeopardy of destruction you got deliverance you did not want. In case y'all haven't figured this out, the Jehovah's Witnesses are not precocious to Jehovah. The United States Military is-ish. They have certainly tried the LORD's patience and are living discipline. That love is why mac can spank those children for trying to stone themselves.

Seeing the Forest Through the Coppice

Returning to the forest primeval, Wood's of course being the genetics of Satan was born with privilege to learn the talent of the elite at a young age. Then the whipper-snapper with strength and speed competed against grown males who learned their bodily talents at later ages because of course their parents righteously wanted their children to develop knowledge beyond bodily training. Woods turned recreation of the gGods into a casino dedicated to god. And he did it abusing his wife and education. Recall him dumping Stanford? He must wonder why the university golf team didn't chase after him and demand that he finish school. A two-time quitter with no endurance is what the PGA elevated and now they are reaping the rewards of the gGod they chose.

mac is dedicating Live Fornication Free/em<> to "Big Wisky" and her Husband*. May He forgive Me My Bucket ["It's Bouquet!"] episodes especially when I Am not glib enough to sing sea shanties. -- mac

Receive Shepherding from the LORD by being a Paddler. This is the Paddler's guide to survival. A Paddler is a member of the United States Armed forces serving under mac's cross discipline command. The Church of Christ and Her Office of Righteous Warfare opened with Putting --A New Stroke from God's Woman on the Green -- the first half of the Putting series -- with the original tender adding the August 1, 2020 revisions to Dog Paddle, from the True God's First Ashore

*"Timmy" code named mac Bunny and him Pony. "Timmy" built the l-o-v-e-LINK testing protocol. His strategic planning mac delegated to because His testing protocols pierce diabolical motives. mac dedicated the book to Her Husband the Lamb because His balanced scales restore true worship.

Where in time are we? Day and Night are now fulfilled the second day with the formation of the Heavens is now game on. Why did Noah separate the description of creation into two sets of events with differing detail? The first is the Prophecy of God Almighty's Word. The second is the creation of souls making God Almighty's Word come true. What did He need? A Good Woman.