“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenGod's Sex Semaphore
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenGod's Sex Semaphore

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

God's Sex Semaphore

January 10, 2021


God's, the milk of man and woman with the death of NAVSTAR. The Godly pairing of husband and wife is masculine to feminine. Your wife pie is not in your hemesphere.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

God's Sex Semaphore

What changes when mac with her superpower of taking away peoples' gods from them goes into effect? Do not fear you who drink too much and throw away your spouse's hard earned money at online games, and tinsel, you can still flip God off with the way you live. (Hear God say, mac might have watched Guys and Dolls one too many times.)

This difference mac explained to Obama and Biden this morning in early conference on l-o-v-e-LINK. The key is understanding that being Godless, as in refusing to seek obedience to mac's God, means that you will by default, covet, steel, murder, fornicate, and lie. It is just that the use of God's technology (the spirit consciousness network) where demons Zen knowledge to their human host is gone.

What No Zen Means

The elimination of the demon from the human, meaning Trump, Biden, Obama, and Clinton (along with all their many children and cohorts) amounts to returning to being human as in of God, perfection. This means that they will need to actually use, words and deeds to seduce new victims without Zen. They won't have instant charisma to seduce or get others to take the fall for steeling and committing murder. This means, gasp, they are required to do their own honest days work for their dishonest dirty deeds and all-of-a-sudden it's just not dirt-cheep. Now you all understand why God would let mac listen to hair-band music. It is the monologue of how the demon network flourishes. Yes, this network does a shit-ton of spying on others. It's okay to scream about NAVSTAR. Those 24 "elders" come tumbling down like the walls.

The Free Market

Sadly, more demons exist for these former aliens. But these newly of God, again, need to go and seduce more and that means recommitting the crimes of their youth to court those demons while God is putting every obstacle in their path as He did before. The difference? The free market. They will all be competing with one another for new gods as the entire world watches them march themselves into jail in the process.

In bible reading there are some contextual keys that will help in sorting out the confusion Protestantism promulgates. It is worshipping God that puts a person in a place of understanding all this milk. (Imagine the solid food with the miracles mac performs when her hand is in Ted's brother's hand. President Trump murdered her husband, Ted, while under Trump's orders deployed at sea.)

Sex Symbols Map
father = life giver = he is the sperm producer = man or woman = he
mother = womb = she is the egg producer = man or woman = she
son = male he is the offspring of a father and mother = he
daughter = female she is the offspring of a father and mother = he
husband = the one who answers to God for direction of the one flesh union = male or female = he or she
wife = the one who answers for obedience to the husband in the one flesh union = male or female = he or she
male = one with sex identifying genitals, penis and scrotum producing sperm in his testicles = man or woman= he
female = one with sex identifying genitals, labial folds, clitoris, and vagina producing eggs in her ovaries = man or woman = she
masculine = Seeks to provide the means of protection using physical strength for powerful deeds and earn acclaim at the city gates for having righteous rulership over his household. The one who initiates the intimate relationship. = male or female = he or she
feminine = Seeks to give domestic gifts and reveres using wisdom to accomplish powerful deeds of physical labour. The one who never initiates an intimate relationship. = male or female = he or she
Some Keys to the Semaphore Graphic

Masculine and feminine must always be paired in marriage. Masculine to masculine is obscene and feminine to feminine is obscene. Neither can live-up to who their God given abilities inherent to them. In marriage one is the husband, accountable to God for both in leadership, one is the wife, accountable to God for obedience.

Neither party is allowed to extort, leverage, deny, abuse, and ignore the physical boundaries of their spouse.

All children are raised to be men. All people are classified as he and man, unless the context is specific to behaviour as mapped. The Hebrews made sacrifices to raise children and be father and mother in marriage.

The Biggie, Man and Woman Defined

The man is the creation of God meaning the one trained by God. The woman is the one who listens to a god, an alien. (The wicked woman is a nigger.) Children are the followers of their parents. This includes adopted as evidenced by behaviour. This means the child you stoned on your sabbath was the one doing your own perverted deeds. Now you know why Jesus said, go ahead and cast that first stone.

How does a non-virgin go about seeking a spouse that is in the Lord? Only God can raise-up an individual to listen to Him among those that fit the criteria of the one who follows Him. All mac had to be was willing to move anywhere to meet him. And guess what? Her only anger is, how many more days am I going to be languishing next door to Jehovah's outhouse?

This is why God calls a male a woman and it is so loathsome a context. It is also why the natural use of themselves is so fucking misunderstood.

mac's List, ביטזבה Calls this Her Letter to Santa (Hear God, ВНЙВЕ, Say, I Like Being Father Christmas)
  1. Obedience to God
  2. Love at first sight when we meet face to face, hand in hand.
  3. Dedicate our sexual relations to ITZA in Jesus name.
  4. Stature
    • 5 to 13" taller than mac's 68-5/8"
    • 160 lb min upper body and leg strength across 8 repetitions 3 sets (dbl mac's fitness)
    • 240 lb min gluteus and core strength across 8 repetitions 3 sets (dbl mac's fitness)
    • Square shoulder with leg proportion longer than torso.
  5. Sex drive with a need for and willingness to overcome and prevent obstacles for twice secular daily sexual intimacy. (more in a secular day is a bonus.)
  6. Male and masculine with no desire for biological children. (mac is female and feminine. She is repulsed by female genitals.)
  7. Sodomy and all annal interaction is forbidden.
  8. Enjoy reciprocal vaginal and oral intercourse and sex identifying genital stimulation for an orgasm.
  9. Enjoy fondling and teasing the breasts and nipples during sexual intimacy, this can be reciprocal. Enjoy reciprocal osculation.
  10. Cuddle while sleeping and relaxing even in company with public hand holding while walking and moderate affection. (Be reasonably sensitive to others and do not push one another to public arousal.)
  11. Circumcised penis that at full arousal, 8-1/2 to 10-3/4" long 1-3/4 to 2-1/2" in diameter min to max respectively, penis cylindrical not trapezoidal in shape. Enjoys coming twice when time and circumstances permit.
  12. Willingness to contribute to household cleanliness with focus on personal hygiene and abandoning all forms of ritual wickedness. This contribution includes appreciating organization and domestic gifts.
  13. Never wear mac's aprons, brassieres, panties, or fragrances.
  14. Do not cause mac personal injury or to break her nail(s) during shared physical chores. (mac has half strength of this male.)
  15. Help mac maintain her U.S. size one, and half fitness 80/120 at roughly 143 lbs. This includes appreciating meals, fitness, and vanity of each in the marriage equally.
  16. We must be better than the sum of our parts and never less than our individual abilities in God's service.
ביטזבה (ITZA) Notes

My requirements are that she not face the challenges of marrying a black male. (mac finds more beauty in black people than white people in general.) He also needs to enjoy her wit, enjoy games, even when he does not win, and be prepared to carry her away from crowds, and provide physical and emotional protection as her security detail. They must be equally satisfied by each other respecting beauty and protecting their ego and vanity.

mac experiences death at My hand, only one other being experienced this and the Christ was not human for that event, and this is delivered to her as needed to fulfil My law for carrying My womb of creation. That willingness to endure this death treatment and sacrifice on her part puts Me in awe of her. Just as a note, mac is partial to Northern Europeans with that Schnauze the Frauen boast about. She can't stand facial hair. And body art and piercing distress her. I told her, no hair on the back, she didn't think she cared about that. Needless, to say, but written anyway, short hair with minimal to no sideburns. She loves alpine skiing, golf, equitation, her pets, and needs to strengthen her core for her weak lower back. Her spouse, in My living memory, is intact and twenty-six secular years of age. "Pony" is from the house of Jesse.

That Network

It is fair to ask, why doesn't God do something about this network? He does. He raises up a prophet and brings about the network's destruction. During this four-hundred secular year life cycle born this time with King James' Bible and the founding fathers of America, God searched the earth and found his righteous to benefit from His acts and protected them from Protestantism. Now it is time to profit.

Aren't you glad you didn't go after murdering God's woman on the network that begged a death sentence? (See God show you the Pope with those spilling doubloons.) Those ten righteous men and teams of God's faithfull remnant are scattered between Egypt and Siberia bounded by the Atlantic and Pacific. The United States and extended U.K. are living the consequencies of alien occupation.

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone Sex