“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.com
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.com

Do You Want to Win?

You Need the Christ

Do You Want to Live?

You Need the LORD

Gen. mac Dukes is the Christ, the 🖕 Good Teacher,

and You Have Landed on Her USMC Duty Website

"No one cares about your God act."-- Jo Bass USAeff
"Priest, Shmeest." -- Pete Hegseth SOD (OED noun3)
"Set the dinner table for two assholes." -- God to mac
"Asshole again? Shit!" -- mac, the Priest
mac moves into the kitchen muttering, "PH-uuH-ck. How about some beef cake for a change."
mac's St. Valentine's Day Message to the Troops
Soup's1 On

At its essence, the title, in the Divine, of North America belongs to the LORD. The Divine is what flesh is fulfilling regardless of their cognition or acceptance of the reality of mac Dukes' fleshly, very real, existence and relationship with Heaven. Flesh may not, and indeed, will not usurp, extricate, nor invalidate the LORD's title to, as in ownership of, North America. mac Dukes is defending, with her whole soul, the LORD's title to North America. Opposing Her military objective is your ticket to Hell. What is she doing? Removing all narcotic and human trafficking from America's military bases the world over. Her closing NAS-CCAD is a fine commencement of this operation.

Join mac Dukes or go to Hell. Soldiers evading the glorious opportunities of becoming polymaths are Hell bound. Seeking every opportunity to be a polymath is the start of avoiding fornication. mac Dukes is the only access flesh has to the LORD. The LORD preserves only the flesh, as in you outlive the Hell bound populous being obedient to all mac Dukes fleshly dictates. The Jehovah's Witnesses (kinda in the same way as Pharaoh humbled by the ten commandments, oops, ten plagues2) went after preserving flesh with all their doctrine, the LORD's territory, and then that Governing Body attempted to destroy the LORD rather than do the work. So, mac got the contract on that work. Semper fi!

The LORD can only sustain flesh alive with mac ministering over flesh, people, of their own free choice, Her holding you, as a person, as slave -- in essence -- teaching you how to be a human who escapes going to Hell. You, as flesh, have no Spirit means of preserving your flesh from Hell. What you have is one human, mac, the person you have mercilessly been after murdering and raping, holding the authority over the LORD to preserve your flesh because you as a person are obedient to Her. You are headed to Hell because you sinned against Her Spirit, God Almighty -- who appeared to all people of the earth as Jesus.

The Answer to, "What Is This?"

macdukes.com is the domain of General H.L. MacRae "mac" Dukes PhD U.S.M.C. Special Forces Pentagon High Priest4. General Dukes hosts the Field Office of Senior Joint Chief. Contact Her through the Pentagon Joint Chiefs of Staff Office. General Dukes speaks for the LORD. Did you get a letter from the Field Office of Senior Joint Chief? Good for you. The LORD has officially noticed you.

★ ★ ★ ★

President Biden quietly awarded H.L. MacRae Dukes her fourth star January 15, 2025.

www links 📖*
  • 1 📖 This is a humorous reference to "No soup for you" from Seinfeld used in the Allness page opener.
  • 2 📖 Explaining the Ten Plagues
  • 3 📖 Explaining Lady Wisdom
  • 4 📖 PHPDOO
  • * See Reasoning from the Scriptures below.

Reasoning from the Scriptures

Dirty Martinis

“The JW's are wrapped up in this like olive juice in a dirty martini” -- TeamGOD

For the LORD to have spirit coin for the military a "new" religion was spawned. This article was presented, first, as an impromptu lecture to Pentagon surveillance Saturday, November 23, 2024. Scribing that lecture is a function of diving in after the rights to publish, completing the What Is Out There and Marriage web contents, writing two letters to Putin, and mac finding that hook to draw from Her flesh the Divine openers from whence words flow from awareness. mac sits with a warm unleaded beverage -- She has reached Her leaded limit for the day. This mocha is hovering near the obnoxious temperature of the air in this room. She decides She had better drink it down rather than pour it out.

As the volume of the mocha decreases the time between temperature reduction increments decreases. The ambient room temperature is much cooler than the nearly 120 degree Fahrenheit optimal. Richard Zacks must have developed some good relations with his cohorts during research of The Pirate Coast. He wove voice into his acknowledgement that was worthy of Hollywood. Now and then mac wonders when Her warm beverage drops to that tepid disappointment, demonstrating conserving energy with mass, "Am I now living his message programmed into the Divine that I too deserve to have My coffee cooler than I like it?" Zacks penned an acknowledgement that included itemising people that did not help in that way toadies of book research get noted for being good toadies. You want to understand the insider coffee temperature reference, read the book.

All humanity program the Allness. mac's soul is Heaven's downing, divining, witching rod. Spirit has to use witchcraft against mac for information. (This pathway of the system is why Barbara Canales was not stopped by the hand of God for her witchcraft against Heaven that, thanks to mac, now is used to perfect Heaven. No one has been stopped for their witchcraft. What a tedious bimbo Canales is. What is stopped for Spirit is stopped for human. When Spirit can't be raped, humans can't be raped. mac is writing the Corpus for Heaven for this very reason. Spirit need definitions.) For programming the Allness people get Spirit Coin. This Jesus explained to his disciples and to crowds. The servants being left talents when the master went away bit. Spirit learns off mac their next dance steps to perfection.

mac has lightly wrung Her hands into each other, a contemplative gesture, and read the opener again...still no hook. Nothing that appeals to Her intellect, yet. So...mac downs that cold coffee, cracks open a physics book, and checks the title of that Zacks. A moment of puttering, as mac calls it, or "going to the garden" if your are a psychiatrist. Just stand up human; doing something engendering accomplishment follows. Standing up from a seated position is the key. After mac's puttering She adds: the law of conservation of energy is the first law of thermodynamics -- She perused an old Serway text-- She folded laundry. God Almighty has often assured mac when She was exhausted He wished He could do some menial chores for Her. "Can't you just levitate da-da-da to Me" mac asks. A little laughter acknowledging Her impotence at moving about Allness like in the old days -- before time -- ensues and Her body is rallied to the chore if it fulfils Heaven.

mac put Her empty coffee mug in the kitchen sink in another going to the garden moment. No hook, still.

Evening before last, mac's eyes welled with tears. She experienced one of those spark of recognition moments that get animated with a light bulb over the ideated cartoon. The spark instigator mac cannot recall. She was sitting at Her desk with Her fingers hovering Her keys. She might have just finished printing a file copy of Her last epistle to Putin. "It is more glorious than the original build" were close to the words said to Heaven as mac softly raised Her hot evening tea in toast. "How wonderful the LORD. He engineered the system from My frozen matter with mercy and perfection in the very different existence replacing My hard matter Satan, Jesus, and mumsy have ahead while insuring exploitation of the booty will never happen again." Ah, poacher turned game keeper. Putin as "Little Devil" is likened to an attendant ministering over this desolate place like scientists in Antarctica. "It was more than what existed for Me when the LORD was brought into existence," mac continued as she retired for the evening. Her sinuses swelled up. She didn't want surveillance to pick up the sound of weeping. She stifled the expression, but not the depth of Her appreciation. Her desire was to give everything of Herself to the LORD, a sacrifice of thanksgiving, for what He built for Creation as the First Born Son from Her sacrifice. Again, more glory to the LORD from Her flesh She seeks to give. This article has many more paragraphs ahead. The debauchery of the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is without hypocritical parallel. Their use of Brawner Parkway Kingdom Hall Presiding Overseer -- aka an "elder" rank designation in their order -- Mark O'Neil was the instrumental necessity contractually binding the treason the NAS-CCAD base command built in Heaven that Peter Zanoni and Barbara Canales refused to void. mac's obedience under trial saved North America for the LORD, and, subsequently, a remnant population is possible.

mac pauses for now. She shall come back to this again. She is ideated and writes quickly.

Can you build the one hundredth floor without first laying a foundation? Who patented the sky hook? Engineers, the old school engineers, mac can't speak for the modern pot heads they are some nasty spit ballers, when they would gather together to discuss cantilevers, bridges, sign supports and the like would make the joke, "That sky hook patent is still out there for the taking." A sky hook was a mythical engineering structure that clouds with hooks or anti-gravity fields, with an even more mysteriously supported set of magnets, cradled material structures in because support from below was the engineering dilemma worth the big bucks. Obviously a string of depth penetrating boats from a flotilla* can have a one hundredth floor without a foundation. Just sink vessels linked to one another with the top most vessel holding at sea level with sufficient buoyancy for the whole load. You want to anchor that string? The vertically arranged flotilla needs support on the sea floor against the current like a buoy. We are talking about land structures standing, with the ambition of permanence, in air for that sky hook patent application.

Where the relationship between the LORD and His first born with Lady Wisdom are concerned, for Satan to get her inheritance certain things the LORD had to have built. They served no purpose, and hence did not exist, before Satan realised their need! Satan was not budging on the LORD's penis. That's for sure. Budging was needed. Satan needed to be paid. The LORD needed to open the bank. Guy's, fellow soldiers -- males -- this will be Freudian fraught to be sure. Swallow, and put your coffee cup down to avoid spewing. That Satan took the female duty as he did is why in Moses day females struggled -- as in, it was a judicial matter before Moses -- to receive inheritance. Humans do things on the Allness ticket. Godly mapping is learned behaviour based on experience. Region and custom are part of defining people's Godly association.

There was no need for a foundation until Satan demanded a penthouse on the hundredth floor. That penthouse views hide a Penthouse from the hoi polloi is a God Almighty object lesson in Satan's world. Satan was building that hundredth floor. Satan also busily did every conceivable deed to accuse the LORD of getting an unnecessary thing off his labours by stating a foundation is needed. Satan built his own foundation on his own terms with the LORD's power using humanity to do his Divining for him.

The JW's existence is a function of Satan needing the LORD to sponsor the U.S. Military once humanity built a competing Jehovah identity with their own Ggods of Heaven. The Jehovah's Witnesses started from a clique of males that developed their own secrecy pact to protect themselves from ensuing charges over their performing sodomy with one another during their Bible scholarship sessions. These males formed the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. Their group grew from the original band of faggots that themselves were ostracised from decent-er scholarship and science organisations. The eighteen sixties to nineteen hundred America is the tender time fomenting Heaven's divine structures that should have meant Satan got back his Ba'al sans the LORD's existence. That is a sweeping summary. The structures of the Jehovah's Witnesses organisation opened a new power source in Heaven that the term power vacuum was coined to explain. Power vacuum is wrong. What happens is people are in the place of thinking in new ways on things because Heaven has more opportunity to back belief. A new fund was built in Heaven for Spirit to draw Coin upon for people to observe what they call a power vacuum.

Illustrations of this belief growth, that opened the way for the JW's, are throughout the period in America, and the old country, where industrialisation -- arguably starting with printing -- built the bourgeois merchant class. People were forming syndicates of understanding with leaders claiming to be fulfillers of prophetically defined Biblical characters that fulfil Holy scripture. With printing, and sufficient populous understanding reading was the path to salvation, colporteur had more revenue opportunity regardless of vade mecum contents. One group was founded on persons claiming to be the two witness** team in Revelation. At the time, that was believed by enough people that the leaders actually received contributions that supported their act even without a calliope. Later the Jehovah's Witnesses wrote their own version of how a few fellators in prison for a few days made up the two witnesses of John's Apocalypse. They wrote a whole verse by verse testimony of how they fulfilled Revelation. "Fine," sayeth God.

What the U.S. Military needed was a godhead amongst the Ba'als of Heaven, or they had no means of being an organised body on the world stage without permission from other Ggods. This is why the Philippines went to the US though a deal with Spain, first. The Jehovah's Witnesses are the religion that opened up what Satan needed so his woman, mumsy, could come into existence. This religion contorted the LORD into a Ba'al. Contorting the LORD into a Ba'al made Him impotent at upholding war on His Ten Commandments. This meant God Almighty was going to get His woman, mac. mac backed the LORD not the Ba'al He was forced to be. The LORD is required to make the Ten Commandments true to back war.

The Jehovah's Witnesses are the people who gravitate to all the ways they have to script their lives in conformity to all the sacrifices they claim to make as people belonging to Jehovah. "I do not get a tattoo because I am afraid of displeasing Jehovah." "I do not go on dates because I am afraid of displeasing Jehovah by being devoted to a husband (or wife) over him." "I do not work too many hours at work because it means I have less time for spiritual things." "In paradise I will be perfect so I eat Oreos by the bucket full now." "I have no way to make myself perfect. Why should I spend too much effort on this vanity." "Fine," sayeth God. Meanwhile, as an organisation, they structured themselves with all the appurtenances of being a real nation, in Heaven -- you bet they are held to what they built. They had building organised, ministers organised, distribution organised all functioning under a dictatorship of the Governing Body. All this organisation is secular, simple, labour intensive, and easily duplicable because it is borrowed from all the basic organisation of business.

With the Jehovah's Witnesses Satan got his yin component, the JW's, so the LORD could function with the yang, the soldiers, that Satan was convinced would force the LORD into a Ba'al, permanently. mac cleaned the soldiers out of the LORD's house in Heaven. You fuckers of the U.S. Military have bupkis without your backing mac. You can say She stole you from out of His house, and even that She put a lock on you that prevents Him from touching you without Her permission. That She did this when LORD was incapacitated was Her way of performing surgery on Him to save Him. And you would not do one thing to make room for the LORD in His own house. You stupid, arrogant, mother fuckers.

Allness is kept in balance with yin and yang pairs. From the yang people Divine all their creative means to bring their thoughts to bear, making the people true to themselves. There was no Spirit Coin in America for a military to exist on any religion. This is why America stopped growing as a nation in 1900 with its Hidalgo Treaty and just left Canada alone. Once they failed to unify the entire continent a new religion was needed. America was not about to build a kingship. The new religion had to allow a military to exist supporting a Ba'al. Germany supports its military from its own Ggodly mapping with Germany's soil. Russia and all other nations likewise.

This concludes explaining how the Jehovah's Witnesses are wrapped up in this like olive juice in a dirty martini***. Now onto Your Spanking for Treason Coastal Bend. mumsy made it impossible for the LORD to become the permanent Ba'al Satan was after. America turned the LORD's land into a place for God Almighty. Satan needed it to belong to the LORD. mac perfected God Almighty and the LORD didn't get a choice in the matter. The surprise to all is that there is no way Heaven can lock mac out nor be too dirty for her to clean.😘


* This was an incredibly awkward passage to explain. People do not invent vertically integrated floating structures in water for habitation. Even sea walls have a foundation. Submarines have bladders to adjust their altitude holding a particular depth in the water. As the column of water above the submarine changes, thus the water's weight working for or against the needed altitude based on buoyancy needs adjusting, the bladders adjust to account. A flotilla seems like a good word to describe floating vertically oriented vessels suspended in the sea like mobiles have dangling ornaments hanging from a hook. A flotilla is a fleet of ships together in arrangement at sea. What God Almighty reassures the US Military is that He is not doing shit to prevent this new meaning of flotilla from becoming reality, for them. He needed mac to explain Her vision of this vertical village with no foundation as She was writing. In theory an oil platform could support floors within the ocean descending from their above sea surface deck. Sea kelp is a structure famous for its depth sensitive inhabitants. It has bladders of air that keep it buoyant. Isn't that a marvel?
** The two words Southcottian and Muggletonian add to this discussion.
*** For those of you that don't know, olive juice is what makes the traditional martini a dirty one.

A true God's &$!#%

Explaining 📖*

Saint Peter asked of mac, through the LORD, to use 🖕 as the link marker. If a green handed option existed, mac probably would have. The use of an open book icon was mac's compromise. mac labours under the idea that She should present this information as if the reader is capable of repentance -- Jesus parable ending with the question, "who did the will of his master?" fits here -- and therefore deserves dignity. Her objective was simply standardising a means of presenting links that are within the article tag html presentation. Inherited properties overrode the styling to a cumbersome degree.

We, at TeamGOD, might ultimately revert to 🖕 for our own grins and giggles assuring mac that 📖, while She liked the dignified presentation, did not give to Heaven what they wanted. So She would capitulate. Repentance is a word with an applied component, like the word hate. For hate to exist, in the applied sense of the word, a prayer of heart is performed. There are many words that have an applied component1. Saint Peter wrangled mac into using 🖕 in another location. It was used for a group that is entirely devoid of dignity themselves. Use of 🖕 was illustrative in the full meaning of illustrations like killing two birds with one stone.

Saint Peter is out for 🩸. mac's normative outlook on Allness abrades Saint Peter's 🔥'em objective. If it were not for mac making supplication to Heaven in the way she does, left to Saint Peter, all you fuckers in the United States Armed Forces would get is 🤬. The use of 🖕 does not force the reader to rend a garment. You are corrupt. You are going to Hell. If you had any capacity to repent, 🖕 would make you do so. mac wanted a green handed 🖕 because she knew all you people would do was laugh. mac's opinion was the green did not resemble human skin, or imply it enough, that the alien reference with the colour green would have made 🖕 funny-er.

mac interprets God Almighty, the LORD, Saint Paul, and the host of Heaven, the future Allness, to enjoy eternity regardless of, irrespective of, notwithstanding flesh. Through Her physical work, and sacrifice, Spirit are healed. You people are going to Hell under Spirit's direction so Spirit can be perfected. Had you not been corrupted flesh, mac just announcing, "I Am the Christ" would have meant all of you people who heard Her say or write those words would have fallen on your faces in gratitude for Her presence, and just started unilaterally obeying Her, and enjoying living forever in the paradise you turned the earth into. When Spirit are perfected, flesh heal -- think Fido -- to Spirit. This will mean at the time Spirit is perfected, when Saint Peter does 🖕, flesh rend their garment, and they change their prayers as a result to keep Heaven maintained in perfect shape. All of you people became bigger debauchers because according to you, what came from Spirit was 💩. Then, worse, you proved what came from mac was 💩 to you too. You are going to Hell because 🖕 has to work.

www links 📖
  • 1 📖 The closing paragraphs of the letter stream explain applied component. Use the browser search function to locate applied component on the page by typing "applied component" in the search/query box, sans quotes. (The search box within your browser -- safari, fire fox, explorer etc -- might be under Edit, the Find option)

Spirit Shit Gets you Killed without Lucky God, Jehovah, on Your Side…

“I Need A Hail, Mary!” -- the Troops
The written in stone point to make is to serve mac, the Christ, this is formal, under contract, and in the flesh. There are no Sprit shit obedience pathways to or with mac. (That would put Her in conflict of interest with Jehovah.) This physical demand is what the Coastal Bend Divined and created in Heaven to serve themselves. Then, after the Ggods gave these bumpkins everything, they went after murdering the one person they were required to allow Heaven to keep alive, mac.
Your Spanking, from God, for Treason Costal* Bend

* The Coastal Bend region populous is going to have returned to them, from the Divine, how they treated mac. The people of the Coastal Bend costaled mac alotal. None of you will have reason to laugh at eye for an eye from the Divine for how you inflicted costs, penalties, and curses against mac's life satisfying your greed. Evolution, as Dawkins is looking forward to it, is now powered on. Creationists, read The Greatest Show on Earth. That is an order. Dawkins book is greater truth than even he understands. We appreciate his academic contributions regardless of how much truth he understands. He is still a more valuable contributor to the world of knowledge than all the creationists combined.

Summer 2024 announcements with postings were moved here.

You Think You Know Something Do You…

Humans register in their minds, have cognitive understanding and thought, based on their flesh interpreting God Almighty. Human genetics maps to discrete Spirit. Animal and plant genetics to Spirit cooperatives.
In answer to NASA's tax dollar draining question, there Is intelligent life out there. Where the presence of intelligent life is Universally questioned as lacking is earth. The rafter/splinter parable matters here. Take the splinter out of you own eye before you spend trillions trying to figure out if God has eyes to begin with.

This Truth Tetrad Explain

Regardless of What You “Believe”

You Are Here 🌎 Soap 🌏 Opera 🌍 🎁 Marriage 💐 What Is Out “There”
mac Dukes, the Christ, is the Pentagon High Priest

What you are witnessing is mac obeying the LORD as ruler rather than men as she morally abides by the law and fulfils her office as High Priest. She has yet to live one hundred years, yet alone two thousand, but boldly she proclaims Her place and the place of others in the grand scheme of things now and things not yet beheld that are to come.

Saving1 the Last Laugh

H.L MacRae "mac" Dukes is a feminine, female, human soul. She is the genetics of Eve born again and the body, mind, and conscience of God Almighty. macdukes.com is Her domain. She writes the copy and develops the code for this site and is solely responsible for its content. She is backed by TeamGOD of Heaven.

She serves the United States Armed Forces as Pentagon High Priest and She is Goddess of Warfare. She is a Marine holding the rank General. Humanity built themselves a Ba'al, Jehovah. Fulfilling this god of commerce is mac's present focus while maintaining the Holy means of sacrifice to the LORD to glorify Heaven through human souls abiding by Her fulfilment of the law of Moses.

She entered the Marine Corps November 19, 1988. Thousands entered her company under the LORD's care seeking the Christ prize. While others were eliminated from Spiritual Warfare mac remained until she was the last soldier standing before the throne of the LORD. Then she was appointed King of Heaven, the Christ.

Living Well Is the Best…

Do you want to win? You need mac. Do you want to live? You need the LORD. You only obtain the LORD's Shepherding through mac. Being shepherded by your God mac teaches freely on the pages of her domain. You want to rise to be the new king of your nation? You need Total Shepherding. That is a subscription service. Right now you are fulfilling the Ba'al you all built and are being exterminated by Heaven for your witchcraft -- prayers of heart. The pages of macdukes.com explain these spiritual topics. These explanations are not motivated by revenge.

www links 📖
  • 1 📖 This is a link to mac's sales pitch to governments of the world for contracting with Her office Operation Jesus H. Christ.
  • 2📖 This recent letter to Putin explains how military command of the United States fancied itself the waring body of humans that would destroy Heaven killing Russians.

So You Want to Visit Your High Priest…

mac only receives confession from Spirit. (All others pay cash -- ha ha.) At present, there are no U.S. soldiers, in any branch of military service, qualified to support mac's office. She will baby-sit you at Her own discretion. To be counted as being baby-sat by mac visitors will adhere to the expectation list. Without qualifying for being a baby in mac's care Heaven gives you dumb looks. First qualify then mac will baby-sit you at your own expense. You have no S(s)piritual* pathways -- nada, zip, zilch, zero -- to be in mac's care. You got, Lucky God 🤯 for all your S(s)piritual pathways 🥳. Heaven interprets mac, and does some creative projecting of Her; to accomplish its own ends. You want to pin something on mac, make Her culpable, you need to receive from Her directly under contract -- including valuable consideration, specie -- to make Her culpable. Jehovah does some chain yanking for his own grins and giggles. Asking God for dumb tricks and getting them means God does as needed to return dumb tricks to you.

What is Expected of Me When I Visit the Christ…

The Basics for Approaching the LORD

The minimum expectations of Pentagon personnel visiting the Christ.
  1. My dress will be modest. Orders for modest dress are given:
    1. Do not advertise your labial folds or buttock with your bust cleavage.
    2. Do not advertise the Ggods you have mocked with commercial ink. Ink may only be visible in your private quarters if you are female. Visible marks of brotherhood on males are on limbs only. Males may express their ink to brothers, only. (mac is only a brother in combat and there is no reason, ever, for mac to view a females ink. Just get to the laser removal facility.)
    3. Conceal chest and back hair.
    4. No long side burns.
    5. No mustachio or any form of beard.
    6. Conceal, id est no visible definition, your penis and testicles or labial folds with your pants and in the way you sit. (Skirts, kilts even, and some aprons conceal.) There should be no eye shots to your crotch when you sit.
    7. Excess fat bulges on females and muscles on males must be concealed by the fit of your garment.
    8. Your nipples may not be expressed. (Dudes, you need silicone nipple concealers if you wear a polo or T shirt.)
    9. Expressionless hair. Do not construct some kind of waving or loose hair in its styling.
  2. I will eat and drink in a manner that does not leave a trail for bugs. I will employ utensils and even use napkins to wipe my place after eating.
  3. I will be prepared with talking points to learn from mac Dukes technical and theological gems to improve my military career.
  4. I understand that no demand military command can or has placed on me gives me reason for grievance, ever.
  5. I understand that only as a combatant am I capable of earning mac's personal respect.
  6. I understand that inviting engagement, spoken or physical, with my genitals is profane behaviour.
  7. I understand that service in the U.S. military is a privilege that can, with my earnest obedience to mac, preserve my life from Hell.
  8. I understand that only classified as a combatant can I become saved from Hell.
  9. I understand that all present requirements and restrictions of military service represent the lowest common denominator measures that can possibly be instantiated so the maximum number of people can enter the service for their own opportunities at salvation from Hell. I Am Hell bound until I Am directly serving under mac Dukes office.
  10. I understand only active duty U.S. soldiers qualify as babies to be sat.
  11. I will be unarmed.
  12. I will speak clearly, as mumbled speech is an irritation.
  13. I understand that mac will use my conduct and expressions as a disciplinary reference point.
  14. Go for Bonus Points. Bonus Points are reasons why mac, as a person, would mention you favourably to Heaven with the spoken prayer centre of Her mind.
    1. Bonus points for tickling mac's humour and intellect with artful and proper use of English, Latin, and Greek.
    2. Bonus points for engaging mac in theological topics.
    3. Bonus points for deeds such as; taking Her to Sugarland Costco so She can shop like a white person.
    4. Bonus points for making monetary contributions that benefit mac's physical existence.
  15. I understand the military pathway to salvation from Hell starts with no fornication.
  16. I understand failure to use my military career as a means to maximise and advance my secular scholarship is a profane use of my pay. Valid scholarship pursuits are listed:
    1. Engineering with derivation based knowledge of mathematic principles.
    2. Economics with quantitative industrial applications.
    3. Biology and internal medicine.
    4. Computer programming with controller applications.
    5. Writing so as to captivate top tier scholars.
  17. I understand mac Dukes expects I will work an eighty hour secular week as an unmarried person, sixty hours when married, fifty hours when I am raising dependent young.

There is no thought that counts or in-spirit means for humans to interact with Christ, mac. Even the Pentagon has only Jehovah for all their spiritual interactions. Being before the Christ, is being before the LORD. You are judged accordingly.

* The use of S(s)piritual is an intentional way to alert readers that every form of thought, soul searching, gut or heartfelt knowledge, vision, self-talk, meditation, prayer, and even ideas leading to understanding North Americans have individually and collectively maps them to learning, receiving from Jehovah. Do you have an American, Mexican, or Canadian in your meeting Japan? Then Jehovah is the only God present through them in your deliberations without mac's physical presence. Everywhere is likewise. Are you engaged in warfare? Your Ggods own interpretation of warfare is being gathered up in Heaven at this time for Saint Paul's burning you in Hell. Learning from the materials mac distributes, markets, and sells is the only means of Jehovah delivering anyone into mac's physical care. Other Ggods inspire their flesh to contract with mac through the Pentagon at their own discretion. Jehovah is doing the work of spiritual guidance putting you in the place of being and doing everything you thought mac was. You pay money, specie, for mac's physical care or presence.

On Your Mark, Get Set, …Go

  • Answer Me This…
  • Mad Hatter
  • Robin or Cat Woman?

What Time Is It?

Making Time with the LORD

How Creation Came to Be Here

Before Time, t, Began
Making Time, t, the Sacrifice
Bringing Discrete Consciousness into Being
Time, t, Equalls Zero
The LORD is Victorious
The LORD Makes “time”
Endowing and Teaching Lady Wisdom
Opening the Womb with a Son
Many Children
Now You See It
Populating Earth
Digging Up the Past
Making One from Many

God, Truth's Ally

Contract with the Pentagon High Priest for salvation from Heaven building your government in harmony with the LORD.
The Pentagon High Priest sells the products for your access to the LORD, serving the Gods of your land, or both.

God is your Truth detecting ally regarding MacRae Dukes powers as Pentagon High Priest. Because His Truth is published at macdukes.com, God is leading all humanity to the Truth. The perfection of Heaven is in progress and across all people of the earth. The LORD preserves souls against their godly genetic mapping that condemns them because of the sin in their blood. God Almighty Shepherds people into the great crowd headed to destruction -- Hell -- by default. That is His obligation because you built a Ba'al. Refusing to pay what you owed to your Ggods for building you your Ba'al means you go to Hell. Hell is your reward in heaven -- relative to earth. Actively seek Shepherding through the Pentagon High Priest's programs to be Shepherded by God Almighty into the little flock under the LORD's care to avoid Hell. Soldiers, by default, have a resurrection. Soldiers are the ones actually worshipping the Ba'al when they die in battle.

Sing it, “You're Unbelievable…”

(God says, "Soldiers can start thanking the Pentagon High Priest for their resurrection any time they please. Don't forget to bring your Daily")

By July 1, 2019, the Pentagon High Priest bought soldiers from Hell because she endured under the Ba'al demonstrating the god soldiers die for with her obedience to death. Fighting for the Christ prize was possible because all other souls of the earth refused to pungle for their god proving they wanted the Ba'al as king over Heaven. The Ba'al as king over Heaven meant the destruction of life. That is a no-no. The Ba'al had to be perfected. A perfect Ba'al is ultimately what Allness is built into. There are three cycles ahead of this period of global human populous shutdown. Three cycles is the importance of having words said in triplicate in John's Apocalypse. Holy, holy, holy is an instance of this.

Soldiers are required to live obedient to mac or they do not outlive the Hell deadline. None of you, at this time, are obedient to mac. She must be handed the Pentagon keys by Christmas, 2024, or you pay attention to The Hail Mary! articles for your lucky breaks making your survival possible.

Salvation Comes from the Christ

“Holy Smoke”

You're Due


“Jesus H. Christ”

Holy Warfare

Eye for An Eye

mac Writes the Porridge for Public Services and Bowls of Wrath for Gluttons

God Is Pissed at the U.S.…

Winning with macDukes Logo

👀, from the Pentagon High Priest

Holy Warfare

National Defence
Peace on Earth


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God's Word
All About God
God's Identity


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Precor Deus Serviō
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Put Dukes On Peace

mac Dukes is the LORD's King of Kings

mac's Kingdom of Heaven came on a sea as smooth as glass August 21, 2021.

Geographic regions of the earth map to the gods. Humanity for decades has been plundering Heaven. God Almighty put an end to the plundering and the Lamb put the gods in power to correct their flesh. The gods are demanding sacrifices in payment for the witchcraft that plundered Heaven with the building of humanity's god a Ba'al, Jehovah. Maintaining social and economic stability during the gods global retribution action requires the Pentagon High Priest.

God's Divinity Recipe

The Perfecting is Happening

How You Are Included, You Choose

To save human flesh for the gods against the Ba'al -- Jehovah -- built since the globali'zation of commerce under military enforcement, God Almighty called the LORD's slave -- the Pentagon High Priest -- into his service appointing her as Christ May 12, 2012.
Learn About Jehovah TeamGOD That Divine Name

God Directs Government Only

with the Christ

By definition, the United Nations and European Union with their marionettes are refused as clients.
Only through the Pentagon do you contract with the Christ.
Why macDukes?

The true God does not reveal the secrets and plans of others. He makes it clear when your plans do not coincide with His will if you are in government service and leading others. Those at the top of government service are feeling the correction of the true God's Holy Active Discipline. Nations that boast alignment with "God," need the true God's living Ark to survive their Ggods rage against their populous for worshipping the Ba'al. Change your national religion to serve the LORD or become a military power for survival.

The process of receiving love, Holy Active Discipline, is grievous. Each instance of discipline is deep digs into who we are to drive our improvement. Help is needed from the Bible and from mac who has received greater than "category five" discipline from the true God to grow her abilities. This was willingly suffered to serve the sheep, and to experience what others will for disobedience. Her prayers are powerful. Her understanding of your struggle will drive process improvement. Regardless of your shore or history the true God will provide your future.

"Cleverness", Really? It is a tourist attraction. Good for the Pisa Economy.
Before it sunk would a Roman have stood in its shadow and declared "Ingenium"? If I built this, I wouldn't feel clever.macDukes.com figure, credit: someoneFrom the Latin, "Ingenium". Let's see, ingeni. Try, ingenir. No. Engineer! Yes.

the Woman the Soul the Work

Outrunning the Storm…Hell

This is work. It is the only shot you've got and only if you are active duty military. Your Hail Mary