“shH-eeH-T” --
“pH-uuH-cK” --
“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” --
“Over My dead Body.” --
Neither entice nor tolerate badness.
Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.
Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.
A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.
God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.
God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.
A Man protects Heaven from women.
Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.
Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.
All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.
Do you all want to keep your wealth? You built it aligning with antichrist. Care for her as you do yourselves enduring her destruction of your property for the sacred prayers of heart they are. In a rage to murder mac, antichrist destroyed the symbol for the prayer of heart mac was preserving that mother Lucille built antichrist's kingdom on. Only one of you niggers (by Trumps command) can save her from God's judgment hour.
There is nothing to offer the Americas or Extended United Kingdom to prevent present extinction sans God's slaves; His United States Armed Forces soldiers dying for Him and or His country
Joe Biden's executive order to murder mac over refusal to pay your power bill, mac's back two billion dollars, means Joe ended God's means of protecting American and English interests.
Taliban, there is an announcement for you in the Herald
A Herald article will follow. For now you can simply, "Sit with that" United States of America. -- God
Obama, you Bastard! These few seconds are your fame.
The symptoms of Ursa Major's second disease against humanity mac is now experiencing. She will post her understanding as expediently as possible.
First Herald article more follow.
The first of Ursa Major's abuses against humanity is announced. Obama, under the preservations established by the Governing Body of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, unleashed the first beastly plague of the bear against Russian naval forces. Aboard a Russian battle ship over Memorial Day Weekend the first fatality was claimed in Cuban waters. The seventy two hours of symptoms are; imperceptible fever (as if from a good workout), tissue bloating (clothes will be uncomfortable), headache that resembles being struck by a mold allergy, sore jaw (to the bone) including sore teeth, lower abdominal cramping with ballistic constipation, deep nasal (almost throat) itchy to sore, finally struck with madness. This culminates in a binary resolution death or survival, with survival unlikely. It has no other sickness. An eight ounce serving of corn grain is enough to kill.
Catering to demons has earned humanity disease. Living without obedience to God means death. Without the human choosing to worship God against their demons there is no reason this nigger should live. The sooner humanity dies the quicker the demons are exorcized to Saint Paul and Christ's kingdom is established on earth. Without worshipping God human, you die.
United States get your asses and fleets out of the Middle East. Also, if you franchise in North America, you are not welcome in the Middle East. Starbucks, coffee is going to get better. To understand why God hates Texas head to its quintessential icon, the red ballcap wearing beaver. This highway haven is loaded with toilets spilling tanks. Meeting Barry Peterson of Houston Texas, proud of his Houston Men's Club golf membership, is another means of understanding the same hatred.
God, as defined in the Holy Bible (God i.e. the God of mac Dukes, God of Jesus, the One who rescued Israel from Egypt,) vets all individuals, reading, downloading, submitting to, following instructions from, and copying all or part of macdukes.com and its subdomains. Plagiarizing content or exploitation, this includes using God, His Christ, or mac with God's proprietary spirit consciousness network, is a demand to God to experience, deafness, dumbness, blindness, speech, confussion, confounding, consternation, sight, thirst, and hunger, at the hand of His Lord of Hosts. The Christ is riding to free God's slavery to His network January 23, 2021 04:00 Norfolk Virginia time.
God is listening to your demands to command His armed forces. God will direct you toward the position of leadership required for this command in whatever nation you are legally entitled by law to represent. In the United States, run for the office of President of the United States. Acknowledge the personal sacrifices of President Donald Trump in reccognition of his dedication to the nation under God in your prayer.
God is proceeding to clean His land from the refuse of Satan's religions. Any agent from any of your organizations can petition God proving he is an equal servant of God than mac. To win mac's contract with God to clean out His land either petition God or continue building your counterfeit franchise under god. These actions earn you God's shepherding necessary to clean your house of fornication, idolatry, and deceit. God will not let you fail in proving yourself. Those serving god will cease and desist all service to god under God's shepherding. (God says, Boom Baby!)
Adam lived God's miracle teaching is wife and children. Experience God's hand making it impossible for you to eat any food prepared or presented to you by others. Only by the hand of your own flesh will you eat. (mac's bad God meant one.) This miracle from God will abate when mac returns to Arlington Virginia and Westly is reunited with his Buttercup.
A crane suspended in air. Odds and ends from Ross to unify North and South. Red and blue, that will do, these were riders too. But what of that pale, was it yellow? White will do. The red the pale the blue, magenta, yellow, and cyan, not one expression of color is missed in the image. Unity rides in on a white horse. Christ comes. The second coming wipes out Satan's religion.
The T-rex of septic pathogens is nestled in a bag that belongs to God. Get rid of the blood in your banks and end the practice of storing and using foreign to body blood in medicine. The pathology of COVID-19 is the wake-up call for man's need of salvation. The flood that is upon you is God's righteousness to save you. His dread you will know and yield to regardless of your disposition because of your murders. Using foreign to body blood in medicine is a crime against God and humanity. Christ will have subjects. To save humanity means ending your reign of terror. Do you understand this American Red Cross?
Running into a crowded seated theater and screaming "fire" is illegal. When people die trampled in exit door thresholds the perpetrator is a murderer. Setting the fire first and then screaming "fire" is what testing God with disaster and war is. Jehovah's Witnesses, Catholics, Methodists, Baptists, and Protestants owe the United States for Laura, and the United States and the world over for World War II.
Please help us rebuild.
God, you divert disaster not create it. Magnify the greatness of the Christ by helping us.
God Architects the Test.
We follow His instructions in faith to live His blessings.
Three beds of wickedness means for three years extreme wickedness will sleep. The wicked need to exonerate "Jehovah". You see, "Jehovah" is under correction and her followers get to take the same holy day. These three years God gives back in the half a time.
The dust of the Bible has lessons even for the wicked. God causes to be every obstacle in the way of wicked behaviour and that is what drives the wicked to work for wickedness. The wicked hate righteousness and use activism to perform perversion.
Gear-up to fight God's enemies. God destroys the wicked with His people because He resurrects and teaches the wicked with Satan and her demons. The righteous cleanse the earth at God's hand for Christ's kingdom.
It will be difficult to decern sheep from goats. Yep, that reads like a fortune cookie.
Three years (3x364sd+7sd) commenced September 1 2020.