“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenPicking Up Buttercup
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdPutting - A New Stroke, from God's Woman on the GreenPicking Up Buttercup

Putting -- A New Stroke

from God's Woman on the Green

Picking-Up Buttercup

February 1, 2021


The demon the Pope got and what you refuse to understand about the keys to death. The speck on ancestor worship. God's force saves any nation through its national defense department hosting His ark if they demonstrate a willingness to obey God before the week end deadline. The demonstation of willingness to obey God says, "We submit to what You offer that we can not do out of ourselves"
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Picking-Up Buttercup

What is making salves of people? A slave is an individual who regardless of what they are told, understands that they must endure anything their god attaches to them as a burden to be loved by that god. God would not allow mac to pick up a piece of cardboard and beg for money. She did ask God if He needed her to do that when she was starving so she could buy food. God, every time, she asked made it clear, No. Beggars receive money from individuals giving alms to their god so they themselves do not become beggars. (Right, making a beggar is the way you avoid becoming a beggar.) mac's God can under no circumstance bless any act of favour to mac unless it is to effect righteousness. mac understands people must worship Him alone. She is jealous for Him.

Keep Seeking

The Christ came, backed by God, dispelling false beliefs. He also said I am going to die and in three days be raised-up from the dead. Keep praying and beating on that door looking for the righteous God. When you keep insisting, knocking, pushing past the sin in your blood to do righteously, the God who blesses righteous behaviour does answer you. You as an individual will feel like you are knocking on a regent's door after midnight for help because in seeking righteousness, you are humble to begin with. You are not seeking to be a god. You are seeking God to be in his house. Christ made it clear, God will let you in. Keep knocking and seeking.

The Grain of Truth

Stop listening to shitty teachers burdened with demons. Every belief system, religion, on this earth has some speck of truth. The problem is, that its followers have rafters in their eyes insisting that everyone else is so much wronger than they. By now the Jehovah's Witnesses should be jumping out of the page as the worst offenders of this log/splinter, log/speck, beam/mote, wooden beam/splinter, and plank/speck, verse. They had the burden of sharing with the whole world how disgusting they were or God could not save enough people destroying them. Christ set the example of what to look for in the answers, lessons, God taught individuals with His teaching. Christ defended God as the only Good teacher. God leads His flock to the Christ.

That Ba'al of Peor

Now back to the Protestant dilemma. It was the Jehovah's Witnesses religion that set up the office of president of the United States for failure. Unless an individual is gaga over the perversions of Jehovah (this means they have no ability to love God) they can't benefit from taking the oath of office. Trump is the woman who needs Jehovah to keep his hatred of God going. The Biden administration needs Jehovah to be exorcised from that office so Biden is free to make dedications and administer the needs of the nation according to his demons.

Jehovah is a Ba'al who, concocted by Jehovah's witnesses, is being put in a place of humility because God's prophet is making it clear, your religion is over. Calling a god concocted is because individuals fall into families of belief listening, acting, on their feelings. The actions of an individual performed through premonition induce a demon to nest in the consciousness of that individual knowing they will be worshipped.

The demon of the Pope was from Mary, the mother of Jesus. Mary was indeed a woman. She continually put Christ's sayings in her heart. The Christ made clear that he could not own her as a parent nor do according to her demands and her children could not be his siblings. mac can in no way be moved to act in obedience to the perversions of Peor, Mary McRae.

Nueces Polluter's and the Lexington are Destroyed
God is Found True though Every Woman's A Liar

mac learned she had to give up ownership of Buttercup. But she also knew Buttercup was not dead to God. God kept telling her, "I will return her to you, I have got this." mac kept saying, "This has to be wrong. I know to make the reality of having that pet back in my hands again I need to do something. Like go find her and fight for her." God would not let mac use Buttercup's micro-chip to find her in the neighborhood. She was not allowed to spend money that way.

The Pending Suit

God also made it clear it would be a heck of a lawsuit if she went and took the cat back from her new owner. All mac was ever told about Buttercup was, "that little kitty ran off." (Robin Tausch) and Mary spoke of Buttercup in the past tense under her breath one day and mac chose to believe God's telling her Buttercup was alive over Mary's veiled suggestion the cat is in the past tense, dead. Another ritual killing from Mary McRae covered up by an accomplice, Robin Tausch.

Who is Believed?

Mary dramatized making it clear that she did mac a favour by poisoning Buttercup to death. God kept making it clear Buttercup, He would return to mac. How could God possibly mean anything other than Buttercup was alive in the neighborhood and not be stolen? There was mac for months accusing the Christ of stealing her cat when the Christ has authority over death and hades as executor of God's, Eternal memory. (The neighborhood does have the name Christ's body and the three of them are famous for playing with words.)

What mac did not understand is that Buttercup was alive as Christ's pet. Needless to say the Christ was pissed at mac and made that clear for her constantly refusing to understand the gift of eternity mac would share with both her beloved cats when mac was reunited with God in His Kingdom. That was how mac would recognize God at her door with both those kitties in His arms. mac has never seen God. (Hear God say, "Foxy will be standing beside me too.")

Not Understanding Does Not Change Reality

Trump believed he proved God a liar. These facts in mind, Trump demanded mac was not being obedient to the qngmic pact. mac owed Trump sexual congress to be promoted to Washington D.C. All the abused children of the secrecy pact are not allowed any form of promotion unless they deliver sexual congress on demand to members in obeisance to their god once they have grown to adulthood. This cult sells individuals into ritual fornication in their adulthood, having a spouse did not matter. After drugging the children into sex the parent was required to drug their child with a reward delivering drug so the child new sex was the reward for promotion as an adult. Mary is a thief. She palmed and took the rewarding drug. mac never learned the reward lesson and did not have the same memory of the events. (Mary is demanding thanks for her thievery.) Trump knew when he abused God's ark in Hawaii that this would cost him, hear God say, "Your Entire Legacy." Trump is why God's nation is dedicated to destruction.

Soul Food

The Christ has authority over the consciousness of beings God keeps in His living, Eternal memory for resurrection to life. Consciousness is what makes an individual made of genetic material unique with awareness of existing. Death is the end of consciousness. The consciousness backed up in God's Eternal memory is erased at Christ's command against the wicked upon that individual's death. An individual consciousness is only retained by God if Christ deemed them righteous. FYI this consciousness, that is the soul you idiot. Because of the fucking Jehovah's Witnesses, we simply have avoided using the word soul. (Don't worry, we will use it more now.)

The Christ was Angry at mac

The Christ was angry at mac for not ending the profane rituals of divination used against God and him on God's spirit consciousness network using, Buttercup, who Trump knew God had taken to the heavens. mac refused to call Buttercup dead even though she was not allowed to find her or see her. What mac understood is when she returned to Corpus Christi, Texas, she would have both Buttercup and Westly cuddled up next to her again. mac would ask of God how her kittens were and He assured her they were waiting to be with mom. That mac was ignorant of how Buttercup was being used did not mean she did not endure the fury of the Christ. mac had to understand why God needed her to give up ownership of Buttercup before she could experience the consequence for the perversion. Buttercup is alive in the heavens as are other pets who have been used as leverage are alive. Buttercup adopted the Christ as her new owner. (Hear God say, "I have some unusual looking fish.")

When mac wanted to search the neighborhood for Buttercup God prevented her. She confessed to God repeatedly when she was stopped by Him in going after Buttercup, "I would have never asked for you to take care of them if I had known it would mean spending even one more night under Mary's roof or that I wouldn't be allowed to go after her. I would have asked you to kill both of them when I was dying in the truck on Coronado. I would have taken them to the vet my myself to euthanize them."


Trump demanded of God, mac needed to understand her pets were alive. She was accusing Trump of making God a liar. God needed to teach mac that Buttercup was alive in the heavens with the Christ. mac had no way of understanding that was legal. The problem is that Trump demanded his cohort Peor, Mary, kill those cats when he learned God was protecting them. Westly, a young cat, had a stronger sense of smell. Trump never even asked of God what His promise to mac was nor to ask mac what God promised her.

As president of the United States for the nation under God, Trump realized he could demand power over God's prophet because he ranked higher under God than a civilian. What Trump failed to realize is that even as keeper of the qngmic pact his power was puny compared to doing one act of worship to God. Trump played God against mac to destroy her and take her legacy. All Trump needed to do was give one act of worship to God to keep her legacy he assumed as President of the United States. He failed at every opportunity dedicating everything he could to Jehovah. mac kept fighting for worship to God alone in righteousness, albeit blindfolded, and pierced the Lord of Hosts. Trump made God's word to mac void. mac made Trumps word to God true.

mac had no way of understanding God gave Eternity to Buttercup. She also needed to stop calling the Christ a thief. Who else is using the living in the heavens with the Christ against God? Those using the saints at work with the Christ in the heavens directing his congregation from the heavens until they can return with their spouses to the earth and walk in Christ's kingdom with him on earth. Understand this, all powers of the Saints God bestows on His prophet mac. (This includes their pets.)

Ten Plagues Against Nueces

In ten acts of God between five and ten years from date of writing God is going to end all sources of pollution entering the Gulf of Mexico through Nueces County. This will be thorough, hail, wind, storm surges, frost, scorching heat, lightning, earthquake, tidal waves, winged creatures, and beasts. This God accomplishes with military precision. Every decimated polluter will not be capable of making an insurance claim against their private issuers. Corporations can sue the government for their losses or petition FEMA.

Spend time with God in a game of chess. After He teaches you how to listen to Him, He will show you that his queen sacrifices herself early in the game. God retrieves her with a pawn. His other favorite move? Swap His queen into the Kings place. mac Dukes is God's king over Israel. The Christ returns to rule over the earth after she has made his path straight.

mac is Secretary of Righteous Warfare, in the Church of Christ. mac is returning with God's Israeli Military, against what remains of the population of North America to establish God's military force from Israel in rulership over His land. There is not one thing any entity of this world can do to null this action. Then mac moves to Russia. In the meantime God will demonstrate His love for those that serve Him in North America and the world over on a case by case basis.