“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.commacDukes.com Love Letters to Spam
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.commacDukes.com Love Letters to Spam

The Love Letter Stream

Living the High Life

Christmas 2024 is the Deadline

Can I Trust You?

The Peace Mission Request

inbox: 3/27/24

The Out of the Blue Opening Salvo

Hello, How are you ? My name is Sgt. Maj. Bull D. Fred from the United States Marine Corps, I'm a single father with a 12 yrs old daughter. I have a proposal for you please write back via my email: bulldfred521@gmail.com

mac Hedges

outbox: 3/27/24

email Acknowledgement


I find Myself at a loss in directing a reply to you that does not bend toward My gut wrenching in need to cry out to the LORD on your behalf so that you raise your daughter in the LORD to the glory of Heaven as befits your office as a Marine. Right now I Am seated on the 37 Bus in Corpus Christi. The bus internet is My means of squirreling past the financial limits of My duty assignment. The driver knows I did not exit at My typical debussing point. Sitting here much longer will put Me in the place of being accused of joy riding. (The term joy riding is an oxymoron in this case.)

At present, there is not an opportunity for soldiers to be transferred onto My office. I Am deeply engaged in the hunt at present so that as American Soldiers, shoulder to shoulder, We save the future of humanity. The website of course contains a great of testimony. Hunting down the parties who have failed to perform their contractual responsibilities to Heaven is the reason I Am doing the work that I do in the Corps.

It may be that in My zeal to cover as much ground as required while dealing with the masterminds of profanity on this earth that I need to address some specific concerns now that My duty assignment is no longer classified. Clearly I Am receiving a personal email. Yours is the first correspondence request I have received. I have spent My career, over thirty-five years, under cover. The Pentagon receives many lectures from Me.

Your questions and reply to My email I will use to improve the clarity of the posted content. I have typed and erased and typed and erased until, I must now leave this bus. Look for My reply to your email to be posted in letter form on My website.

Please forward this reply as you see fit.
mac Dukes PhD
the Christ
Lieutenant General USMC Special Forces
Sent from my iPhone

The Commandants office requested mac fix her signature line

Mr.Fred, D'Bull

Sets the Hook

inbox: 3/27/24

The Photo mac Viewed is Posted

Thank you for your immediate response. Why am I contacting you through this email this is the only means of communication I have here because I'm here for a peacekeeping mission. I came across your email when I was searching for a random person online whom I can trust with this proposal. But before going forward I have to tell you about myself, I was enlisted in the Marine Corps in November 1998 and attended boot camp in San Diego, California with Platoon 3009, Lima Company, Third Recruit Training Battalion. then attended the School of Infantry at Camp Pendleton, California in February 1999. I was born and raised in California. I am the only child of my late parents. I will be so glad if you write back and tell me more about yourself and where you live Attached here's my pictures. Looking forward to hearing from you.macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Mr.Fred, D'Bull

Bombards the Priest

inbox: 3/28/24

inbox: 3/29/24

inbox: 4/1/24

inbox: 4/4/24

One Word, Some Words, are You There?


Hello dear I'm still waiting to hear back from you. Please get back to me as soon as possible.

Hello dear Happy Easter to you and your family. Please am still waiting for you to get back to me. Are you not willing to help me with the proposal ?

Hello, how are you? Are you not willing to assist me with the proposal ? i'm still waiting to hear from you

mac's First Reply

First Reply

outbox: 4/5/24

Silence is Golden

Keeping the peace is great when you can do it without compromise. I Am focussed on warfare.

Good photo. Quit fornicating. in Jesus name Amen.
the Christ
LtG H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest
Sent from my iPhone

I Am Here

outbox: 5/6/24

Sticking the landing with a face plant for conquest

Bull, your email came through with the [SPAM] filter warning and of course you had a copied recipient. You are responsible for sending to your copied recipient. My emails are of course scanned, read, distributed, and the like by many government organizations. I have included My photo from this morning. The face plant was part of what the intelligence gathering that answers your question, regardless of how you most likely have mocked God and the LORD during your career.

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

I Am in My lounge wear and the bruising has not yet started. I AM at present sporting, much to My chagrin, an fifty extra pounds. My metabolism was completely severed from the Divine October 7, 2020 I should be dead. You would be if the same thing happened to you. Why I "love Putin" is a function of many things. It is not an amorous attachment. It is part of My sworn, from My Corps, means of protecting America. You would need to spend time with Me (you would also need to bring a chaperone -- active duty as I jail a sixteen time serial killer that there is no room for at Guantanamo Bay) to understand why I can love Putin. My pencil thinness, that I love, will return when My metabolism can be reconnected to Heaven. All flesh is connected to the Divine through their metabolism.

I told you I was in the process of fighting for and preserving a means for United States soldiers to do what you most likely assumed just existed by virtue of being an American soldier. Even if what I stated was simply a paraphrasing of what you believed to be true but from a different understanding of what your occupation already entitles you to. You were told many lies. Right now you are simply slated to go to hell like everyone else on this earth. I will return to that point.

This morning I fell hard tripping over My own feet, essentially. I went down on My hands and right temple. My head hit first. The Corpus Christi Police Department junked My operable vehicle a few years back as part of their hate crime against My High Priest hood. I have not posted this card publicly yet, but I will. It answers just a little more question about Me. The card is to a former female marine i town who is just a stupid coke whore who scored good sperm for her rotten eggs that she didn't deserve by shielding herself in the privilege of being a marine.

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Why the face plant? God must be punishing Me, says some idiot. Or why would I just say you are going to hell and then just audaciously expect you to keep reading this email? I wrote more. You are a marine. Take your fucking smack, choke down your ego, and learn something woody woodchuck. Bear in mind MI6 might be snickering just a little on this one. (My bleeding in the street for a few seconds before I could move Myself back into a march home just might titillate the Brits.) That Israel intelligence fuck wad of cowards also read these emails of mine. If I were not saddled with fifty extra pounds of weight I might have titillated those idiots with some come hither reply to your proposal for peace you wanted to find out if you could trust a person on the other end of a randomly chosen email with. Something akin to, "is your peace proposal matrimony big boy?"

I Am trusted with many things. My telling you to quit fornicating was a judgement call on your obvious physical beauty. You might have slightly too much muscle on your deltoids for your frame for Me to classify your body as perfection, and of course you can't neglect your legs or glutes in your training, but, other than that remark you are beautiful. I Am disgusted with these nasty males that refuse to pack on some muscle. The air force is an abomination. Reading Shakespeare is an order along with reading the Bible because it puts bulls like you in the place of being less likely to use your physical strength to overwhelm a jackass who clearly should have his face shoved in the shit because that is all he effectively does with the way he or she orders you about. That physical strength to move mountains is beautiful. Using restraint, or being able to use restraint because you have a High Priest who is putting all the Bill Gates of the worlds faces in the shit for you because they defiled Heaven, is Divine and I have put a price on it.

Now, I Am going to spend some time convalescing. I Am also going to bruise up big time. My skull is fractured. This green stick will heal. Why was I allowed to experience this? Let us just say I paid for a shit ton for the Corps, and the glory of Jesus will be manifest in Me as a result.

Now before returning to the hell let down. I will tell you why I have carte blanche at ripping Lloyd Austin a new asshole publicly. Clearly My operation website is public. Austin's treason against America started with Ronald Regan and Oliver North. Basically, Israel, that pathetic fuck wad of bullies peddling some form of Judaism, was to be the LORD'S military body conquering and destroying all of America's military, under the Austin Regan North plan and clearly the lower classes with the veterans needed to be thrown in for destruction as they are dirty. Is there more to it than that, kinda. There is more explanation of how this was built as well as what the Jehovah's Witnesses had to gain from this action. Regardless of who invaded this soil, I Am the flesh that was required to lead the military invasion. And I demanded money to do that work as well as of course take what medicine came with a little bruising. I Am assured I did not break My nose with My face plant this morning.

A personal note about Me is that on paper it is possible for Me to enter a marriage contract. I uphold many Divine events of warfare under a relationship with Spirit that can only be answered by the kind of one flesh union that marriage is to Heaven. I live a life of celibacy as I have no physical spouse on paper to enjoy fulfilling My highly demanding libido with. I Am nearly five foot ten. I Am not sexually attracted to males under six feet tall. Physically that is an abhorrent matching to Me. My ex-husband was profoundly ugly, in My opinion. That horrid marriage left Me satisfied to never again experience a sexual act for the rest of My life and furthermore ended all desire to have an extra mouth to feed. A male has the burden of convincing Me I provide him what he needs before I would put Myself through the kind of humiliation and torment marriage inherently delivers from the hell bound.

Regardless of your decision about entering a marriage contract with Me, because you were part of a divine equation variable in all of My shit show of duty, because I endured this mornings beating, that marriage may now be fulfilled by you. As in Heaven can make it happen. I will not be made to wait on your decision. Make arrangements to visit and only active duty may enter My home with My permission and My mother is the serial killer who I jail in My home. The FBI and Corpus Christi Police Department with so many other people have profited off her murders, that, not surprisingly, none of those parties choose to prosecute her even for her shitty deeds in town. I need some internet. I Am headed out to pick up some coffee beans before the swelling and bruising are off the charts.

About that hell business. You are most assured of going to hell. Austin, as in the asshole traitor Lloyd, with North (Oliver) will suffer many tortures because of how they are responsible for fucking over soldiers. Stay in the Corps active duty, not reserves, until you die and you will not experience torment even to the severity of Trump, Putin, and Obama. What else is there? Nothing. Stay in the fucking Corps damn it (and pick up some Shakespeare) Eventually I will be in the place of leading military activities that open the door for living until July 5, 2076, when Satan is abyssed and you out-run hell. What else? If you are a fornicator you will not meet the deadline. I guarantee you death will hit you by then if you abuse your penis and testicles by fornicating. The headache is getting My attention. I alone Am the pathway that saves from hell. I Am tickled that that is where all you liars are at present are headed. I Am the flesh who defends Heaven's future. I Am the flesh who Heaven uses as judge. Clearly I Am starting to feel the smack against the macadamized street in front of Sutherlands and Walmart.

I have fulfilled My duty to God and Country, yet again, in this correspondence. What would your daughter need to do? Become a soldier for her chance at outrunning hell. I Am dizzy. I need to rest. It is the morning of May 6, 2024. I need to rest.

Clear your visit through the Commandants office, it is a deployment. Make arrangements for your daughter's guardianship in your absence. This concludes this correspondence. You must have two soldiers accompany you. Be prepared to learn many spiritual things. I will charge you each twenty dollars a day for your lodging and it includes breakfast and dinner. You will be working eighty hours a week, on average. Twelve hour duty days, seven days a week.

This email will be posted publicly, later.
the Christ
LtG H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest
Sent from my iPhone

Have Some Lovin'

outbox: 5/11/24

Another reply or keeping the count even

Hello Honey,
Isn't "Honey" or was it "Dear" that you addressed Me with on your repeated series of replies before I had the opportunity to even check My emails again? I check emails, sometimes, as little as once a month. Few people in this world even have My mac@macdukes.com email or have even used it to do anything other than reply to some miscellaneous business I enquired about to begin with. I will need to check, but, as I recall I counted at least four emails from you in My inbox before I was able to tell you to quit fornicating and the time for peace, well, if you harvest for hell with Me there will be peace in your life otherwise, over. With this correspondence the count is either now equal between us, in terms of reply, not word count, or I owe you yet one more email at least.

My career has been self-funded, top secret, and moulded under the hands of several, now retired, top ranking military generals and two Presidents of the United States. Other than the Theological doctorate, which I agree with Harvard, is worthless so why even hang the diploma on My wall -- you see I pedal truth, that is worthless in the world that profits from lies -- I Am a combat engineer and strategist at the very core of My career competencies.

The glory of Jesus you see here, no bruising. I took this picture last night after stepping out of the shower. It would have been wonderful to have had the kind of associations in My life that someone would have kissed this and made it better. That is the romantic in Me. My being a romantic is why the adversarial relationship I have with Putin keeps he and I slightly intrigued. Because, lies are what people profit by, Harvard with all American academia is slipping away and their diplomas on the world stage are all worthless. That Jesus made Me better, sustained Me, humbles Me; and I Am grateful. I honestly didn't think in sending My picture to a brother you would have rushed to kiss it. I have learnt not to expect such gestures from others. I still want them to happen.

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

What would have been better than someone kissing My booboo so Jesus would have been able to share the glory? For Me to have someone's booboos to kiss. Looking up to a male is far more appropriate than looking down on him. Females like Kidman (Tom Cruise's ex), the temple prostitute, who need little dudes, like males they can look down on. That does not work in a marriage. Sex is the magic that makes marriage work. Few people associate marriage with sex. At what point will masturbation be called sex? How about ones dildo or artificial vagina bring called a spouse? Anymore sex is just assumed because people just have sex without regard to legal matrimony first. Matrimony is making a law of two people coming together to be a union. That is why a civil court is required to break that law. What is fucking? A person using their genitals without the gratification of their spouse. It isn't possible to fuck Me, kill Me, rape Me, beat Me, or any other calamity of the like. Even if that was a persons go to way of getting their money back for the price of dinner. A person would just be out the price of that meal. I endured many things in My life, and career, so the cycle of fucking, including the rationals for fucking, that put all those participating in warfare at a serious disadvantage, were ended. In other words, for being a fucker, one not only goes to hell, they are going there in Divinely illustrative style. What is worse is that couples do not work at protecting the sex between them, that precious time of union. They let all manner of badness come between them. Then their marriage deteriorates. My philosophy is that your daughter has everything with having a father. The mother is poison. Look for a spouse who wants to be your back up not supplant you or degrade your strategies to instill some good skills for life in your girl with the few years you have.

You, as a male, can be a man as opposed to woman, the wicked witch crafting actor. I Am the only female that can be man because My heart is circumcised. It means I cannot make a prayer of heart. Now there is much I can write on this technical topic and I have written much about that already. A male hosts Spirit in his cerebral cortex. A female hosts Spirit on her heart tissue. A male can do the glorious work that a female only turns to shit if she is not put in her place.

I did not have the privilege of a successful pregnancy in My life. Twice in My life I experienced what I can only describe as two heavy menses that frightened Me and I cried for a few days. I have yet to buy some coffee beans, I did buy some grounds though, and I have not yet bruised. I won't be bruising. I will be buying some coffee beans before others are bruising in indescribable myriad of ways.

I have responsibility for two cats and a serial killer who is alien to humanity. Mumsy (the woman whose vagina I passed through to enter the world) is alien to humanity. She is not a human.

I Am a computer programmer, economist, engineer -- mechanical and civil, and warfare strategist. I understand how law, constitutions, governments, and people function. I lecture the Pentagon at length over how the Divine interacts with humanity and how present theology is a twisted convoluted unless jumble of information that has put people like Trump in the place of weaving major extortions against Heaven to back his qngmic sex cult. I have looked four assassins in the eyes. The one I met in the fitness center in Norfolk I wished had just run away with Me marrying Me and we lived happily ever after. There was a greatness about him. I was in his eyes. Like you good body. Beautiful face.

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

This is Buttercup, My pussy, she is over twenty years old. (Are you laughing at the pun? I Am.) She is grooming herself on My made in China plushy. When I was a child they were called stuffed animals and stuffed animals were called trophies. My plushy is a pony that is about the size of two king size pillows. It makes a great body pillow to hug. I hug it as I sleep. Not everyone likes to be cuddled as they sleep.

I do enjoy cooking. I have learnt many domestic skills to turn a home into a showcase of elegance. The problem is most males like to live in a kind of sty that just isn't too fancy so they can get away with being lazy or dirty. I like fancy. I like artfully crafted appointments. Having less but having the highest quality possible for the purpose of the things I do have. To build a home is a years long process that includes decorating and gardening. With mumsy I Am at a disadvantage fighting the squaller she pouts and throws tantrums in. I can plumb and wire homes as well as build from bare ground a home right down to the last roof shingle. In this email you have read a little about My life that if you simply looked at My library of books you could have gleaned My disciplinary qualifications. Writing is an occupational necessity. I Am appalled, still, at much of what I write, because it lacks mechanical perfection and there are about twenty thousand English words I would like to readily add to My vocabulary.

I do not suffer from needing to watch television for My spiritual food. I can write paragraphs about why people are addicted to that image maker. Indeed I will, at a later time. I read about one hundred pages of non-fiction a day.

I have no vehicle. I walk and ride the bus. I Am fighting with the Jehovah's Witnesses for them to take custody of mumsy. They must pay Me $2,192,500.00 for Me to vacate this property, My home, in Corpus. My dream with that tidy little bundle is to head back to Montana and live in the wind shadow of the International Peace park. I will be waiting out the decay and destruction of America, as things are poised at present, picking pockets of the dead for cash. But, I wait and see, perhaps, the JW's will need to get Me out of here and only with that bundle of cash do I leave. So, We at Team God are pressing that tightfisted flesh for that money.

Back in 2019 much trouble started when the Jehovah's Witnesses decided to have Mumsy euthanized in a care facility to take her authority over Spirit. It is being dumped on them on My terms. They were required to pay her not murder her to get it. So they get the power and it is bent to glorify Jesus who they violated and mutilated. The CCPD jumped on the opportunity to abuse Me. They didn't invent nor perfect their abuse.

I Am going to head out for internet in the next little bit. I ask you now, can I be trusted with your peace proposal? Have we earned one another's trust? Maintaining physical boundaries, i.e. no touch genitals without the law of matrimony, is what it means to have trust. Semper fi brother. You are still going to hell. Damn You!!! You choose hell over life? Fuck you!!!

I love to golf. I would love some driving range time, at the very least, under escort. I have a great bag of Titlest driver, woods, and wedges with a set of Taylor Made irons. Would you like Me to show you how to use them? No charge. Just a date. I have not bashed balls since January 2020. What else is a date? The USS Lexington is here. Did the marine corps need you to move in with a "spouse" cover? Using "spouse" as cover means going to the justice of the peace and filing the bonafide paperwork. I promise not to pressure you into sex; nor call what might transpire rape; or change My name. Being "single" means you do not at present have a person you trust your sexual being with. After you woke to Me contentedly preparing you a steak and egg breakfast, you just might be overwhelmed with the need to trust Me, sexually. That would be a function of our chemistry. With the duly filed marriage license you would come and go as you need to for other duties. Outside of that a chaperone is required and no playing "spouse." The mattress on our bed, honey, is sprung, lumpy, and sunken in the middle. No bugs.

The LORD is now sending Me out for coffee beans and internet access. There is no sim card in My iphone. Hasn't been since about December 2019.

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

After about a ten minute ride, including the rout transfer point at South Side Transit Station, I debussed the 37 at the TJMaxx Homegoods that generally sold bulk coffee beens, stocking enough to sell some on half-off clearance. No beans. They had some. The Saturday before Mother's Day is not a great time to browse that cornucopia of womanly Baalism, on steroids, as they say.

I Am now at the franchised bistro equivalent of womanly Baslism, Corner Bakery Cafe. My baked goods and foods are orders of magnitude better. I cook on par with the Drake Hotel in Austin. I have never eaten at the Waldorf Astoria to compare My cooking.

I won the contract for America's military. You can do it My way, or go to hell. Where caring for My "spouse" is concerned, even I can learn to keep a few roaches about, leave televisions running 24/7, and burn cookies so he can feel at home being the "man" of the house is his dirty environment so the peace is kept. Peace, when there is compromise, in no peace.

Death to Trump! Long Live Berger.

I love high alpine backpacking. I Am, or was, a competent sailor. I Am ten years out of practice where enduring "spouse" experiences is concerned. I have experienced a handful of decent organisms in My life. So there is room to know more there. Trump has a dorky face, in My opinion. Biden, Joe, is still holding onto his vanity. As a young male, I'm sure I would have classified him as handsome.

When I hit about ninety, I will have grown My last inch in height. At about three hundred years of age new teeth will grow in.

macDukes.com figure, credit: someonemacDukes.com figure, credit: someonemacDukes.com figure, credit: someonemacDukes.com figure, credit: someone

That is a favorite play list. I named it, "Country Tears." Will America weep? Not much. I use the analogy of what We at Team God call, "Titanic Syndrome." Think of North America as the Titanic. The ship is sinking and the passengers are crying out, "Oh My God, I'm really a fish. This is going to be so awesome" as the water covers their nostrils. They drowned.

Do you want to meet the Ark of God?
the Christ
LtG H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest
Sent from my iPhone

Mothers Day, An eDate?

outbox: 5/12/24

The sex deal

Bull, unfortunately you touched what even Putin knew to leave alone. You see, I Am a bit of a correspondence tar baby. Did you ever see Disney's Song of the South? A classic really. Briar Rabbit touches a tar baby after being angry that the figure (that was indeed made of tar) did not greet him. The rabbit yelling, "Howdy!" with enthusiasm slaps that tar bundle with his hand in a gesture that would be classified as a misdemeanor in Texas. Briar Rabbit ends up sticking his entire body to that tar bundle whilst unsticking his first hand he embedded in the tar greeting the unresponsive scarecrow made of tar. These were part of the Uncle Rheimus stories. Eventuality, I will find these stories at Half Price Books and add them to My collection of to-be-read-eventually books. (In the context of that sentence, "to be read eventually" is an adjective of the word books. So it gets dashed.) I read Jules Verne, Dumas, Scott, Dickens, Twain and several other famous prose authors when I was in high school. It was a summer activity. The Jehovah's Witnesses like to classify all persons that do not go to the kingdom hall as bad associations that spoil useful habits. That proverbial principle can be found in one of Saint Paul's letters to Timothy. With that, I simply spent My summers in high school in a bit of isolation. I actually didn't think of it that way. There are some people in this world, it is better to fall on ones own sword than to even speak to them. Mumsy put Me in the Jehovah's Witnesses religion and I did everything I could to be a good one. At eighteen I was just a mole in that religion for the corps.

Discretion, as in using discernment -- making judgement calls, is at the heart of military intelligence gathering, interpretation, and preparedness prediction. Judging who bad associations are is required to avoid bad associations. In our personal lives, for some reason, we are taught the unconscionable shit that judging people is wrong. What a bunch of crap. It is wrong to assume people have evil motives. It is right to, from looking at someone and the situation you are in with/near them, anticipate actionable likelihoods to protect your future. We look at fellow Americans like we are on the same teem. You know that is shit. Hell, the CIA might be working against your duties ordered by even the same president. I have already written an article about how wrong it is to look at someone seeing horror on the outside and not translate that to, 'they are also horrible on the inside.' When a male sports a beard and pot belly his physique represents how he has sold out giving himself over to looking like his debaucheries he loves. You have seen how quickly Milley has decayed since leaving the military.

Freedom is used in this nation to excuse slovenly dress, beards, BO, public flatulence, public urination, public drunken nights out, owning as much as one can buy. Although most people find a way to excuse buying cheap shit over quality goods on what I will call the PETA principal of living. Animals should not be bred for fiber or food so no mink coats, no leather goods, eat vegetables...Blah blah blah. That is the spielen. What does that really do? It builds an elitist class of consumers and fuels global gluttony. Why this is so I will elaborate on in the coming year. People do not use freedom as an excuse to take the bus, pick up trash on common grounds, wear nice garments, and spend a little extra time keeping themselves clean. Freedom is used to keep demanding rights and forcing your neighbors to accept you just they way you are. This only keeps the peace provided one person's religious freedom to worship their god as they please does not destroy the life or property of another. Homeless people will tell you they love America because, "They are free to live in the street coming and going as they please. You can't make them conform."

To your apparent conforming to the USMC, awesome.

I Am going to teach you about the sex deal. Being faced with the amount of pussy (or dick) in close quarters that military service jumbles into the same unarmored bunker for survival requires being personally convinced of your own personal superiority over every one around you. I Am going to elucidate. As a male you need to understand that your sperm is the most valuable elixir of salvation on the planet, for you. Females are just in a place of hopeless desperation, always, kinda, I will get to that. Right now I Am speaking to a male about his maleness. It is important that you do not betray your gametes. In short you put yourself in a place of power when you approach every person with, "No, you ain't worth my cum." Someone needs to demonstrate to you they will serve you, seek your happiness, and physically you are not forcing yourself to overlook what kind of piercing they sport, the crotch and ass crack they advertise, the cut and style of their hair, the way they walk, the way they talk all the outward first impression things, they matter. When you see what is abhorrent, that is a no. Period. Enjoy that you dodged a bullet. Don't go thinking that eventually you will make a good sex deal with this person when they fix, da da da. What about when you look at that, "She has got to be Miss January 2023." You know you want that. You already know that because you are certain you have seen that naked. Well, then you need to be in that place of grabbing ahold of that love at first sight and getting to the justice of the peace before sex happens. She might not run to the preacher with, "Hello there, how ya' doin'?" What is next so you are not totally frustrated with your physiology? Imagine Miss January 2023 in 2050. She has aged. Does she have good habits of health? Does she want more body art? More piercings? Bigger implants? Does she need a liposuction or some cosmetic aid to keeping the venti upside down mocha frappachino from sitting on her belly? What kind of person is she when she doesn't get what she wants? If she complains when she is getting what she asked for, you know to run. How hard does she work for the things she claims matters? Does she volunteer her time to save lives? Is she married? Does she want a male, female, or to do males and females at the same time? Those moral questions we used to have confidence in because of the church they attended. That was always a subject of false confidence. In other words there was never the across the board wholesomeness we wanted to pretend existed even when, "Leave it to Beaver" was on prime time. I Am a bit of a June Cleaver meets Elvira. Or perhaps Martha Stewart meets Zena the Warrior Princess. When I Am fit, and I Am in the process of rebuilding, I Am somewhere between Linda Carter (as Wonder Woman) and Brooke Shields. I have often been told I look like Kelly McGillis (Top Gun). What I lack is a willingness to allow people the opportunity to learn much about Me. It isn't necessary. Keeping boundaries means we have personal information that we use as a means of making assessments of others, not sharing of ourselves when we know damn well falling on our own sword is better that touching or being touched sexually by what we see or hear before us. So there is no point in being an information booth about Myself.

How about your reaching out to Me? Well, the potential for a sex deal needed to be neutralized. Does that mean We couldn't meet and just know in that instant, "This is the one." Eh, its not a reasonable expectation. It isn't fair to either of us and I will now explain the one thing I intended to share when I started this ramble an hour or so ago. When you sent your email it was a personal invitation to a stranger. When you share personal information and you are willing to fuck the object (as in your sperm is not precious to you so you would fuck if the price was right -- no assumed consequences going into the fuck generally makes the price right) you filter the other person, the potential fuckee, through your own awareness filling in the blanks of them with who you are. For instance, welders experience a kind of blindness after years of unprotected exposure that literally blinds their vision with black spots. What does their brain do? Fills in the gaps so the welder thinks he still sees. It is like the blind spot on a car projecting what is on the other side of that blind spot without anything to base the projection on other than what is in view of the windshields on either side. A welder can miss a whole semi that way and never know they are blind. There are white papers on the topic. It might be called welder blindness. It is necessary for an individual to make their case explicitly that they want you as a sexual partner otherwise when the suggestion is there without explicit dialogue it creates the fucking.

A dude will say he has a wife so that when he fucks the female he met in the bar he knows he said it was a one night stand. What the female heard was, "I am now going to fuck you because I know you will be better than my wife and I will divorce her and marry you." So the female in the bar is gungho for the fucking she didn't charge for. Whether or not the female has morals that permit a one night stand or not, she is programmed to understand sex entitles her to a life of being cared for. What I lived My entire life understanding and living is that the only way sex was going to be a means of My being provided for is if I was married to a male that was able to grow his fortune because I protected all he worked for so we could both benefit.

That narrative just explained the difference between how males and females interpret the unsaid dialogue. There is no way to have sex with not spouse, as a male, and not end up with some hidden debt hanging over in the land of the Gods. When she did not get the marriage and move into the house and have the happily ever after she has Spirit coin and the fucker gets tested by Spirit. This deserves a great deal of teasing out and clarification. This email is not the opportunity to approach explanation.

It is nighty night time for Me. I Am going to put My last post up in the morning and let My website sit a month or two while I recover My fitness and health. Ten miles a day is a good average amount of ground for Me to cover and I travel at about three miles an hour.

I have started typing and erasing again. Okay. What does that mean? I have typed and erased and typed and erased. It means I Am sucking at long distance mind reading. When you reached out, there was no way I could possibly trust the honor system of assumed morality that the sex deal is not supposed to happen. Expectations needed to be adjusted. Would you just like to go to a driving range together? If you are not a golfer, we are not going to work out as man and wife.

Would there be any chemistry between us? I Am assured My being drawn to your photo was legitimate. I never wanted to be in that place of auditioning for someone personally again. I wanted to believe that the Gods sent you to get to know Me and rescue Me from My horrid isolation jailing mumsy. I wanted to fall for that belief in the second I received your email. I couldn't compose a reply. Without any kind of filter I wanted to ask you are you My chosen one? That is the only way to describe what My physiology was dealing with in the instant I typed My first reply. I wanted to finally be in that place of not bring alone, in the extreme, fending of the unwashed filth loving reprobates and ignorance loving moral sleeze of this town who hate truth. To finally have flesh, in the way Adam cried out, at last, "Bone of My bone and flesh of My flesh." That was the moment I had because of what it is to weave through how flesh has imprinted Spirit with a tortuous gauntlet for Me to run so the LORD lives the perfection of his days post Sabbath. It is always necessary for Me to get down to Corps. As in I have articulated before you and Heaven what the heck was going on that I had no way of owning because the loss of "Ted" (His code name) September 2020 was just that grievous. I still greave for who he was to Me and all the dances We did not get to go to. Trump had him killed. And to Me I have just embarrassed Myself because I have spent My life surrounded by people that promised Me the world if I would just be the dirt they are. I was hated for being a goodie goodie with an overly sensitive conscience who ruined the party. As until "Ted" who I knew only through Spirit, I had never even been the bridesmaid or even the wall flower. I was simply never a contender in the land of being fulfilled as a human. "Ted" was as real to Me as you. More so. I don't have a way to know if you are really single. If you could be in a place of understanding My work. If you are even the same person as your posted image. Those are things Spirit is silent on. You are being drawn out in this.

The glory of Jesus will be manifest in Me for this regardless of its seeming crazy. Spirit has been in the place of providing Me a welder vision visor as it were so that every person I met I could see some "good" about them even when all there was was horror and I needed to fall on My own sword to avoid them. May 12, 2012 was when that visor was ripped off and My testimony before Spirit began and I was promoted by Obama being awarded My brigadier general promotion. Trump awarded Me My second star, and Biden My third.

What has been bound in Heaven flesh is fulfilling. That is why things are just a little different now. Had top level niggers like Trump kept their word, that would have been proof that the world of humanity had evolved for flesh to fulfill John's apocalypse. Instead flesh is just being sent to hell. You happen to have been put in the place of finding out how to live. You have no ground to curse Heaven for what you can be a part of fixing for yourself, at least. Fighting with Austin and congress is ongoing. Needless to say the last thing congress wants to end is fornication in the military.

Being alone is a bummer only kinda. When My vanity is restored even I know I can get Me a hottie who will love all this crazy God shit and even love that he won the heart and soul of the Christ as his bride. Even I understand I Am not hot enough for you by My own definitions of beauty. And a photograph, unless it is a mugshot, does not document height. Looking up to "My" man matters and it needs to be there as a physical reminder for all those moments in a marriage when I just might find Myself forgetful of his headship. Anymore people are willing to look for what they are convinced is love from every place that lacks discipline, standards, and reminders. Obviously the sex deal requires better than love.

When I see Myself as desirable to Myself, as in I want to see My own body in a sexual act with My hottie husband, then I would be in yet another place of willingness to say, "Come for a visit. I like the sound of a peace mission." That confidence to play, its just not there. My thought is, yea, you show up and either you laugh your ass off at My being lower than Ugly Betty, or you are struck with gallantry while trying to figure out how you can slip away without saying, "I didn't know you were ugly and fat. I couldn't really tell how fat and ugly by the photos, so just let me go away and forget you." That is the kind of pressure that clouds invitations that come with personal information like I'm single with a twelve year old daughter.

I agree, you wouldn't have a chaperone if you simply met Me for coffee to discuss Iran Israel readiness. So now the need for the chaperone has been stripped down to zero and we both know we will be talking shop if indeed you invest in coming to Corpus. I will be a little more diligent in checking emails in the event that you want Me to be prepared for some public place shop talk.

It is now midnight. I Am never up this late. I will send this in the morning. You have now consumed My entire Saturday, more or less. Does this count as a peace mission date?

The morning of sending this picture. I just finished brewing My morning cup of coffee and feeding Buttercup, that cat, the real one, no pun.

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

What the Jehovah's Witnesses did that was so God damned fucking horrible is swipe up all the coin in Heaven that existed when the LORD would have been living at Sabbath's end and then categorically refused, on every level, to do even one jot of work to make that Kingdom of perfection a reality. In other words, why a band was allowed to be called the Black Sabbath, being and looking so vile, is because that is what the Jehovah's Witnesses built for humanity and it had to be destroyed. More on this to come.

Honestly, aren't you just the least bit curious about how good it can be when you have a little more spiritual food? Why not gather the gumption to work eighty hour weeks with a few brave souls who, come, and taste, the Christ is Good. There is much mechanical work a team can efficiently and effectively add under My training, promulgating truth sooner. Yes, I Am still closing that God damned fucking cesspool of a military base; NASCC-AD, and its regional cohorts. You stupid God Damned mother fuckers.

It turned out to be great that you sent a personal invitation. Now I have proven that My intention was to have soldiers here to work them to life and I Am still, indeed, grieving"Ted." He was My fiancé killed the morning of our wedding and we had yet to experience one another, sexually. I was REALLY looking forward to the sex.
the Christ
LtG H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest
Sent from my iPhone

Mothers Day, An eDate?

outbox: 5/13/24

Leaving You a Debt to Repay

Hello Dear.
I went back and verified that four emails were what you sent that remained unacknowledged by Me. Not only that, dear was the diminutive eponym used. This email means I Am leaving you the opportunity to repay Me with an electronic epistle. I Am now officially ahead by one email.

You have the place of receiving personal correspondence from the whitehorse riding Apocalyptic scary person that famine, death, Hades, and plague had no means of catching. Who did you bet on in the horse race? That is the kind of question I know to pose, with humor, to Team God and be both cautious and horrified at the realities of how people forced the LORD to place his bet. I love the LORD all the same.

This is as close as I come to forcing you to seek righteousness. It is polite for Me to invite your engagement with Me to continue what you started. No, I will not be sporting new booboos any time soon. But who does not appreciate no-strings-attached affection. Acknowledgment of our humanity is not wrong. Fornication is wrong. The reasons why people have been able to extort Spiritual power with shitty deeds is because there are times when under the truth of lies taught in religions they literally did according to their own honest understanding. In other words that you thought the sky was green was not held against you as wrong until the one came along who proved to all Spirit consciousness they were the soul authority on the sky and they said it was clear. Then your answer of green was wrong but allowed because it was all you knew.

It is actually possible for humanities conclusion, this time around, because I Am the only human that needs to survive the Divine onslaught, for the contents and seas to be cataclysmically altered, dormant volcanoes to be opened burying a hundred million people in a few days, every violent wind and rain to wash away all the supplies and stores of civilization ending jobs to go to, and within a year three billion people die of famine and disease and then within as little five years from today all humanity would be dead sans Me.

Then what? Well, Spirit through what has been defined as immaculate conception can impregnate Me and I deliver My first child. Perhaps a boy. This would be My future husband. He might want a hundred years of wandering the earth before mommy seemed like a good mate. But, he would have his time and I would have plenty of work to do beautifying and preparing a landscape for the first city. I might name it Jerusalem. I might even name My son Israel.

Now, how lucky do you feel that the wrath of Heaven can wipe eight billion people off this earth sending them to hell in less than a year? Do you feel any inclination to live? Do you have any desire to do the work I do? No? There is your clue you are fodder for hell. When just having the information means you do nothing that means this, life, arouses nothing in you. Hell is not eternal.

From Team God I understand I have Father's Day to look forward to. It would be a major buzz kill for Me to have to work with people now that I understand the great and cataclysmic destruction that can, as I understand having a high probability of happening, happen. I won't say yet that it will. But, I want it to. It is better than waiting a hundred years for you shits to finally finish sending yourselves to hell. When I Am the only person on this earth I Am reasonably certain I will keep finding stall tactic projects that interfere with that threat of immaculate conception. But, I like to leave all things to God.

Understand not putting all the power of the military of this nation in My hands to clean this God Damned fucking earth of squandering filth making the Kingdom happen the old fashioned way means the total cataclysmic destruction is game on. The signs of Heavenly destruction will increase so you are certain of the truth of Heaven's intent and, furthermore, Christmas 2024 is the deadline for handing Me those Pentagon keys or cataclysmic wipe out happens.

Why is it that God promised never to use a deluge again? It isn't possible to destroy humanity that way. There is not enough fluid to cover the land masses over Everest. A flood just won't do. But a pissed off Christ, there is the brain to put on top of that problem.

Go ahead and reread the Art of War. It is just a little thin on the depths of wars power especially when no deception is needed and you control the seas. Oh, didn't you read, I control the sea. All wild animals are mine. And there is some other crazinesses, but outside of this sounding crazy it is all true and proven by Heaven.

My getting those Pentagon keys is the only way a remnant of US Military exists. We at Team God will keep assuring Biden, Austin, and Congress that a remnant is really a good thing. December 2024 that is the deadline. Now you know why people are not forced to believe Me and CCPD with the filthy veterans and the cesspool base captain get to keep fucking with Me. God wants you all dead. And He must do thus or it is just not fair to history.

It is not wrong to wear weakness when you are trying to learn if the world has even one good Samaritan. It doesn't, thus far.

That was Sunday night. Now it is Monday morning and I Am headed to Port Aransas and then to Aransas Pass with Ingleside.

Had you been in the place of knowing there was a Spirit payoff for kissing My head and looking in on Me as I healed, you would have in Corpus to do so. If not you you would have delegated that to a buddy. There is no Spirit coin for interacting with Me. What Spirit does is put you in the place of giving them coin for how you treat Me. When you don't do for Me in the way that Spirit backed the shit out of your life, you loose power. There is a great deal more here.

Assemble a team. That sixty extra dollars a day will go a long way at helping Me get out of these rags I wear. Allow Me to get out of Town while mumsy has supervision and the cats are fed and so on. And what do you get? Survival with benefits cutting the payoff Spirit give you that cheats you out of getting credit for your own Godly deeds. I Am a human. I Am in need. I Am your superior officer. I Am asking you to pull yourself from the fire by helping Me.
the Christ
LtG H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest
Sent from my iPhone

Memorial Day

outbox: 5/27/24

The End Game, for Now

Putin, more and more service males and females of America will be exposed publicly for misconduct. (People understand their shit stinks, now. They are still held to a higher standard. That standard I set, while military can be fuckers, still, others find fault with them because they "know" military is not doing to its high standards and the offended use every thought God can give them to take down the offender. I defined military dress, conduct, and warfare prowess. Regardless of who knows what of My definition, because My definition is defaulted on, God can use any thought an offended person can find from within themselves to smack the shit out of the offending military personnel.) With My ministries global presence their tastelessness went viral. I expected to see an upswing in classy, dignified, studious, venerable (chivalry is going too far) marks of Godliness in their behavior. Were they Godly? No, they became vile in their reasonings and proved their wanton lusts in a way that I had no ability to think that people who bathed or showered regularly were even capable of wanting to perform. Let alone, be willing to wallow in animal wastes and fertility fruits with such shamelessness. So, of course, I Am shocked at them. I Am not shocked that you, perhaps, and in the most tasteful fashion of the fashionable people of means, gamble. I will not ask for My winnings. Obviously a Casablanca reference.

Fertility fruits? Fish make love in the ocean squirting out their eggs and sperm and shit there too. SEALs (the special forces variety) are the best living example of those who love filth, evidently. I didn't think that way about the ocean as plant spores in air are no different than fish eggs and sperm in water. But batshit land governs so many things. With the onset of Ggodly demonstrations people have been proving they did for Satan. I didn't know that was even possible for getting Godly credit. I thought God had never interacted with a single person ever by the sicko shape of our world. God would not allow some bad to get mostly good. God all or nothing is Good. (Hence dumping leaven; eating crackers once a year.) Spirit actually sold to Me, I was their chosen One to deliver the Divine message for modern times salvation. (I didn't understand why the Pope wasn't doing this either. Why use a pathetic thing that has nothing? I have written about that already.)

Getting back to SEALs. My ocean experiences, even in Hawaii, came with a mumsy terror package. Taking a bath as a child I liked. I didn't have the perspective that I was sitting in My own filth. The filth was "neutralized" by the soap suds. It was the miracle of soap that I was willing to sit in water that was cloudy while bathing. In Hawaii the water was clear and the stray bits of slimy floating seaweed were visible. I was terrified of seaweed touching Me. So terrified of it touching Me in the water, that I cried out in fits of terror while vigorously pushing Myself away form the offending slimy vegetation. There wasn't a way for Me to separate the idea that the vegetation was innocuous from the offending feeling of the tickling slimy thing brushing against Me. A slimy thing creeping up on Me was a no no. Did I think of a sea creature, like jellyfish, being with the seaweed? No. It was not that sophisticated a terror. Did I dislike that fish lived in the water and think of fish producing fish and eating and shitting? No. I had not reached that level of reasoning to make those kinds of distinctions. (This is why children go through phases of likes and dislikes.) I still don't like seaweed nor swimming in water where the shallows, the first seventy or so feet, are not clear to the bottom. Deeper depths seems bottomless. This particular terror created a placeholder because of how mumsy "programmed" My childhood baths. That programming of hers created a placeholder for Me to prove Myself to Heaven at a later time. It is not wrong to earn ones living swimming with the fishes. It is, however, an illustrative tool God Almighty has to show someone smack-dab in-plain-sight-ish that a person is just a pervert who would fuck anything because of all the fucking fluid and shit in the ocean they even unwittingly swallow. It is the fight between God Almighty and mumsy that should have put people in that place of doing all the Ggodly goodness when My ministry started. I expected to see Ggodly goodness and I was shocked that I did not. The smug satisfaction of people certain they achieved some kind of internal nirvana is obvious to see. I didn't understand why people are so satisfied with their filth. They demonstrated their love of every perversion on earth mumsy made available in the batshit land of reasoning that issued Spirit coin, belief. This belief is what has Trump building his own gallows. Everyone is doing that for themselves. All this self-gallows building is related to honest-to-goodness hard-corps undeniable how-it-all works Truth. My soul is how Spirit, Allness in totality, shuts down the way people have been allowed to think of solutions based on the half truths they relied on to think, be creative or inventive, or justify choices. I teach the cognitive, spoken, written, illustrative, depths to Heaven. All of you have been dictating to Heaven with some people forcing their Spirit to rely more on others. Some people, the top level niggers, simply have been handed other peoples Spirit authority because no Spirit, unlike people, were allowed to be a Jonah. The Lamb kept truth going with the little sleazinesses and puns in every form of selling and building products. I have written about that in detail. Like the in-plain-sight truth of earning a living swimming in the ocean being a God Almighty message, the Lamb worked similarly. The Lamb was doing everything possible to ensure the Baal was perfected. Once the Trumps of the world reneged on their promises they got God Almighty power with, world destruction was game on. That date was July 1, 2019. This makes Trump a reneger. Okay, but I Am not respelling it. It sounds the same as nigger and We are keeping My new definition to the old racial slur. So, Trump is both. They all are. Putin, you had Me as your back-up. Your promises can't be reneged on. You are just going to hell. By May 12, 2012, (or so, it was the roll over wreck morning) all of My thought pathways were shut down until I was not allowed to be alive. I have explained this.

Back to the narrative of things to look for, more people will be falling out of the sky from negligence and in retribution for mocking Me just as Iran's president did. Yes, you are right, the marines that went down in that California storm earned it. When American service persons attack Me they are sent to hell by Team God. Taking to the air and being on the ocean is an engraved invitation, as they say. When people take to the air or ocean they are welcoming the perfect opportunity for Team God to interceded and incapacitate the key crew members at the key moment killing them all.

We will call it the greater Iran-Iraq region for this discussion, Iran had one shot at not defaulting decaying into total anarchy taking Iraq with it. I was to be their King with God killing the President personally to welcome Me to Iran. Stability in the Middle East is over.

Egypt will tear into Africa to unite it after and potentially coincident with annihilating Israel. And America with the United Kingdom wad will be slaughtered by very efficient killers there. Male and female indigenous Africans will be wiping out all non-indigenous peoples. British half-bloods won't even survive. I give Africa's annihilation of those invaders twenty years. The Aussies are more or less a breeding populous for soldier meat. They will have their own problems adjusting to how they can feed and maximize their resources capitalizing on the collapse of Eurasia and the remaining United Kingdom, establishing slavery over Indonesia and the Philippines to maintain order in the Pacific, kinda co-ruling with Japan, ultimately maintains some larger commerce. That the Aussies will employ slavery to prolong some of the world's lifespan, is unlikely. Ultimately Japan will wipe out Australia with New Zealand. That survivorship of Japan is decades out from happening.

Because of the blasphemy of America against Me I have what I regard as miracles to look forward to. What are they? Well, America is again going to be experiencing a series of COVID variants that hundreds of people in towns just die in the night while sleeping, or as they are driving, or walking, or working, with no apparent leading symptoms. Their breath will just be gone from them. Whole towns will be wiped out in weeks and cities in months. What is the contagion? Being a civilian on North American soil. For the rest of the world the contagion is receiving products manufactured or packaged in North America, including packaged foods. This includes, but is not limited to, alcohol, fire arms, tobacco, cocaine, heroin, cannabis, mushrooms, furs, jews, metals, and even garbage. Did a land fill in China take delivery on a shipload of American "recyclables" -- aka garbage? Dump them in with old tires and light a fire. Tire fires are great long burning hot miseries. Dumping North American products into the fire will preserve to the level of the one who did the dumping. Otherwise, even that garbage is a killer up to the level that approved the garbage delivery. If the Mayor ordered the dumping and the people dumped all the North American shit in their local fire, those people will be saved. Otherwise coming to North America is certain death and having North American products or hosting North American civilians will put the owner or host at seventy percent risk of death from this variant. A small proportion on non-North American soil will survive this.

I Am of course immune and the cure. No one is cured for free. And no-one wants the cure to begin with. Even if My order to cure them was simpler than sending them bathing in the Jordan, fuck you is the response to My blood products. Why has the medical establishment been allowed to become such a monster? Because people refuse to work for their own cure or accept death. Like people choosing obesity, laziness, and being dirty, then by forty it is catching up to them big time. Then they impudently demand some miracle pill and expect it should be at least paid for by the government.

I expect under God Almighty's Word to see all North Americans die within a decade from this COVID and "natural disaster" while I have no difficulty living alone cleaning up this soil, because, the disease will not ever go away. It is the killer that only a persons total slavery to Me, and I have no slaves, allows people to live in North America and only under My special written invitation may anyone come to My Hawaii home. Obviously, Hawaii's statehood was upheld so all those people can share in North America's destruction. (Of course Japan will test this. Hawaii the whole archipelago belongs to Me.) Obviously soldiers are owned, slaves, of the government.

I Am promised a far more meaningful miracle locally, however, that I want to see. I Am promised the greater Gulf region, sans My little abode here on Dody street, being flattened keeping people from returning to the region for weeks as the succession of storms, with its paths of debris, will prevent Me from seeing neighbors for at least a fortnight. I won't be leaving. mumsy might. A two week vacation from being tortured by the United States Government given to Me by Team God. Those storms are expected at any time. They will last as long as pleases God. Christmas Eve is when COVID hits. That gives the Pentagon a last morning to include Me or this new COVID overtakes the world.

Will SEALs decide they don't want to fornicate anymore? Not a chance. Why would they quit when their wives are so fucking vile to them. They would need to live without, sex. So, to Africa with the fucking Brits they go. The illustrative way to send them all to hell. I Am fairly certain I have reason to regret soldiers receiving a fleshly resurrection. It is done, however. I have a joke to Team God, "One had better do too much than too little on such occasions." What is the sicko catch 22 with this? To save America's chances, having a remnant population, the Navy and coast guard are to be broken down and sucked into the Marine Corps and the Air Force with the Space Force need to be disbanded and taken into the Army including eliminating National Guard Air and Land forces sucking them into the Army proper. These two entities are placed under My sole executive authority. North America is only allowed active duty military survivors. No civilians, ever. Putin, on the topic of space shit (mentioning the Space Force is the space shit segue,) start destroying satellites! Ground your astronauts. I don't give a shit if they call themselves cosmonauts, ground them. Why sicko? I would have never asked for people to do or believe the impossible. All things being possible with God is a function of time, at the very least. I would never have built a system where more than one person was required to let it all ride on Me. That is another way of saying, only over My dead body could Allness have gotten a separate consciousness. Just refer to My website Allness discussions for now. Indeed the LORD made perfection happen.

The American government does not want to save its military. God Almighty does not need to keep anyone alive, sans Me. I made some prayers a few weeks back and let go of Kaliningrad in exchange for Russia going to war with China. You know the spielen, only with Me it is not a slaughtering, landscape striping, population depleting -- because you two will be going after civilians -- calamity that demonstrates the full mockery of Me your two nations have woven into your military fabric. China will use this to bomb their own civilians. They were trying to get America to fight them for the same purpose. The China objective was two hundred million elite, hard working, utopian, educated, of communist perfection, making over the forty hour work week picking up where Ford died off. Why Russia instead of the US? The Russians are better fuckers.

Isn't this wonderful? As long as you avoid an assassins bullet you will witness much of North America's destruction before even your natural death. The destruction of the Gulf of Mexico commences June. I have two years of books to read -- company to wait all this out -- and can commence cleaning up this soil from the Heavenly destruction and plague because bodies will be stacking up here in Corpus. Finally, honest work with results I can appreciate. This destruction is what Heaven has to end My being tortured without those keys. It is the only way, sans getting those keys, that exists for Me to demonstrate My talents and when everyone is dead I have no need to worry about money to pay Me, nor do I need permission to work. I can find My sought after book titles, plant a garden, create composting regions for bodies, isolate recyclables, establish potable water reserves do all those civilization building things. It is all the domestic animals that perish that will go rough on Me. I would never do anything to prevent My missing experiencing the miracle of deliverance I have begged Heaven for since I was a teenager. I begged for honest work. I begged Heaven, Jehovah, for a means to support Myself that honorably utilized My talents. By the time I was eighteen, the only thing that remained to fulfill My prayer was the destruction of the world, because No way was anyone going to have Me as their King. And Me as King, was the only way anyone had a chance at not being destroyed by Heaven. Being destroyed by Heaven is what going to hell is. I fought to educate Myself so I could be a steward over humanity, a genuine King. So, many people, were given the opportunity to go after being that king. Finally the lying stacked up that My life was used to keep the whole world of fuckers going. I was only allowed to die once for all time. Once it was proven to Heaven that My death was all that remained, because, I was not allowed to be alive by the orders of the whole world, your destruction was orchestrated. Furthermore, y'all forced the destruction methods.

I then started My ministry and all these wondrous ways opened up for people to die the world over in a cataclysmic display of Heaven's authority over flesh. What I thought I was fighting for, with My ministry, was people's salvation. I was teaching God Almighty all the ways open to Him to kill all of you. And that is what He is doing. Lying to Him cost you your life. It is the unforgivable sin. You go to hell and are eliminated, in time. Lying to God Almighty is sinning against the Spirit. Now you know why the Jehovah's Witnesses know nothing about that too.

Putin, what you have read is the God Almighty message. For North America it is irreversible by mid-day Christmas. I fought for something for you. Okay, kinda. America's salvation is a military linkage. There is salvation possible for only active duty military. What is the problem? I enslave them in a dictatorship that rewards honest warfare (meaning no fornication). They have the blessing of family, education, success in battle, and demonstrating living as a glorious sacrifice worthy of the LORD's notice. I save by means of forcing people to demonstrate works to prove their faith or things are so desperate they know just to follow orders because their faith is shit. By Christmas I get that total authority over the military or that COVID starts wiping these fuckers out and there is also the Africa mess.

What did I make possible for you? Well, damn little when you get down to it, other than My sneaking in the back door of the Kremlin and reworking the government of Russia so that those who have abused your trust in their keeping you in power are brought to justice, which face it, executions are game on unless we just get Romanov, for example, to surrender every ruble and valuable back to the state in exchange for leaving Russia. All the JW's are executed. All those non Romanov types can simply convert to Christianity. Now you understand why Russia will just end up split into three and there will be a decline in population due to massive warfare, at least. Do you want to make Kaliningrad My military state on paper and hand Me those keys?

What else is there? I can't tell you what would happen if My butt were moved to Russia, with My two cats and houseful of nothings that mean something to Me, and I were supported with an endowment that allowed Me to live in a highly respectable manner on Russia's money. It is a function of what My presence is to people. In other words, its a blind gamble where the house always wins and I Am always fighting the house to save people. The difference is the act of faith in moving and supporting Me.

You have never experienced that blessing. I met a Russian student at Cal State Fullerton in 1989, Fall semester. We attended the same English composition class. There was too much in play with the English instructor. She was a bad one. As in, I was most likely there to deal with her. It is in the way Heaven has had Me to throw into the fire all these years, so I got to take in a semester of College, at that time. After that I was maneuvered to Gerald Owen Booth. A writing assignment required peer reviewing papers -- anonymously to the instructor -- and I was not allowed to stand up to this Russian male, who handed Me his paper, and tell him the paper he wrote answered the question the instructor demanded but she was looking for a cry baby wa-wa type of detail to support the papers meaning. "I struggled so, am rending my breast things were so da da da bad" is what she wanted. It was in the assignment statement. The assignment directive was not written that way but even I thought she was making dramatic demands. He wrote like he was filling out a military form. All I was allowed to tell this Russian student was I liked his paper. Which I did like not having to read wa-wa. I wrote some wa-wa. I recall letting the Russian know that is what I did to meet the assignment. The instructor was furious that he didn't dig and poor out some big wa-wa and at least I was able to let her know, later, I was responsible for the good remark that meant he didn't write what she was looking for. He would have been held to My remarks in the grading rubric and I took her heat for his paper. If she adjusted his grade up or made other arrangements, I don't know how, but most likely it became a private matter between them and he earned a higher mark that kept him in the class. He didn't speak to Me again. And I knew to keep My eyes low for the remaining eight weeks or so of class.

My guess is that he confronted her because he earned a B and not an A and what she told him was that it was a D paper at best but the peer review gave a good review so he got the B because the reviewer did an F job.

All I can do is offer an olive branch. That what I offer does not move you to take a chance is understandable, from My perspective. Why should anyone believe that one person, flesh, is a path to salvation? I don't. I Am incapable of believing in any human being. All I can do is put My faith in Spirit to direct My steps to keep Me alive at least. That My life is shit, as in God Almighty has nothing good to lead Me to, is why everyone is going to hell. That caveat about flesh leaves open the understanding that billions of people have no concept that Spirit backed Jesus as flesh. Top level niggers, clearly, have been making God Almighty dance. I was the One backing His jig. Others, who are flying high in stardom as more than influencers, lied to God Almighty about what they would do for Him in return. I did the work of providing surety. These are the people, who like you, know Jesus was backed by the Divine. Other people just think in terms of comic-book character abilities "somehow" in his genes. These people obviously needed Putin blinders so they could walk on two legs, so to speak.

Putin, what do you want that is different than going to hell? America wants to go to hell. To them they can take the whole world with them. Yes, to this date the whole rest of the world can go to hell and is indeed condemned. But, tell Me what you want and I will pray. You would still need to speak those words to Me physically and then My prayers would begin. It rests on your shoulders to take My olive branch. The whole world outside North America has handed you all of their Spiritual authority of belief. This means, to My way of speaking, they have Putin blinders. Similar to the welder blindness analogy I delivered to [SPAM] Bull D. Fred. You take My hand and when they have no blinders anymore then We scramble to establish a new world order. Come to think of it. I don't think I want to work that hard. Hanging out in Corpus while the continent is wiped out works. Less work, more opportunity for Me to see how Spirit is keeping Me going. I end up alone while the rest of the world is in rapid decay. When do Putin blinders get ripped off? Father's Day, America. Let's just say people get their own blinders ripping off your prototype.

Getting back to My Russian classmate anecdote, I think he needed to explicitly state when We met to do peer review, "I am after an A paper." He didn't say that. It was a vague vague vague vague meeting. To me I was simply doing a school assignment that he was kinda cute was sort of a complement, to me. I was in the place of responding to his Sprit-side dialogue and assumptions. If he had told Me what he was demanding of Me, review this so its an A paper, what I live up to is pulling an A paper out of him. We probably would have been in an argument, at least at first. Then I would have explained why I wrote what I wrote and why I interpreted the assignment as I did. I would have said where his explanations needed depth. Where it is good to address description over narrative. Then we might have eaten something by then -- We could have gotten into a good long argument with ebbs and flows of dialogue between us. I was still just eighteen at the time -- he might have conceded to improve his topic. Then it is quite possible he would have been My first ever consensual sex act. That went to an American asshole later, but entirely consensual, it wasn't, and, I was spared penetration. The asshole encounter was like a good many things in My life I did not like as they were going down, it saved Me from something worse I didn't know even existed. The Russian was a little goofy. Most males sport a little goofiness till they are well into their twenties. I Am sure if some consensual sexual encounter had happened I would have been crazy about him marrying Me.

Okay, an olive brach is measly. So starting Memorial Day, America, Russia will be fiercely torn into by Heaven to illustrate, put your faith in Me, to save two hundred million people by Jehovah's kingdom fulfillment. The rest of the world can have some civilians. (Otherwise there is only Moi. And outside of North America the total population wind down is about two hundred years.) Just understand I put a lot of store on being a good fucker. That I have never experienced a good fucker is why I can put some store in that. Plenty of people have vouched for good fucks from others to Spirit. It just so happens American's did not deliver the good fucks. A Russian soldier marriage to Me actually, on its own, boosts Russia's military ability without all My preachy dictatorship. (My preachy Truth works good. So it is needed for the military boost to prop up accuracy not get them to take bullets in the head with more gusto.) Please lump these words into My USMC love-letters to [SPAM] because you know I love you and for you I certainly payout many words in return of your service, perhaps volleys, to God Almighty. God Almighty does not love you. You have never lied to My face, so I Am allowed to assume you wouldn't. Get ready for disasters in the unprecedented extreme. Did I just isolate these disasters to Russia? Idiot. I meant all the former states of the USSR. Ukraine will crumble. Yes, Trump lied to My face. I Am taking Spirit's word for it.

Do you think it is even possible, the world could get so shitty by Christmas that some adventurous Saudi would rescue his King? I have never been a finger crosser, I wonder if it would help. They love golf so much, why are they passing Me over for even a by-its-nature chaperoned foursome? Assholes.

The destruction, as it is stated and has been testified to is all in play as stated.

Putin, I then found Myself overwhelmed by the dead domestic animals, as in how they perish like wild things after being especially created to depend upon people. Then I thought of all the secured nuclear devices that would need detonation. I paused and was assured by God Almighty, I as flesh would be rescued from this planet and be transplanted to another planet, rather than to deal with what humanity had built, the earth would be hurled into the sun. I grieved for the waste of this planet. Then I assured God Almighty what a waste hell was. Sure, recycling, the perfection is achieved. I asked of Him how do I build the system that forces a remnant, bound to hell, to clean up all, and I mean all of unholy man made mess. It seems fair to Me that since the Jehovah's Witnesses were isolated, special by Satan, that I should be able to turn the tables on them, enslave them, and force them to clean up this earth before sending them to hell. Their genetics are bad and they are not even breeding stock. It is obvious why the richy rich got to dream about leaving the masses behind on earth and colonize a new planet with billions left to die like scavenging domestic animals. Obviously, that is cruel.

Can I force you, Putin, to make the earth beautiful before you die? How do I force everyone to clean up every ounce of pollution, lethal arsenal, and eliminate all unnatural technological gluttony making earth a paradise? Dependance on money needs to go away and all the workers must be enslaved to the right occupations so the earth can be cleaned. Because I Am incapable of hating I can get rid of money without damaging its use. Other things, likewise, I love are removed from use so tolling for Me is all a person need do to make ends meet and even prosper, some. For taking away all the good things that the children of the earth turned into abuses, Heaven has a King. I will keep asking of Heaven how to establish My Divine Force, so y'all are forced to clean up the earth before you go to hell. But first you need to put faith in Me. So on with the Heavenly destruction of North America and the population depletion process. I must be proven. I have already had My enthusiasm curbed against having eight billion slaves cleaning the earth. That is what I went after. Billions of people are destroyed during the proof process because their is no need to enslave so many people. I only need about one hundred forty four thousand slaves to clean earth into a paradise efficiently. They do need the hard core technical skills of warfare to deal with the wildness of the earth and the lethal hazards of technology. Fuck you governing body of Jehovah's Witnesses.

Putin, you know I love you. Do you want to be My slave? Would you be content to keep living cleaning the earth, knowing your personal consciousness was being used in hell to perfect Spirit so sin was no longer reflected in fertilized gametes? Would you die? Eventually. Would you want to be resurrected perfect? Well, we would need to talk about what deeds of repentance you would do to merit a resurrection. No fornication is first on the repentance demonstration list. Given how ownerships of the earth's possessions are defined it would be impossible to clean a damn thing without being guiltily, or accused, of stealing, coveting, or even murdering. Once you are My slave how could you be stealing anything when We are all working to clean the planet and resources are being exchanged freely to clean the planet. It is Me that takes the heat, as King, for My slaves breaking the Ten Commandments. Would your estate be demolished? Yes, eventually. Priorities are needed to hit the biggest messes, those critical to potable water, and of course food processing needs to be simplified. In this letter I will end on that obvious ellipses statement of legion deeds.

I Am going to see if Angels are not available to find out who these slaves can be and search them out across the whole earth. Then perhaps after Austin, Biden, and Congress have fucked Americans over once again, by Christmas Eve, I can be looking forward to welcoming face to face and gathering My slave class by August 21, 2025, or so. I would call taking a bunch of slaves by then My five year plan, well accomplished. Again, that I Am salvation is being proven, by Heaven. My force over willing humanity, flesh, begins Christmas night. Obviously this leaves open the opportunity for even the United States Government to be the first nation to decide at the top level, as others can, to come to Me surrendering their everything and changing every law to clean the earth making sure the populous has food and water with shelter to make the earth a paradise cleaning it for twelve hours a day seven days a week. Proving Me means Heaven dancing to My signs now that the world's key evil people have been apprised of My ministry. That a few marines have bumbled through My site, I only wish I could have made you matter. Cleaning the earth does not happen under anarchy. While individuals must have ached in anger over being passed over by My not calling you to buck authority and "make the earth great" I could not cater to you individually anymore than training you from this ground zero location. Quit fornicating, at least, assholes!

Putin, you know I love you. Can I make a slave out of you? That is a rhetorical device. Unless you shower Me will gifts that delight My love of arts, travel, and vanity, I will know the answer is no. Other niggers can court Me likewise to see how Heaven might favor their people. I hate being in this fuckhole. Corpus Christi Texas is bad, in the hate what is bad sense. I just can't commit any kind of deed that is a reflection of that hate. It is hate impotence. This concludes this message from the Christ, Pentagon High Priest. Every contemplation of this letter circularly brings Me back to the Wisdom of all that has been allowed and fostered to bring us to this point of perfection, Jehovah's kingdom being fulfilled
the Christ
LtG H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest
Sent from my iPhone

Addressing the USMC

outbox: 6/1/24

H is for Hell

You are not even being kissed. Here comes the fucking.

Sir, the challenge with communicating in words is not being able to unload every curse, slur, correction, demand, and message simultaneously. Simultaneity from Spirit is what I experience through My entire being. I then translate it. The message I translate saves the world. The world that Jesus life was sacrificed over is, in a manner of speaking, a split baby. You are one individual out of billions that are the product of one half the baby. You are going to hell. What is hell? A recycling facility of the mega Earth's core that humans have no ability to see with the naked eye. What happens there? You have awareness of what your consciousness was but you are deprived of your physical form, yet, you still possess all of the feeling and awareness that was a part of your human anatomy. Jesus did not die for you. Jesus died because of you and I need to make the world into the place that Jesus did indeed die for.

What are you? From you head shot I assess that you are a human male. (Yes, you have indeed retained your vanity. No I have no idea where we both were when we were both single and in that special place of willingness to be so stupid as to end up married. I didn't read your bio. I'm sure you earned every last one of your morale badges legitimately. Of course military dress is impressive. No, I Am neither personally impressed nor intimidated. Yes, I hate that I Am in rags and stationed in this goddamed fuck hole. I survive on $20.00 a day for all of My material needs. I jail the other half of the split baby in the Jesus life scenario from My own inheritance. mumsy, the jailee, murdered My grandmother -- her mother. Grandmother saved and I did all I could to preserve the estate. Out of My work to preserve the estate it rewards Me with $20.00 a day. To have that money, even conserve what I could from the estate, I fought many battles with mumsy. These details of family history are already posted on macdukes.com in Herald articles. Of course I Am furious about My weight. Why might I rape you? Well, it isn't possible for Me with a sex act to convey every curse of hatred ever conceived to demoralise a person and tell them in the personal way of one person being a god over another, "I hate you you sick piece of sleaze and take My penis and I might let you live to see your family or raise the child I put in you." It isn't possible with words to convey what a curse against the human psyche the message in hatred the raper delivers against the rapee. Rape is the ultimate human act to unload on a person the evilest of brutal abuses that even torturing a person they, the tortured, can laugh off. Now, combine rape with torture like ripping off finger nails and gouging out eyes and there you have just upped the game on cruelty. It is not possible for Me to deliver a sex act that delivers a hate message so I Am not a rapist. What is the problem? God Almighty wants to rape you while you are simultaneously tortured. How do We do that to you? If you were tied up and your family were tortured and raped in front of you and then you were tortured and raped, at last, and left to live eternally in a cell with the memory of that kept alive on less than what I Am kept alive on, at present, eternally then God Almighty would have His eye for an eye against you for your share of what My life has been. Now the problem is, that is what God Almighty wants to do to every person on the planet.) What did Jesus do? Made it possible for you to die and for those that could, after My recycling program, live having eternal life. What needed to happen? Jesus needed to have no memory of the horror of living through the rape of the LORD. The rape of the LORD is why a fucker like you has lived such a good life of respectability. I have written about these things at length already in Herald articles.

The LORD built perfection from the lessons Life, what was left of Allness, taught Him. Lady Wisdom was His first Creation -- Like unto Eve for Adam. Allness was then buried between the two of them. Lady Wisdom like the LORD was two beings in One. They shared their existence kinda. A human is the being that should have brought about the perfecting that was required after Spirit rebelled. Satan was required to correct the rebellion. Humans still did not exist. There were many demonstrations, even early prototypes before Eden -- with Adam -- to get Spirit to correct their Heavenly placements against the LORD's Wisdom and Perfection. Satan accused the LORD of tricking him into doing the work of correction because the LORD was keeping the real power from him. That real power repository was, in a nutshell, Moi. Had Satan just exerted himself fellow Spirit, siblings, would have been returned to their proper appreciation for Holiness. Satan dipped into the shared repository raping the LORD again again and again against Lady Wisdom for the torturous lifeforms meaner than dog eat dog that now fill the earth. Had Satan just exerted force a fucker like you could have never, and I mean never, been born. What else? I could have never been born either. There would have been no need for mega correction, Moi, to have happened. I have written about these Spiritual topics in Herald articles.

Jesus died so that the perfection could happen as if the LORD had never been fucked. You are flesh, one half the baby. You are a manifestation of the Spirit being that rebelled in Heaven that, most likely, cut some kind of deal with Satan that put Lady Wisdom in the place of sacrifice. Why a deal? You are the Commandant, duh. Obviously Biden, Austin, Trump, Kennedy, Windsor, Winfrey, Sharpton. Obama, Brown Jr., some other set of assholes, some more assholes, and even more assholes -- put the top 2% population of who's who here -- all are the genetic manifestation of some fucker fucker that rebelled with a deal.

Putin, the Russian President, is the genetic manifestation of the LORD. So, He is not in that nigger list of who's who. All the top achievers God Almighty wants to do terrible things to that are more terrible than even Stephen King entertains the masses with. What God Almighty wants to to do you is why monsters, horror, crime drama, and other forms of Poe, macabre, entertainment are entraining. It does not entertain Me. I avoid such meals. I have never read a Stephen King. I was subjected to his Green Mile movie when it was a rentable VHS. I never needed to have another Stephen King experience. I lectured Pentagon surveillance about that topic already. How about if We at Team God were to lock you in a cave and beat the shit out of you in the dark with rubber snakes filled with lead shot (for weight) equipped with needles that mimic fangs and when your terror was at its peak we harvest your blood? Your blood has no value. It only has value if I pour it out into the earth, soil, and you die fulfilling all the witchcraft you performed. I would also be required to drink some of that blood. Guess what asshole, I Am sending you to hell instead. Put simply, there are many things I will just not do, wittingly, and, what is more, even unwittingly it is not possible to gather up all the required elements to do the job Heaven is enforcing.

If I gathered up a military unit and we trained for Holy warfare then the blood drinking required of Me would no longer be required. There is a long list of things I will not do, either to save you from hell, or put money in My pocket. (I Am not asking you if you are an adrenal-chrome drinker. There are some rumoured activities that people obviously figure came from fiction and simply get sensationalised as fact. We call them conspiracy theories, for the most part. The problem is, these fuel the beliefs of rebellion. A fucker like Gurgevich feigning outrage over adrenal chrome drinking and harvesting because the whole world is not willing to worship him paying him tribute for fucking the family pig and entertaining his nieces with his erect penis. He can believe Winfrey earned her money drinking that blood in a cult and plenty of people can just dismiss that information and the information source as a lie.) Other than putting My own finger in My mouth when I had a paper cut, I have never consumed human blood. Now as an infant, that does not mean My mother (mumsy) did not serve Me some kind of blood adulterated meal. mumsy has murdered sixteen humans. She has never been arrested nor did those that suspected her decide they wanted to pursue the investigation.

mumsy's pre human life was a kind of other half (the Womb of Creation) interior to Lady Wisdom and partially shared with the LORD. Two human beings, even during coitus, still do not resemble the kind of two being union the first reproducing couple the LORD and Lady Wisdom resembled. The Men in Black movies were allowed to exist because they actually made some alien things come to life in the movies that had more LORD and Lady Wisdom resemblance than two copulating people. Jesus endured a great deal of humiliation on this earth to ensure that he was never put through the misery of knowing his (Jesus genetics were King David's genetics -- Biblical Israel) pre human Spirit existence again. Mumsy's genetics is that of Mary -- Jesus mother -- born again. More on mumsy as well as other web content revealing the mysteries of Heaven and how the interactions of flesh meant you ended up with Me in your face I will share in October-ish. Perhaps I will wait until Thanksgiving before delving into a larger launch of content. My flesh still requires recovery. Writing about mumsy, at this time, is not within the scope of My health. Indeed that may wait until 2026 or so. Jesus resurrection I have written about already.

What is the problem with the state of your messaging system as opposed to Mine, your messaging system being your connection to your share of Allness? While you as a person may have spent the better part of your life deluded with some kind of salvation idea -- a strong internal God direction -- you are still stuck with the reality of what your salvation amounts to. What is that salvation? You can work your goddamned ass off making the earth a paradise as My slave and go to hell, you can just go to hell, or you can work your goddamned ass off making the earth a paradise as My slave and have the benefit of a resurrection.

Regardless of how hard you work, North America is being wiped out. Why would you want to be My slave? Of course being My slave is a Spiritual arrangement that you demonstrate by obeying My orders as High Priest as everyone has to for salvation over the entire world. You want to be saved? There is one religion, the knowledge comes from Me. My physical person is not allowed to be ignored by My slaves. I either receive My wages (My estimate is about $220,000 /yr) or because the alternate is some kind of insane anarchy like the GOP funding Trump (and I lean toward republican) or Me being an anarchist collecting worshipers. My lemma with the wages/worshippers deal is why religious orders can co-exist with government. I Am the government as far as Heaven is concerned and wiping out humanity is how I Am supported in a world that refuses to acknowledge My person, legitimately.

Now this morning, June 1, God Almighty and Me were in a spat. For one thing, I had no notion of communicating anything to you. Then He started grinding on My psyche through My soul. To Me this letter is just another vain endeavour. How could it not be vain? I get My pay, tags, and mobile support so I can administer My office while keeping mumsy in My company. Of course, My home requires an attendant. Earlier today, while I was walking past Sam's Club, I thought I would be writing you a short demand. This short demand is the result of God Almighty's devilling Me.

"Send a team to euthanise My two cats, burn My home with all possessions in it -- to the ground. I would retain only the clothes on My back and My pack with some essentials. Then dump Me at Odessa. When I said dump, I mean; launch Me in a raft from about thirty miles out providing Me two oars. Dump mumsy at the Patterson Farm of Jehovah's Witnesses. Guess what, I, as flesh, would rally a nation from that humble beginning. Spirit would be pulling out the stops, as they say, for My care. It could be, Spirit would just start taking the life out of people the second they were near Me sparing only the people who bowed low and kissed the earth in submission in front of Me. This confiscation, burn, and relocation needs to be performed under written congressional order signed by Biden as a bill. No riders. the Bill needs to clearly state at its outset, 'We the people of the United States are ridding ourselves of the Christ..' I would need to draft the order and the United Nations would need to be notified."

North America is still summarily destroyed by Heaven, regardless. So, the question becomes, why give all that power, Moi, to Russia/Ukraine? The only thing that can be done in a type of preservation of North America is the destruction timed with My warfare campaigns to take Kingship of the continent enforcing martial law. I have no soldiers, now. So Heaven has carte blanche at making Me their King -- no interference. Obviously, sending Me to Odessa retires Me from the Corps. My High Priesthood holds until July 5, 2076. At that time I Am just a dictating King continuing to clean the earth sending the unrepentant to hell. I would most likely save Japan for last. Then this morning, after God Almighty had broadcast to Heaven what My alternative retirement from the Corps was Divined to be, he had Me drop the idea of even sending you a letter. I was instructed not to bother sending you a letter until I understood God Almighty needed Me to explain His need to rape you with torture.

The question becomes, how do I learn a thing like that, from the Divine, rape with torture is so vile. Right now, hell would succeed even if you lived every day in hell experiencing some rape with some torture. When I say succeed, I mean the perfection intended and life I want Jesus to have, is still fulfilled. Does it need to be that bad? No. It is possible for something less horrid, more like the nesting life of the Emperor Penguin parents was what I had in mind. God Almighty was furious with Me for that. It was too kind. You see God Almighty did not exist in Spirt, His identity, until I was conceived. What was before Me? When Jesus was conceived, Immanuel -- the Spirit, Star, Consciousness, that would be given My identity -- came into existence. Oh, with this big power Satan snatched up that God of the World contract and filled the Immanuel Identity. Then I was born. Ah, God Almighty knew how to become what He wanted to be, Me. How I judge is how He wanted to judge. So, there We have it. The transformation of God Almighty learning how much He, as what He loved, Me, was hated by all of you who proved how much you love the way He approached you with the Satan construct His identity was forced into being for about two thousand years. I have written a great deal about this in Herald articles and My health requires I stop on My God Almighty construct explanation there.

The Divine lesson on rape and torture initiated in HEB this morning as I was stalked by a uniformed rent-a-cop. Now, I have had some uncomfortable HEB shopping experiences, with black shirted HEB security and now this rent-a-cop stalking Me in the store ever since I kept the seizure victim alive at the HEB out at Flower Bluff. (Pentagon surveillance has the audio.) So My nerves are on edge every time I go in HEB since the stalking started. I have venomously dumped on God Almighty My looking "affordable" is unconscionable. In other words, if the same ugly fat Mexican rent-a-cop had seen Jennifer Lopez in HEB he would have known to stand back and take his glances discretely if he was even willing to risk looking in her direction. I look like something that Mexican can afford. That is an outrage. When fuckers look at Me they need to know at a glance, "This bitch -- if I go near her -- she will have Me thrown in prison for assault." They need to drop their eyes, at least. Now it took a while for God Almighty to calm Me down. As in, I could not rape, torture, and abuse that Mexican in HEB. But that is what God Almighty wants done to him. Now, We at Team God are working to make sure, in no way do I look affordable -- in the rock'n hot hard body way that makes Me happy with Myself.

You, like everyone else, got to do the nasty, vile, cruel, deal cutting satisfiers that made you Commandant and others filthy rich. The twist in all of this is for Me to synthesise at the later time. My health does not permit detail. How prayers of heart work and the interactions you have benefited from leveraging Spirit with are explained in Herald articles.

It does not work that I do not have a vehicle. It does not work that I do not have a marine detail. It does not work that My metabolism was severed from Heaven. I Am no longer severed. The built up is much like a steam engine. Now, what changes for that dumb Mexican if I were in uniform? Not one fucking damn thing is different. He still goes to hell and North America is still destroyed. Things that I experience do not drive belief. Things I experience drive the ultimate outcome for individuals in My care. Honouring My service does not change you still go to hell and North America is still destroyed. What is more, you might not even believe you are going to hell. If you did, would it change your behaviour? What would you reflect on and want to atone for? At the end of hell you just die. There is no you. For there to be a you, again, you need to be resurrected. Die in the line of active duty and you have that. Retire out, you get nothing. That is the same as Milley, Berger, and of course others. They just go to hell. How do they get a resurrection chance? Well, I need to be acknowledged under pay and we start cleaning up North America, presumably. Milley gets to sign a form and come be a part of cleaning up North America. How do we do that? Let's go clean out Mexico, sweep to Panama. Everyone accepts My religion -- becomes a Christian -- and at the same time Heaven is doing mega destruction of the landscape and people as we work cleaning the continent looking for who wants to live. Out of the whole earth what we would be looking at is about 200,000,000 surviving people at kingdom fulfilment the earth over under My mighty hand of co-operative warfare over the Pentagon. (Right now, I Am the only survivor. Yes, I would build robots to do a great deal of work and the earth wold lend her internal fire to deal with overwhelming pollution.) Then after we have been busy cleaning down to Panama we return and clean out Canada and America, then We become a Kingship under Moi. Obviously, just storming Mexico is great, and unlikely, and it gets rid of major narcotic manufacture, stabilises segments of the American economy, transitions the military, and smoke screens the brutal, I Am being made the King by Heaven over earth by Jehovah's kingdom fulfilment, event. What diversionary warfare is there that even Biden might indulge before December? Taking Africa and the Middle East. You do not get whiff nor sniff of the Middle East without Me. Neither do you succeed, militarily, even in Africa, without Me. Your diplomats might bribe some Africans with money. That will last until the payments are missed.

Eventually, I would be holding a Kingship over the entire continent because there would be no governing civilian populous. In the mean time, if Trump watches Mar-a-Lago swept into the Atlantic in sections as miles of beach were heaved in new directions, even a few mountains lifting so that fucking swamp can drain properly, in one or two places, the look on his face, Fox News definitely needs to capture that shot. Christmas Day is the last day possible for American's, with the military to back Me, or the entire populous of North America is wiped out, expediently. Trump needs to see that Mar-a-Lago thing, don't you think? Other niggers are in a likewise place of them dying at the pace to serve hell.

A way God Almighty makes Me raging mad is to put Me in the place of being aware of a person who treats Me like I Am affordable. That is an outrage. I do not fuck. I live an abstinent life from all genital stimulus. I was forced to experience My own abilities to learn that God Almighty had bound Me in marriage to "Ted" and I was forced to honour that union as a marriage. He was not forced to make that marriage happen under contract, as I understood it, we would be going to the Justice of the Peace. My expectations based on belief are buzz-killed often and I still grieve "Ted." So, likewise, regardless of your believing in going to hell, you are going to hell. Not only that, God Almighty is not doing one damn thing so that you are not raped with simultaneity of torture in hell. He is also not doing one damn thing to force you to honour Me. I Am proven. There is a difference. Because I made room for salvation in My life of service, you do not get to leverage rewards from God Almighty. He is getting to do against you all that He wants to do.

You want Him to do nice for you, as in, not rape with torture in hell? You need to do honour toward Me as a human being. Now I tolerate a good deal. I have allowed people to think of Me that I Am some stupid la la MEBEWEBE excuse for a marine. I generally divert delivering any information with, "I Am not in a place to discuss those aspects of by duty." I Am slandered to My face when I Am met by veterans that I Am a worthless whore. I do not have reason to be in the company of service persons here in Corpus. This is a filthy fuckhole with no reasonable places for a few uniformed persons to be in a public civilian place without raising suspicion. This is not Coronado Island, California nor Arlington, Virginia. The few soldiers I have seen are the kind of males that have spent more time doing twelve ounce curls and purging rather than even doing a moderate amount of body building. They sport those caterpillar-like-growth moustaches over their lip. They look like they are all competing to be in a YMCA remake video. I have seen some wives, or the fucking steady, outside the donut shop with the uniformed -- perhaps fly boy -- soldier she is willing to drive to base. She is fat. She is generally wearing advertica genetalia. Two problems, I look at her and all I can say to God Almighty is, "of course he is going to shop for a better fuck. He doesn't even have his own pinup." So she needs to work for her own resurrection, independently. How does she do that? They must move onto base together and she has to volunteer her time at least sixty hours a week, when he is deployed. It is things like that. What were the two problems? I can't remember that now. After I explained she is his excuse for infidelity only two problems seem to be off by a centum at least.

Every male in the military I have observed in uniform with some female thing doing shopping, or driving, or some obvious we fucked each other at least once and might be married activity has a female that looks like she fucks in the academic sense of, "I will let you have this from me but you are crazy if you think you get anything else." Now I can write volumes on how wrong and vile it is for males to maintain a life with a female who does not keep herself pretty and fit. But, marriage is what it is. That is the contract of, till death do you part. A male who refuses to seek and keep a pretty female is himself defective. When a male looks at Me for the purpose of fucking Me, in the state I Am in, he is the vilest filth on the planet. A male is required to demand for is dick his own perfection. Did he get excited over Miss January? That is one of those, the God of Man instinct things. That means when you let your wife be lazy about her appearance you set yourself up to make a side hustle fucking with another person happen. What changes that dynamic? God Almighty says, "An iron fisted High Priest, stupid!" My religion, soul, explains how Allness then to LORD with all the LORD, the Son, engineered into existence once Allness was able to tuck away My identity into a hard coded eternal matter. I have no knowledge of existing before My conception. I Am the blueprint for All Creation to be able to have life because only I can dictate how all energy is organised so more than one being can exist. I have written at length about this topic in Herald articles.

God instinct things are why so many fuckers exist in this world and they still regard themselves as moral. They are why you even get a little peeved at the inconvenience of having to live with the burden of not shoving in your wife's face all the others you have fucked and you know it is her fault. Fucking not spouse is not moral. Saint Paul made a list of the sins of the flesh. Saint Paul also made a list of fruits of the Spirit -- the love, joy, peace, long-suffering, mildness, self control, goodness -- I can't recall the others at present. But, people doing immoral things have obviously been rewarded with these fruits. If you were experiencing God's anger as your dick got hard and you were moving in for penetration you would be feeling a sensation that told you --no. It doesn't work that way. There is no Spirit force that stops you from the God of Man instinct things. You decide your own criteria for fucking. Truth be told, if I were approached by one of the soldiers that I had seen on My travels, all I could do was ask him, "please, marry Me first." He was here in Corpus. He is related, by Heavenly coincidence, to My "Ted." Now, he, the Soldier, just kept on walking. I diverted his attention from looking too closely at Me by speaking to him about his comrade that was now paces behind Me and apparently a little irritated. It was mid February and most likely the coldest day of the year in Corpus. He was the only person I would be required to marry to uphold some batshit stuff (meaning Biden, Austin, and Congresses continued allowance to fuck Me over some more without the retribution of Heaven destroying North America.)

I pass these milestones and then God Almighty digs even more. What did I do with what God Almighty wants to do. Well I covered a bunch of bases of reasoning with My overall concerns about, "How do We make the perfection happen that I deemed Jesus died for?" and then June 2, 2024 in the morning I took it upon Myself to be the sin repository that makes the perfecting happen without torturing you, or anyone else in hell. Therefore, you can pay me alms, okay -- honour My military service -- and we can make hell a little less miserable, perhaps even rewarding -- like really passionate sex.

So, how about that, I Am closing NAS-CCAD? In a few years time, based on no military cooperation, that base with all the others will be closed. Personally I liked the idea of making a Special Forces Training Sanctuary out of it. No, civilian traffic, starting from the ground up, as it were, building a leaner, more cost effective, long term American military solution. Alas, that rests on Austin. There is no survival in all of this for any American military personnel without Me. No, the opportunity to support Me with dead drops ended with Berger.

There is a lengthy sermon that goes with this letter. It was delivered Sunday morning. Pentagon Surveillance has the audio. I extended an invitation to fellow marines to provide the minimum way of improving your life in hell. You want the orgasm experience, in hell, you need to make room for Me at the Pentagon and we shuffle the American government personnel under My umbrella of protection, kinda. You have now received an official We at Team God are sorry you recovered from that heart attack letter. You are a disgrace against Warfare, thus far. Rape with simultaneous torture, well, Taylor Swift has that coming too. Do you think you are in good company now?
the Christ
LtG H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest

Addressing the USMC

outbox: 6/7/24

The End Game

After a Divine fucking like I last delivered you, perhaps a peck on the cheek -- not buttock.

Sir, the second challenge with delivering a Divine message, is remembering all the good shit from previous messages. America, the nation, indeed has an adversary. Mexico is taking back its lands. Texas with the military assets is going to Mexico along with New Mexico, Utah, Nevada, California, Colorado, Oklahoma, Arizona and some of Arkansas with Louisiana. A Mexican Jew female. Yep, that's worse for you than the Christ.

Mexico's conquest of America is accompanied by Divine forces that encourage mass migration north for survival. Heaven is changing the landscape of North America to wipe out you fucker fuckers. It isn't about who of you is more deserving or less evil. It is about who can be used to do the work. American's have been bad stewards, in the extreme, over a landscape that on its own was, arguably still is, a blessed land.

There is nothing you can do to take away My privilege of selling comfort, and, if I choose, include words of wisdom for those that might cognitively be willing to make room for truth. So, there is My address, and soldiers from any military the world over can purchase comfort from Hell's rape with torture burn on a monthly subscription basis.

Mexicans are not going to be making room for whites and, furthermore, the military is not going to be capable of holding onto its estates or assets that rest on Mexico's former holdings. So in My last letter, I had forgotten about Mexico's important role when I ad-libbed, while irritated, a quip befitting the mockers here in the fuckhole wondering why I Am not storming the gates to close them down. I need an army they say. "Fine," says Team God, "Mexico's populous and Federales will serve." The point I was allowed to make about how I close NAS-CCAD was, Heaven is wiping all of you out, I Am not required to do a damn thing.

The morning I mailed your last letter, Monday June 3, 2024, I walked into to Flower Bluff postal lobby after two males, one wore a black "POLICE NCIS" identified teeshirt, both wore short sleeves and trousers -- of a sort. The fifty something had a paunchy belly and was incapable of getting Me to pay him any mind. The younger idiot, might have been the fifty-something's department toady, needs to shave, get a hair-cut, get to the gym, and learn how to pay attention to his surroundings. I encounter sleaze earning government money on a regular basis here in Corpus. Those two are prime examples of people I should have raped to death and tortured to make God Almighty happy. Allas, Hell has to do that job. All I could have done is delivered an orgasm, somehow, for free. You get nothing for free from Me asshole. The old dude needs to drop his gut, cut his hair, and give up fornication. Neither of them are good fuckers. You are bad fuckers. You have no stamina. You resent your partners orgasm. You resent your partners being prepared for sex. You resent the time sex requires. You resent the athleticism of sex. You resent when your partner enjoys the ride even doing most of the "heavy lifting" so you come. You resent and hate that you even feel you just might need to do something nice, and spontaneous -- gasp! a gift, perhaps -- for a person who gave you pleasure. Is there more against you fuckers for how bad you are at fucking? Yes. But, at this time, I Am not delivering you the full condemnation message on how bad a fucker you fuckers are. FYI, females who like fucking do not like little dicks. When your female likes dick yet you have a little dick, you will be pussy whipped. You, want your dick to grow Pinocchio? Quit fornicating.

Go ahead and reread My second paragraph. I just did. Why not rub My hatred of those two poster children of Texas human profanity's noses in the above paragraph? I bet that worthless-under-the-table-fornicating base captain can find those two. Include a copy of the June 1, 2024, letter, please.

Can America do something? Yes. And you have until Christmas before the new COVID kicks in in addition to the other killers. So let's face it. I won't be hearing from you fuckers at the Pentagon because that new COVID is good stuff for mass slaughter and you have all earned it. As if God Almighty is going to allow a belief system that prevents the new COVID from being a killer.

Right. We have now just striped down to the bare truth of this grizzly lemma the nation faces.

I often use corps when it seems I should be using the word core. What is the problem? We need a word that encompasses what the underlying issue, God of man instinct component, that all humanity as a see of Ggodly Allness encompass then, further, we need to say we are discussing the core of that personage. My Allness, from wince I came, is no more. Achieving that former perfection is what is being accomplished. In coining that word two languages need to be respected, Greek and Latin. As My Latin and Greek scholarship improve I will inevitably coin the phrase.

If we sign articles USMC, the Pentagon will be responsible for refunding the funds I have received from Americas soldiers and as a military body comfort in Hell accompanies My salary. That I do all the other work is because you fuckers have fucked warfare and you do not get to do that on My watch. In other words, the only way Soldiers have to buy comfort in Hell, while being fuckers, is paying Me directly. Once I Am paid by the military, you have no choice but to toe My line of warfare and are force fed Christianity in the process. And none of you, evidently, want success or I would have My salary.

What are contractural expectations even come January with another Presidential election accomplished? I will have earned My place of proving I Am worth My fourth star. So with that, $220,000.00/yr is too little. We shall bump that up. Can the Corps still send a detail in good faith in advance? I'll make you a deal, send the detail, they will work the eighty hour weeks of torment My form of soldering requires, I will take twenty dollars a day off of each of them, and that comfort in Hell for America's soldiers you will have. Do nothing Austin? Christmas Day either Russia or Germany can send their soldier delegate to My home and reap the benefit of that comfort and I will join their military ranks. From a nucleus of five, we will take this entire continent. (Of course we would seize assets in the confusion of North America's destruction to welcome the expanding team by 2028, or so, onward.) Merry Christmas, Putin. Other than Christmas Day, nothing else remains for Russia and Germany. No others were even contenders at becoming Christian. The world remains shut out from interaction with Me unless I have wrangled America's military into My grasp and I take in strays that do not like their circumstances and know I Am a better master.

What will change with Me as master? We rebuild a lean, long-term, military unit of Christians, for global stabilisation and paradise fulfilling where out of our work only 200,000,000 people remain. Other than that America's population will dwindle to the point that I will be working with a small military populous and We will still create that paradise future without any help from the American government or people because government will have formally disintegrated and there will be so few remaining civilians. None of them have lived a life of enough discipline for them to be even worthy of walking on two legs. And the remaining military personnel will be looking to become full fledge Christians. Somehow, We will get these modern day Benjaminites wives. This conclusion is My way of saying, regardless of you, at this time, I get what I was working for. The difference is Austin, and even Biden, could have earned comfort in Hell and become Christians. Regardless, a kind of Operation Earth's Salvation with Operation Jesus H. Christ, I still make happen.
the Christ
LtG H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest

Addressing Putin

outbox: 6/12/24

My Love Declared

I Am very fond of the USS Wisconsin. Please don't hurt her. I love her, and her Spirit.

Putin, much of what I write is based upon ceteris paribus assumptions. "mac just wrote a letter," says Heaven. Heaven is now doing this big shit. But wait, Heaven shows mac the shitty are going to be even more shitty and We at Team God can narrow our scope of who is eligible for Heavenly assistance. Economists use that precious two word Latin phrase to say, "We are assuming all other things remain steady and holding the steady course if a variable of interest changes, then we can have reasonable confidence in outcome da da da regarding the variable of interest. Only the variable of interest do we speculate about simultaneously holding all the other variables constant."

I sent General Smith, the USMC Commandant, a do it My way or not, I get what I Am after regardless letter. Everyone gets rape with torture, while feeling the burn -- yes, like fire -- in Hell. Living a long time on this earth, as in past the July 5, 2076 date of Satan's abyssing is required to avoid going to Hell when you are one of the people alive when August 21, 2021, happened. A person has to live to that day or to one hundred twenty years of age and a day, at least, to avoid Hell. (This is a which ever is greater value.) How does someone live that long? You obey Me.

What else is there? A national military soldier can pay My $50.00 monthly fee and continue serving dying while active duty and not feel the tortures of Hell. They will have limited awareness of the torture of others.

In Hell persons will be aware of the people their wife fucked, who fucked their daughters and sons, and so on. Everyone's sins against the Word, name of God, the ten commandments, are exposed across the full web of persons related by blood and fucking. So, perhaps you know of someone that sold you the idea that they were saintly. In hell, if you are a blood relation to someone who died August 21, 2021 or after or had some kind of genital experience with them, all their sins and yours are exposed while the rape with torture experience is in play to all related by blood and fucking. You will not have a physical form you recognise. You will have all of the human sensations of physical perception that coincide with your former physical self. Your consciousness, as you remembered yourself, will still be registering these sensations and going though continued mental processes. Your parents will not be in Hell. No, I will not preserve their graves. Simon Winchester -- yes, the British author -- gets a tomb. He should be in Hell with you.

Hell is not eternal. At its end of dealing with you, you are no more. How long will you suffer? The average suffering of each individual is one thousand years. Why is there a range? There is no possible way for suffering to be avoided in Hell until after July 4, 2076. My guess is, most will suffer two thousand two hundred years. You will be in a big jumble of energy, awareness, feeling without too much autonomy. Why are there some moments of autonomy? So you can reach out and persuade Spirit Consciousness that you connect to, Spirit that is being hosted by some person walking the earth, whom if you can get them, in the flesh, to find Me, reach out to Me, they can pay Me money for your comfort. What are they doing? They are obeying My orders for their salvation while paying Me so you can avoid the burn in Hell.

Let's get on with the matter of the Biden Zelenskyy nuptial (oops) military accord. It is difficult to know what will actually be promised. What is a safe assumption? Zelenskyy will see what he can do to get America's military to show him how to operate the American equipment against Russian targets and get some boots on the ground soldiers to fight his war. Well, America's military has a problem. They are still fucking Me over. Might they errantly hit Poland? Yes. They are not a competent military body and God Almighty is itching to have those stupid fuckers of America's Air Force and Army demonstrate the weaknesses of the gods they have gone after consummating their military service. Will Germany have reason to be angry and seek retaliation or reigning in American service person's wanton behaviour? Yes. We at Team God do not muzzle the bull when the bull is threshing out the grain. America deserves a spanking, in the extreme, for its vile treatment of Me and even the LORD. Regardless of the Biden Zelenskyy jumble of stupidity it will weaken Ukraine on the world stage.

Hunter Biden is a black market arms dealer specialising in high end technology. How infiltrated Russia's military technology is I have no way of telling you. Be very cautious of programmed guidance systems updated in the last decade. What you can direct manually from a central control station or launch short range based on visual sights, is best. Will there be naval vessels whose vertical launch systems fail destroying the entire vessel? Yes. America is the most compromised of Hunters black market deals. Hunter Biden's black market sales penetrated launching systems in the extreme. Boots on the ground marines are your toughest offensive opponent. Every weapon of war compatible with DOS (yes, that Disk Operating System dinosaur) has many back doors. Hunter came by some kind of dongle exchange, a system penetration key, while selling arms. Its like the pussy he uses to induce dealing with him over some other terrorist. The Middle East is heavily infiltrated with compromised tools of warfare. Hunter negotiated sales with many legitimate firms brokering piecemeal components. He deals like so, a fortune five-hundred firm A needed x thousand chips. Hunter was able to identify aftermarket substitutes of x thousand chips. This means many arms have aftermarket substitute components that were not the goods stipulated under contract.

Putin, any foreign to North American soldier (Federales are native) that encroaches on this soil are under My hand of "Fucker you are going to Hell warfare." And yes this holds for Britain marching on North American soil. It is not possible to form an alliance with any North American nation (and designating "Central America" is just bullshit) Mexico, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Honduras, etc are all part of North America, the continent, with Canada likewise, without your soldiers executing their operation under My hand.

Perhaps Mexico's elite think they want Russian soldiers to kill certain drug cartel families, they plead their case that the "good people" need military assistance dealing with the corruption of cartel families infiltrating even Mexico's own military. Get your money upfront and in gold!

So what does My hand of force mean? The invading soldier body is a lethal killing machine that slits the throat of their own prostitute during copulation. They will be possessed on this soil in a way and means of conducting warfare that plunders the landscape with all its living organisms, especially humanity, sending the native populous to Hell with gusto. The invading soldiers will have nine lives, as it were, when they are killing. Once Mexico has California, wiping out America's military is totally within your grasp. My warning is, you will not be able to round-up the slaughter. Invading soldiers will expend themselves to death. An invading military force will be greedy to make every kill and destroy as much property and life possible.

It is not possible to by-pass Me and conduct warfare with any end other than accomplishing wanton destruction. That Biden makes an accord with Zelenskyy just means Ukrainians are going to suffer under the hands of Russians and Americans. (They can kiss and make up with Russia any time they want. Obviously they would need to assassinate Zelenskyy.) The Americans they will hate. They are bad fuckers. They only way warfare -- using soldiers or guns -- the world over, accomplishes government stability is by signing articles directly with Me at the Pentagon. Zelenskyy is brokering with the wrong American. Heaven is using Biden and Zelenskyy, like it will use all others, to wipe out as many people as possible the world over as expediently as possible. No, dealing with Austin and any other commanding general works the same destruction aa dealing with Biden or any combination of Congressional members.

God Almighty is doing everything possible to put world leaders in a place of savvy regarding eye for an eye justice when their soil is trodden on by disrespecting foreigners. It isn't certain if you will live long enough to see the first shots fired against China. From Hell, someone you fucked, or one of your children fucked, will definitely be able to confirm the war that transpired once they join Hell's ranks. My reminder is, Christmas Day, and only Christmas Day is the only day that Germany and/or Russia may send a delegate to join Me and become Christian Soldiers. Christmas Day is also the last day America has to join Me or be totally annihilated. (Yes, I would personally beat the shit out of and imprison the American soldier that cursed a Russian or German, if in fact We became united and vice versa. I would use a bat.) No one in America is allowed to do any measly -- cake eater -- stunt to include Me. It happens with the red carpet, full honours, full pay, full benefits, handing over total control to Me because I have have proven to Heaven again and again I have no way to prove or demonstrate there is even one American to save sans Me. I have the USS Wisconsin.

Soldiers may individually, send the fifty bucks if that is where their faith is and they will have comfort in Hell provided their subscription does not lapse before they die in battle. Because you, or Germany, can do something measly, by comparison, you only get Christmas Day to come to My door. I told Pentagon surveillance, at least I think I said this out loud, "Practice putting your head between your knees and kissing your tail good-bye."

With this writing I have decided to give you, the nation of Russia, Cuba. Please use Haiti for your nuclear testing.

Putin, I have a policy, never refuse a physical hand when it can do good. In other words, today I was very hot, even uncomfortable in the heat. What would I have done? Obtained a beverage with ice and put My neck towel in the ice and used it to cool Me off. I was not allowed to implement that solution, so Spirit kept Me going without My observing the heat again. I dabbed sweat off My brow without observing I was hot. I always look for the ways that I can interact with people, develop and use physical resources, to accomplish Heavens purpose. It was wrong for Me to be denied access to ice. When Spirit has to compensate for peoples refusal to let Me do for Myself they, Spirit, collectively rage and turn up Hell's furnace. What does that mean for flesh? Spirit empowers individuals own means of sending themselves with their neighbours to Hell by their own corrupt hands. The cop gets his hands on easier meth and isn' drug tested. (People in North America are living miracles that kill themselves, ultimately This keeps even the fuck wad at NAS-CCAD laughing at Me and mocking Me. Nothing is encroaching on them while doing their shitty deeds with more ease.)

I have spent the last five years thinking there was always someone, a body politic, to join in the righteous work cleaning the earth and benefiting from the rewards of living under the fulfilment of the ten commandments. With millions of solders trained within a couple hundred nations the world over why not do all in My power to empower even a little nation. Even Ireland was considered early on. I exhausted every means of doing according to My own dust to accomplish Heaven's purpose. Humanity of course decided unilaterally, by the curses of every individual and possible combination of individuals -- fucking and blood make the combinations -- to tell Heaven to shove it, "You figure out how to solve your own problems." I kept living and doing under the auspice that surely America's marines, the males, want to repent. I knew the airforce and navy were full of posers but the SEALs too? Posers. I struggle to understand how alone I was and kept living a life these five years that kept arguing with God Almighty, "There is someone, there must be, there are eight billion people on this planet." God Almighty has been mucho pissed because there is evidently only Me. So, at last, He and I struck a bargain. He will beat the shit out of this fucking nation and you and Germany can witness all this shit, and Christmas Day the pug is pulled on all of you. I only made this more difficult on Myself than I needed to. God Almighty is kinda used to Me being a little elaborate in all the ways I put on a banquet for swine thinking they are christian.

Putin from this distance, all there is is My asserting, I Am still pissed. What does America owe Me? Everything. As in, yes Musk and Gates need to be executed and their wealth distributed to the Corps. Shit like that. There are no human sacrifices. No one can be sacrificed to quell Heaven's rage. Destroying Me means everything is destroyed and that is not even possible. So I Am forced to live. You are literally the only human being on this earth with enough wealth and influence among the wealthy that I could exploit with you as My slave for Me to benefit Heaven in the way and means that Heaven would say, "We will accept these things as enough of a token so You, mac, can do some shit with humanity." Outside of you, there is simply all the other shit that is going down to extinguish you all. Obviously the military solution is generous to people. It is hard work, and dealing with a lot of blood. What do I do in Corpus Christi, make it possible for Spirit to answer the individual prayers of people. You want to live? You pay Me for that.

We have finally come to the point where Heaven, after as little as a year of campaigning against North America can begin materialising a few Spirit to do some heavy lifting in terms of slaughtering humanity. These Spirit need never engage with Me. They simply materialise and take life before they disappear to the next key party. They can go from passenger train engineer to an air plane captain and crew locked in the cockpit. After North Americas population is extinguished these Heavenly agents will move against the Middle East then to Eurasia. After Eurasia, Africa and the islands of the world. You as people were never allowed to live unless you were obedient to Me. Your time is up. You want to avoid the killing Spirt harvesters? You need to be the obedient military body that serves Me. God Almighty's objective to to destroy all Americans within this coming decade. The only way even a remnant survive is as My military body.
the Christ
LtG H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest

Addressing Putin

outbox: 6/15/24

Cuba Libre

How I see the end of North America playing out under current conditions and the new environment variable required with its accompanying endgame.

Papa Putin, how much poetry or rhyme this letter will deliver, I have no idea. Let us see what transpires as I type. I had one of those irritating moments when I returned to My home this afternoon of having to explain, yet again, something to Pentagon surveillance. The question on the table was, "Why didn't I simply walk to the NAS-CCAD gate this morning?" What you will most likely be able to understand is when the route 65 bus was passing the gate entry road out by the Flower Bluff HEB, I felt one of those forced Sprit shit events that said to My soul, "Look your 'brothers', think kindly on NAS-CCAD and the navy" as I was looking at the highway department green and white signage that directed attention to the gate. I felt the feeling that went with the phrase; knowing the feeling to be suspect. I made a quick inquiry to the LORD who assured Me, "No, you are not getting off this bus, you are not going to that gate." Now I made a full loop and lingered in Ingleside. The route 65 bus goes to Port Aransas. I took the connecting 95 to Ingleside and back to Corpus. Did you know they have a coffee house in Ingleside named Aztec Gold Coffee (well it was something like that). All I thought of was My asking of you to get your payment in Gold and how much of it Mexico has stashed. Those fuckers are rolling in gold. The wealth of Mexico is staggering, still. I understood that to be common knowledge to everyone. What pissed Me off is that there are some fuckers at the Pentagon stupid enough to think I would let Myself be a part of their military engine before having in writing that they are doing it My way. With that written confirmation that I indeed own them and the Federal Government of America can be under My protection through the military, I also receive money, ID, a marine detail, and I then clean out all the bases of debauched practices while simultaneously forcing these people to be educated in Christianity. Then of course all soldiers the world over dying under active duty have relief from Hell's suffering -- suffering is replaced with orgasm. I Am enforcing, personifying even, "Get paid up-front."

America as I see it is being closed down as a nation. There will be some sates that hole onto some amount of authority for a short time. But, America as a nation is simply being destroyed from being even a political entity. North America's present occupants have a decade. (They were indeed stupid to loan money to Ukraine for guns and tanks rather than save it for disaster loans. Then again disaster loans would have meant something humanitarian for Russia.)

About the only way the Pentagon has of being united with Me is by Christmas Lloyd Austin hand delivers Me My aforementioned honours, with an envelope with $250,000.00 cash to allow Me to handle some continued work here in Corpus till Christmas. Meanwhile, My salary is being posted to My bank account, and mumsy has be placed at Guantanamo Bay. With that I will most likely move the President into about three rooms of the Whitehouse forcing he and the first "lady" (yes, we all know she is a slut). He can keep a few token offices to impress a few people. With this, America's federal system is protected, kinda, states are diminished and we use the military to take over the whole world, eventually -- But, the remaining North American populous becomes Christian or they are executed. All of the government is required to convert to Christianity and do the works of repentance I demand and everyone would be required to perform combat duty as a soldier. There would be no more civilians under the age of twenty. North America is required to use its military to do the full Monty supporting My warfare or North America, they way it is structured, is over. I have no inducement to work with these fuckers. They have no currency with Me. They can all go to Hell. Everyone can. Isn't that wonderful? No entity, legal body or individual, born or to be born, has any leverage over Heaven to work with them on any terms other than what My flesh dictates.

I have not given too much thought of how I would be delegating a change. Certainly the death penalty would need to be enforced. You refuse to convert, and that means be a soldier at least, you are executed. Can you even image what executing three hundred million people requires? That is a staggering amount of bodies to process. Not to mention the training that is required and the entire nation has to be educated. There is no room for people that refuse to learn English, or even publicly display body art and/or piercings. People would be required to consolidate their lives to have one car in a household. Putin, what it takes to put every person in North America in a place of being a soldier, that is to live the sacrifice of serving God and Country, other than Myself, no one has lived that kind of service, it is an insurmountable amount of work. God Almighty is after answering these peoples prayers not burdening Me with an impossible amount of work. To simply include Me, saving the military is quite honestly anarchy until the Federal Government is destroyed. The military has until Christmas to decide if it is going to destroy the Federal Government and take back the nation. They may not do any work to overthrow the US Government unless I Am in their ranks, paid, and building the Holy Warfare team. By Holy Warfare is the only way the US Government can be overthrown unless Heaven does the destroying.

Well, what is going to happen is the logical question. The day after Christmas I should be in a place of certain comfort of greeting some repentant Russian soldiers who do indeed want to be Christians. Once they are here, on America's soil, of course there will be some honing in on Me and our education will start. It will just be a natural set of events related to their need to fulfil themselves in My service. For many it will just be an epiphany. I understand that the destruction of the Gulf, in this region, will be so severe that even Russian sailors will be welcome to visit this shore and should arrive around New Years. Because this did not happen at the state level, as in Russia did not decide to deal whit Me as a nation and fight North America as a nation, Russia as a whole will be subjected to the tensions related to centuries of unanswered prayers. Also you, Putin, pissed the LORD off in the extreme not conquering the West as he asked, and I Am the one that made sure what he wanted is done. So, your kingdom is destroyed Holding Russia together will just not happen. If you can handle the squaller, and want to convert, I will minister over you, just get to My door. I do not negotiate. By New Years the destruction of this nation will be so vast, and in so many places, My team will easily move about restoring order building a New Kingdom on this very North American soil. All I had to do, Putin, was make room for you. There are no Americans to save, sans Me. It is in your hands as to whether or not your faith would move you to be here. If I were you, I would secure some holdings in Mexico, perhaps a resort complex, and keep the travel distance to Corpus within a few hours of driving.

What seems to baffle the Pentagon is that I have absolutely no faith, that is what I said, no faith, in the United States Military honouring whatever batshit crazy system they concocted with God Almighty that says, "You are Pentagon High Priest, Lieutenant General Dukes. Be proud of your USMC attachment and duty. You will have four stars in January." All I have to say in rebuttal to God Almighty on that shit is, "Righ-h-h-h-h-t. When I have all the material shit that goes with My duty, then We will both believe it." And I just keep giving these fuckers all kinds of space to keep proving how they will do nothing, or something, I'm not stopping progress, but they keep insisting on being unrepentant bad fuckers, proud of being bad fuckers.

I Am content to wait. I have no incentive to do otherwise and today I Am just furious that there is not a hurricane mopping up the fucking town. But, perhaps I just needed to get your Father's Day greeting out to you. Putin, you know I love you. It just so happens that I love money, war, the USS Wisconsin and her Spirit, being My own perfection, and sex, too.

Oh, the "poetry," I just went back and read My introductory line. It might have been Thursday evening, I cried just a little, the kind of deep sob of despair over how, as far as I Am concerned, I failed. I had just finished explaining, audibly, to Pentagon surveillance part of the huge problem We have with America. I talked to them about Hunter Biden. I explained the gauntlet that I ran and the people I interacted with in this fuckhole to learn the intelligence the Divine needed Me to understand and, further, to testify to. I was hurt and cried over not being able to round up the twenty million or so tech and engineering egomaniacs who have the audacity to force some other woman's son into the line of fire for his pay with corrupt -- as in defective -- military tools, machinery, and weapons of warfare. It is necessary that these fuckers, like Gates, Musk, Bezos, and all their employees be sent into battle with their own garbage after two weeks of boot camp. I described it to the Pentagon by saying with a voice of longing and optimism -- because these engineers would be getting their justice, "Imagine, taking these twenty million tech people dumping them around the coast of Africa and sending them toward the Congo. 'Your orders are simple. head to the Congo, shoot every human you see, because they are shooting at you. Turn around, refusing the battle, and I shoot you." After explaining I had failed to make that operation happen, because that is indeed the retribution the military is owed, I cried and coughed while gagging with convulsions apologising to the Pentagon. I calmed. I dried My tears. I drank some water. I cleaned up. I went to bed. That might have transpired Wednesday evening. Did you feel a disturbance in the "force"?

Putin, everything about this is crazy. (That Christ is Me -- yeh, crazy.) America I see doing the same shit they always have only I will admit, seeing that scabby dike Coast Guard tit-wad whore before Congress sweating, is gratifying. A female is not allowed to represent the military without make-up. She is not allowed to have hair that moves. Shave it jar head short or slick it tight to the scalp in a low neck bun, no stray hairs. I can't afford make-up and I should not be without escort. Every military service female is to be on base, in combat, or when off-base is to have an escort if she is out in the afternoon. She is not to be allowed off-base after hours unless she is in combat. Females are literally held to a standard different than males. A female doing the same thing as a male is generally doing a high risk activity that brands her a whore before even performing or offering to perform a sexual service. An escort is two males or her male husband. To build a military like that is possible, but without wholesale slaughter of the American people, there is not a way to get everyone that lives, because they decide they would rather follow these rules, to follow the rules. The only enforcement that works is, do it or die. We do not feed prisoners. We do not keep non military, non soldiers, alive. Putin, it is just that simple. That is what North America must be. As in, that is what Heaven is making happen. This harkens to what the Biblical -- yeh, that Bible, Holy unto God book -- Israelites proved of their Ggodliness in how they with Moses, and their kings, abused the LORD. So the deeds of ancient Israel left converting North America what Heaven made happen because Israel didn't do the work required then or now. It does not require the cooperation of even one single American other than Me. What is more, I Am not required to produce a single convert. The converts just show up. Okay, eventually. But in the mean time I just keep plugging along. Again, making room for you, was all I was required to do. When I endured Gurgevich in My home I had lived up to all that was needed so Heaven could indeed work with you, in the flesh, to keep even you alive in My care.

Tomorrow the Putin blinders come off. Giving you North America? It's not like that. All you have done is sent the soldiers who would end up being the first to repent. Cuba, they are so close. Few can handle the pace of performing warfare in the way I have described. They will be doing the work of Holy Warfare. What about the Spirit being materialisation I described previously? This is not materialising in full physical, fleshly, form. This is a materialised Sprit energy that terrorises, bewilders, and forces the movements of the fleshly participants that are in view of them. You can see their energy Spirit form. You would not be able to run your hand through them. My advise to you is do not touch! In defence of My this is all crazy stance, when I started My ministry I understood that I was being set up to fulfil a role, like a fall guy. In other words, God Almighty built how I Am performing My duty off what Austin, Trump, Obama, Biden, Milley, Berger, and a handful of others built Me to be. To them I Am being the stooge they ordered. I understood this going in. I Am what God Almighty is using to put everyone in Hell. He is so tickled. I Am also ticked over this news because everyone I see is so fucking vile, dirty, lazy, and loves every kind of filth. So to Me the only justice is everyone going to Hell unless they are My slave. Even as a child, enduring the dreadful Jehovah's Witnesses religion, I understood, of course not everyone is saved. Of course those that live in Jehovah's kingdom are a small group of people. That made perfect sense. Of course many would be destroyed so that Jehovah's kingdom could happen because you can't have an earth filled with people that pollute, fuck, waste, steal, covet, pray to what they made an idol out of, and similar things. Then I learned how people had all this Ggodly power and they fucked it into a tortured mass crying out to be slaughtered. Death was mercy. I was the one keeping the tortured mass alive. I was the one who undid the torture to make the gods True.

I Am sorry too, that I do not have a boat. There are things We could have done differently if the shitty had not been so desperate to keep fucking with Me. The problem is there was no way for events to transpire differently. I was allowed to keep working for a different outcome because all the other things I kept trying to make happen were the things that were promised. Because the whole world reneged, Heaven is converting North America. I Am being proven because that gives these shitty fuckers just one more chance so save Heaven the trouble and take the burden on for themselves. They still go to Hell unless they repent and become My slave, yada, yada, yada.

Even the US Military honouring Me does not alter Heaven's wiping out the non-military personnel, even the Defense Secretary is wiped out, all civilians are, as well as changing the landscape. It is just that the military would be in a place of transitioning itself to serve as Christians rather than being just extinguished as well. They can only save themselves and obedient to the active duty spouse and children. But, without supporting warfare, being base volunteers, these spouses are destroyed too. Don't you guys just want to go to hell? That's what it seems like. So, they can pay their fifty bucks a month, or not. That is a matter of their personal faith. I realised it seemed like I was going soft, as in more could be saved. If Congress with Biden write the irrevocable act, okay -- but that is academic, now -- all that Heaven will back is the US Military saving itself because of My service. It is the Joint Chiefs choice.

There is truth in this letter I have not shared before. I told Pentagon surveillance a few days back, basically, everyone is walking out to the woods and setting their own trap for they themselves to step in at a later time. When they trigger their own trap they head to Hell. I know those spring loaded iron wolf traps have a proper, trade even, name. Putin, there are some things that are just cruel. Do you know what I mean by cruel? Forcing an animal to be injured and be left to its inevitable "fate" rather than performing the kill, is cruel. The way God Almighty has this worked out, while few will die with a smile on their faces, they will die by the way and means they tortured the Divine into a mass that was screaming for death to come. I was the Good Samaritan to Heaven. It did surprise Spirit. It did not surprise God Almighty. The LORD was just kinda raped into slavery on this one -- it was the only way mumsy's flesh could devise. It just so happens I Am a good fucker and I also Am restoring the LORD so that his misery was just fucking worth it because the outcome is just that God Damned Good.

It is now Sunday morning here in Corpus Christi, Texas (for those that might be just tuning in). The heat is eighty something (Fahrenheit) and I have just returned from My morning walk. Putin, America has until Christmas Day. It is just that simple. There is no earlier time. What is happening with them to date? Well they are orchestrating their total disintegration. The thing is, the only human being that is allowed, under Heaven, to rise up as the ruler of North America is Me. That is what God Almighty is making happen. America can disintegrate its military. That is fine. They will not reorganise. There will be no new organisational body. Basically, these fuckers were allowed to be flees in My Heavenly raiment for their survival. I continue with or without them. Congress, another world leader, no one can come and disintegrate any institution, anywhere, and in invalidate or disintegrate Me or My future rulership. Russia I see doing the work of brining Me a military. America I see doing the work of disintegrating themselves. They can reverse the disintegration only one way, fetch Me and attach to Me all of My honours and pay.
the Christ
LtG H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest

Addressing Smith

outbox: 6/17/24

Target Practice

The Sorcerers apprentice was poorly understood by Disney. (Imagine that.) It isn't effective to lace My letters with poison. My job is to kill everyone. How do I kill everyone? You all go to Hell for recycling. You, as flesh, want to live? That is the remnant. The remnant is gathered from this soil. At present, there will be no present occupants, sans Me, who survive -- in the flesh. What does the remnant do? Fight like tigers, under obedience to Me, to destroy everyone who is ruining the earth. Only people obedient to Me, by definition, get to live.

Sir, the third problem with writing is that I Am doing it. I have been wasting My time, indeed, Austin is right. Why pay wages to someone whose work is worthless. My work judged worthless by y'all does not change the realty of how I Am being proven by Heaven. I call all of My efforts to save you fucking parasites worthless, why? I of course do not have any converts. All I have done is proven to God Almighty, you, along with everyone else on this earth who has been born since Jesus was conceived, is worthless. Is your life worthless and is the life of everyone on this planet worthless? Is that what you believe? Answer the fucking question. Is your life worthless? Do you want to die? Why should you be alive? Answer the fucking question Smith? Why should you live? Smith, answer the fucking question. What do you do that has value?

Smith, as an exercise, let us list the things that might have value. You bathe regularly, daily perhaps, yes? Good for you. You coiff, daily perhaps, yes? Good for you. You quaff, daily perhaps, yes? Good for you. You ease nature, daily --- even in private -- perhaps, yes? Good for you. You dream without soporific aids? Good for you. Is mine a somnolent message, thus far? You fill your tum-tum when you are hangry do you? Good for you. You read the words written at the agreed upon government communication level for your pay do you? Good for you. You drive according to the rules of the road for defensive driving to keep your insurance affordable for the car you drive do you? Good for you. Answer the question Smith. You do all these things, do you, every day so much you do, why should you live? In what way is your life not destroying the earth?

With all these daily tasks of your life, successfully completed, I might add, did the temple of God smell fresher? Gleam and shine it did, did it, because of you? Is God dead to you Smith? That's okay if you believe that little boy. We at Team God are not going to force you to believe that Spirit exists by jumping through flaming hoops. You can go to the circus and see some clown do it. Perhaps this clown will be on a motorcycle. This clown might have a name like, Knievel. Have you stopped to think how miraculous it is that people do outrageous derring-do and not fall to their death? That apparent split second timing that is the difference between life and death, success and failure, worth millions or worthless, these things and more scientists can explain with Newtonian mechanics. Did you learn how to solve projectile motion problems Smith? Once you learned such a thing did that mean there was no credit do the Divine because the bullet traveled to your intended target?

Smith, I Am furious that I personally Am not blowing up the whole world. I hate waiting on Heaven to do it. I Am angry at God, Ggod, God Almighty (I Am never angry at the memory of Jesus, the LORD --kinda, he can take some slugs off Me -- or the Lamb.) A gazillion Spirit that should have been the Allness but decided to say, "Fuck you LORD," I Am furious at. Satan I just exercise a great deal of restraint with. Satan, with mumsy(the Womb of Creation), and Jesus (Lady Wisdom) ultimately form -- give up their lives -- to be that mega thought bundle that holds all the, flesh can never do it nor act on it stuff. But, that stuff of thought, all the same, exists and beasts can do it, trees can do it, planets can do it, stars can do it. In the hands of people those same beastly -- godly -- thoughts, if they become deeds, destroy life.

Now, asshole, you have just been told that two of the most wicked things that ever decided to be wicked, get jointed to the greatest glorious good - Jesus - to save humanity. Why do they save humanity? Because I came into the world. I forced all the events in concert with God Almighty to make sure that what Jesus died for meant Jesus died. Lady Wisdom understood, it is better to have no existence than to live with the memories of the events that transpired in Heaven. What dies with her is all of the awareness of corruption that accompanies the memories of how the Glorious Good for the LORD comes into being after the mega rape and torture that created you, fucker, in the first place.

With this letters writing, I Am giving Putin South America. If I get a good night sleep, Putin can have Mexico to Panama as well. Oh, what the hell, Putin gets North America. (We all know I won't get a decent nights sleep until I have some good cuddles.) Smith, you are right. Since all you military dudes refuse to do even one decent deed toward Me -- and your females have no ability to do anything decent -- ever, why the fuck drag this out. Since you won't support Heaven's ownership of this soil and serve the righteous purpose of making the earth a paradise, waiting till Christmas Day is stupid. You enjoy being dip shit poster children target practice, everywhere. You want "your" own nation back Smith, you know where to find Me. Putin is now going to give you a hell of a spanking! In My opinion, your egos declaring Russia's navy in Cuba a target practice invitation just reeked, meriting My wreak. When they, gasp, the "inferior" Russians, are trouncing you in your own waters, surely, you will beg to take My hand or you loose. Yeah, Austin, if he lives that long, is welcome to beg. Kissing the earth before My feet is good.
the Christ
LtG H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest

Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses chief legal council

100 Watchtower Drive Patterson, NY 12563-9204, 6/28/24

Pay Up

You have until August 20, 2024, to place in Mary McRae's hands $2,195,000.00 (US) cash or come August 21, 2024, across the globe, sans North America, the Jehovah's Witnesses will finally face the savage abuses they are due for turning the LORD into a Ba'al. Jehovah's rage against you burns.

Sirs, from the extended United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, Asia, the Middle East, South America, and all island habitations the earth over your people will be savagely attacked, plundered, your kingdom halls and assembly halls burned, and your people are going to die in unprecedented numbers. Jehovah is destroying you unless you pay the total stipulated sum by the stated day.

On North American soil the Divine destruction you are due will either be performed under My hand or December 26, 2024, Heaven targets the places your people work, assemble, gather, shop, attend school, and see to your medical needs, with destructive force that will make even people living in California, Florida, and Texas take notice of how all Jehovah's Witnesses and your sympathisers such as employers, customers, teachers, physicians, and literature accepting associates of any kind are being sent to Hell by Heaven.

Why the delay you ask? Well, the international abuses that you suffer as a religious organisation and suffered by those that sympathise with you include mob violence, torture, incarceration, starvation, slaughter in the way and means that demonstrates to all persons receiving any form of remuneration from United States Defence Department appropriated funds, that My striking against you, saving Heaven from doing it directly, will save the populous of North America from going to Hell. In other words, to save the North American populous from going to Hell, I must have total military authority executing you all with My own hands. Heaven is proving to all involved American parties, military personnel, that they as people decided they would rather go to Hell than do the global job the United States Military is required to do in order to have Heavenly authority to exist as a military body. They are to be mine under law or they are not allowed to be. They must support My kingship annihilating you first or all North America's populous go to Hell.

You people are responsible for condemning the populous of North America to burn with rape and torture in Hell. Paying mumsy the sum stipulated protects non-North Americans from enduring the onslaught against them. In North America come Christmas your destruction begins from Heaven unless I Am contracted to perform your destruction no later than Christmas day. When you fail to pay, and American servicemen see how you are so pointedly targeted commencing the day stated, then they have further reason to put some faith in Me. I Am relentlessly pulling out the stops to get those Pentagon keys to prove with them what genuine Christian warriors accomplish, cleaning the earth, and building a prosperous remnant, now, as opposed to what I can imagine is waiting indefinitely through some years long processes if I need to get a military body from some other people than My own countrymen. Because, how can a military in America exist and not salivate to be My Christian warriors? From My soul I can't imagine why these people are such horrid monsters to Me. Really. I Am their salvation, and I know that from My Being. So I keep pushing for more opportunities for them to be saved. This is the last dance, as it were. Christmas Day 2024 ends all efforts Heaven has extended to Me to raise up Christians from the American military that owes Me everything. That you JW's hate Me or that CCPD is after murdering Me, big deal. Water under the bridge of My life. The military to Me is a lover, a passionate one who owes Me everything. I love them.

I want War! I Am going to have My military glory even without the cooperation of the American people. I can make God Almighty do anything I want. I don't get him to do nothing unless I receive, money, money, money, glory, money, money, did I say money? money. How do I get money and glory? War and wages. When the Gulf coast is a ghost town wasteland I will not be humiliated with poverty and torture at the hands of Presidents of the United States, in their turn, pandering to Mary Anne McRae's divinations keeping Me has her personal Sambo. That the marine corps has no faith that paying Me My wages gives all soldiers that die relief in Hell replacing the torturous burn with rape and torture with orgasm, is on them. It is not against Me that they are faithless.

The acting Secretary of Defence has until December 25, 2024, to begin serving Me turning over to Me all elements of military authority with Congressional and Presidential consent. Jehovah wants to destroy you. God Almighty wants to destroy them. No entity, human, animal, nor Spirit is destroying Me. November 18, 1988, your Governing Body gave up, in perpetuity, all opportunity for Jehovah's Witnesses to build Jehovah's kingdom. I won that contract. I Am a marine. I Am not preventing God Almighty from delivering Me from the horror that the slavery of My life has been by any means of deliverance He can produce.

It would be neat if during the Sunday church services across America God Almighty interrupted the service with a message through the thunder saying, "You need to hire mac Dukes to kill the Jehovah's Witnesses in North America or you are going to Hell." The question becomes, would they do it? The frustration I face is how much authority has been handed over to fuckers like Trump. And God Almighty is paying Trump what Trump is due. So, even though it makes things difficult for Me, I endure being powerless. Trump, Obama, and el Presedente Mexicano are responsible for what North American's believe. You Jehovah's Witnesses were supposed to fulfil Jehovah's kingdom for Satan. I had to save Satan's bacon. As in, to date and until Christmas, there is no direct God Almighty interference. Come the day after Christmas, God Almighty, the LORD, and Saint Paul, pull out the stops to make Me the king over the whole earth. Even if that means I Am earth's-only inhabitant, for a time. They interfere to produce for Me the Kingship that glorifies Me. What is more, Team God does not want one North American to benefit from My labours. He favours Russians that land in Mexico to take all the white gold for Putin. God Almighty wants to bring Me My military and He hates the North American populous.

We, at Team God, can interrupt fulfilling Jehovah's kingdom to wipe the earth down to a sensible population, and then when the earth repopulates, enough, and in the right regions, and, I have lectured Pentagon surveillance about this already, all the interactions with people that do the Jehovah's kingdom fulfilling can be done then. It just would not include you. You would be burning in Hell while being raped and tortured. When mumsy, Mary Anne McRae, dies, Hell gets its fire and the rape and torture cycles for those that died since August 21, 2021 begin.

Other letters written over the last month have further explanatory content of Hell as well as what will be happening on the world stage between and in nations. We conclude this letter with, "Jehovah God is My shepherd, so why should I fear or fret. For he who cares for his sheep so much will none of his own forget. By quiet waters he leads Me. I'll walk and not err in his way. He guides My steps for his own name sake, in pathways of righteousness."
the Christ
LtG H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest