“shH-eeH-T” --
“pH-uuH-cK” --
“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” --
“Over My dead Body.” --
Neither entice nor tolerate badness.
Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.
Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.
A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.
God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.
God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.
A Man protects Heaven from women.
Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.
Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.
All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.
Books to the right of and below this tile are in mac's library. They are read if commented "Intentionally left blank," or have other notation. Titles to be read are noted by location. As books are added to the library, the list grows.
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mac was afraid she had forgotten how to read. It had been since 2006 that She read Ambrose. Then with McDougall mac realised how much She loved to read. McDougall makes brilliant observations.
mac was hooked on Winchester with the first paragraph. Winchester's irony is invigorating. If it's a Winchester, mac reads it.
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This was dignified narration of horrid times.
mac looks for Fleming. This was brilliant depth without beating up character flaws.
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1906 San Francisco had whores and bible thumpers aplenty. We agree it was not enough destruction. The roaches re-built.
Bunker has a Fleming quality in his writing. His development of the founding colonists identities demonstrates the necessity of their risk to further their values.
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This biographical narrative illustrates God Almighty's hand teaching Spirit about this new scientific branch of research.
Right, some evil doers really do get discovered by the hand of God.
This could be titled, Why Japan had an Ax to Grind at America
Sweeping history. Yes, Russia is in trouble for plundering the Pacific.
Paul Collins mac fancies would be outstanding conversation as a dinner guest.
John Keegan distills water from sewage. If its a Keegan, read it.
Like Bunker, Fullilove has a Fleming quality about his narrative.
Diamond himself can tell you how good it is. mac wanted to read this back before the documentary came out. She will write a couple of Nineteenth Hole articles about the things Diamond almost had correct. Diamond is good reading.
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mac was in love. Damn Zamoyski, like Figes, you really lay out a banquet.
If it wasn't for Davis writing so much about Florida, mac would read him like a Winchester. Different styles but outstanding wordsmithing -- both of them. Davis is poetic in his delivery, and keeps the eagle an interesting protagonist from start to finish.
That a wasp stung Simon as a tot, and he fills volumes of paper is, indeed, a God Almighty lesson. It just might be, paper was invented so Winchester could come into the world. mac will write a Nineteenth Hole article explaining how AI mimicked you in the way it did. In brief, AI memes those peccadillo moments because it has no way to process through Spirit. God interprets the message to the receiver. God does not interpret into AI. This makes AI in warcraft civilian destroyers in the extreme.
Great read.
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Both by Sobel. She is vile. She does use the fancy words like she studied at Oxford or Cambridge. She is crude and common in her delivery. mac is sorry Sobel and not a great writer like Winchester wrote on the topic Longitude. mac will write Hail Mary articles dealing with Sobels of the world.
Crane developed narrative weaving in the times that elucidated how Mercator fathered so many independent scholars in his free market approach to map making. Not only that, but the place of map making opening up travel and perfect information Crane exposes. Outstanding scholarship and writing.
Bikinis on the beach go with the H-bomb God Almighty, "Here is you sign" lesson against Bikini atoll. Fornication kills. All God has Winchester is two hands. How else can He make a point unless He makes a big one. With all that knowledge people, you still needed an interpreter. No where in your travels Winchester was the accurate interpreter free.
The lesson Diesel was being taught by his father will be a Nineteenth Hole article.
mac looks forward to more Ujifusa books.
Sex is not a right if you are a human. Sex is only a right if you are demanding to be treated like an equal to the Ggods. Whore camps do not end rapes. America's version of sex slavery was no better than Japan's. Mexicans exist to kill white people. Nineteenth Hole articles will be written about Mexico/America relations and Pershing's costly fornications. Guinn has a Sobel quality in his writing. Shallow.
Evoking Tolstoy to close the topic is definitely Winchester's trademark poignancy. Winchester, your bones are the only bones being kept for posterity. How this is fulfilled mac is leaving to God. Everybody else is just ceramic and ash fodder.
Arax strong journalistic prose is page turning. mac will write about how Arax family ended up in the murder, poor-side evolution of California development in the Nineteenth Hole. Good on'ya for doing justice to explaining the California water culture.
This was an exceedingly enjoyable read. It made mac want to move to Egypt to be closer to the greatness of Diviners past. Alexander went the way of soldiers that lead other solders in fornication, but his city he founded for the Ggods is a great achievement that hastened Jesus arrival and gave Joseph and Mary a Jewish enclave to raise their brood away from Herod. A Nineteenth Hole article will discuss the importance of people like Alexander who owned their interaction with the Divine contrasted with dips like Obama who went after murdering the same Ggods rather than build for them like Alexander did. Read the book.
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mac wondered two things reading this; was this written by an ESL student, and did the editor just rush a rough draft to the printer? This book has one or two readable paragraphs in a chapter and then it just falls apart with empty, half expressed details surrounded by a bunch of whining about rape. This was a topic that offered meat and the author wrote oatmeal.
It's no wonder FDR kicked the bucket when he did. You can only flaunt fornication for so long. McKean wrote a page turner.
Betts mac will look for. She appreciated his depth, clarity of expression, and the recovery topics presented.
mac can only imagine what Walton discovered in the volumes of sources he researched. (Bradley understands.) A great writer distills all the information into accurate presentation that informs without abusing the reader or history. Winchester illustrated this well in Knowing what We Know.
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mac will look for more Geroulanos.
The madman's proclivities, and solution, will be exploited for teaching in Hail Mary articles.
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The cultural dynamic in play mac will write about in Nineteenth Hole articles. If you are black and don't like Booker T. That's okay. He made blacks bake their own bricks and build with them. Pharaoh of Egypt did the same thing.
Diamond writes page turners.
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Few people manage to make two wives work for them in the western world. Wife number one knew what she was getting into. This account has nothing to do with a male being infatuated with dinnerware. Needham's life really does go with a disclaimer, "Don't try this at home."
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Those Cambridge boys get to have all the MI6 fun. Keep it in your pants Marozzi.
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Those hoards were God Almighty lessons about the ark of the covenant. Nineteenth Hole articles will add some to the discussion of Norse pirates.
mac is looking for Cline's 1177 B.C. She did not like missing-out on finding it in hardback, new. Populating Her library is going fishing in Half Price Books.
Pentagon surveillance asked mac which book was her favourite. She gave this title. She is looking for his Silk Roads. Frankopan is mac's idea of sound, mindful, page turning, history with purposeful telling. Soldiers -- this is our model for expression. When mac said write to appeal to top tier scholars, Frankopan is it. He wrote as close to a white paper as you can write, and, still, sell books to the masses. Fleming has a similar quality.
Ahh a Figes. In this concise narrative Figes delivers a bowl of cherries. That isn't easy to do with Russian history.
Ridley did his best at presenting tomfoolery as if these were just ordinary hard working folks that he should not be afraid of.
mac is jealous that Sixsmith got her scholarship ticket. She still likes to read a Sixsmith.
Little Brown, like Liveright, is a solid publisher. mac won't turn down reading another Slater. He really covered the period well without turning narrative of trashy behaviour into a ploy to sell copy. Like Calder Walton, Slater covered difficult material and it was readable. Hail Mary articles will follow.
Brusatte well done.
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Yes, Rhodes knows how to write. He develops topics with ironic comparators.
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Y'all know mac loves a Dawkins, Right? If for no other reason than he has spent his career hitting his head against a wall of people that stand behind "creation" as the big mystery that lets them be lazy, careless, gluttons because God is going to clean the mess. And She will. Right after She finishes writing about it. Why fuckers like creationists can exist is because there is a miracle doer to do the work. That makes an open season on belief for them to interpret that truth by what ever way suits their own accusations against Spirit. That is how freedom of thought works. Nineteenth Hole articles with discuss this in detail.
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You are right, Winchester. This was great reading, and mac is tickled to have found his works to read.
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mac will explain why the American public obsession existed in a Nineteenth Hole article.
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Winchester, as the auspice of Oxford, is absolutely right about "for always." All is now handed over to the great and wonderful thaumaturge. Soldiers, reading a Winchester is an adventure in discovering deeper means of connecting with the Divine. Language is just such an art. Hating reading a Winchester is like hating knowledge itself. Sortilege is returned to the Ggods, always.
Cookridge chose the most telling characters of their time that illustrated the importance Nagelmackers enterprise to destroy Western Europe. There will be Nineteenth Hole articles that discuss this.
Nineteenth Hole article will explain why Taubman was served up to the elitists like he was. It is the classic example of a populous divining a king over them like the days of Saul, only to have his house disgraced. The people were teaching the LORD a lesson. From the people of Israel it was like so, "We are going to cut you down LORD." You don't get to deny us the things of the Ggods to preserve our flesh. Abraham and Issac's famous pyre sans blood and fire fits here. Also, the free market is a faith based system. Anti-trust laws exist to make sure that those that break faith are punished for abusing the faith or do not built entities that diminish the power of the faith.
When mac bought this Zack's She joked to Pentagon surveillance that if She had known that TR made a determined effort to clean up New York city, obviously he failed, She would have considered doing something other than Her stupid, tedious, expensive, time-wasting, exasperating ministry to introduce the true God to the world. Killing all of you was not even near Her mind to consider. All you people needed to do, according to mac, was listen to Her God and you would do good things and the world would repent of bad and all your efforts would make earth clean. You would stop looking like whores. You would stop fornicating. You would never need to go to a church again because the dogmas of the deacon were not inspiring his parishioners even to end gluttony. We at TeamGOD like the concept of seven deadly sins. The Catholics had solid logic in trying to clean-up peoples evil getting them to replace bad deeds with doing good and appeasing the Ggods with alms.
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Outstandingly accomplished Epilogue objectives. The passages written signal the reader with a gauntlet, including a tinge of tasteful boast -- like savoury -- against the English difficulties of childhood confessed in the Acknowledgements. Brusette's thumbs up on the dust jacket sold mac the book. She does not want Her money nor time invested in reading back. Look for a Heavenly Revelation inspired from Schmitt's pages.
In the front room book shelves.
In the front room book shelves.
Smithsonian teamed with Viking to produce quality reading for grade school children. This book by Winchester has the components of an age appropriate text book with the insertion of explaining how a human goes about finding a course of study and occupation to be something other than a looser with their life, even when they chase a dream -- like being a writer. Accomplishment requires study and knowing things -- a knowledge base. A fifth grader should be able to sit for a few hours and read this book in two sittings with comprehension. Mom should do the same in at least two hours, first. Dad bought the book.
Sebastian Smee is mac's writing exemplar. Mechanically and linguistically his thoughts flow without one contrived or forced phrase begging for a better setting or word. The historical presentation is narrative in the present delivering prose that should make the Leon Uris types shit their shorts. The Part II of Your Spanking for Treason Coastal Bend Series was inspired from the Parisian suffering that spurred the artistic community to impressionist maturity. mac would be tempted to buy a periodical just because Smee wrote a featured critique. God will beat the fuck out of the world because mac was not able to attend the critiqued exhibit.
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In the front room book shelves.
But wait there are more. This reading list is the enrichment "free reading" elective list. Text and reference books, of equally prodigious count, are in mac's office.
Books behind and below this tile are on mac's wish list as She fishes through Half Price Books.
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