Letter Body
“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.
Smith, as an exercise, let us list the things that might have value. You bathe regularly, daily perhaps, yes? Good for you. You coiff, daily perhaps, yes? Good for you. You quaff, daily perhaps, yes? Good for you. You ease nature, daily --- even in private -- perhaps, yes? Good for you. You dream without soporific aids? Good for you. Is mine a somnolent message, thus far? You fill your tum-tum when you are hangry do you? Good for you. You read the words written at the agreed upon government communication level for your pay do you? Good for you. You drive according to the rules of the road for defensive driving to keep your insurance affordable for the car you drive do you? Good for you. Answer the question Smith. You do all these things, do you, every day so much you do, why should you live? In what way is your life not destroying the earth?
With all these daily tasks of your life, successfully completed, I might add, did the temple of God smell fresher? Gleam and shine it did, did it, because of you? Is God dead to you Smith? That's okay if you believe that little boy. We at TeamGOD are not going to force you to believe that Spirit exists by jumping through flaming hoops. You can go to the circus and see some clown do it. Perhaps this clown will be on a motorcycle. This clown might have a name like, Knievel. Have you stopped to think how miraculous it is that people do outrageous derring-do and not fall to their death? That apparent split second timing that is the difference between life and death, success and failure, worth millions or worthless, these things and more scientists can explain with Newtonian mechanics. Did you learn how to solve projectile motion problems Smith? Once you learned such a thing did that mean there was no credit do the Divine because the bullet traveled to your intended target?
Smith, I Am furious that I personally Am not blowing up the whole world. I hate waiting on Heaven to do it. I Am angry at God, Ggod, God Almighty (I Am never angry at the memory of Jesus, the LORD --kinda, he can take some slugs off Me -- or the Lamb.) A gazillion Spirit that should have been the Allness but decided to say, "Fuck you LORD," I Am furious at. Satan I just exercise a great deal of restraint with. Satan, with mumsy(the Womb of Creation), and Jesus (Lady Wisdom) ultimately form -- give up their lives -- to be that mega thought bundle that holds all the, flesh can never do it nor act on it stuff. But, that stuff of thought, all the same, exists and beasts can do it, trees can do it, planets can do it, stars can do it. In the hands of people those same beastly -- godly -- thoughts, if they become deeds, destroy life.
Now, asshole, you have just been told that two of the most wicked things that ever decided to be wicked, get jointed to the greatest glorious good - Jesus - to save humanity. Why do they save humanity? Because I came into the world. I forced all the events in concert with God Almighty to make sure that what Jesus died for meant Jesus died. Lady Wisdom understood, it is better to have no existence than to live with the memories of the events that transpired in Heaven. What dies with her is all of the awareness of corruption that accompanies the memories of how the Glorious Good for the LORD comes into being after the mega rape and torture that created you, fucker, in the first place.
With this letters writing, I Am giving Putin South America. If I get a good night sleep, Putin can have Mexico to Panama as well. Oh, what the hell, Putin gets North America. (We all know I won't get a decent nights sleep until I have some good cuddles.) Smith, you are right. Since all you military dudes refuse to do even one decent deed toward Me -- and your females have no ability to do anything decent -- ever, why the fuck drag this out. Since you won't support Heaven's ownership of this soil and serve the righteous purpose of making the earth a paradise, waiting till Christmas Day is stupid. You enjoy being dip shit poster children target practice, everywhere. You want "your" own nation back Smith, you know where to find Me. Putin is now going to give you a hell of a spanking! In My opinion, your egos declaring Russia's navy in Cuba a target practice invitation just reeked, meriting My wreak. When they, gasp, the "inferior" Russians, are trouncing you in your own waters, surely, you will beg to take My hand or you loose. Yeah, Austin, if he lives that long, is welcome to beg. Kissing the earth before My feet is good.