Letter Body
“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.
America as I see it is being closed down as a nation. There will be some sates that hole onto some amount of authority for a short time. But, America as a nation is simply being destroyed from being even a political entity. North America's present occupants have a decade. (They were indeed stupid to loan money to Ukraine for guns and tanks rather than save it for disaster loans. Then again disaster loans would have meant something humanitarian for Russia.)
About the only way the Pentagon has of being united with Me is by Christmas Lloyd Austin hand delivers Me My aforementioned honours, with an envelope with $250,000.00 cash to allow Me to handle some continued work here in Corpus till Christmas. Meanwhile, My salary is being posted to My bank account, and mumsy has be placed at Guantanamo Bay. With that I will most likely move the President into about three rooms of the Whitehouse forcing he and the first "lady" (yes, we all know she is a slut). He can keep a few token offices to impress a few people. With this, America's federal system is protected, kinda, states are diminished and we use the military to take over the whole world, eventually -- But, the remaining North American populous becomes Christian or they are executed. All of the government is required to convert to Christianity and do the works of repentance I demand and everyone would be required to perform combat duty as a soldier. There would be no more civilians under the age of twenty. North America is required to use its military to do the full Monty supporting My warfare or North America, they way it is structured, is over. I have no inducement to work with these fuckers. They have no currency with Me. They can all go to Hell. Everyone can. Isn't that wonderful? No entity, legal body or individual, born or to be born, has any leverage over Heaven to work with them on any terms other than what My flesh dictates.
I have not given too much thought of how I would be delegating a change. Certainly the death penalty would need to be enforced. You refuse to convert, and that means be a soldier at least, you are executed. Can you even image what executing three hundred million people requires? That is a staggering amount of bodies to process. Not to mention the training that is required and the entire nation has to be educated. There is no room for people that refuse to learn English, or even publicly display body art and/or piercings. People would be required to consolidate their lives to have one car in a household. Putin, what it takes to put every person in North America in a place of being a soldier, that is to live the sacrifice of serving God and Country, other than Myself, no one has lived that kind of service, it is an insurmountable amount of work. God Almighty is after answering these peoples prayers not burdening Me with an impossible amount of work. To simply include Me, saving the military is quite honestly anarchy until the Federal Government is destroyed. The military has until Christmas to decide if it is going to destroy the Federal Government and take back the nation. They may not do any work to overthrow the US Government unless I Am in their ranks, paid, and building the Holy Warfare team. By Holy Warfare is the only way the US Government can be overthrown unless Heaven does the destroying.
Well, what is going to happen is the logical question. The day after Christmas I should be in a place of certain comfort of greeting some repentant Russian soldiers who do indeed want to be Christians. Once they are here, on America's soil, of course there will be some honing in on Me and our education will start. It will just be a natural set of events related to their need to fulfil themselves in My service. For many it will just be an epiphany. I understand that the destruction of the Gulf, in this region, will be so severe that even Russian sailors will be welcome to visit this shore and should arrive around New Years. Because this did not happen at the state level, as in Russia did not decide to deal whit Me as a nation and fight North America as a nation, Russia as a whole will be subjected to the tensions related to centuries of unanswered prayers. Also you, Putin, pissed the LORD off in the extreme not conquering the West as he asked, and I Am the one that made sure what he wanted is done. So, your kingdom is destroyed Holding Russia together will just not happen. If you can handle the squaller, and want to convert, I will minister over you, just get to My door. I do not negotiate. By New Years the destruction of this nation will be so vast, and in so many places, My team will easily move about restoring order building a New Kingdom on this very North American soil. All I had to do, Putin, was make room for you. There are no Americans to save, sans Me. It is in your hands as to whether or not your faith would move you to be here. If I were you, I would secure some holdings in Mexico, perhaps a resort complex, and keep the travel distance to Corpus within a few hours of driving.
What seems to baffle the Pentagon is that I have absolutely no faith, that is what I said, no faith, in the United States Military honouring whatever batshit crazy system they concocted with God Almighty that says, "You are Pentagon High Priest, Lieutenant General Dukes. Be proud of your USMC attachment and duty. You will have four stars in January." All I have to say in rebuttal to God Almighty on that shit is, "Righ-h-h-h-h-t. When I have all the material shit that goes with My duty, then We will both believe it." And I just keep giving these fuckers all kinds of space to keep proving how they will do nothing, or something, I'm not stopping progress, but they keep insisting on being unrepentant bad fuckers, proud of being bad fuckers.
I Am content to wait. I have no incentive to do otherwise and today I Am just furious that there is not a hurricane mopping up the fucking town. But, perhaps I just needed to get your Father's Day greeting out to you. Putin, you know I love you. It just so happens that I love money, war, the USS Wisconsin and her Spirit, being My own perfection, and sex, too.
Oh, the "poetry," I just went back and read My introductory line. It might have been Thursday evening, I cried just a little, the kind of deep sob of despair over how, as far as I Am concerned, I failed. I had just finished explaining, audibly, to Pentagon surveillance part of the huge problem We have with America. I talked to them about Hunter Biden. I explained the gauntlet that I ran and the people I interacted with in this fuck-hole to learn the intelligence the Divine needed Me to understand and, further, to testify to. I was hurt and cried over not being able to round up the twenty million or so tech and engineering egomaniacs who have the audacity to force some other woman's son into the line of fire for his pay with corrupt -- as in defective -- military tools, machinery, and weapons of warfare. It is necessary that these fuckers, like Gates, Musk, Bezos, and all their employees be sent into battle with their own garbage after two weeks of boot camp. I described it to the Pentagon by saying with a voice of longing and optimism -- because these engineers would be getting their justice, "Imagine, taking these twenty million tech people dumping them around the coast of Africa and sending them toward the Congo. 'Your orders are simple. head to the Congo, shoot every human you see, because they are shooting at you. Turn around, refusing the battle, and I shoot you." After explaining I had failed to make that operation happen, because that is indeed the retribution the military is owed, I cried and coughed while gagging with convulsions apologising to the Pentagon. I calmed. I dried My tears. I drank some water. I cleaned up. I went to bed. That might have transpired Wednesday evening. Did you feel a disturbance in the "force"?
Putin, everything about this is crazy. (That Christ is Me -- yeh, crazy.) America I see doing the same shit they always have only I will admit, seeing that scabby dike Coast Guard tit-wad whore before Congress sweating, is gratifying. A female is not allowed to represent the military without make-up. She is not allowed to have hair that moves. Shave it jar head short or slick it tight to the scalp in a low neck bun, no stray hairs. I can't afford make-up and I should not be without escort. Every military service female is to be on base, in combat, or when off-base is to have an escort if she is out in the afternoon. She is not to be allowed off-base after hours unless she is in combat. Females are literally held to a standard different than males. A female doing the same thing as a male is generally doing a high risk activity that brands her a whore before even performing or offering to perform a sexual service. An escort is two males or her male husband. To build a military like that is possible, but without wholesale slaughter of the American people, there is not a way to get everyone that lives, because they decide they would rather follow these rules, to follow the rules. The only enforcement that works is, do it or die. We do not feed prisoners. We do not keep non military, non soldiers, alive. Putin, it is just that simple. That is what North America must be. As in, that is what Heaven is making happen. This harkens to what the Biblical -- yeh, that Bible, Holy unto God book -- Israelites proved of their Ggodliness in how they with Moses, and their kings, abused the LORD. So the deeds of ancient Israel left converting North America what Heaven made happen because Israel didn't do the work required then or now. It does not require the cooperation of even one single American other than Me. What is more, I Am not required to produce a single convert. The converts just show up. Okay, eventually. But in the mean time I just keep plugging along. Again, making room for you, was all I was required to do. When I endured Gurgevich in My home I had lived up to all that was needed so Heaven could indeed work with you, in the flesh, to keep even you alive in My care.
Tomorrow the Putin blinders come off. Giving you North America? It's not like that. All you have done is sent the soldiers who would end up being the first to repent. Cuba, they are so close. Few can handle the pace of performing warfare in the way I have described. They will be doing the work of Holy Warfare. What about the Spirit being materialisation I described previously? This is not materialising in full physical, fleshly, form. This is a materialised Sprit energy that terrorises, bewilders, and forces the movements of the fleshly participants that are in view of them. You can see their energy Spirit form. You would not be able to run your hand through them. My advise to you is do not touch! In defence of My this is all crazy stance, when I started My ministry I understood that I was being set up to fulfil a role, like a fall guy. In other words, God Almighty built how I Am performing My duty off what Austin, Trump, Obama, Biden, Milley, Berger, and a handful of others built Me to be. To them I Am being the stooge they ordered. I understood this going in. I Am what God Almighty is using to put everyone in Hell. He is so tickled. I Am also ticked over this news because everyone I see is so fucking vile, dirty, lazy, and loves every kind of filth. So to Me the only justice is everyone going to Hell unless they are My slave. Even as a child, enduring the dreadful Jehovah's Witnesses religion, I understood, of course not everyone is saved. Of course those that live in Jehovah's kingdom are a small group of people. That made perfect sense. Of course many would be destroyed so that Jehovah's kingdom could happen because you can't have an earth filled with people that pollute, fuck, waste, steal, covet, pray to what they made an idol out of, and similar things. Then I learned how people had all this Ggodly power and they fucked it into a tortured mass crying out to be slaughtered. Death was mercy. I was the one keeping the tortured mass alive. I was the one who undid the torture to make the gods True.
I Am sorry too, that I do not have a boat. There are things We could have done differently if the shitty had not been so desperate to keep fucking with Me. The problem is there was no way for events to transpire differently. I was allowed to keep working for a different outcome because all the other things I kept trying to make happen were the things that were promised. Because the whole world reneged, Heaven is converting North America. I Am being proven because that gives these shitty fuckers just one more chance so save Heaven the trouble and take the burden on for themselves. They still go to Hell unless they repent and become My slave, yadda yadda yadda.
Even the US Military honouring Me does not alter Heaven's wiping out the non-military personnel, even the Defense Secretary is wiped out, all civilians are, as well as changing the landscape. It is just that the military would be in a place of transitioning itself to serve as Christians rather than being just extinguished as well. They can only save themselves and obedient to the active duty spouse and children. But, without supporting warfare, being base volunteers, these spouses are destroyed too. Don't you guys just want to go to hell? That's what it seems like. So, they can pay their fifty bucks a month, or not. That is a matter of their personal faith. I realised it seemed like I was going soft, as in more could be saved. If Congress with Biden write the irrevocable act, okay -- but that is academic, now -- all that Heaven will back is the US Military saving itself because of My service. It is the Joint Chiefs choice.
There is truth in this letter I have not shared before. I told Pentagon surveillance a few days back, basically, everyone is walking out to the woods and setting their own trap for they themselves to step in at a later time. When they trigger their own trap they head to Hell. I know those spring loaded iron wolf traps have a proper, trade even, name. Putin, there are some things that are just cruel. Do you know what I mean by cruel? Forcing an animal to be injured and be left to its inevitable "fate" rather than performing the kill, is cruel. The way God Almighty has this worked out, while few will die with a smile on their faces, they will die by the way and means they tortured the Divine into a mass that was screaming for death to come. I was the Good Samaritan to Heaven. It did surprise Spirit. It did not surprise God Almighty. The LORD was just kinda raped into slavery on this one -- it was the only way mumsy's flesh could devise. It just so happens I Am a good fucker and I also Am restoring the LORD so that his misery was just fucking worth it because the outcome is just that God Damned Good.
It is now Sunday morning here in Corpus Christi, Texas (for those that might be just tuning in). The heat is eighty something (Fahrenheit) and I have just returned from My morning walk. Putin, America has until Christmas Day. It is just that simple. There is no earlier time. What is happening with them to date? Well they are orchestrating their total disintegration. The thing is, the only human being that is allowed, under Heaven, to rise up as the ruler of North America is Me. That is what God Almighty is making happen. America can disintegrate its military. That is fine. They will not reorganise. There will be no new organisational body. Basically, these fuckers were allowed to be flees in My Heavenly raiment for their survival. I continue with or without them. Congress, another world leader, no one can come and disintegrate any institution, anywhere, and in invalidate or disintegrate Me or My future rulership. Russia I see doing the work of brining Me a military. America I see doing the work of disintegrating themselves. They can reverse the disintegration only one way, fetch Me and attach to Me all of My honours and pay.