“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestSelf Sufficient
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestSelf Sufficient

 Actor Direction Briefings 

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

Self Sufficient
June 1, 2024

General Smith

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Sir, the challenge with communicating in words is not being able to unload every curse, slur, correction, demand, and message simultaneously.


You are not even being kissed. Here comes the fucking.

Epistle's Erudition

Simultaneity from Spirit is what I experience through My entire being. I then translate it. The message I translate saves the world. The world that Jesus life was sacrificed over is, in a manner of speaking, a split baby. You are one individual out of billions that are the product of one half the baby. You are going to hell. What is hell? A recycling facility of the mega Earth's core that humans have no ability to see with the naked eye. What happens there? You have awareness of what your consciousness was but you are deprived of your physical form, yet, you still possess all of the feeling and awareness that was a part of your human anatomy. Jesus did not die for you. Jesus died because of you and I need to make the world into the place that Jesus did indeed die for.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

What are you? From you head shot I assess that you are a human male. (Yes, you have indeed retained your vanity. No I have no idea where we both were when we were both single and in that special place of willingness to be so stupid as to end up married. I didn't read your bio. I'm sure you earned every last one of your morale badges legitimately. Of course military dress is impressive. No, I Am neither personally impressed nor intimidated. Yes, I hate that I Am in rags and stationed in this goddamed fuck-hole. I survive on $20.00 a day for all of My material needs. I jail the other half of the split baby in the Jesus life scenario from My own inheritance. mumsy, the jailee, murdered My grandmother -- her mother. Grandmother saved and I did all I could to preserve the estate. Out of My work to preserve the estate it rewards Me with $20.00 a day. To have that money, even conserve what I could from the estate, I fought many battles with mumsy. These details of family history are already posted on macdukes.com in Herald articles. Of course I Am furious about My weight. Why might I rape you? Well, it isn't possible for Me with a sex act to convey every curse of hatred ever conceived to demoralise a person and tell them in the personal way of one person being a god over another, "I hate you you sick piece of sleaze and take My penis and I might let you live to see your family or raise the child I put in you." It isn't possible with words to convey what a curse against the human psyche the message in hatred the raper delivers against the rapee. Rape is the ultimate human act to unload on a person the evilest of brutal abuses that even torturing a person they, the tortured, can laugh off. Now, combine rape with torture like ripping off finger nails and gouging out eyes and there you have just upped the game on cruelty. It is not possible for Me to deliver a sex act that delivers a hate message so I Am not a rapist. What is the problem? God Almighty wants to rape you while you are simultaneously tortured. How do We do that to you? If you were tied up and your family were tortured and raped in front of you and then you were tortured and raped, at last, and left to live eternally in a cell with the memory of that kept alive on less than what I Am kept alive on, at present, eternally then God Almighty would have His eye for an eye against you for your share of what My life has been. Now the problem is, that is what God Almighty wants to do to every person on the planet.) What did Jesus do? Made it possible for you to die and for those that could, after My recycling program, live having eternal life. What needed to happen? Jesus needed to have no memory of the horror of living through the rape of the LORD. The rape of the LORD is why a fucker like you has lived such a good life of respectability. I have written about these things at length already in Herald articles.

The LORD built perfection from the lessons Life, what was left of Allness, taught Him. Lady Wisdom was His first Creation -- Like unto Eve for Adam. Allness was then buried between the two of them. Lady Wisdom like the LORD was two beings in One. They shared their existence kinda. A human is the being that should have brought about the perfecting that was required after Spirit rebelled. Satan was required to correct the rebellion. Humans still did not exist. There were many demonstrations, even early prototypes before Eden -- with Adam -- to get Spirit to correct their Heavenly placements against the LORD's Wisdom and Perfection. Satan accused the LORD of tricking him into doing the work of correction because the LORD was keeping the real power from him. That real power repository was, in a nutshell, Moi. Had Satan just exerted himself fellow Spirit, siblings, would have been returned to their proper appreciation for Holiness. Satan dipped into the shared repository raping the LORD again again and again against Lady Wisdom for the torturous lifeforms meaner than dog eat dog that now fill the earth. Had Satan just exerted force a fucker like you could have never, and I mean never, been born. What else? I could have never been born either. There would have been no need for mega correction, Moi, to have happened. I have written about these Spiritual topics in Herald articles.

Jesus died so that the perfection could happen as if the LORD had never been fucked. You are flesh, one half the baby. You are a manifestation of the Spirit being that rebelled in Heaven that, most likely, cut some kind of deal with Satan that put Lady Wisdom in the place of sacrifice. Why a deal? You are the Commandant, duh. Obviously Biden, Austin, Trump, Kennedy, Windsor, Winfrey, Sharpton. Obama, Brown Jr., some other set of assholes, some more assholes, and even more assholes -- put the top 2% population of who's who here -- all are the genetic manifestation of some fucker fucker that rebelled with a deal.

Putin, the Russian President, is the genetic manifestation of the LORD. So, He is not in that nigger list of who's who. All the top achievers God Almighty wants to do terrible things to that are more terrible than even Stephen King entertains the masses with. What God Almighty wants to to do you is why monsters, horror, crime drama, and other forms of Poe, macabre, entertainment are entraining. It does not entertain Me. I avoid such meals. I have never read a Stephen King. I was subjected to his Green Mile movie when it was a rentable VHS. I never needed to have another Stephen King experience. I lectured Pentagon surveillance about that topic already. How about if We at TeamGOD were to lock you in a cave and beat the shit out of you in the dark with rubber snakes filled with lead shot (for weight) equipped with needles that mimic fangs and when your terror was at its peak we harvest your blood? Your blood has no value. It only has value if I pour it out into the earth, soil, and you die fulfilling all the witchcraft you performed. I would also be required to drink some of that blood. Guess what asshole, I Am sending you to hell instead. Put simply, there are many things I will just not do, wittingly, and, what is more, even unwittingly it is not possible to gather up all the required elements to do the job Heaven is enforcing.

If I gathered up a military unit and we trained for Holy warfare then the blood drinking required of Me would no longer be required. There is a long list of things I will not do, either to save you from hell, or put money in My pocket. (I Am not asking you if you are an adrenal-chrome drinker. There are some rumoured activities that people obviously figure came from fiction and simply get sensationalised as fact. We call them conspiracy theories, for the most part. The problem is, these fuel the beliefs of rebellion. A fucker like Gurgevich feigning outrage over adrenal chrome drinking and harvesting because the whole world is not willing to worship him paying him tribute for fucking the family pig and entertaining his nieces with his erect penis. He can believe Winfrey earned her money drinking that blood in a cult and plenty of people can just dismiss that information and the information source as a lie.) Other than putting My own finger in My mouth when I had a paper cut, I have never consumed human blood. Now as an infant, that does not mean My mother (mumsy) did not serve Me some kind of blood adulterated meal. mumsy has murdered sixteen humans. She has never been arrested nor did those that suspected her decide they wanted to pursue the investigation.

mumsy's pre human life was a kind of other half (the Womb of Creation) interior to Lady Wisdom and partially shared with the LORD. Two human beings, even during coitus, still do not resemble the kind of two being union the first reproducing couple the LORD and Lady Wisdom resembled. The Men in Black movies were allowed to exist because they actually made some alien things come to life in the movies that had more LORD and Lady Wisdom resemblance than two copulating people. Jesus endured a great deal of humiliation on this earth to ensure that he was never put through the misery of knowing his (Jesus genetics were King David's genetics -- Biblical Israel) pre human Spirit existence again. Mumsy's genetics is that of Mary -- Jesus mother -- born again. More on mumsy as well as other web content revealing the mysteries of Heaven and how the interactions of flesh meant you ended up with Me in your face I will share in October-ish. Perhaps I will wait until Thanksgiving before delving into a larger launch of content. My flesh still requires recovery. Writing about mumsy, at this time, is not within the scope of My health. Indeed that may wait until 2026 or so. Jesus resurrection I have written about already.

What is the problem with the state of your messaging system as opposed to Mine, your messaging system being your connection to your share of Allness? While you as a person may have spent the better part of your life deluded with some kind of salvation idea -- a strong internal God direction -- you are still stuck with the reality of what your salvation amounts to. What is that salvation? You can work your goddamned ass off making the earth a paradise as My slave and go to hell, you can just go to hell, or you can work your goddamned ass off making the earth a paradise as My slave and have the benefit of a resurrection.

Regardless of how hard you work, North America is being wiped out. Why would you want to be My slave? Of course being My slave is a Spiritual arrangement that you demonstrate by obeying My orders as High Priest as everyone has to for salvation over the entire world. You want to be saved? There is one religion, the knowledge comes from Me. My physical person is not allowed to be ignored by My slaves. I either receive My wages (My estimate is about $220,000 /yr) or because the alternate is some kind of insane anarchy like the GOP funding Trump (and I lean toward republican) or Me being an anarchist collecting worshipers. My lemma with the wages/worshippers deal is why religious orders can co-exist with government. I Am the government as far as Heaven is concerned and wiping out humanity is how I Am supported in a world that refuses to acknowledge My person, legitimately.

Now this morning, June 1, God Almighty and Me were in a spat. For one thing, I had no notion of communicating anything to you. Then He started grinding on My psyche through My soul. To Me this letter is just another vain endeavour. How could it not be vain? I get My pay, tags, and mobile support so I can administer My office while keeping mumsy in My company. Of course, My home requires an attendant. Earlier today, while I was walking past Sam's Club, I thought I would be writing you a short demand. This short demand is the result of God Almighty's devilling Me.

"Send a team to euthanise My two cats, burn My home with all possessions in it -- to the ground. I would retain only the clothes on My back and My pack with some essentials. Then dump Me at Odessa. When I said dump, I mean; launch Me in a raft from about thirty miles out providing Me two oars. Dump mumsy at the Patterson Farm of Jehovah's Witnesses. Guess what, I, as flesh, would rally a nation from that humble beginning. Spirit would be pulling out the stops, as they say, for My care. It could be, Spirit would just start taking the life out of people the second they were near Me sparing only the people who bowed low and kissed the earth in submission in front of Me. This confiscation, burn, and relocation needs to be performed under written congressional order signed by Biden as a bill. No riders. the Bill needs to clearly state at its outset, 'We the people of the United States are ridding ourselves of the Christ..' I would need to draft the order and the United Nations would need to be notified."

North America is still summarily destroyed by Heaven, regardless. So, the question becomes, why give all that power, Moi, to Russia/Ukraine? The only thing that can be done in a type of preservation of North America is the destruction timed with My warfare campaigns to take Kingship of the continent enforcing martial law. I have no soldiers, now. So Heaven has carte blanche at making Me their King -- no interference. Obviously, sending Me to Odessa retires Me from the Corps. My High Priesthood holds until July 5, 2076. At that time I Am just a dictating King continuing to clean the earth sending the unrepentant to hell. I would most likely save Japan for last. Then this morning, after God Almighty had broadcast to Heaven what My alternative retirement from the Corps was Divined to be, he had Me drop the idea of even sending you a letter. I was instructed not to bother sending you a letter until I understood God Almighty needed Me to explain His need to rape you with torture.

The question becomes, how do I learn a thing like that, from the Divine, rape with torture is so vile. Right now, hell would succeed even if you lived every day in hell experiencing some rape with some torture. When I say succeed, I mean the perfection intended and life I want Jesus to have, is still fulfilled. Does it need to be that bad? No. It is possible for something less horrid, more like the nesting life of the Emperor Penguin parents was what I had in mind. God Almighty was furious with Me for that. It was too kind. You see God Almighty did not exist in Spirt, His identity, until I was conceived. What was before Me? When Jesus was conceived, Immanuel -- the Spirit, Star, Consciousness, that would be given My identity -- came into existence. Oh, with this big power Satan snatched up that God of the World contract and filled the Immanuel Identity. Then I was born. Ah, God Almighty knew how to become what He wanted to be, Me. How I judge is how He wanted to judge. So, there We have it. The transformation of God Almighty learning how much He, as what He loved, Me, was hated by all of you who proved how much you love the way He approached you with the Satan construct His identity was forced into being for about two thousand years. I have written a great deal about this in Herald articles and My health requires I stop on My God Almighty construct explanation there.

The Divine lesson on rape and torture initiated in HEB this morning as I was stalked by a uniformed rent-a-cop. Now, I have had some uncomfortable HEB shopping experiences, with black shirted HEB security and now this rent-a-cop stalking Me in the store ever since I kept the seizure victim alive at the HEB out at Flower Bluff. (Pentagon surveillance has the audio.) So My nerves are on edge every time I go in HEB since the stalking started. I have venomously dumped on God Almighty My looking "affordable" is unconscionable. In other words, if the same ugly fat Mexican rent-a-cop had seen Jennifer Lopez in HEB he would have known to stand back and take his glances discretely if he was even willing to risk looking in her direction. I look like something that Mexican can afford. That is an outrage. When fuckers look at Me they need to know at a glance, "This bitch -- if I go near her -- she will have Me thrown in prison for assault." They need to drop their eyes, at least. Now it took a while for God Almighty to calm Me down. As in, I could not rape, torture, and abuse that Mexican in HEB. But that is what God Almighty wants done to him. Now, We at TeamGOD are working to make sure, in no way do I look affordable -- in the rock'n hot hard body way that makes Me happy with Myself.

You, like everyone else, got to do the nasty, vile, cruel, deal cutting satisfiers that made you Commandant and others filthy rich. The twist in all of this is for Me to synthesise at the later time. My health does not permit detail. How prayers of heart work and the interactions you have benefited from leveraging Spirit with are explained in Herald articles.

It does not work that I do not have a vehicle. It does not work that I do not have a marine detail. It does not work that My metabolism was severed from Heaven. I Am no longer severed. The built up is much like a steam engine. Now, what changes for that dumb Mexican if I were in uniform? Not one fucking damn thing is different. He still goes to hell and North America is still destroyed. Things that I experience do not drive belief. Things I experience drive the ultimate outcome for individuals in My care. Honouring My service does not change you still go to hell and North America is still destroyed. What is more, you might not even believe you are going to hell. If you did, would it change your behaviour? What would you reflect on and want to atone for? At the end of hell you just die. There is no you. For there to be a you, again, you need to be resurrected. Die in the line of active duty and you have that. Retire out, you get nothing. That is the same as Milley, Berger, and of course others. They just go to hell. How do they get a resurrection chance? Well, I need to be acknowledged under pay and we start cleaning up North America, presumably. Milley gets to sign a form and come be a part of cleaning up North America. How do we do that? Let's go clean out Mexico, sweep to Panama. Everyone accepts My religion -- becomes a Christian -- and at the same time Heaven is doing mega destruction of the landscape and people as we work cleaning the continent looking for who wants to live. Out of the whole earth what we would be looking at is about 200,000,000 surviving people at kingdom fulfilment the earth over under My mighty hand of co-operative warfare over the Pentagon. (Right now, I Am the only survivor. Yes, I would build robots to do a great deal of work and the earth wold lend her internal fire to deal with overwhelming pollution.) Then after we have been busy cleaning down to Panama we return and clean out Canada and America, then We become a Kingship under Moi. Obviously, just storming Mexico is great, and unlikely, and it gets rid of major narcotic manufacture, stabilises segments of the American economy, transitions the military, and smoke screens the brutal, I Am being made the King by Heaven over earth by Jehovah's kingdom fulfilment, event. What diversionary warfare is there that even Biden might indulge before December? Taking Africa and the Middle East. You do not get whiff nor sniff of the Middle East without Me. Neither do you succeed, militarily, even in Africa, without Me. Your diplomats might bribe some Africans with money. That will last until the payments are missed.

Eventually, I would be holding a Kingship over the entire continent because there would be no governing civilian populous. In the mean time, if Trump watches Mar-a-Lago swept into the Atlantic in sections as miles of beach were heaved in new directions, even a few mountains lifting so that fucking swamp can drain properly, in one or two places, the look on his face, Fox News definitely needs to capture that shot. Christmas Day is the last day possible for American's, with the military to back Me, or the entire populous of North America is wiped out, expediently. Trump needs to see that Mar-a-Lago thing, don't you think? Other niggers are in a likewise place of them dying at the pace to serve hell.

A way God Almighty makes Me raging mad is to put Me in the place of being aware of a person who treats Me like I Am affordable. That is an outrage. I do not fuck. I live an abstinent life from all genital stimulus. I was forced to experience My own abilities to learn that God Almighty had bound Me in marriage to "Ted" and I was forced to honour that union as a marriage. He was not forced to make that marriage happen under contract, as I understood it, we would be going to the Justice of the Peace. My expectations based on belief are buzz-killed often and I still grieve "Ted." So, likewise, regardless of your believing in going to hell, you are going to hell. Not only that, God Almighty is not doing one damn thing so that you are not raped with simultaneity of torture in hell. He is also not doing one damn thing to force you to honour Me. I Am proven. There is a difference. Because I made room for salvation in My life of service, you do not get to leverage rewards from God Almighty. He is getting to do against you all that He wants to do.

You want Him to do nice for you, as in, not rape with torture in hell? You need to do honour toward Me as a human being. Now I tolerate a good deal. I have allowed people to think of Me that I Am some stupid la la MEBEWEBE excuse for a marine. I generally divert delivering any information with, "I Am not in a place to discuss those aspects of by duty." I Am slandered to My face when I Am met by veterans that I Am a worthless whore. I do not have reason to be in the company of service persons here in Corpus. This is a filthy fuck-hole with no reasonable places for a few uniformed persons to be in a public civilian place without raising suspicion. This is not Coronado Island, California nor Arlington, Virginia. The few soldiers I have seen are the kind of males that have spent more time doing twelve ounce curls and purging rather than even doing a moderate amount of body building. They sport those caterpillar-like-growth moustaches over their lip. They look like they are all competing to be in a YMCA remake video. I have seen some wives, or the fucking steady, outside the donut shop with the uniformed -- perhaps fly boy -- soldier she is willing to drive to base. She is fat. She is generally wearing advertica genetalia. Two problems, I look at her and all I can say to God Almighty is, "of course he is going to shop for a better fuck. He doesn't even have his own pinup." So she needs to work for her own resurrection, independently. How does she do that? They must move onto base together and she has to volunteer her time at least sixty hours a week, when he is deployed. It is things like that. What were the two problems? I can't remember that now. After I explained she is his excuse for infidelity only two problems seem to be off by a centum at least.

Every male in the military I have observed in uniform with some female thing doing shopping, or driving, or some obvious we fucked each other at least once and might be married activity has a female that looks like she fucks in the academic sense of, "I will let you have this from me but you are crazy if you think you get anything else." Now I can write volumes on how wrong and vile it is for males to maintain a life with a female who does not keep herself pretty and fit. But, marriage is what it is. That is the contract of, till death do you part. A male who refuses to seek and keep a pretty female is himself defective. When a male looks at Me for the purpose of fucking Me, in the state I Am in, he is the vilest filth on the planet. A male is required to demand for is dick his own perfection. Did he get excited over Miss January? That is one of those, the God of Man instinct things. That means when you let your wife be lazy about her appearance you set yourself up to make a side hustle fucking with another person happen. What changes that dynamic? God Almighty says, "An iron fisted High Priest, stupid!" My religion, soul, explains how Allness then to LORD with all the LORD, the Son, engineered into existence once Allness was able to tuck away My identity into a hard coded eternal matter. I have no knowledge of existing before My conception. I Am the blueprint for All Creation to be able to have life because only I can dictate how all energy is organised so more than one being can exist. I have written at length about this topic in Herald articles.

God instinct things are why so many fuckers exist in this world and they still regard themselves as moral. They are why you even get a little peeved at the inconvenience of having to live with the burden of not shoving in your wife's face all the others you have fucked and you know it is her fault. Fucking not spouse is not moral. Saint Paul made a list of the sins of the flesh. Saint Paul also made a list of fruits of the Spirit -- the love, joy, peace, long-suffering, mildness, self control, goodness -- I can't recall the others at present. But, people doing immoral things have obviously been rewarded with these fruits. If you were experiencing God's anger as your dick got hard and you were moving in for penetration you would be feeling a sensation that told you --no. It doesn't work that way. There is no Spirit force that stops you from the God of Man instinct things. You decide your own criteria for fucking. Truth be told, if I were approached by one of the soldiers that I had seen on My travels, all I could do was ask him, "please, marry Me first." He was here in Corpus. He is related, by Heavenly coincidence, to My "Ted." Now, he, the Soldier, just kept on walking. I diverted his attention from looking too closely at Me by speaking to him about his comrade that was now paces behind Me and apparently a little irritated. It was mid February and most likely the coldest day of the year in Corpus. He was the only person I would be required to marry to uphold some batshit stuff (meaning Biden, Austin, and Congresses continued allowance to fuck Me over some more without the retribution of Heaven destroying North America.)

I pass these milestones and then God Almighty digs even more. What did I do with what God Almighty wants to do. Well I covered a bunch of bases of reasoning with My overall concerns about, "How do We make the perfection happen that I deemed Jesus died for?" and then June 2, 2024 in the morning I took it upon Myself to be the sin repository that makes the perfecting happen without torturing you, or anyone else in hell. Therefore, you can pay me alms, okay -- honour My military service -- and we can make hell a little less miserable, perhaps even rewarding -- like really passionate sex.

So, how about that, I Am closing NAS-CCAD? In a few years time, based on no military cooperation, that base with all the others will be closed. Personally I liked the idea of making a Special Forces Training Sanctuary out of it. No, civilian traffic, starting from the ground up, as it were, building a leaner, more cost effective, long term American military solution. Alas, that rests on Austin. There is no survival in all of this for any American military personnel without Me. No, the opportunity to support Me with dead drops ended with Berger.

There is a lengthy sermon that goes with this letter. It was delivered Sunday morning. Pentagon Surveillance has the audio. I extended an invitation to fellow marines to provide the minimum way of improving your life in hell. You want the orgasm experience, in hell, you need to make room for Me at the Pentagon and we shuffle the American government personnel under My umbrella of protection, kinda. You have now received an official We at TeamGOD are sorry you recovered from that heart attack letter. You are a disgrace against Warfare, thus far. Rape with simultaneous torture, well, Taylor Swift has that coming too. Do you think you are in good company now?

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Dr. H.L. MacRae "mac" Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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