“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High Priest"America the Beautiful" -- How Jehovah Is Perfected
macDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High Priest"America the Beautiful" -- How Jehovah Is Perfected

 Actor Direction Briefings 

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

"America the Beautiful" -- How Jehovah Is Perfected
December 10, 2024

Vladimir Putin

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"Little Devil" you know I love you. America has for itself a problem, I opine. My perspective, is that America's Secretary of Defense should be running to Me to fulfil his Heavenly calling as steward over the military that was built to clean Heaven's house. This would be their doing as people what fulfils Heaven.


Oh beautiful for spacious skies for amber waves of grain. For purple mountain majesties above the fruited plain. America! America! God shed His grace on thee. And crown thy good with brotherhood from sea to shining sea. Oh beautiful for pilgrims feet whose stern impassioned steps a thoroughfare for freedom beat across the wilderness. America! America! God mend thine every flaw. Confirm thy soul in self control thy liberty in law. Oh beautiful for heroes proved in liberating strife who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life. America, America may God thy gold refine. Till all success be nobleness and every gain divine. Lift high the cross unfurl the flag. May they forever stand. United in our hearts and hopes God and our native land. America! America! may God thy love increase. Till wars have past and earth at last may follow Christ in peace.
This song is now fulfilled.

Epistle's Erudition

I Am. I Am flesh. I Am not afraid to fearlessly speak for Heaven. I Am not afraid of the battle. I relish it. I Am simply expecting them to do as I do. The LORD only needed one. Out of My good nature, brotherhood, I extend an invitation to those, that in My opinion, have a problem. The LORD only needing one bit is why by comparison you are that special one you are, now. You question, "who is Jehovah? I shall answer in this letter.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

There has been shifting of houses and alliances in Heaven since July 1, 2019. Christmas is when the new formation is frozen with the gift of matrimony. This system is in place until Jehovah's kingdom is fulfilled. These American fuckers -- the title devil should be assigned with caution and respect -- have the burden of coming to Me extolling on Me praises for saving the LORD, and, further, begging Me to assign them duties to fulfil what the Ggods deem cleans their landscape. No one in America has been anything but a testy asshole to Me. That I Am patient with these people is a function of what they are required to do to get Christly attention from Me. Try as these fuckers do, trying My patience, I will not give-in and give any of them elevation over Heaven. Most people engage with Me on the, "You are no better than me" chip on their shoulder voice and body language. This ties into how My circumcised heart makes Divining a reverse process, as it were, Spirit Divines - orgies into Me -- for information.

There is a proverb. Did you go surety with a stranger? Badger them with questions. From Egypt horses and cats were Divined by people in cooperation with the Ggods. The Gypsy moved with horses to the Steppe. Cats made up their own minds who was going to be their slave. Clearly, Greece has a great climate and plenty of rats. If food stows away in the bilge, so does the hunter.

Noah, post flood, is the father of Japanese no different than he is father of the indigenous peoples of the Americas. Noah produced dogs and pigs no different than ancient Egyptians produced horses and cats.

Jehovah is the god construct built up to be the mega ba'al running Heaven from the Allness composite forming across, with, and through the generations of flesh from Jesus death. Before Jesus, the Allness' construct was not Jehovah. I will write about before Jesus another time. Essentially, Jesus was to be the culmination of the pre Jesus Allness construct of Heaven turning Heaven into a perfect Ba'al. Satan "smelled a rat" -- to borrow from Sam Adams famous take on General George Washington's continental body of chums.. The second opportunity for this construct to be perfected was with mumsy's birth. If I don't call her mumsy, I need to resort to saying, "The woman whose vagina I passed through to enter the world." Which is shorter copy? mumsy.

In My opinion, the Germans do an outstanding job of coining phrase. Weltanschauungen was a word that scrolled across My saved laptop screen. That I would use the word-a-day screen saver is most likely a no brainer. The world view of a group by definition -- or default -- is gestalt on its own. What would be the word that distances one from their birth mother in the way that acknowledges I came though her but I Am not of her. She did raise Me as a single parent. I have not, to My knowledge, had any contact with My father from the time mum and dad divorced.

Evidently, My mother thrust Me at him for his sexual gratification when she decided to wield her, "I birthed your progeny, you owe me, so I don't have to do you anymore" act at him. Yep, that gets a divorce. Dady did not do Me. Yes, My life would have been infinitely better in My father's care. Mumsy worked the courts. Dad moved out. Dad did not pay child support. It was demanded of him. Hawaii law forgave him after seven years of mumsy's refusal to do the legal work to collect it.

To find the word Weltanchauungen, again, I opened My dictionary app on My Mac, used the search function, and scrolled through the Ws alternating vowels as the second character. The defining of the Weltanschauungen of Jehovah I do first. Once Hell is fully peopled the refining happens. This refining is like drilling down as knowns are identified, in sequence, until, at last, perfection is defined -- the Weltanschauungen of the LORD.

What came into the world with Jesus conception was the Star, Spirit, Immanuel. How astrologers are led by a star has much to do with them following what winks at them, from the Divine, when they look at the night sky. You can call it a vision stunt if you like. I do. Vision stunt being adding embellishment to what the eye perceives by Ggodly mental tampering with the human. This inclination to follow the perceived twinkle is represented with children walking toward the patch of blue shy to avoid the rain cloud. Few people, children especially, do things like that anymore. Find some blue sky on the rainy day Putin, follow it, and there I will be. Otherwise I like walking in the fog and in the falling snow. Nothing is quite as playful as a snowball in an early snowfall. By February, we are over it. How the twinkle, moving star worked so that to the naked eye this movement could be observed is like so: Each night the astrologers observed a particularly bright star. That star was there, in the same place -- relative to our perspective -- the night before. The Ggods these astrologers were longing to appease increased the perception, in the astrologers mind, of the next star overs brightness from the night before in the direction they wanted the band of treasure bearers to follow This is how Easter Island was found with Hawaii likewise. What is astounding is that these people knew to just give gifts to this impoverished family lodging in a barn. What do people do today? Take the child and turn it into a sex slave. No one in their right minds would just assume some strangers are going to use their wealth to raise the child properly. Clearly, these astrologers had given the gift needed knowing the Ggods would make sure that child was used in the way that glorified them. As far as baby Jesus narratives go, this is the real deal. And you know it.

Let's get back to Jehovah. America's military was allowed to exist provided it made room, and only if it made room, to uphold the one who would save, preserve, beautify, perfect, glorify, praise, and balance Heaven. The JW's built that corporate-equivalent governing structure in Heaven that I use to perfect Jehovah, should you refuse My closing paragraph offer. America does nothing of the kind, thus far. They have until Christmas to honour Me. Without honouring Me what the Corpus Christi region built is enforced against flesh while I protect Heaven. I protect Heaven, Heaven protects Me. I wait. I do not hold My breath as I wait. Isn't that a funny reflex. Humanity is forced to take a breath. A person must be mechanically, or chemically altered to end their breathing. People can suffer long periods of torture bleeding out a goodly amount of blood providing they have breath. Their heart can even beat irregularly.

I talked about Spirit orgying into Me for information. Well, I Am fighting for this to be only one being that does that. Satan, Jesus, and mumsy are that being that make the one. This is a long time away Putin.

Putin, as most executives hit the last paragraph for the conclusion-of-the-matter, summary of the letters contents, I Am writing this now, long before I have concluded. The letter's contents have small relation with this concluding paragraph. Your fleshly opportunity over the next year is; host Me in Russia and for the remainder of your life, which should come close to -- but won't exceed -- one thousand years, means Russia will have one thousand years of stability before being cut in three. You will not loose your kingdom. You will be the individual doing the work across Eurasia's continental populous -- sans China , Himalayan range is the boundary -- perfecting Jehovah with My interaction with the Divine -- countering, encouraging, supporting -- with the necessary sacrifice that empowers you do do this grand deed for Heaven. I Am in Corpus. Slavery just might be the better life preserver for you. You have a year from Christmas to host Me. (Putin, hedge, host Me the instantaneous reflex My flesh experienced without your hosting Me is a horror meaner than war atrocities are famous for. Russians will be devoured -- they are a toughs seeming lot, at present, so devouring them as a people is difficult to believe.) Russia's boundaries would expand into Europe. Do I expect to be hosted? Let's just say I want fine things, and this is a way to get fine things. America is over regardless of My presence, and, further, not one person has done even one thing -- and they are required to -- so that I can make them any kind offers toward longevity. If you fail to host Me, all the glories I would have received and all that would have come to you, Spirit has to pay Me with -- directly. American fuckers come to Me, as I said in the first paragraph, and for that begging all they get is to be a remnant populous under mad mac ha ha. (Like Mad Max -- Thunderdome -- only mac.) They also have to obey My demands. Russia would only benefit, as in have longevity as a populous -- be a remnant -- with the military being reformed under My hand as I stated in earlier, mad -- think crazy if you like -- sounding, correspondence. I display anger, mad, to others. You get the velvet hammer like piano strings. At this time, the populous of the whole earth drops to about fifty million when Jehovah's kingdom is fulfilled. Then they die off even further.

the Christ
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LtG. H.L. MacRae "mac" Dukes PhD
USMC Special Forces
Pentagon High Priest
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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