“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreUs Perfected
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreUs Perfected

Dog Paddle

from the True God's First Ashore

Us Perfected

September 8, 2019
revised August 1, 2020


Adam related the true God's commandment to Eve. 'Do not eat the fruit of the tree.' What did Adam add? Adam added an understanding that to touch the tree, you die. What was Adam saying? Just don't touch that tree, Eve, and all will be well.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Us Perfected

Let's listen in,

“Aren't you being denied all the fruit in your garden?”

(A question in the negative to raise doubt. If the birds of heaven were starting to descend on the fruit trees in the garden, eating the ripe fruit before others, as Satan was progressing with Adam's thinking is not written.)

“Only the fruit we die from. We aren't to touch the fruit we die from. Or we die.”
“You will not die.”

(If you touch it, unsaid.)

“Eat it. God knows that you will be like gods knowing good and evil when you eat it.”

That was a true statement.

Adam related the true God's commandment to Eve. Do not eat the fruit of the tree. What did Adam add? Adam added an understanding that to touch the tree, you die. What was Adam saying? Just don't touch that tree, Eve, and all will be well. Well-meaning council. Or, perhaps, Adam simply did not ask Eve what her understanding was of the command he related. He was newly in command of a woman.

The logic: if she never touches the tree, she cannot die from eating it. Adam exaggerated the consequences in Eve's mind in his explanation of the true God's commandment. Touching might lead to eating. Exaggerated speech meant to solve the problem of keeping Eve away from the tree. Satan wrapped throughout the tree touching branches and fruit undermined the threat from touching the tree.*

Earning Command

Did Adam know Eve was going to be asked to touch that tree? No beast spoke to him. Outside of the true God and Eve what could speak to Adam's mind? The true God never uses idolatry to speak to His creation. He hates idolatry. Satan uses idolatry. Eve was easy fodder for Satan. Satan's little "white" lie omitting the truth was her avenue of seduction to destroy humanity. For Satan, a spirit being, to know good and evil did not kill her on its own. Humans, however, are fragile.

Knowledge of evil is enough to end our life. We have inadequate means to know what truth is when faced with a lie. Once the true God's knowledge alone fills the earth, we will live without dying. Reading the Bible everyday with prayer is our lifeline to survive sin.

What did Adam still lack with Eve? Credibility. Satan did not put the fruit in her mouth. Eve after the lie saw the fruit was desirous. Why not? She had already been infected with being told good and evil. Truth and lies. She was bound to be intrigued by the tree of good and evil. Eve did not yet possess the tool to say, "Adam is my Lord and master, I will obey him, go away talking snake." To gain obedience from one, against the voice of all others, requires earning trust.

Obedience is the Command with a Promise, It Will Go Well with You

Eve did not know who was telling her the truth. Had Eve been able to be obedient past her concern over who was telling her the truth, no issues. Had Eve called on Adam before eating the fruit -- and that is assuming she could have, those two lies polluted her -- she would have had her curiosity satisfied. Adam would have learned how he could have given instructions with a clearer understanding. And last but not least, Adam would not have been in the position of realizing his explanation to her effectively left her with the wrong understanding. That understanding was the wedge to destroy what he loved most, her.

Eve defended her understanding. She was obedient until challenged. Satan polluted her thinking. Had Eve been unswerving in standing behind Adam's request to keep her hands off the tree, and waited on him, we would be better off. She decided to trust her judgment and did not obey Adam.

Lies, Even the White Ones, are Evil

Adam related to Eve an instruction with a misunderstanding. Satan told the truth with a critical omission that was in itself a lie. The littler the lie, i.e. an omission, the greater the seduction. And those little white lies confuse the issue. Liars will not inherit the true God's Kingdom. Satan practiced evil and is dying. Adam and Eve took ownership of knowledge of evil and died. Just think, humanity can fornicate its wits out if it chooses and has a 'good' life in Satan's world before it dies. Or you can have the guts to live. Are you man enough to stop fornicating?

Women, be obedient to your husbands. Husbands you answer directly to the true God for how you talk to your wife. In fairness they were not yet one flesh but regarded married. Had they been regarded one flesh prior to Eve's eating Adam would not have needed to eat that fruit to die. Adam and Eve had intercourse after being poisoned with knowledge of evil. Sin entered our blood from our parents. Our inheritance from Satan.

Mind, Heart, then Deed

Eating the fruit imparted the knowledge of good and evil. Eating the fruit meant breaking one of the true God's commandments, evil on its own. First, the fruit was noticed as good for food, a thought. Before eating it had to be desirable, involve the heart. This meant the heart tasted evil. Obedience would have saved us. Had Eve walked away once enticed after seeing the fruit was good then desirable, the true God could have helped her. Both Adam and Eve would have benefited from assistance at avoiding the tree. Satan would have been at least removed as an Edenic cherub.

For the act to be binding and lead to death, tasting the fruit, a physical act had to happen. Eating that fruit involved more than a thought experiment. It involved the act of eating. Having a thought about the tree did not kill. Our thoughts are a place of refuge where we sort through the good and bad and then act on, this involves the heart, the good or the bad. Was this merciful compared to the intolerance for committing wrongdoing in the heart fornicators face? It was the same. Someone married has tasted relations, the physical act, and was imagining them on another in their heart. They were in the act. (Boom!)

Everyone marred by sin is dead. To have life means that the true God has deemed us worthy of entering His Kingdom. At the end of Christ's reign, all humanity is judged by the true God each individual according to their works. The true God watches what we do and reads our motives, our hearts.

Us Perfected, the True God's Kingdom

What are our minds full of? Memories and knowledge of the ways evil exists. That knowledge is what is deadly to humans. The sins we and others have committed, sins we learned about and ways we could have sinned but did not, are stored. To have knowledge of evil, opposite good, has a death sentence. The true God does not allow our memories of what evil is to prevail in His Kingdom. What knowledge we would have of blood relatives, places we lived, people we knew and the languages we spoke is unknown. What is certain? The clean slate in the true God's Kingdom is us perfected.