“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreTo Fornicate or Not to Fornicate, that Is the Question?
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreTo Fornicate or Not to Fornicate, that Is the Question?

Dog Paddle

from the True God's First Ashore

To Fornicate or Not to Fornicate, that Is the Question?

January 27, 2020
revised August 1, 2020


Religion produces helpless men and women with no defences for protecting their boundaries. One fornication type begets another. Fornication has the forms: religious, sexual, and unwitting.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

To Fornicate or Not to Fornicate, that Is the Question?

The sacrifice of Jesus, resurrected to Heaven the Lamb -- Christ one, redeems us from the unwitting, but we must demonstrate repentance from religious and sexual fornication, or we are judged wicked. mac is Christ two, in this context. She is immortal and in your face for perversion.

The True God Takes the Hit
The Prophet's Plight

Hosea took a wife of whoredom, twice. With Hosea's life and children born to him, the true God was illustrating His relationship with Israel and Judah. Humanity is saved through the Christ. Jesus born sinless of parents on this earth with sin in their blood, unwitting fornication by definition. (Satan gave us that.)

Husband and Wife Defined

The act of sexual relations has a dramatic climax of pleasure leaving actors breathless with the word's, "oh God" for a reason. Catch the significance of the "G" here. It is a reflex response to orgasm. The true God intended orgasm's reward in matrimony as an expression of profound appreciation for the sex act of worship that included the true God and occurred between husband and wife. Husband being the leader hereby known as man. Wife being the obedient one hereby known as woman. (In mac and God Almighty's future case, Husband being the leader, masculine one: hereby known as Man. Wife being the obedient, feminine one: hereby known as Woman.) Genitals do not exist in the definition. The words male and female define genitals. A sex act that does not include the willing spouse as the only other participant is fornication. Postscript, masturbating to god is worshiping Satan.

Dick's Last Resort

The true God, the second time around, His last resort, took a gem of whoredom. The gem, a child raped by her mother's hand of neglect dumping her offspring on the; surfer-dude-pot-head trash of the North Shore. Waimea Bay pounds the true God's anger over despising His love at conception. He is profaned by the perverse prayers made to idols and Satan's litany of false gods. This has occurred over thousands of years and into our "time."

How do you know the Truth of our preamble? Just discover that with one prayer. The power of closeness with the true God will transform your life. Years We worked together to fit mac for Her role.

Keeping Count of the Injury, No No

God ignores the total count of the staggering number of times He has been raped by prayers of the ignorant. These prayers, tantamount to what produces a whore. His righteousness cannot be perverted. His righteousness is the future of humanity. The reason sexual perversion entered religion is because worshiping anything other than the true God, without accurate knowledge of who He is, is religious fornication. Following the Mosaic Law compensated for ignorance allowing humans to have healthy families.

How Religion Fails
Pot Kettle Argument

Those that hate being in the act of fornication do not learn from religion how to prevent those acts from happening to them. Not being ashamed of your genitals and person before the true God in prayer is required. Intimacy like that requires seeking Him in prayer often, and when your body is talking to you. Are you hungry? What for? If your penis was responding to exogenous stimulus would you pray for the blood flow to be quelled? Do you understand the basic physiology of your reproduction system?

Penis, Scrotum, Anus, Vagina, Clitoris, and Labial Folds

Reproductive knowledge is not required. (Israel understood where sons and daughters came from. God asks, "Do you even know in what century modern medicine understood the sperm and egg?") Use the language of your genitals when praying to the true God immediately in "Jesus' name" before sin victimises an unwitting person. This is required to eliminate fornication from your life. That is number one. Is it your wife arousing that interest? Find a place of concealment and enjoy. Next, number two, you must learn the true God's identity. He will release His name but first He is going to make sure religion, Satan's agents, knows they cannot touch it first. Fucking God must stop. That is why you cannot stop fucking.

Honour to the True God
The Crux

The true God is honoured only when individuals go to Him in prayer, seek to know Him, and live their life to improve their knowledge of who He is each day. A daily Bible reading diet builds you. Without that you are blind and deaf to the true God. You must read for yourself and learn to read if you cannot. Yes, mac realizes what she just asked of adults who are illiterate enough to read this article.

What Knowledge Does for the Relationship

Knowledge of who He is prevents you from raping Him in your prayers. Calling Him "God," "true God," or "God of Jesus" works fine. So, also does, "Yahveh" in an effort to use the YHVH (YHWH) of the Tetragrammaton. Praying to gods; Jehovah, Ba'al, Satan, Mary, or any other "deity" is rape against "God." The true God saved the mental vehicle of prayer for himself, and, further, He saved sexual relations between married persons to be a Holy act of worship that blessed humanity with the ecstasy of perceiving His love for His creation for ourselves between husband and wife. Worship to Him included the sexual act reserved only for lawful marriage. One vows to lead, and one vows to obey.

You Don't Know Smut
The Rare Attention to Women

mac can write smut. But she has not, yet. She does not write to appeal to people desperate to preserve their false dignity from their hypocritical need to fornicate to get their spouse, or live-in fuck. These will always hate the truth about fornication. mac writes to grab the leader. A male; grabbed at his scrotum though his throat. A female her ovaries, reached orally. (She does not want to lose her hand touching the actual objet d'art.)

mac's Competition

mac's competition for a modern leaders' attention is a five-foot-two blonde screaming "fuck me" whilst her head is beaten against a wall-mural headboard in a fucking competition between rapists. The true God is frothing with rage at the fornication of this world. Those profiting from fornication with religion or sex earn harsh discipline because you bear the mark of the beast. (How about festering sores for all participants?) Human traffickers, fornication profiteers worship the beast, Satan's empire of gluttony.

Mock for A Knock

Do not mock the true God. He has mercy for repentant ones and those that have lost their conscience over time through rape. His spirit of correction and righteous judgment pour out on humanity because of His prophet's writings in our seven weeks the sixty-two-weeks and into the last week. While not bowls of wrath, those are after everyone on this earth knows exactly who the true God is, the prophet's porridge is served, now.

Repentance in Female
Gametes, Wired to the Heart

A repentant female will seek to build a relationship with the true God to reclaim the feeling of worth her virtue during virginity afforded. The virtue she lost fornicating with her then not-spouse. Since sex is part of Holy worship, the truffle here is, she was worshiping that not-spouse as a standalone false god. Not-spouse, do you know the penalty for being a false god? Y'all best start reading that Bible, daily. This means that shame of the genitals includes shame to thank God during that magnificent orgasm. Yep, when you want to shout, "Ye-Ha thank you God" in that moment of ecstasy, think of the sacrifice the Christ made and that great meal sex with your spouse is.

Sex God designed to honour Him. The act of sex only honours the true God when a couple is monogamous in honouring one another and their marriage vows. One is the leader and one is the obedient one. (FYI, righteous leadership is completely defined in the Bible.) That is the part the true God writes with everything He does.

What a Rebuilt Acts Like

A repentant woman, emotionally rebuilt, can focus on satisfying her spouse in love and union with the true God rather than punishing him, the infamous pussy whipping, for the sin's she indulged in under his duress. Just a note; a female that does not feel duress, discomfort, regret, shame, hurt, or betrayal for premarital sex is a whore. She is not a strong candidate for repentance. Ah, that man got a gem that will fuck his brains out indefinitely. Just be sure the bacon is always in your pan. (God forbid your job loose you.)

We find ourselves desperate to be something other than "single" or worse condemned for "divorced." (Every government form is galling.) A person's capitulation to his assailant, the one pressing him into fornication for the 'pleasure' of company needs to heal. The assailant owns a judgment against him, and must build that relationship with the true God or be judged wicked. Marriage will not help after fornication without many prayers and acts of repentance.

The Filthy Male
Your Peccadilloes

Males, trust us, not one needs company that; urinates adjacent to the toilet bowl, fails to clean the tissue pocket of his foreskin that accumulates dried urine, uses the shower to "sanitise" his masturbation stealing sexual energy and pleasure from his spouse, uses his spouse's cooking as his excuse for obesity and not his daily binges at fast-food drive-ins' or his drunken cart caddied rounds of golf -- where the entitled bastard has no appreciation for "holding" his liquor -- and, the coup d'état, desiring another partner with, "I could fuck that." Oh yes, let us not leave out the attitude of ingratitude that has no appreciation for domestic gifts. Recall the true God provided the personification of homemaking grandeur in the Christ's bride, new Jerusalem.

The Consequence of Filth

Men fornication has adulterated you until you are the cause of humanities problems from your own lusts without Satan's influence. Abyss Satan today -- a thought experiment -- without the influence of a relationship with the true God and experiencing the blessing of serving Him, only the abuse of your wife who can take half "your" assets can punish you in a way that delivers some righteousness against your lust for fornication. But an ex-wife still is not enough to get through to you that you are creating whores. Why? You go out and create wife number two through fornication. You never learned the lesson the law delivered taking half "your" assets.

A second postscript. How you treat that wife of your youth is your saving grace of assets before the true God. Hurt the obedient one? Ah, more porridge.

The Three Fornications

The true God hates whore creation. He is the only one who can keep us free from fornication. Fornication is from; false religion, sexual relations outside of legal (not common law) marriage, and, sadly, what we are all unwittingly subjected to the sin in our blood that we inherited.

In the true God's eyes common law marriage is fornication. Harness your strength with God's blessing and strength or receive His discipline. False religion means calling on the true God with false knowledge of who He is. Stop raping Him. He blesses conduct that is in harmony with His will. He does not listen to the prayers of the wicked. The words of the prayer He keeps in mind as documenting who an individual is. He is not able to build a relationship with those that do not know who He is. Our unwitting participation in fornication because sin is in our blood, is one of the many gifts that the sacrifice of the Christ redeemed us from. We owe good conduct toward our heavenly parents to prove our repentance.

When we fall victim to sin -- perhaps, again -- get up. Make that prayer, rebuild our relationship with the true God recommitting ourselves to keeping His commandments. He is not a bean counter. He is a bean provider. Learn who the true God and the Christ are. A closer relationship with the true God blesses our lives and leaves us only guilty of what we cannot fix, unwitting sin, until we enter His Kingdom resurrected without sin in our blood.