“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreSolomon's 666 A Year
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreSolomon's 666 A Year

Dog Paddle

from the True God's First Ashore

Solomon's 666 A Year

January 26, 2020
revised August 1, 2020


It is no coincidence that a beast of wanton gluttony was given a man's name with a Jeopardyesque clue that one who understands wisdom will understand. The name that stands for the number six hundred sixty-six, Solomon.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Solomon's 666 A Year

But wait, tolls on travellers, merchant traffic, and tribute from governors and regents all over Arabia, more income for Solomon. It is no coincidence that a beast of wanton gluttony was given a man's name with a Jeopardyesque clue that one who understands wisdom will understand. The name that stands for the number six hundred sixty-six, Solomon.

John, a child of Israel, knew exactly the recorded gold, in what we know as the book of Kings, for Solomon's landmark wealth. We are a world of gluttons. Two billion consumers itching to come on-line from the east grab at affluence corporate globalism promises. Our profligate waste of the earth and sea are ending. Our game changing seven weeks. The true God is on the move. Sheep let us rock this without rolling into the abyss. The true God has made clear His hatred of fornication and blood guilt, and the destruction of His earth is not allowed. Christendom preaches it. They just just have no way of walking it.

Wisdom's Gold

The irony of Solomon's wealth, it scarcely lasted beyond his lifetime. He set Israel and Judah's stage for fornication with false gods. There is so little evidence of his kingdom that archaeologists and anthropologists question whether Solomon's kingdom actually existed. That is not a coincidence. Pervert wisdom and justice with fornication and viola, oblivion. Just imagine how quickly enemies to globalism could wipe out this world's economy of glutton's in just a few decades.

After thirty years the only evidence of the water bottling industry is in landfills along with chemical manufacturers, and petroleum dependent giants. Automobiles sitting along-side the road, so plentiful. The homeless choose between a Jag convertible or a Mercedes SLK for repose. The window had been broken out a few years before for the gold on the computer mother boards scavengers harvested.

Do you like petroleum products? Do you like your wealth from them? Corporate profits are not going to be allowed favour over the cost to the earth. Do you think the true God took possession of those lands on accident? They are for His people not terrorists or gluttons raping His earth and impoverishing the masses in slavery with Sodomizing wages. Yes, Middle East, you are on notice. Roll a fat one and commiserate with the president of Mexico.

The Serpentine Misfortune

Iron legs supporting the golden head of Nebuchadnez'zar's kingdom under the bronze hips of Greece and Rome, scrutiny with provision is here. The industrial revolution that transformed the western world must be dealt the full costs of production, negative externalities, and all. This from the days of your company founders; forward. Do you have one hundred years of pollution to account for? For every ounce of material, you use in production and expend impacting the environment, including consumer packaging in landfills, you will indemnify the nation under "God." This is the true God's free market solution to the dilemma you did not know you possessed beyond the lies you serpentine onto EPA permits.

Pass these to the consumer or stockholder. You may not take so much as one nickel from your employees. They are slave enough to your greed even now. Do you understand this notice kings of Sodom -- a.k.a. corporate presidents? Under the true God, every corporation selling so much as one good on U.S. soil participating in global markets the world over makes monetary reparations to the United States government or moves its entire legal and physical holdings to a nation that wishes to continue atheism as its national religion. Your goods may not be peddled on U.S. soil without sanctions meaner than those on a Cuban cigar.

The Story of the Profit

Pollution is not the only offender. Corporations globalized to China and India these eastern 'shepherds' are under discipline. You bear the mark of a glutton as well. Not one molecule or millisecond from these two nations may contribute to goods sold on U.S. soil. If Hong Kong does not achieve complete autonomy from China as an independent nation, leave Hong Kong. Oh, why? The privilege and burden of our time is the plagues against gluttons of this world. These plagues correct gluttonous behaviour. Clean-up and labour restructure keep you nestled in the land of the free long term. Again, the U.S. can change its stand to one nation under "god" on all documentation the world over.

The East
Life for a Life

The Satanic perversion of China forcing abortions as a government and the perversion of India's fornications is an abomination to the true God. These governments are blood guilty. Consumerism these can accomplish on their own with their own work force diverted from their military and impoverished.

Relax Rising Sun

China does not earn the right to destabilize their neighbours after condoning murdering females to curb its population and fuel its military with males. That China steals western technology, unfortunate. You iron legs may not defend commercial enterprise with government assets and identify yourselves as a force under "God."

China is now under the mighty hand of the true God for their murders, all of them. Note, the moment of conception defines life's beginning. Why? Conception is tantamount to the true God giving His word to that new life. You did not make Him a liar you simply committed murder. The true God is accounting for those lives.

China's Porridge

China, for your blood guilt you are no longer allowed a dictatorship of one voting party. Legalize a completely democratized government determined by popular vote with no partially distributed between peoples by February 12, 2021, Noon Beijing time. The warning against you falls on February 12, 2020, Noon Beijing time. Draft a legal commitment terminating communism and institute the popular vote demanded by the 2021 new year.

On the date and time of warning your naval forces will become the laughingstock of the seven seas. The true God will target ranking naval officers of every command. They benefit from His personal correction with dumbfounding confusion. Completely befuddled in the commencement of even their mundane duties docks China's navy. Confusion is only the beginning. Ah, what Pharaoh of Egypt witnessed. How many did you murder China?

Also, on the date and time of warning, China, banking data transmissions from financial institutions that have so much as one affiliate on U.S. soil will be inexplicably interrupted in each direction at the true God's hand. The only reliable means of data transmission for those transactions selected by Him will be paper and person to person. Capital river, drying.

India Legalizes Jaw Dropping Fornication

India your hypocrisy of fornication is staggering. You legalize the act of fornication and prevent the protection of marriage. Open legal marriage for same sex couples or make the act of fornication illegal. The affluence of trading with the nation under "God" is ending. July 4, 2020 at 6:01 a.m. eastern time, U.S. India your river of technology is drying up.

Like an aquifer valve the true God will terminate your electron conduit supplying data to corporations and government agencies on U.S. soil at His choosing. You will not be able to harvest, store, manage, cloud, mine, or exchange data under the hand of discipline from the true God. This will worsen until marital rights are equal between homosexual and heterosexual couples or fornication for both receives the same legal sentence. Enjoy writing parliament. You India have legalized the perversion of the true God's sheep within your boarders and losing your technology contracts is the first plague to come online.

The only reliable means of data transmission for those transactions selected by God will be paper and person to person. That certainly takes longer than milliseconds.