“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreDo It with Your Own Hands
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreDo It with Your Own Hands

Dog Paddle

from the True God's First Ashore

Do It with Your Own Hands

January 1, 2020
revised August 1, 2020


The true God does not pronounce death sentences and does not force His will on others. God learns from how we treat others How He may teach us. Only others can choose a death sentence for themselves by what they do to others or by what they choose to do for themselves.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Do It with Your Own Hands

Noah upheld the true God's covenant and built an ark. The true God upheld Noah's word on his sons. Our faithfulness to God means He sees to it our will He does when we are righteous.

The Truth About the First Family

Satan was not forced to do God's will, and God could not destroy Satan. Without these limits Satan sought to get Love from her Father and rule with Him as Father and son. Satan was seeking being almighty experiencing orgasm with her Father. Satan had loyal followers, fellow spirit family, because of her great beauty. Can you just see how Satan was convinced that she deserved to be a greater being than her mother? (Yes, Satan was the first-created spirit son of Father and mother. Satan is a female whore now.)

With this problem in education, God and the Christ created a weaker being -- in their image -- than a spirit being, planted them on earth, and God took His Sabbath. With the creation of physically weak godly beings, God and the Christ knew they created perfection meaning righteousness would be sought by all creation, over time. Adam and Eve were created with the seed to produce God's woman and Christ's man, but this woman and man would only exist if sin came into existence. Satan promised to love man, and insisted that a means be installed in the garden to prove it.

The tree bestowed knowledge of badness that made the tree a death sentence for humanity. God installed Satan over humanity so she could prove that she loved God and the Christ's woman and man. Satan set out to become Eve. When Satan forced Eve to eat the fruit, that would kill her, Satan would replace Eve and then keep Adam as her sex slave. Satan refused to pay the price of dying to make up for the lives she destroyed. The Christ paid the death sentence.

Christ became our eternal salvation. God did not force obedience on anyone. When Satan forced death on everyone, everyone became forced to live. God and the Christ had to force Satan to choose obedience because their firstborn was always after conniving wickedness. Christ, God created giving her His power -- womb of creation -- and wisdom. God retained love and justice. God and the Christ were a team with four attributes in one being.

The True God's Sabbath

The true God declared a Sabbath because there was no need to create again to bring about righteousness. When sin reared its head, He could not just end His Sabbath at that moment until sin was no longer. This was according to His law, that is why the Israelites had such strong restrictions, and the sabbath day was declared holy at its beginning and its end; meaning, anything unholy in its middle had to be destroyed. The state of holiness must be restored before God's Sabbath can end. (This perfect law could not be upheld by imperfect man.)

In His Sabbath the true God relies on not entering a state of creation for Himself to accomplish what needs to be done. All His creation is a part of bringing about His will. And like a cat we will do because we think it was our own idea.

Getting Back to Satan

David pronounced his own death sentence over Uriah when confronted by Nathan. Satan became perverted by the attention for her beauty and lusted after becoming the greatest being in existence. She wanted to be her Father's mate (that would have raped her mother in a homosexual act.) Satan, installed as the garden cherub by law, lived the right of firstborn. If Satan resisted tampering with Eve and Adam and left humanity to choose for itself, then she would not have experienced a death sentence all her own. Satan chose death for all humanity and thereby chose her own death.

The true God understands acting towards others expecting righteousness and wisdom from them. To expect people to be rational decision makers that would not put their own life in jeopardy is righteousness. Satan hatched -- lizards lay eggs -- a plan as the garden cherub to keep the earth in a state of sin and the true God forever in Sabbath and her always satisfied. With God forever in His Sabbath she could not be disciplined and be immortal. Satan had to die for what she did. What she did not account for was the righteousness of her mother. Christ giving her life for all Creation allows the true God to eliminate sin from this earth and leave His Sabbath saving all created beings. (God says, "And you stupid fuckers thought you built the ultimate Ba'al. Satan gets that place absorbed, as it were, in God Almighty -- the New Allness. Right, mac is still eons ahead of you, asshole.")

Elevation Deserved

The Christ sacrifice, and elevation to a higher position, takes death away from all Creation. All Creation will choose a life of repentance. Why was stoning required on the sabbath? Because what was sin had to die for the true God to leave His Sabbath. The Israelites were living the true God's existence, just like their calendar, with their sabbath and experiencing how difficult it was to live a day of holiness when an exogenous influence, Satan, existed to keep people in a state of disobedience with, not-to-mention, their own sinful existence.

The Sinless Law Challenge

Could humanity live up to the discipline of the Law? No. Hence the Christ. If Israel could have practiced all the required executions, including against those who said, "Hey, let's go worship Ashdod," Israel would have been a healthy servant of the true God. Not even Solomon kept himself free from false religion. He should have stoned his wives for suggesting to him serving other gods. Did he? Nope. He let his heart be inclined to go with his foreign wives. Creation needed a saviour. What the true God was making clear, sin must be eradicated for His Sabbath to end. Eradicating sin means death. Sin is what our life became from Satan.

No one wanted to execute their own family to preserve the Law. Do you think the true God finds executions any easier? No. That is why all conceived humanity will receive life and the Christ was obedient to death.

The Last of the Seventy Weeks

Satan's ways are destroyed by her own people who seek righteousness when faced with death. This is the destruction of sin. Satan returning from the abyss as a woman on the earth levels the playing field for Gog of Magog to face their agitator, and it allows for Satan to face her end like the Creation she adulterated. Sin God is destroying when Gog of Magog bring about their own destruction. That is the last week of the seventy weeks. Once every living being that chooses death God has educated to choose life then, the true God leaves His Sabbath, because sin's destruction is accomplished.