“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreJust Sit with That
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdDog Paddle, from the True God's First AshoreJust Sit with That

Dog Paddle

from the True God's First Ashore

Just Sit with That

December 4, 2019
revised August 1, 2020


Religion is the wolf breeding ground of drug lords, human traffickers, and illegal arms dealers. It breeds goats that swallow anything under the guise of salvation. Satan's lords and prophets leading world religions prey on the those willing to obey the law. Obedience lasts until their broken lives force them into self-medicating, self-abuse, gluttony, and fornication to forget the misery of the world they live in with the blessing of false religion's god, Satan.
macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

Just Sit with That

Legal government with legal boundaries and stakeholders is fighting to feed and nourish its citizens with its legal revenues. Government is fighting against the perverse institutions of Satan's gluttonous world of fornication. It is fighting disease, malnourishment, ignorance, starvation, homelessness, tax-evasion, drug-abuse, unwanted pregnancy, theft, criminal lobbies, fraud, and cyberterrorism.

Then, there is the second cousin to terrorism an angry potentate with a "nuke." Each potentate screaming for global recognition with turn-coat politics pitting allied powers against each other. Terrorists distribute drugs for revenue and launder wears across the globe in hospitality networks with no legitimate registers only fraudulent web deals.

Government Is the True God's Instrument for Global Peace

There is not one, not one mind you, true religion published globally today. There are shepherds, globally. This is legal government. These exist by provision from the true God to protect humanity. Wicked shepherd's your notice is forthcoming. Sins wage gluts each shepherd. Only the true God, who is going to annihilate Satan's gluttonous world of sin, is healing these issues without cost to the shepherds.

The true God's shepherds are good governments. Good government, you are getting a great philanthropist in your war against Satan's sin. But you must clean your own house first. You will have the angels to aid in your destruction of evil. Go to the true God in prayer and eliminate every fornication breeding ground in your employment, public policy, and personal life and watch as civilisation profits and enjoys peace. That is right, global peace. Imagine the prosperity during total peace time.

The True God Is Strength

Turn to the true God to strengthen the power of your military might in destroying the oases of drug traffickers, arms dealers, terrorists, and human exploiters of every form that are thriving under the protection of hypocrite shepherds. These hypocrites exploiting the remaining righteousness intended by good shepherds are levying their lifestyles with Satan's earnings of corruption. (Though the good shepherd lives with some hypocrisy your intentions are righteous and noted.) The true God is not in any church on this earth. He is waiting for your petitions to Him in prayer.

Read the Bible Daily Shepherd

Open your Bibles, shepherds. Remember the mighty Nebuchadnez'zar acknowledging the greatness of the true God for making him a powerful leader. (Nebuchadnez'zar possessed utensils of God's House in his treasure trove.) Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnez'zar's dreams that are under fulfilment in our day and into the end of Satan's world once Christ's Kingdom has ruled. Christ's Kingdom will reign regardless of your cooperation. The difference; be the solution or the annihilated victim. Satan set in motion self-destruction. Living God's righteousness is the path to greatness.

Shepherds return to daily Bible reading. Develop your personal relationship with the true God. You will lead as a stronger shepherd than you can on your own wisdom alone. Remove spirits and substances from your decision-making domes. Remove prostitutes from your premises just as you do political signs from polling places on election day. Do not waste your time, money, and energy with the fornicating harlot under the cross of false religion's southern leader. Reach out to the true God yourself. He will lead you. He will aid you with every honest effort you make to live according to His righteousness.

Rewards for Following the True God

The true God is crying out to the shepherd to test Him out and learn who He is. Live the rewards for your righteousness just like kings David and Solomon. His time to engage with His shepherds has come. He is gathering His sheep and reaching out to command for obedience first. Abundant mercy belongs to those that follow you while they grow in their love for the true God. Each foot shoulder will bear an easier load as each motion to strip away the sadistic factions of this world are breached.

Pray daily for wisdom to remove fornication from your midst. With removal of fornication your boundaries are strengthened without increasing your deficit or debt. Watch as your enemies are wiped from this earth without a trace of even their offspring. Ahab's sons were beheaded for the perversion of his reign with Jezebel. It will be no different for the offspring of the drug cartels, terrorists, and human traffickers that do not denounce their parents and flee to the true God.

Shepherds, faithful to spouse, raising children fornication free, and run departments free from inducements to fornicate are going to grow in power. The true God is calling to you shepherd; be My shepherd. I will teach you and your department will prosper. Understand shepherd, government exists over civilization because it is what the true God wants in existence. Religions of this world the true God hates. Religions of this world are Satan's invention. When the first century followers of Christ died, that ended true religion's presence on this earth.

Ignore with A Penalty

The first penalty for ignoring this call to obey the true God is military confusion. Individuals holding offices of oversight in government must reach out to the true God in personal prayer and Bible reading before December 7, 2019 6:00 a.m. eastern time U.S. in an honest petition to know the true God. You will know it is God, the true God who delivered Israel, and yet be afraid at times that the devil has you by the gametes. The true God corrects any individual He chooses, by the means He chooses, after announcing Himself. This article announces that the true God is training leading military personnel, drenched in blood guilt that practice fornication, what His mighty hand accomplishes.

On December 7, 2019 6:01 a.m. eastern time U.S. confusion will overtake all military operations the world over in its endeavours to launch new programs, weaponry, vessels, troop replenishment, and base expansions. Every effort made to grow, increase, or exceed counts will be thwarted with inexplicable inefficiencies. Inefficiencies identified as global confusion from private contractors to trained special forces. There will be no appearance of elite; only want of a nail losing the war. This will happen the world over.

Where Is the Truth?

Shepherds are going to learn who they serve in their duties. Satan is the god of all religions of this earth. Not one religion is teaching the truth about the true God's identity or publishes the truth of His prophetic fulfilment. The true God has two witnesses. These serve as a faithful prophet declaring the true God's requirements for salvation and providing education into and in Christ's Kingdom.

You will know that to repair your embarrassments from the comedy of confusion in your ranks you will need to reach out to the true God, and organize prayer and Bible reading among all overseers of government programs. Military expansion ends until this prayer is made by all officers of oversight of your nation. You are being brought to order to grow stronger with the true God's aid against Satan or be humiliated for a time. Like Nebuchadnez'zar, in insanity for some years, you learn to clean up your life and profit by being the true God's shepherd.

The End of "Sit with That"

This article marks the termination of the apparent rewards for crime, fornication, and lies that have disheartened people into believing the true God does not care. Those people who bark; 'Just learn to sit with the fact that God loves me as much as He does you even though I sin so much more' will be wallowing in the consequences of their sin's mire. You shepherd will share in the glory of returning to global righteousness or learn how useless you are to the Shepherd for your own fornications. Clean yourselves from Satan's sins and you will prosper. Shepherd's that go to the true God will have His hand in their fight like Israel defeating Canaan at the times when David was king, and Joshua and Gideon led armies.

A Strong Hand

If you shepherd, insist on leading your own life in fornication and lies, you will suffer a strong hand against you. Fornicators are going to bear heavy penalties for their perversions. Their gluttonous living will be apparent in every sickened bite of sin they seek. Never satisfied lusts will make them bolder preying on others to satisfy their thimble rigged lives that hide every pea of truth they cross until they are stumbling into jails for their own protection. It will be the true God you lean on to stumble into that jail. Unrighteous people God seeks to protect from themselves. The unrepentant are enemies of Christ's Kingdom.

Subsidising the cost of living with fornication, the honest partner that chooses to serve the true God, will abandon. The honest partner will profit from being an honourable single person or your spouse. (If you decide not to live in harlotry with one another.) The sheep duped into friendship with the whores of this world will flee from them. Whore, your days are the number of the keys of the synthesized pianoforte syncopating your demise. (Hear God's jingle against the whore.)

Avoiding Goats, A Promise

Avoiding the goats of Satan's world is a blessing the true God grants His sheep. Goats are eager to eat anything for sustenance. The police will stand in street corners as gluttons waltz over and offer them "blow." Neighbourhoods that feed on violence will be abandoned to the lords that slaughter themselves in local wars left to be eaten by their own dogs seeking vengeance for the "mercies" of their wicked masters. Funds to help the sheep escape these hamlets of Colt will be in abundance as the lords slaughter themselves leaving only public lands for recreation and sustainable housing.

The data mining efforts across social media will expose every agent profiting in Satan's way and announcing these perverted ones so that the sheep will successfully avoid these. Those bent on gluttony reap the reward of perversion they choose. Gluttons look forward to a smaller sphere of influence in the bubble you park your iron-gut-self-seeking goat existence into.

Leviathan Exposed

The waste of a bullish economy will give way to the leviathan that is fuelling the gluttony that preys on the true God's innocent sheep. Those seeking chemical abuse, funding terrorism, will not tax social services long. Are you living fornication free? You will be the one that is the monarch of your pristine home caring for the finest passion and beauty life could give you, your spouse, and fine children. There will be no reward for choosing not to keep the true God's commandments. Watch as tax evading, Satan worshiping, drug abusing, militia-pimping, fornicating-gluttony shielded-by-the-cross dies in his jail. This witness breaths the fire of the true God's anger with Satan's world. (See God's Fire.)

Sit with This Whore

No more will the honest fornication free sheep of the true God just "sit" with the insult of some harlot raking in illicit glories including orgasm for herself without punishment. Whore, you glutton, no garment will ever satisfy your fatness and no one lover will ever be enough. You will fornicate with many in succession and without satisfaction. Marry your lover or be celibate. Be faithful, or be a target of the true God's wrath after suffering from your own wanton spreading perversion.


God is destroying the wicked. Fornicators, wicked. Murderers, wicked. Liars, wicked. The righteous inherit the earth. Being a member of Satan's religions is wicked. The righteous are not the wicked. The shepherd is not wicked. The shepherd's deeds of perversion, wicked. As well as policies that support; fornication. Accept this discipline of the true God or live with confusion. Remove fornication from your midst and your leadership will prosper. Do you want the true God to help you? He will. It starts with daily Bible reading, prayer and removing fornication from your life.

The Prayer You Need

Are you the shepherd suffering from confusion? Here is your sample prayer.

“True God, I am in the position of _____. I serve as a ______. This day the objective before me is ______. The purpose is ______.”

“Please teach me who you are so that in my role I am obedient to you in the fight we share against Satan's agents of this world. I have my Bible in hand. Please bless my ability to learn who you are and bring me into concert with your righteousness in my life so that I, my household, and department can find you and weed out those persons opposed to your will. In the name of mac Dukes, Amen.“

Do How to Get God to Talk to You. You are on your way. A Total Shepherding subscription adds to this greatly. (Right a commercial, but it is by no means crumby.)

In the Name of Jesus

During your prayer, own the fornication in your life and/or department that you will rectify, first. The more you unburden yourself the more you will benefit. Then close your prayer in the name of Christ.

Understand, blood guilt is coming down the pike next. Fornication, this includes idolatry, is the first peccadillo of the true God striking humanity to wipe from His sheep. Every person in a government office is the true God's sheep, by definition. You are welcome to get a new job out of government if you decide not to pray.