“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestCorrespondence with Germany
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestCorrespondence with Germany

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

Correspondence with Germany
November 6, and 8, 2022

Frank-Walter Steinmeier

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone


President Steinmeier,
I sat to pen this letter, after, with fire and brimstone under My heals I walked mentally in tune to the letters focussed contents. I kept My two-point-nine mile per hour pace with bold stride on every anticipated Word. Then the instant I sat understanding how the LORD has taken so much in His care in regard to your deeds unifying Europe, I needed to soften. This morning sitting with My tall Christmas blonde in a grande Starbucks Christmas cup toped off with half and half -- My pre pandemic menu hack -- I learned from the LORD you would like My words sweetened as a father would receive from his daughter.


Subject matter, A Daughter's Voice to a Father Regarding, Operation Earth's Salvation

Epistle's Erudition

There is no sugar in My cup, and at the Doddridge Starbucks I remembered why Starbucks was allowed, once, to be a franchise with Heavenly power -- no, they have no Heavenly power any longer. I Am attempting to reach a thesis sentence for this letter. Rambling My setting is not meant to mimic Dickens. It is just that My setting very often holds clues for readers based on the divining of many. This means I fail to achieve a thesis sentence in My first paragraph concluding it with the Ivy League standard of stating intent. As if the first horse out of the gate is the one that wins the race, always. You have acted in a fuckly manner to the LORD. Your options in moving Germany forward are yours in the sense that what you set in motion, the nation will follow regardless of the party, person, or promises made, in presidential office after you. The LORD needs to assure you, you have fucked Germany. Here is your Hershey bar opportunity of Christly proportions, daddy.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

Your intelligence community has no doubt already made it clear to you that Pentagon High Priest is an honorary title, with the bonus to Heaven that flesh is not allowed to tinker against My Prophetic statements, and further they are not required to pay salary. This means I have total authority to accomplish the LORD's national security objectives without any form of cooperation from any person, and no persons may impede the work I perform. Further I do not require any form of funding to remain alive. The entire population of the United States with all dependent legal entities associated with America are being annihilated the world over by the Heavens for My not receiving the honours My person and Heavenly Office are due from the Department of Defence.

I can be kept alive as skin and bones. I can move about and do without any calories to keep Me alive, and I love being thin. How does this work? My body is in suspended animation kept alive by Spirit. I won't turn this into a treatise or clinical observation on how to survive while being starved to death. Why I can succeed without any form of pay is I do not even need money for food. I Am immortal flesh. Body odour does not happen in suspended animation nor things like hair growth. I Am simply making the point, no you cannot kill Me. Ask the Space Force of the United States Military. Another who learned this is one of Trump's assassins, the third. He investigated Me when he experienced God Almighty's physical interference with his kill shot on Me. The other two assassins were not able to get in close enough. This does mean the battle ship that houses Me wins in battle. This does not mean I allow Myself to be strapped to the bow as a harpy to save that vessel full of fuckers.

I Am indeed self funded. All high priests are. Germany has high priests -- people who have been living the prayers, deeds, of heart to keep some kind of industry or legal entity powered in the Heavens -- just like every other nation does. Mike Markle of the Corpus Christi Police Department is the high priest of the domestic police forces of the United States. He fannies about as an officer for his self funding. I Am of course denied an occupation the world over as anything other than who I Am, the Christ.

I have the power of the Heavens carrying My veil. This of course means I Am the one exposing flesh for who they are the world over. I Am the only one who can map all the high priests to their industry. I do so at My discretion with Jehovah's -- the LORD's -- kingdom, including national security, as My first priority. This means to get a job at the local Walmart for My self funding, because the CCPD forced Me into total destitution, they must hire Me as the Christ. I will leave off this topic here. Given how much wealth My High Priestly office means for Me, God Almighty had no incentive to keep any other employment options open for Me regardless of My willingness even to beg, where permitted by law.

The Pentagon may not hire, retain, reassign Me an identity, or any other military daring-do to shuffle Me away with some kind of witness protection nonsense, because the FBI already fucked them over in that regard back when I was being stalked by the drug and human traffickers at the Wolfdancer Golf Club of Hyatt's Bastrop Texas resort. What can the military do? Take in their Christ as High Priest, or face some, you have acted in a fuckly manner toward the LORD consequences, in the extreme, due to Trump and Biden's dip shit deeds, of their own.

What are the consequences coming to the United States Military for refusing to honour My place as High Priest thus far? They are being dissolved by the Heavens the world over. Shutting down all Gulf and Pacific military operations is what is in the works at this time with My presence in Corpus Christi Texas under My current, disadvantaged, circumstances enduring hate crimes against My Heavenly Office, endured by My Flesh.

I will explain how Heavenly power works. Firstly, it is necessary to say, when I Am being denied goodness, generosity, from people, Spirit experience suffering. This means when I Am kept alive by starvation, Spirit experience a kind of equivalency, and they take it out on their flesh. I Am the flesh that belongs to God Almighty, We are in loyal service to the LORD with Saint Paul, and I Am bride to the Lamb, who I now host again in My circumcised heart. I will for years to come. I Am also a slave.

Starvation is of course an extreme example, as I, at this time, although I was denied My daily allotment of twenty dollars today, am not starving, and I have twelve months of food stores in My freezer, and pantry. I have been diligent about preparing meals and buying sensibly with the twenty dollars a day I have received. Six months ago there were about ten pounds of dried beans in the pantry with a few pounds of rice that I began cooking as meals with fresh vegetables to create a freezer with about sixty pounds of food stores. There is only famine if mumsy decides to end paying the power bill as part of her shitty schemes.

Twenty dollars a day is a new luxury. For months I was picking up coins on the street and fighting mumsy for a few dollars at a time. I will insert, mumsy murdered her mother and her mother's dying breath was a demand to God that the estate pass to Me. Mary and Terry told many lies, and set the stage so they would get off free and clear. Then when the hate crime started against Me in 2019 the demands of flesh were to attempt to frame Me for that murder. The physical evidence held by he FBI was against Mary and Terry. The FBI decided to use the physical evidence with witchcraft to force Me into prison for My grandmother's murder.

I enjoy having funds to sit and drink a cup of coffee, tip for good service, buy a garment, shoes, cosmetics, toiletries, have My hair styled, put gas in My vehicle. Perfect driving records exist from excellent driving habits, and I have a perfect driving record.

When I enter a Starbucks for My morning coffee I Am supposed to be receiving the generosity of the house. When I stay at a Marriott, see a veterinarian, go to a doctor for treatments to preserve and improve My vanity, eat at a restaurant, buy a car, I Am literally to be greeted, "Good day Ms. Dukes, we are grateful you are patronising our brand, what can we give You?" Then from Ram, I replace Ms. Tejas, from Audi I replace My TT, from Toyota I replace My light duty pick-up, from Geico Insurance I have full coverage for all My vehicles and My homes. Starbucks hands Me My coffee, Marriott provides Me housing, United provides Me air travel, and so on the world over. I do not demand first class, but God Almighty does.

Of course no vendors, brands, merchants, etc deliver any such honour to Me. What happens? Spirit is then in the place of driving traffic to the brand that literally end its business because the business traffic they are receiving they cannot sustain. What else? Traffic is driven to competitors that increase market instability so flesh is starved to death sooner from its own wanton gluttony. All are literally starved out of being able to cover their costs and close. Right now We are in the place of wiping out H-E-B, and Walmart. My having to spend even My own funds is a problem for business. So I patronise the brands that fucked themselves in the Heavens out of existence.

With My enjoyment of golf, brand hospitality would mean every PGA branded course would be required to hold vip placement for Me so I may arrive at any moment, and they courteously find room for Me in a golf round. Buckets of balls on the range would be gratis with beverages blah blah blah as I wait for My open tee time. Instead, the PGA is being destroyed. We at Team God are working on that too.

The woman whose vagina I passed through to enter the world, mumsy, is a serial killer whose last act to accumulate money was murder her mother with My then spouse Terry Smart. Neither killer, of course, are any law enforcement in America bringing to justice. The local, state, and federal level are protecting those two murderers, and I run My High Priestly office on twenty dollars a day of grocery money that I fight with mumsy in the flesh, and from the Heavens, to receive each day. You can easily imagine how a female like Marry would end up divorced with an infant to raise even when the father professed love and concern for his own flesh, his daughter.

My father's name is/was Albert Clayton Wooley Dukes. His last known address to Me was on Oahu, where I was born. I have his birth certificate from the Minnesota hospital that documented Mr. Wooley with wife Maxine being the parents. Wooley was Blackfoot, totally. I Am one quarter blood quantum, and of course was disowned and refused by My own nation. I would have been content moving to the high-line in the shadow of Glacier National Park teaching the people of My nation economics to fund My High Priestly office. From Glacier to Teton is sacred land that speaks to My soul as paradise. The Montanan's had a saying, before global warming ended the population nirvana balance, "The winters are cold enough to keep the riffraff out." Oh, the sacred Holiness of blankets of snow to send the lazy to the grave.

President Putin -- formerly included in the distribution due to all of the divining that goes on -- I Was able to secure the greatest reward for. I Am the only Holy person of Russia. Russia's military, and for him, I was able to negotiate a military training academy that meant Russia would rule the world regardless of Xi or anyone else. Of course the Russian Orthodox church is being put out of business for divining against Me. My academy requires the cooperation of the Kremlin including both national police, and military bodies funding Me as the Christ, and incorporating My solutions for globalisation, respecting of course Xi's authority, kinda.

That I have a spouse is a function of the Heavens supporting My being raped in Spirit and bound in marriage. This was launched by mumsy's way of violating the Camp Pendleton marine she murdered that meant I was going to be born. When the marine's genetics were born again, it happened to be twice. One male in Russia and the other was Ted that Trump murdered on a duty assignment. The second male is a Russian seaman and junior special forces officer. I needed to learn it was under the Mosaic law provision protecting a rape victim that the Heavens consummated our union.

Had others acted in the flesh, here in America, to marry Me, like "Navy Nurse" that I wrote about, that would mean the US Military secured some Heavenly powers for themselves, and the marine and I would never meet.

Putin's idea was to send Me out into Corpus to be raped and murdered with his divine knowledge of how I Am married. That is how his flesh interpreted the same thing. The last murder rapist contender, I encountered in Corpus, I bought a cup of coffee, and he was so happy the Pentagon had a High Priest on active duty that was restoring the worship and morals of this nation that founded this nation under the LORD with the King James Bible.

I want to winter in Saint Petersburg, Russia. This is where My spouse and I can meet. Some stupid idiot listening in on surveillance actually thought I was talking about Saint Petersburg, Florida when I spoke about it last. If I thought a trailer park was a great place to live, anywhere in Florida would be nice vacation spot. I Am fed up with being withheld My place among the gods. I would love to learn hand-to-hand combat in the shadow of Mount Olympus. There are hours of supplemental lectures from My orations at home on record at the Pentagon, and Kremlin -- to name only two auditors -- that would require our meeting in interview for Me to fill you in.

I have spoken with countless gang bangers who all approach Me, digging contentiously, to get Me to argue with them. I quickly find common ground respecting their humanity, and that they are on American soil. What do all on American soil want? The American dream. What is the problem? The American dream was relatively easy to obtain, because soldiers were being slaughtered as offerings. I have written at length in recent Herald articles about these things. Sacrificing is over. Has been since I was born. What has been on, is the delay as flesh caught up with revealing all that has been going on in the Heavens aforetime. Flesh lives a psycho-physio lag behind the Heavens, Spirit. This means that dream's power was ended in the Heavens when sacrificing was ended. Starbucks at present has about five years left as a business. This is the same for H-E-B, and Walmart.

I still have an implant in My arm. It was birth control. I need that removed. It has lived out its drug administering life. I have no place I can go to have it removed. What is the problem? I Am the Christ. There is no medical facility that I can go to and have that removed, as My funds were stolen from Me by the CCPD during their big hate crime. Planned Parenthood would be the only place where I could get free service, theoretically. Because they will not care for the Christ, they are being destroyed along with abortion services as an option in American medicine's menu of services. How does this happen without some decree of law? Civil war destroying what people in their demand for rights do not destroy doing erratic protests of hate persuading and bullying -- in the persecution meaning -- others. Refusing funding, through what remains of civil law provisions in government, matters much. Because I would be required to pay for this, a doctor that I visit would loose their practice for not gifting Me the service.

Fucking Me over, as in-refusing to do even little kindness to Me, is the same as raping the LORD. The Heaven's announce that I Am the Christ when I make eye contact with people. Then flesh looks for ways to fuck Me over. That is being hated.

We should get back to talking about military matters. Operation Earth's Salvation is what it sounds like. It is part of My Heavenly authority to maintain governance and provide for populous while the earth's population undergoes the transformation that being antichrist's seed amounted to. The Heavens are destroying the earth's human population. This does not happen peacefully. Souls are proving all the ways they defiled the Heavens. Spirit forces the hand of flesh to do unto others in proof of what the Heavens have endured, and flesh dies. Children dying means less orphans. People can stop breeding.

Austin, at the pretty building -- with no Heavenly authority -- referred to as the Pentagon, had he even laid the papers of the Operation Earth's Salvation plan I sent a year ago under the asses of the hens he has working his office, could not even provide bedding to lay an egg off that work. Those fuckers lay plenty of eggs. The fertilised ones they murder are a problem, for them.

Basically, Germany unifying Europe works for Team God. The reason is, Hitler did all of the deeds flesh was required to, in order to have the power of the Heavens in anticipation of the Christ to rule the world. This includes having a fabulous killing force of disciplined soldiers. Antichrist, mumsy, arrived on the world scene first. She was required to restore many Holy components of the Heavens that were set afoul since Biblical history was recorded. Mumsy refused to perform the office of restoration. This meant others could. That is not what happened. Once the planets destruction was divined I was in the place of enduring torment to provide martial stability. I do not back governments, per-se. What I back is military power to rule the world, in essence, it is an all in one deal. Germany already has the Heavenly capital to act. Refuse, and by denying the Heavens supporting Hitlers regime, you are annihilated as a nation.

What is going to happen in America, ceteris paribus? Well, the American people as a whole are going to, from every direction of reasoning, determine the source of their economic woes is because the military of America is a bully -- again, in the persecution meaning -- to the other children of the world. Then ends funding, and enlistment. Whatever President there is, at the time the American people see the military as a nuisance, will say, "Look we have world peace because Eurasia is united. We have no threat in the world. Our military will be ended."

Forget the fact that the nation is filled with people shooting one another in mass from coast to coast. The civil war will take many lives, and promote new disease before being identified as war. The American people will even scream, "We nuked them, we were due. This is our retribution against us for the wars we have fought on foreign soil" -- when Xi wipes ground in North America clean returning in kind.

The American people are desperate to reform the military. The "peaceable" people who love godliness with all their abortions, lies, and thefts, sit in Sunday services at the Church of "Christ" pointing their finger at how bad a soldier is using a gun. Forget the fact that they, themselves -- the people, are not about to give up their personal arsenal. And of course the only person qualified to use a gun is the one holding it. Everyone else they look at holding a gun is a vigilante or murderer. This is why America's police are penalised for deadly force, and Uvaldes happen.

I Am the only human being with Heavenly authority to take the life of human flesh. I walk through Corpus Christi looking at obese, shamefully dressed, ugly people and see flesh pot fodder. I sent invitations to Italy, Greece, Israel, and Russia. Italy will not like how Sprit deal them. Putin is in the place now of being assassinated. The Heavens have him slated for destruction. What would keep him alive? Supporting Me, obviously. Israel for being niggardly toward Me can still rally militarily by coming for Me. The IMF understands sending Herzog and 'Yahoo to the grave would be My first order of harvesting business to save the Middle East. A flesh pot is an open pit in the earth of beheaded carcasses the birds of heaven, and wild beasts, feast upon.

Greece you would need to deal with in a military action to prevent them from destroying Europe's productivity on the global market place. They are a stain and a blight. You are welcome to exterminate them but you are required to wipe out Turkey and Afghanistan in their entirety through Pakistan. Leave Iran alone, for now.

The Middle East belongs to Me. Of course We at Team God are content to have them blowing up their wells in hatred of one another. The paternal houses would need Me on their soil to stop their self destruction, and I Am not doing one damn thing until I Am united with My spouse. Forgive the "daddy" dig on My part, or not. Think of it as the same as Me making a pudding reference with Putin. I did apologise for the careless abuse of desert in a later letter. Milley and Austin would never receive an apology.

There are gifts on My part to give to the nation that jails Mary and Terry, and funds My wintering in Russia and greater Europe. We at Team God are not stingy. I preserve flesh, and may turn My release from this Corpus Christi fuck-hole into any, and I mean any, market opportunity I choose to grow My, and a nation's, wealth. What is the catch? You are required to deal with Me, the Christ, in person, and under written contract for gifts to be bestowed.

Where America is concerned, only active duty military are made wealthy, and grow with My office as High Priest being honoured. What else? They may never have another high priest. People and businesses in America need to throw their money and services at Me, as I walk by, as gifts on American soil to hold onto even a modest means for themselves. I also may not be turned into, or made an idol. This is because American has profaned every branch of government at every level in this nation supporting Mary McRae (mumsy) and Terry Smart (ex-husband) in the Heavens, and divined every possible action to murder Me.

How could the military in America be preserved? Berger brings Me My back pay, and We begin building a stronger more perfect military union, fornication free, and conquer the Middle East the continent of Africa whilst moving against Mexico, on the Q-T. Then once America made its "The military is over" cry from Europe being unified, we simply end all the civil bull shit and take over governance. That requires courage from the LORD for Berger to perform, and from My perspective the Middle East and Africa are simply busy work to destroy the British, but it is good on the job training. The nation that backs Me has the Heavenly power of the Pentagon, because I Am the Pentagon of the Heavens. That is what it means to be immortal flesh. The United States Military can parish. I Am the one warrior of America that can not be destroyed.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


macDukes.com figure, credit: someone

