“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestBiden and Putin United
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestBiden and Putin United

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

Biden and Putin United
November 15, 2022

Xi Jinping

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President Xi Jinping,
Your gods are angry at your cowardice pandering to Biden. This letter need never to be in your possession for these words to be fulfilled in your lifetime. My signature hostilities -- words that lance the abortion stool warming oxygen burners opening letters -- are not required for this correspondence.


Re: Stalemate -- think chess -- is not a win-win. Take North America, or perish.

Epistle's Erudition

The Heavenly battle is concluded, and three kings are rising. It may be you have no interest in maintaining the People's Republic of China any longer. This I can understand from a certain perspective. I have been in a state of correction from your gods for holding back their retribution against China.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

China since the turn of the nineteenth century has been in the place of labouring without the reward of growing, intellectually with invention. The aggregate labor force population, reduced to mimicry, and repetition, without even the benefits reverse engineering in product development beget, even hate their own heritage as stewards over the earth.

China laboured in centuries past as a civilisation in harmony with the earth in their art's, agriculture, and means of living. Striving to make cheeper tee-shirts, and mass-produced licensed goods for the West, undermined the greatness of Chinese culture. When an eighth of the world's population has no ability to feed itself, or to function without the aid of peer review (i.e. facebook) it is time to shut-down that billion large nation. It took until the morning before you meeting with Biden, for Me to see the horror of your people as you do. I see a normative perspective. What do people become because of Me. You see them for what they have become under antichrist. What is worse? What America became enforcing antichrist's squander with the United States Military.

My previous optimism regarding China, forgive Me for, please. While I realized the criticism against the Chinese as a labour force condemned them to menial factory work in the eyes of the West's prejudice, I had no idea that they were a people beyond amendment, that is repentance. When young people figure out they can sleep on the sidewalks, and not work, and furthermore government is at risk of being destroyed for stoning -- think Stephan -- to death those same sidewalk-sleeping-lazy malcontents, is when America's democracy has proven, it has fucked the world over in its entirety.

Biden has made his alliances in the Heavens with Putin. Xi, wipe out the continent of North America, and you may begin by conquering Mexico, or so help Me, by Christmas of this very year three kings emerging from Russia's military conquests -- one from Iran -- will tear into China, and it will fall with the rest of Eurasia in its entirety to these three kings. From Moscow down to Constantinople defines West from new Central Eurasia. The river Euphrates is the southern border with Vladivostok holding the East and reigning across much of the Pacific.

Your own military will scatter as soldiers of fortune. The debt America owe's you will be defaulted on leaving you with no ability to fund military operations. Nothing is preventing America's total and complete foreclosure.

This falls under the heading; no one is allowed to interfere with Jehovah's will being done against North America for the stalemate American government built against Him. The democracy they now hold is the total wanton perversion Mary McRae built her Spirit Lord companion into. The LORD is holding the Lord to doing all that Mary prophesied against humanity.

Putin has been baiting the world with war, so God Almighty with the LORD is "forced" to show My strength by forcing him, Putin, to end his hostilities by somehow forcing My moving to Russia. Putin has the power to move Me to Russia any time he chooses, and, evidently, there is simply a heavenly snicker from the Ggods at forcing people to provide Me passage to Russia. Me, I would minister over Putin. He is the LORD's genetics.

Here is everyone's problem, the LORD, and God Almighty, do not want to preserve any souls alive. Me, it is My nature to see why, and how, to preserve people to make the earth beautiful. Because people do not get to do their murder the LORD bullshit under My authority, I Am allowed kingship. This is why I preserve, and save flesh -- I break the fleshly cycle of cursing God with prayers of heart -- and also why the LORD, and of course God Almighty, are not about to do one damn thing to force or move Me into anyones hands, as it were. I Am force that interferes with Sprits testimonial of what they're deeds of the past are proving with how flesh is doing today in their footsteps.

My funds were stolen from Me -- so I rely on the patronage of others to leave America. Placing Me in charge of antichrist, the unprosecuted serial killer -- mumsy -- for My own survival, is what legally remained to keep Me occupied while all the tantrums were being thrown. Clearly you, Xi, like Putin, have been very loved by the gods. You have great wealth and freedom to bring about the LORD's kingdom. Failure to demonstrate faith in your gods and sack North America means your own destruction (China, and you) with Korea, and Japan. Are you more afraid of the LORD over the retribution of your own gods now?

By My Groundhog Day (Jim Belushi movie) existence in Corpus I Am able to bring civil war to America sooner, providing greater riches for Myself than Trump's shitty little check the LORD is forcing him to pay. Not only that, I preserve the better part of the United States Military with My remaining in North America. If the military wants to be dissolved, they need to put Me on a boat -- think submarine -- to Israel. Otherwise, they, My military, are doing the harvesting work against their own will. The High Priest defines the dance moves for their followers.

Milley is right, seek peace and pursue it Zelenskyy. But, hey Zelenskyy can devastate more of the economy of Europe on Austin's chattels and promises. It's true, I love papa Milley -- it's a sickness, according to God Almighty.

Why the remaining U.S. Military unit are forced is a function of My existence as I explained. They do nothing to move Me and they are forced to do My will. What is so funny in all of this, is that I would love to live in Beijing or Moscow with access to seeing Eurasia, Iran, and of course My home, the Middle East. North America can fall without Me here, and I would love to whoop some Saudi Princes' butt in backgammon and golf.

At present, I Am simply sitting out in My camp on Dody Street, twiddling My thumbs with knitting, sewing, chess on the computer, recovering from having My internal organs savaged by poisoning -- the murder that mumsy could not do -- writing a school curriculum, writing a military leadership handbook, and other busy work. What is on the slate with your pandering to Biden?

Venezuela is going to seize the Gulf and capture Corpus, and because of providing for Me like a queen, as they say -- think Solomon with Sheba from afar -- I Am Solomon receiving gifts for My Wisdom, -- Venezuela will conquer all of Texas back down through Panama capturing the global oil market, selling to Europe, whilst starving North America.

Florida through Louisiana will be rendered uninhabitable in Venezuela's honour by Team God of Heaven releasing the destructive forces of the Heavens against North America to balance the climate. Had Biden not acted in a niggardly way toward Me, North America and the Middle East would not be bearing the brunt.

Xi, you presided over China to bring it to the threshold of the kingdom of the LORD. This is how the gifts to Joseph and Mary from the astrologers of the ancient Orient preserved your nation. Withhold your power against the wisdom of your gods in cowardice to Biden's lies, and you are annihilated.

What I Am sorry for, is that I never was able to have the privilege of walking even a mile of the Great Wall in your company before delivering such a weighty message. But had We met you would have risen mightily, and been fishing off the stern of a battleship in Pearl Harbour soaking in the comforts of victory as Admiral Rosen gutted the Mahi Mahi. It is true the time you spent with Biden you will never get back. You have until Christmas to act, the weather will intensify. It is your sign.

At least you can make bold moves on retaining the sovereignty of China if you move by Christmas, and the fighting force of Asia will love joining Russia and Iran otherwise. The only way an Indian soldier escapes harvest is to join the future united Eurasia through Iran or Russia. Those slated for slaughter, India, Pakistan, and Afghanistan are slaughtered.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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