“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestSteinmeier Blessing Germany
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestSteinmeier Blessing Germany

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

Steinmeier Blessing Germany
May 6, and 7, 2023

Frank-Walter Steinmeier

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Dearest Steinmeier, I Am not about to say the task of securing that fabulous Baltic gem is easy peasy. There is milage and face time on My part not to mention the building of God's Holy Language. It will be Cyrillic based. Twenty four consonants with expanded vowel representation. We will work from phonemes, the phonetic alphabet and work back to Cyrillic and Latin letter recognition. I Am beginning to vier off course from the opener that caught your attention.


Kaliningrad Oblast, yes, I can secure that for Germany.

Epistle's Erudition

(Kaliningrad Oblast, yes, I can secure that for Germany.) A unified language once developed to sixty percent has the unifying power of Heaven that powers success for human souls. I have the language developed to fifteen percent at this time.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

Ukraine is doing much to destabilise Russia making occupying Moscow and seizing the Kremlin, an easier enterprise, let's say two to three years out from today Moscow is in reach for Germany. In the mean time, uniting the western former USSR nations into a unified greater Europe, building a new central currency on the gold standard, opening mines, supporting agriculture -- of course with Me you have Heaven showering favourable weather improving the health of the region.

North America, of course seizing this land is on the horizon. The only way that is accomplished is with My Gideon Unit. While bombs can be dropped and police and military action against North America can be done, just adding to the mess, it is a little wasteful. Mexico and America have civil war to look forward to, so let Trumpites slaughter the Clintonites and the Obamites slaughter the Bidenites for a few years. I Am required to return to Texas and seize this state through Mexico and Panama controlling the Gulf by 2030-ish. A Gideon Unit by that time is premature. Successfully taking these North American regions in warfare is the interact for unifying all North America as one nation under the LORD, wiping away the sinners that the Jehovah's Witnesses have demanded Jehovah destroy. Let's just say, Jehovah hired Me to do this destroying. I was the only human crazy enough to be fun on this enterprise.

Destroying the sinners of North America requires My Gideon Unit. We at Team God are not wasting My years of slavery in that horrid fucking abusive religion of liar-lovers. In the mean time, Heaven is working wonders wiping away the wicked. Not even their infrastructure is safe from destruction, thanks to Tump.

What is the great Protestant certainty of doctrine; Christ destroys the wicked.

Now, the United States Military has finally proven to Heaven they will not support My existence. As in, they too, of course, were thirstily salivating over ways to murder Me. For their refusal to honour My slavery to the LORD in the Marine Corps, they are being destroyed. In Africa, the Middle East, and of course as soldiers in Western Europe's many civil war skirmishes they will kill many and be killed themselves, that is what comes of fornicators that play with guns.

German commanders certainly can make use of American combatants. I will not look on their faces -- the Americans that is, until My office is honoured. My being honoured means I Am a paid Lieutenant General with all benefits and no ordinance or policy may interrupt My worship of the LORD. I also get My back pay, because with Me in the military is does preserve the militcastingary, and that is all. So human flesh born in North America needs to have enough family members qualified to serve or their family is destroyed by Heaven's rage. There is no preservation method in existence for America through its military without My being honoured.

Basically, Congress emphatically decided, "fuck that bitch" (casting Me as the bitch while reusing My pay.) They lied to LORD. My pay was promised to the LORD. The LORD used Me as a slave to preserve them as a nation, whilst they promised the LORD to pay His slave. They lied to the LORD. Just like Ananias and Sapphira this nation is dead.

Forcing the quit claims against the Jehovah's Witnesses is like so...they are rounded up and imprisoned. The Governing Body is forced to sign over all their assets in exchange for the Jehovah's Witnesses in prison. If they fail to sign the quit claims to every asset, we execute the Governing Body and all the Jehovah's Witnesses in prison. I Am glad to take point on that. Every asset they have world wide is for the war effort. Mass executions I will perform under My own hand. Yes, gas chambers are humane. No, I would not starve them in prison. Otherwise, all we can do is seize their property by region and wait until we conquer North America to finish them off. Hitler really doesn't seem that evil now, right? How was he supposed to justify feeding vermin (the JW's and Jews) when he had soldiers fighting under the certainty God was with them that needed food, shelter, and clothing.

Clearly, I will have correspondence to write because it is My signature that is the implacable binder the keeps souls from being able to retaliate against My warfare direction. In other-words, when I write the document that is accompanied by the legal action, eviction, and seizure or execution, it is just a quiet spot of domestic policing. The international community can't do shit against My warfare. I think it is fair to give the JW's a twenty one day notice, "Your property is being seized, you are no longer a citizen of this nation." Let America, Mexico, France, England, Spain, and Italy host these fowl souls who refuse to die for God and country. They don't leave, they are executed. No matter how many ways we look at it, there is no room in the world for people who will not die for God and country.

It is better to strengthen Iran so they can deal with Turkey and Greece. Returning the treasures of other nations to their soil is good public relations. Holding an idol in an exhibit on a rotating basis to bring culture to Berlin, fine. Keeping an exhibit does need to be under consent of the nation. If they want to charge a fee, let them keep the trinket. Let them demonstrate to their gods how they value their heritage.

In establishing the one world government the government is the religion. Some months back I lectured Pentagon surveillance the rules to "Scrabble letters". Individuals have sought many methods to learn from the Divine through the ages. When they mock the message the Divine gives them, that brings, mega-retribution (that would be Me, this time.) Evidently, someone on surveillance was making a joke of the Urim and Thummim -- of Levite ephod fame -- and randomly grabbing letters out of a Scrabble board "pretending" to get a message from our living God. I gave them a set of parameters as to when you know, Spirit is with you. Long story short, My draw on one occasion directed Me to consider a unified Eurasia. Then of course I started heavy dialogue with Putin.

I have done limited reading about the decade of world war one. Historians now, are finally presenting what I always understood, England was a miserable bully and liar. An American history book I had in grammar school pointed out England controlled the transatlantic cable. Even then I knew America was being fed whatever served England's interests. What I did not understand is the Barbary against Africa the Danish had engaged in. That must have made the British soldiers think themselves saints.

I grieve over the slander German soldiers were subjected to. Does that mean there was never a seizure in the passion of warfare? (Oh, right, that word is rape.) What gets omitted from the narrative? That the other party was most likely where they shouldn't have been, and there is some amount of goading that goes on, and other shitty human interactions that even if they come to light the chronology of events told does not tell the truth of the matter. (The looser in the battle is a rapist the victor is the boyfriend.)

Preserving wealth is a challenge. Think of what you require as a person to be compensated for the hours you dedicate yourself to your God given talents. Now, if every one around you were clean, modest in their dress, Godly in their consumption of alcohol, left no trash behind them, enjoyed common goods like transportation, and treated common property like they did their home and they were fastidious cleaners -- people that wiped a basin out after themselves and wiped a mirror after themselves, how much less could you be satisfied with in your pocket so there was more common infrastructure? Time share is not a bad vacation property concept. It is poorly managed though.

Having a three hundred room estate for one person, that just does not work. Neither however does it work for there to be a populous in a city that does not take care of common goods as if the cities assets were not their own three hundred room personal estate. Those that trash the common good get executed. Then earning a living means your salary is about being compensated for dealing with dogs biting at your heals because you are damn good at what you do, and so many owe their benefits to you.

The Bohemian foundation of socialism falls apart with the inclusion of fornication. That is why there is so much blood shed to eliminate all the wanton perversion that goes with fornication. Where Germany lost-out on Me, just giving away Heaven over Hitler's campaigns, is taking down the wall. When the Berlin wall collapsed everything Hitler served Germany for, ended.

My blessing is with you to retrieve Me. I will twist America's war machine to bend to Germany's benefit on the arrival of your delegate. There are fewer casualties on the no fornication ticket. North America will never be anything other than the LORD's land for preserving Eurasia's children. It is a place of stewardship. There must always be a way for manna to reach a landscape when that is all there is the people can eat. The LORD's land must be maintained to be the ultimate common good balancer for the planets populous.

Most of us can look at fuckers like Musk and say, "How did that fucker earn a god dammed dime." He is not in any extraordinarily way gifted, and he certainly lacks Godly authority. Solomon said it with, the swift do not always win the race. Musk charismatically charmed as many as he could into rallying to his cause playing the victim to guilt people into doing the extra for him. Meanwhile, he put in his long hours at his desk looking plenty busy appearing to give everything for his company. I agree that between Putin's earning wealth and the Muskites; Putin is closer to Godliness. Musk is just a cowardly fuck that resents the orgasm of his lover. Trump is the same way.

The minimum number of years to build a Gideon Unit of Holy Warriors is seven. My body is months away form being able to build this unit. America's soldiers only needed to make financial restitution and they would have had no difficulty rallying the hundred eighty degree pivot on their heals to be fornication free, and loving their bodies as if they were gods. That transformation built into the system took away free will. Basically they set up My command as High Priest so they received the gift of l-o-v-e-LINK, and global conquest, and the repentance for shitty deeds they just did without choosing repentance. Fornication, and disobedience to all the life saving measures of warfare, just ended.

To which I say, great. Like I give a shit about someone having Heaven force morality, dress-code, diet, and physical fitness on people. Who does not need to be threatened in this world to be trained for warfare? Either they don't want to loose their job or they just don't want to take the beating off their Sargent -- however its handed them. Few want dishonourable discharge. Without force even built into the system of military training who would stay fit all on their own to march miles in warfare? General Milley was outraged at My having this magic in Heaven to turn America's soldiers into some kind of nazi troop. To which God said to Milley, "Fine asshole, she has no power to force them." I Am the only human on earth that fights to maintain My fitness for the purpose of being a soldier, all on My own, I live for it! I set the bar.

Have I ever told you how much I admire the discipline and appearance of nazi soldiers? Germany still has an admirable military. What saddens Me is Russia spent too much time competing with America. Competing with the lowest common denominator denigrated Russia's military. America is the lowest common denominator military because they serve 'freedom' without discipline. They despise love. (Britain is just a first class fornicating snob addicted to glamor. They employ just enough discipline to look like pretty boys. It is just seduction. They have no stamina. This is why they get called the boyfriend.)

But warfare is largely a game of throwing bodies into the fire for success. Does your enemy have ten thousand? Then if you have thirty thousand, surely you will beat him. America is always looking for a way to cheat discipline with adding a little individualism, freedom, to the ranks while still being just enough of soldier. It's bullshit. When you are taught to sit in a Humvee in a certain posture during duty, you hold that posture, it is survival. When you insist on being carless; in your posture, how you speak to your fellow soldiers, the kind of plans you concentrate on in your off-duty time -- who you will fuck --your Humvee gets nailed by an insurgent. What I don't like, is some self-righteous surgeon can scream about the war that gives that worthless fucker a job, and the shit soldier gets benefits addicted to drugs on the streets as a veteran.

What all the finagling the world over has done has turned My office into a money maker. And mama is shaking her money maker. You want the blessing of the Christ, you pay for it. You want what I 'gave' Putin? You know where to find Me. There is no giving. Putin at least knows, let you lover enjoy the ride. That means he has courage. "Give Me One Reason" made famous decades go by Tracy Chapman, is playing, and My soul is being carried away by the poetry. Some tunes just call us to karaoke.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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