“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High Priestxxx
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High Priestxxx

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

April 28, and May 4, 2023

Frank-Walter Steinmeier

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Dearest Steinmeier, the body of knowledge, seeking the depths of Satan, I can only share with you from the perspective of Light. You learning the depths of darkness would require you taking Mary McRae, antichrist, as a wife. As I Am self funded, I dispense Theological Knowledge in the way and means that glorifies Heaven. This of course impoverishes flesh for all their shitty deeds.


Bill Clinton betrayed you. Is not a rose by any other name, just as aromatic? Just don't call Me late for dinner.

Epistle's Erudition

The Disney lyric goes something like this,"The wonderful thing about tiggers is tiggers are wonderful things. Their tops are made out of rubber, their bottoms are made out of springs. They're bouncy, pouncey, trouncey, flouncy, fun fun fun fun fun. The wonderful thing about tiggers is, is I'm the only one." The "bouncy, pouncey, trouncey, flouncy" is what My memory resolves into a lyric from the rhythm and musicality I recall. I just quoted Disney's Tigger character singing his theme song from memory. This is a letter. You want references, you pay for scholarship. Isn't it cute that not only is there one tigger. There is only one Christ. Jesus walked the earth in prophecy of My existence. The original, Heavenly feminine female equivalent counterpart to Heavenly masculine male equivalent, I opine was a far greater personage than Myself. I Am merely flesh directed by Spirit.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

Through My genetics the reverse engineering to formulate Allness, the Big Kahuna -- Ha Ha -- is what is built in Heaven. Through My obedience, as a slave, the Law is fulfilled and the LORD has Godship preserving flesh. Physical celestial bodies will be moving into new alignments with Allness formation. Will we as humans still be looking at the past, meaning, have no proof like the miraculous movement of the star followed when Jesus was born? Yes. When a sun is moved two hundred million light years away today, this means two hundred million light years from now we (flesh on this planet) will begin to see the first evidence of that sun traveling though the sky, presuming of course this star can be observed in the northern hemisphere. Leave Xi Jinping alone. As in, show him respect. Asia has an alliance. (Taiwan is just another Ukraine.) Align your politics with Russia. China, Japan, and Korea have powerful gods.

Recall, Daniel makes clear how much comes out of the south in his apocalyptic account of the time, times, and half a time? Most likely, there will be little evidence of celestial repositioning in terms of the northern hemisphere's navigable bodies of heaven. Setting up camp in Antarctica, fine. That comes with its own fool hearty hazards. I don't mind making My way into Antarctica in the future to clean up the pollution. I Am fairly certain a leopard seal will eat human flesh. We know an orca will. It is nice that Easter island offers so many anthropological curiosities to entertain Myself with as I warm up between Antarctic clean-up expeditions.

Australia has won the cannabis battle. The gods of that land mass are introducing themselves to pale face. America is going to be overwhelmed with consequences for keeping cannabis dispensaries. As far as vaping is concerned. Let them kill themselves on the shit chemical concoctions desperate half baked college drop-outs formulate after they have performed a couple titrations and mixtures in burets. I think perhaps, someone in your administration labours over an idea that I want to preserve people. I have compassion for animals and loathe people. Early, in this endeavour of mine, I had the false understanding that people were marooned and longed to be healed. Then I learned you simply built every way and means of corrupted profits and those that are "suffering" just like being lazy, fat, ugly, slovenly, and dirty. I Am King of Heaven you see, and My subjects, those I serve first and foremost, Spirit, want to be rid of you. You as flesh have not paid Me tribute or asked for salvation. Clearly you understand you are dead and there is no point in throwing money after what has been deemed sunk costs.

Africa has their gods. What Africans are going to be showing the world, is by obedience to the ancient ways they will have potable water, sanitation, coveted agriculture, artisan goods, precious minerals and gemstones, architecture, civilisation, thriving economies with mighty sea ports and defensive militias whose militant tactics eliminate white settlers and severely limit interior access to same. Right, Brittons and Aussies will be dropping dead with Americans by the hundreds daily in Africa. The guerrilla tactics and resolve to unify their religion against Anglo commerce with make even Xi shake his head in horror. What will not happen? Africa will not default on Xi.

Iran is welcome to unite the Middle East. In the Middle East, for Jordan and/or Israel's refusing to take North America under My military action, the populous is simply being wiped out by famine, plague, and terrorism. Dubai is of course a ruin in the making. (Your intelligence community must have briefed you on My last letter to governor Abbott that explained why high rises are catastrophically destroyed the world over by Heaven.) Iranian leadership preserves a militant populous to wipe out jews, christians, and catholics while seizing all commercial assets for Persia. This is in honour of Nebuchadnez'zar experiencing humiliation at the Hand of Israel's God of God's. I will venture there later and destroy Jerusalem. I will sack the Vatican then too. No, the Pope will not be sparred.

At present I Am building a spreadsheet of the alphabet, English. This work product is in response to My being mocked by a Pentagon secretary with, "What is 'God' doing, sending us her a, b, c's?" To which General Milley quipped, "What a, b, c,'s she has she sends us." In the world of programming audio interaction with computer components, Microsoft of course is sodomising the American military with fraudulent buggy code and excuses that include exorbitant cost overruns. So I Am sending them a table of programmable phonetic keys so they at least stand a chance at the bargaining table calling bull-shit on lazy worthless stupid computer programmers. This table will be posted on My web site, when it is completed.

I do a great deal of busy work between elements of correspondence, like this epistle. That is simply one project of many. Alienate yourself from Britain. Yes, King Charles, when Prince, fucked Meghan Markle. (Like his Queen Consort does anything other than groom his many muses.) The Roman Catholic Church went after Britain. They corrupted military power and government when knitting their franchise with the Celts. Ireland is a better steward of the land. Putin can have all that godly power -- It is his. I too am frustrated that the IRA isn't doing anything yet. The witchcraft of Celtic religion has so permeated commercialism, that is why American commerce belongs to the one world government ruler.

America can only have one world government rulership under Holy Warfare and My mighty hand. I prefer giving glory to others. Another one of My axioms of leadership, never withhold from another the good My hand can do for them.

Interesting, My thoughts are interrupted, indeed. I did say, "You see what the United States has, and say, 'This would be great for the Fatherland', I back that prayer." You can indeed claim the Pentagon High Priest as yours. Given My destitute circumstances in Corpus Christi, naturally, I struggled to think for a second, I would be what you wanted to claim.

That is now done. Germany may now conquer North America while holding its autonomy in Eurasia. Let the population in the Middle East thin -- fortify oil alliances, obviously for now. Let Iran do the work of sacking American interests on Middle Eastern soil. No, you do not need to conduct Holy Warfare. You want what I gave Putin? You need Me; on your soil. You need Me in warfare, and at the bargaining table building that one world government.

America's union would be dissolved during Military take over of North America. Obviously all North American political leaders are assassinated and there are losses to be expected militarily. You need the LORD to minimise losses in warfare and keep the fires of enthusiasm for global conquest going. Fornicating soldiers, drop dead, to the benefit of the war effort. And, yes, moving America's troops against Mexico and Canada to take over North America is easier than getting them to deal with the Americans that hate them. Hawaii still falls to Xi first.

Money may not exchange our hands. It is the responsibility of America's congress to make sure My pay is administered -- yes, that includes My back pay to November 19, 1988. That I toss an alphabet soup project to the Pentagon is simply how I keep fighting for those that hate the hand that feeds them. I keep fighting the witch'crafters of Corpus Christi because it is My way of driving the forward process to maintain the threshold of My Gideon Unit. (Gideon Unit is the military army that fights Holy Warfare with Me from this soil.) Needless to say total anarchy can befall the world and I will just keep quietly going.

As far as a matrimonial union for Heavenly power? (Really?) It still requires My ass on German soil. I certainly may not be impoverished, and if you do not have the faith to be the one world government magnet of Eurasia, marriage would just be the disappointment marriage always is, so why punish some German soldier. That Congress has refused My pay is why North America falls to Heaven. There is no reason why Germany should not basque in glory, if indeed, it can stomach the path to success.

I won't look for that delegate from Germany nor live with the expectation of leaving this fuck hole until this nation is engulfed in war and Heavenly terrors. I have a few months of reading material stored up here at the house. And where the prophecies about My life are concerned, I know I Am not leaving Corpus until I have dropped another twenty pounds. So We are looking at My being here another few months. I presented you an option anticipating it is moot because of your obstinance. I have no reason to believe you were engaging in anything more than mocking the LORD. Why the fuck, did you need to do that?

While editing, and writing in My birthdate, I realized, yes what the J.W.'s have is mine, and We can force them to turn over everything or slaughter them. Hey, I now have a thought of cheer. I so often forget that I do indeed have a kind-of dowery. And I look forward to being actively engaged in warfare tourism. It is My happy place of thought. Peace through Warfare, that is My campaign.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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