“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestSteinmeier Henley Tweet
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestSteinmeier Henley Tweet

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

Steinmeier Henley Tweet
May 27 and 28, 2023

Frank-Walter Steinmeier

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Dearest Steinmeier, this morning Putin will be handed a letter to deliver him two lumps as well. While I indeed do have sugar, just a little, in My coffee cup, you can envision this letter adding to a phrenologist's field day while playing nick-nack paddywhack on your head and giving a dog a bone.


A little soft jazz for the razzamatazz is fine too. What Adam's, "At last, bone of my bone, flesh of my flesh" meant. Etta James stole a note to be sure. Don Henley put life into lyric, "When you get right down to the heart of the matter, when the will gets weak and thoughts seem to scatter, I think it's about forgiveness -- forgiveness -- even if -- even if -- you don't love me anymore."

Epistle's Erudition

A cadence walk for Me is about three point two miles per hour. The step is brisk with an average stride of thirty inches. I have a thirty three inch inseam without pushing the tape into soft tissue to cheat the length. The ideal fitness of a soldier means his waist dimension at belly button is less than his inseam. The inseam measurement is taken from holding the tape behind the scrotum in contact with soft tissue between the pelvic bone (proximal to a females vagina location, so frontal the anus.) The soldier holds his own tape in position. Then the tape is dropped to the floor. Standing bare foot the length at floor is the measurement of his inseam. Obesity is when the ratio of inseam to waist is greater than one point two. Right now, there is no need to define too thin.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

A long stride is about the inseam length. This means marching regiments are optimised for soldiers height. Yep, the big chaps are isolated from setting the stride for those of slight stature. There is six inches of play. If minimum height is five foot two for service, up to a five foot eight solder can be inter mingled. Use the inseam dimension as a comparator to adjust the five foot eight person into a shorter or taller grouping. When six foot seven is the maximum height, this means six foot one is the shortest chap that will stride in warfare alongside the maximum height soldier.

In considering Adam, man -- God of Eden -- My knowledge is brought to you after having been put in the place of directing to the LORD the inquiry, "What would put Me in the place of forcing the Divine to provide Me a husband?" To even pose that question My body had to live grieving, death.

All I could ever conceive of was asking of My Ggod Construct to direct Me in the path of one who would be a good marriage mate. Understanding the rest of the work to form a marriage was on Me and him. To Me this was a no brainer. Adam and Eve were the text book example of the Divine providing a spouse. Demanding a spouse struck Me as not allowed because it is a conflict of interest over putting the needs of the LORD behind the needs of ones own flesh. Saint Paul spoke of the difficulties that arose from a wife being anxious over the needs of her husband rather than the LORD.

I actually spent a good deal of time angry that I just could not demand of God, provide Me a spouse by the time I was a teen. My reasoning was, that was Me personally putting Myself ahead of the love I kept attempting to learn about Jehovah at the kingdom hall to receive. Then of course Jehovah was finally in a place of sharing His identity a decade ago, and now I Am writing history in advance of events -- right, We at Team God call this prophecy. All there had to be is one actor crazy enough to drive forward the key events that meant every programmed destruction of the wicked could play out the way even Miss Nancy demanded. (Yes, Nancy Pelosi. Crazy is a relative term that simply attempts to frame My personal take on what I Am forced to do over how I would live if I were not constantly being fucked with. (I did indeed need to define My use of the word crazy.))

My personal feelings regarding marriage were; "I don't want to be alone, and I sure don't want to be the reject-a-menta (borrowing from Ratatouille) crap classified as a person who has no value to another, therefore single." Never having the honour of being with a male who would take his pleasure, at least some of the time, face to face with Me joined together as one in pleasures harmony was an unendurable insult to My vanity. As far as I was concerned, there was no way for Me to asses if another was suitable for marriage without divine help. So I "stupidly" prayed. Then I learned why what I wanted should have been what was fulfilled; then, why it couldn't be. The "why it couldn't" is when one learns who really signs their paycheque.

What My soul understood, from the way males treated Me, is I had none of the competing physical features that put Me in line for a male that would not regard Me as a twenty dollar whore. I tell you this now, that first "love" told Me, 'At least he wouldn't need to put a paper bag over My head to fuck Me.' That "love" I did all the work of endurance I had too so the Divine did not force Me into marrying that one. I was about nineteen when dating this first "love." What I learned is spouses were built from witchcraft. I was the one with faith that prayer, speaking to the LORD in Jesus name, actually worked. What was the key to prayer working under My understanding? Follow the ten commandments, and live under the direction of the early congregation. Then I had to learn why I was "stupidly" praying.

This morning, while walking to coffee, after contemplating My correspondence to Putin -- I soaked My cheeks with tears understanding what the Ggods had lost with humanities obstinance -- the LORD needed Me to dig deeper to deliver love to whelp two. It is of course the office of President of Germany that is the whelp, not you. In Putin's case, it is Putin that is whelp one. (Just ask him. He will tell you he is number one.) To learn of what brought Me to tears read of course Putin's letter of this same date. Back to the importance of vanity, awareness, and sex.

For Me to demand of My God construct; I be handed a spouse, I needed to be really fucking mad to even understand that was a question I needed to pose first. I mean, ready to yell, and test flight paths of potential projectiles (throw things) before I could even form the question. A question like this is one that is against My own flesh. I experience death. My ire was up. I finally blurted out, "You mean what would I require to demand I be handed a spouse?" "Yes, sweet-pea." "Well let's see... first I would really want to be so hot that I looked at My body in the mirror and I wanted to watch Myself engaged in a sexual act." Then continued with, "We are years away from no; stretch-marks, wrinkles, sagging skin; and My own perfect muscle tone. Then I would want to be in full makeup, and like seeing the pleasure on his face as I admired even Myself teasing his erect penis with My tongue." That you see, Steinmeier, is an example of My prayer.

I will repeat, I want to be alone. I learned alone was better enduring that horrid marriage to Terry Smart (that was forced on Me.) That endurance meant I could fight to end being forced into fornication. I do not see advantage for Me in marriage unless the sex is off the charts good, often, and adultery free. What I understand is there is one human being that is capable of enjoying the depth of love, passion, that I as a human being give for its own satisfaction and merit. It is not possible to use Me to leverage Heaven. I work whole souled to perfect everything I do. People like being able to leverage the imperfection of their spouse to say to God, "I still deserve credit because they are worse than me because of that, da da da they are/do." I Am the person hated because Heaven gives no da da da credit on Me.

I have described a good many unions that were forced on Me. But what human has dared put himself in the place of thinking he gets to waltz into My life and just use me to produce another sham like the Trump's, Obama's or Biden's marriage -- those couples are just bull-shit -- only God knows. I was not allowed to have confidence from the Divine that some person has spoken for Me, as it were, to marry Me. So masturbation ended. I had to fight for that. I made it clear I was only seeking union with My spouse, there was no way I was putting up with even considering another. No confidence in who My spouse was meant "somehow" I was condoning pornography. So I fought to end masturbation as a means to sustain the l-o-v-e-LINK union, at this time.

How I experienced masturbation, including My personal belief system, served teaching others about l-o-v-e-LINK. If a male looked on Me and decided I was going to be his spouse, and proceed to experience being sustained in fidelity to be united with Me when this horrid duty assignment in fuck-hole Texas was over, I was not allowed to know with certain confidence who, of eight males that looked on Me in the way to secure the divine, he was. What came from that confusion? An education. I proved My motives and answered many accusations that I didn't even know existed against Me. Did one endure to secure a union? A Spirit did. He is an active duty mariner who understands the art of saying "touché" for diplomacy's sake; by his own admission, can change a band-aid; and, in My opinion, swings and drives his wood beautifully.

I will say it again, My power is not married away. It comes from My legal service to My military body I serve with under law. No pay for Me, no power does that body receive to perform any of its own witchcraft. What Congress is struggling with, is that around the globe the Ggods are destroying the shores so America has no Taiwanese or sympathisers to go to war for, so that the prophets preaching war with China are put to shame. Why Nancy? Because these "war with China" warlords have proven false to their Ggods and further, the Taiwanese the God of Taiwan wants to destroy.

When a populous takes a land it serves the God of that land or the LORD. Either side of the sword will kill you. Obedience is better than sacrifice. The people of Taiwan are being destroyed. Hong Kong is being destroyed. India and Pakistan are being destroyed. The saying the captain goes down with the ship is wrong. The ship goes down because of the captain. The captain is allowed to be the last living person off his sinking vessel. What is the problem America has? They gave the world Jehovah.

The United States Navy will not even be able to ride out the eye of the storms to save its ships full of fornicators. There are no soldiers, sans Me, to be saved. Want salvation? Make room for the LORD! What is amusing is the idea of after preparing My Texas estate for a lengthy departure, I travel to Israel. I do not need to remain in America to serve as Pentagon High Priest. Congress must make room for the LORD or the LORD is destroying all the United States Military as a total body of people. The nation will simply be plundered to destruction by every form of invasion and Heavenly renovation of its landscape.

If congress wants a military making room for the LORD means, I will be handed the keys to NASCC with total authority to transform all of Gulf of Mexico military operations with Georgia, New Mexico, Arizona, and California thrown in creating a unified Southern offensive for the Church to unify North America in the name of the LORD. We will then be seizing all of Mexico to Panama and taking all of the islands of the Atlantic. We are fed up with your drugs, piracy, and flesh. (Sending Timme to the bottom of the Atlantic encased in concrete and iron is a priority. The LORD wants the Coast Guard ended as an institution. Evidently in Timme's honour.) Until that time I have those keys, and the all powerful Southern Alliance forming authority, I will be occupied in the way and means that keeps Me steadily growing My Heavenly Kingdom to Glory and puttering about delivering little epistles of prophecy while the military is further burdened with all the consequences of being a ship of fools headed for destruction.

If that sounds like a ridiculous amount of demand, I agree. I was content to enter another top secret self funded operation and head to the Middle East. I liked the idea of being a prisoner of war to Putin. Not because I Am careless with risk. I just love My whelps. All I have been doing with mumsy is securing My affairs so I can leave. I have several million dollars coming My way soon. That provides Me literal freedom to walk away from this fuck-hole. I do a little dreaming with prayer about the problems related to having a little affluence to provide some basic needs in the absence of antichrist abusing Me in the community I live in. Putin can appreciate Me having the five million from the JW's the the Nueces County million five to cover Corpus' theft and recklessness. I figure; like having sudden lottery winnings, simultaneously I will have some relatives.

The poker hand pot climbing to absurd demands is what happens when people refuse to speak to Me face to face. The LORD and God Almighty hate what is bad and love what is good. Because all these people in the United States when approached by the LORD have cast down evil upon Me they are being destroyed. Going after Me is the dipstick measure that in the blink of an eye brings retribution. All the witchcraft to destroy what is bad is being done. I Am not what is destroyed. I Am simply what people would rather God destroy for them than do one righteous deed themselves to save their own God.

Forcing Heaven to murder Me is what ends the leverage flesh has built to secure its personal treasures against Spirit. This is why I have allowed flesh to give Me treasure to preserve things in Heaven. Where army, navy, marines, and air-force have it made is that whatever horror they thought they were asking Heaven to do to destroy Me some other fucker already beat them to it. (The LORD made sure General Milley, like other soldiers, just made demands that a dead horse be flogged.)

As far as I was concerned, just being a soldier, the one who received pay for putting his life in service, meant he proved he would die to save his God whether he loved him or hated him. In other words being the one that gives your life for the LORD in warfare, even if you hate his slave preferring the slave die, makes the hate of the slave, moot. Soldiers were not in the place of binding any order to destroy Me. My life is not greater than their own life that they were already giving. What I had to do was be the life that made Heaven bind their payers. The Pentagon's soldiers prayers are only fulfilled with Me earning My pay. Without Me there was no way their prayers had any power because they already were sacrificing their life. The circular problem is Congress does not want any of the Pentagon's soldiers prayers answered.

Given Congress won't do a damn thing, because they are itching to destroy the LORD's Church, to potentially save the Church, at this time, We simply drive forward all the witchcraft, Trump, Obama, Biden, Clinton, Carter, Bush, Reagan, and the other Bush (G.W.) formulated to destroy all the wicked in North America. Destroying all the wicked from Heaven means total anarchy with mass murder, disease, economic collapse, and other human driven behaviours fostered of course by all the ways and means natural forces are imposed against people to destroy homes, infrastructure, businesses, churches, and so on. The rest of the world will be looking in horror at North America. So when congress decides they like having a home, church, food, and so on, because they too are wicked, and the brunt of Heaven's destruction is against them -- Pelosi does not get to crow over Taiwan anymore -- presumably they will decide that keeping the LORD's Church in business, so they are not watching their own children being dragged into schoolyard gang rapes, is a good investment. I Am now rambling again. Prophecy is exhausting.

My thinking is that We at Team God will finally hit the marginal cost that tips Congress to that point of dissolving to shield itself from its criminal endeavours or Trump's people will just rake and scuttle them into oblivion. All I need to be able to do is sit out a few years for all the political heads of the United States to be assassinated and murdered and the doors of the Capitol closed. If Nancy thinks she would not be murdered in revenge of a new up and comer being angry over loosing the graft job they dreamed of to an angry mob, she is nuts. You didn't quell the rebellion. What Mark Gurgevich will assure you of, is those were NOT and I repeat, NOT Trump's REAL people. Mark would have been at the Capitol riot had Trump called his millions. I need to make very clear, I Am what freed all Spirits of all dire consequences of all the Nancys certainties she built against her own god if anything happened to her. Soldiers simply could not make things any shirtier for themselves.

You want to save Germany? Kick out the United States. Or the LORD is destroying Germany too.

Whoever "Prince charming" is, I didn't spend twenty years of My life perfecting giving domestic gifts to experience him super imposing some temple prostitute over Me during coitus. I get to perfect Myself. Sexual intercourse is worship. You can worship yourself during sex or your spouse and it is Holy. The only way I would have of protecting My spouse from being tested by his own weakness wanting the perfection he has seen, somewhere, is I was capable of worshipping Myself during sex in the event He can't worship either Himself or Me. I have already proven I would worship My spouse. (This means I need to be able to prove to Satan I would worship Myself because I defined what I needed to be to worship Myself during sex. Evidently My l-o-v-e-LINK spouse proved worshipping not Me was a risk. I had to be able to answer the question I never thought to ask.) Superimposing the identity of another on your spouse during sex, so be careful with roll play -- make sure to make Captain America your own character -- is worshipping another.

Returning to Adam's work. The poetry he spoke was the proof that he worked, fought with the Ggods, to be in the place of receiving; at last, the bone of his bone, and flesh of his flesh. As in, like Ezekiel, Adam kept doing in obedience until the companion, Eve from him, was produced for him so God Almighty's Eighth Day would come to pass producing the perfection for all Creation when evil too existed and evil sill needed to be defined, according to Satan. Adam knew what evil was that is why he kept fighting with the Ggods to produce from him Eve. Obviously, Adam had no way of seeing evil in himself as Satan observed it.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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