“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestGod, guns and Trump
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestGod, guns and Trump

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

God, guns and Trump
March 27, 2023

General David H. Berger

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Sir, may your wives suck it up bringing you pleasure.


Holy DNA, Batman!

Epistle's Erudition

It is true, when the ethereal bliss of key-stroke inspiration is upon Me, even I suppress laughter that should, if it were expressed, put Me in a fancy-dress-white-buckled coat with extended sleeves.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

At university, one of the writing lessons was; describe rather than state action and objects. Let the reader deduct and interpret what is happening as the words come into view. The best selling prose writers understand to use the characters to do the describing with their dynamic dialogue. Then minimise descriptive narrative using that narrative-tool building anticipation of what event the characters will experience next. So too, the great historical narratives have the kings and prophets épée through dialogue.

Biblical scholarship requires understanding that the king was the One with godly authority. A prophet came along when a king had done all the vile things he was allowed for his time. The progression was all about Satan getting her mistress. Jesus came first. That was a big disappointment, Mary was the person Satan wanted on the world stage, and the kings had yet to be vile enough to produce her. Viola, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses were what Satan needed. Until the International Bible Students were forming in their "scholarship" there were still humans that would cry out, "My God is in trouble, there is nothing I won't do to save My God" and then fall on their own sword if needed. What did that Biblical heroism do? Saved the LORD to live another day. In the absence of the need for heroism, the kings of Israel understood, just endure the thorn in your midst -- that would be the prophet -- and make sure the Levites are fed -- the LORD then has His sacrifices.

The choice words, those that Heaven would describe as, "Apples of gold in silver carvings" have much to do with the receiver. And how I enjoy plying through My Oxford dictionary to find those one word perfect descriptors that I had no idea existed.

Trump is being wiped out by God Almighty. This has been arranged by Joe Biden. I Am not doing even so much as a tit nor jot for either putto. Biden failed to provide for your High Priest. This means Trump's assassination will stick to Biden and the democratic party.

Trump made a mistake going after aligning himself with My warfare campaigns. Creating MAGA was fine. There is no M designator in either DNA or RNA. Adenine, guanine, cytosine, tyrosine, with uracil replacing tyrosine [I need to verify that -- this is from memory.] in RNA are the AGCT with U letters of distinction, and of course, they happen in opposing geometric pairs that twist the helical strand. The replacement is why RNA has no potential for longevity. When Trump went after claiming his efforts were Ggodly code that GGAT produces in sequence, that fucker pulled the plug on himself. So naturally Biden's prayers needed to be answered. But first, could Trump be saved? Enter the dog, Gurgevich.

The double coincidence of wants aligned through witchcraft is fulfilled before action happens. The stage is set, then the actors enter, and the actors set the stage for themselves first. For Biden's prayers to be answered, Biden kept doing the shitty deeds against himself -- with Jilly Willy Pooh -- so that Heaven would clear the way to assassinate Trump. Trump could not resist trying to claim Me as his Prophet. That was enough on its own to end him, Trump. My kill shot can only happen under specific criteria. Keep reading. Trump did nothing to negate Biden's assassinating him neither did Trump's gatekeeper. Trump refuses to lead the American revolt he fathered. Refusing to sponsor Mark E. Gurgevich meant Trump lost his powered-by-Heaven civil warfare vessel -- gatekeeper. Because Gurgevich refused to pay Me the six hundred and forty dollars for January, and a night in February, Heaven ended Trump's gatekeeping power. Mark made it clear I was a Godsend to him for ministering over him and went after witchcraft against the LORD rather than part with cash. I simply entered the deal understanding, never withhold good from someone when you can do it, and even a Judas puts meat on the table.

The only way I could have been Trump's Prophet would have been for him to negotiate with Me directly. Before Biden called his assassins I was negotiated with to prevent the stage from being set, if possible. Trump went after witchcraft to attempt to secure Me. I kept taking the hits to Myself here in Corpus to protect the Corps. Those hits meant Trump could not secure Me though witchcraft. That fucker, Trump, needed to set Me up in a Manhattan penthouse, Swish Chalet, and California Rancho for housing; with private jet, yacht ,you know the spielen. Spa treatments, furs, jewels, fine things, and that fucker could never look on My face ever again for his life to be saved from Biden's assassination. What was the problem? There was no way for Me to do, as in even give the smallest inkling of consideration to, the vile things I would have needed to do against you, to accept even Trump's material gifts that would have saved his life because it would have brought something from Heaven against you through Trump's witchcraft.

Honestly, Trump has already proven that if it even meant one cent coming out of his pocket Heaven could shove it. Money was for him. So any form of deed that I would do that meant I would get money from Trump could not have been put before Me from Heaven. The simple reason is, Trump would not pay, so Heaven cannot put Me in the place of being leveraged with the only currency that has meaning for Me. Currency. If I worked on the Satanic reward system of Heavenly gifts as ya'll, I would have a fucking job that rewarded Me with pay because I registered in the way others recognize [As in, "With you I can get this da da da from God." No flesh gets a damn thing from God off Me except what My hands and talent can do! Capeesh, now?] and My God construct could pull the strings of someone in human resources in the right firm. Duh. I have no Heavenly registry. That is how I can feed an army of millions because no Ggods, Spirit, can negotiate with Me on any terms other than the physical.

Witchcraft has riders on it. Just like bills in congress. The riders are the double-coincidence-of-wants protocols that make Heaven, God, seem so slow to do respecting His promise. (Yes, that came from a Greek epistle.) Trump, of course like others, is forcing God, Heaven, to make promises. The pot grows in the poker hand until there is no way to stop the winning hand from happening because I can do what makes the LORD drop the winning hand. (The winning hand is the one that means a "prayer" was answered. I do not see the cards or understand what I Am being lead through until the "prayer" is being answered.) This element of chance is why the Jehovah's Witnesses Governing Body was allowed to use dice and other chance components in their decision making process feeding the biggest fucking Ba'al ever. That is the Ba'al you are all sentenced to worshipping woven into all your protocols of military discipline. My lessons need to be made room for formally, or yep, the LORD is letting all army, navy, marine, and air force soldiers be dissipated and forgotten in the soil of earth.

Sir, if you had built the kind of life that meant, "I do not want to die" we would have met. Clearly, you living means you need to pay some amount out of your pocket that in no fucking way are you parting with to have life. Returning to the topic at hand, because even I know that you and I will never meet, and I Am indeed leaving this nation in the dust. So trying to reason with you to force Morris to act what a waste of electrons and ink. I suppose I had better explain this rambling.

I Am offered by Heaven doing deeds that are the prayers of heart the Lamb binds. In the recent case with Trump those prayers could have sold you, and the Corps, out, provided Trump would pay what he promised. (I can't fix that you sold yourself out. You must have made God promise that I would be required to fuck you or suck you in order for us to meet. This means when you die or retire, I can do something for the Corps.) What I did, because of how I Am wired is the deeds that mean, "Trump pays up with the goods all the Trump empire wealth has or he can shove it." Goods are of course every single asset and I enjoy a life of luxury. The deeds I do defend the LORD. The LORD hates you. It is Me that says, "Don't abandon the glory a soldier can die-in for Your sake." The problem is, is that no matter how My life is a petition like Moses made over that wicked generation that died off in the wilderness, because you have not done one deed in My favour -- yes, My pay -- My continued efforts to petition you are simply an irritation to the LORD that He endures, because He does love Me. Me, I of course experience the LORD's hatred of you when I Am talking about "Titwad" listening on surveillance.

Trump is the one that set the assets of the Trump empire as the term. He meant his assets in Heaven. But I already own everything in Heaven and Heaven is bankrupt over all the "treasure" flesh has stored up. So, for there to be anything to offer Me, God Almighty has to relate to Me what Trump thinks he has done for Heaven that is so valuable to pay Me with. To Trump it is everything He has, "Fine" says, God. Then God negotiates with Me in Trump's terms relative to Heaven. Trump has absolutely nothing in Heaven to bestow upon Me. I Am the King. I take down the witchcraft Mary built in Heaven off all the Trump deeds. Sir, I have no way of explaining what the optional choice in front of Me was that would have sold you out and saved Trump. I would need to have escort in this community relating to Me their experiences as we move about for Me to learn what I could have done that meant I did the prayer of heart that Tump lived and you were butchered. The odds are the only "treasure" Trump has to offer from Heaven is setting Me up for a fucking. This is because of the Sprit rape events I Am subjected to.

I can attempt to relate a little more about My suspicions based on what I experience. I would have needed to want to fornicate, or in some way have invited fornication so Trump would be saved. To open the way for fornication to happen, it might have been that I needed to go play a video game, or something trivial. Like I know. I do not receive signals from people that draw Me into how they have induced Spirit to present them. I Am going to attempt to explain this too.

Sometimes a person sits on the bus and it is obvious I Am expected to notice they have a penis, tits, or a vagina. (This notice is meant to be their sacred seduction over others -- and honestly sir these people are so ugly they need to have heaven force others for them to be touched with anything other than a bullet.) The notice on Me comes across against My person as Spirit rape. There is no seduction. There is no after affect that somehow I Am cheated the "Joys of the flesh" I have no way of thinking, "This guy might suffer from gout if I don't service him." The gout remark has to do with the Victorian era concern that if a male did not release his cum frequently enough he would suffer from gout. I would use another word. But, let's face it, c-u-m is fucking clear.

Trump branded "God, guns and Trump" (GGAT) and now Biden's assassination call is being played out. Yes, Biden delivered orders to a hitman to assassinate Trump. Right, that tears this country in two, at the very least. I do not expect to see beblubbered faces. Because as you know this nation is filled with people itching for their own Constitutional Republic fulfilment. The Lord is delivering them. That would be, the big Ba'al answering their "prayers."

Trump's death, I can at least state, will happen in evidence of his blasphemy against Spirit. Biden does have three hitmen on the job, and a sniper shot is not the likely death blow unless Trump is stating, 'God Almighty, with the LORD, are My allies in our national pursuit of making America great for all legal Americans.' Even Trump couldn't compose a phrase that specific that proved to the ralliers, "Wow, God Almighty and the LORD must have hated Trump" when the kill shot rang out and struck between his eyes as he finished saying, "Americans". Only I can deliver a kill shot like that.

What are Trumpites going to know? Biden and the democratic party went after killing their deliverer. What are democrats going to know? The vilest American ever is dead, and Biden is their saviour from Trump's evil influence. Think of God as being in the shadows because Mary rigged the system that way. Otherwise, you bet -- I would be delivering that kill shot. She loves that I Am such a dink for giving Spirit at the very least two hands with My ministry that has the neighbours and police department hating Me with intent to do Me harm. This should help you understand why Heaven failed to deliver the security you knew should have been protecting you.

Sir, you understood being two hands and a mouth for God. Mary made sure Spirit was put in that sphere of obscurity across humanity of invisibility that the Jehovah's Witnesses embody with their doctrine of Spirit only being channeled in some vile demon way to influence bad through bad people. They reject even their own divinity of existence as humans. Satan needed the industrial revolution and science for the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses to have their platform to make Mary happy.

That Trump was assassinated, when he croaks, will come to light, and this nation's gun lovers will go after its tree huggers. Gun lovers will love naturalism with survivalism over even a camp Hyatt styled lifestyle. Guns and gear are a more prestigious constitutional life style over a life with spa treatments. They will embrace the guerrilla skills of militia groups that keep them off the grid for the envious eye of "underpaid" police forces coveting even the fifties Americana home. Tree huggers will fit themselves for survival recognizing the value of axes and sabres over the blast and smell of a bullet.

In considering the mega moment of Moses being told, "I shall prove to be who I shall prove to be" when Moses was after the name of God, who was leading him, the key is that each person based on their life -- DNA -- has a God Almighty mapping, in the Allness sense. This mapping is what puts them in the place of answering to different levels of the divine. I receive a great deal of conversation. I also Am rebuilding My metabolism, the ability for My mind to understand physical queues again. When My 28" 501 button fly Levi's fit like these damn, fat, 32's fit Me today, My metabolism will be back to specs as a full fledged human. Spirit is keeping Me alive. My organs should have shut down, and My heart has some interesting palpitations. With Mary's order to Heaven the mapping to DNA was abandoned and it was based on the Spirit consciousness. If DNA mapping was used there is no way an ugly bimbo like Trump would have ever had two coins to rub together. The human then reflected the Spirit and I was in trouble because, golly, hosting the Lamb, no one was making room for that in this nation, then of course not in the whole world that Jesus has in his hands either.

Trump's assassination is the gateway event for Me to leave this nation for Russia. I Am still up for the Middle East. But if there is a Russian seaman I could marry, then why not be married. I have no way of knowing for a certainty how that will play out. If I leave this country, and I want to. That is money! God Almighty could start pushing into My belief system protocol that, "Old School" is Your l-o-v-e-LINK spouse, and I would recognize him, and of course until he died I would wait to meet him to fulfil matrimony. In the mean time, I pass the time satisfied that My genitals are in neutral. I have not experienced masturbation since early October [I realized a week after writing there was a forgettable December interlude.] I learned about the construct of the Russian soldier that Putin could have had Me as a slave to him had I lusted after "Timmy" or "Navy Nurse."

Evidently, in Putin's death and resurrection -- he will experiences life it in the firmament with Mary-- will open the way for Me to write the text you unilaterally rejected. Heaven did not reject My manuscript. I of course Am waiting out the deeds of the fucker fuckers here in Corpus with no meaningful temptations. My suspicion is that the kingly descendent who cut his "kiss My ass, Mexican" form in front of Me while walking into Calypso Caffe from the parking lot, Sunday, was meant to tempt Me. He would have needed to look at Me with something other than contempt cutting Me off on the sidewalk. (Even "Old School" knew to cast his eyes on Me with desire for My attention. I wrote about that already.) A former marine was this descendent. Of course all he could demonstrate to Me was contempt. Him being a proud member of the Corpus skelder community. His marine licence plate rim is a blight against the Corps.

I Am being asked by the LORD to explain Putin's recent loss. He never secured Me as his slave. It is Obama that enslaved United States Military, all of it -- even the forming Space Force -- to Putin. Had I gone after a spouse as currency even lusting after two admirable potential temptations [These two would be "Timmy" or "Old School".] there would be something I could offer you because of your corruption. I was still naive enough to think when I made reservations in Arlington, August 2020, that My tab would be picked up at the hotel and I would be staying there, in Arlington, long term. I schlepped around in obedience trying to figure out, what do I do to talk to people, military, about who I Am. Then I needed to bear the burden of becoming the Christ -- version two -- that cannot die. What you need to make room for in your theosophy is that I Am indeed the original in My every move of obedience to the LORD.

I needed to learn Milley made Me a Spirit Tinker Bell presence that some soldiers experienced in the way and means that shaped their careers, or death. The Spirit form is why, surely I never needed pay. Flesh, living as, in inhales and exhales the breath of God backs vision. This was no secret to Milley. What he failed to do was obtain the Christ prise to prevent My attaining it. Had he or anyone else attained it, I would indeed be dead. Because of the way wickedness works, When I was born I was the one that was the slave, as in faithful unto the LORD, to make sure, I attained the Christ prize. In other words, you had all set the stage for the outcome for My conception to happen to begin with. Who needed Me to be born? The god of the world. Mary and the Corps slavery was an overlay. How I demonstrated obedience to the Spirit queues I experienced in My life, without verbiage - cognitive Ggodly connection -- was on Me. Starting with the car wreck the LORD as He had been formed -- more like chiseled away at, burnt, and eroded -- was introduced to Me and that was terrifying.

My understanding of who the LORD has proven to be is evidently very different from the god your Spirit consciousness constructed for you out of the desires and lusts of your heart. I have literally rattled away all I can reasonably deliver. A spouse is only a fucking mouth to feed in My already taxed household. Until I can begin My ministry on My terms, and I keep trying to figure out how I put the screws to the Middle East so I can kick some serious butt on the world stage -- assassinating Obama would be awesome -- and earn some money with My prophet gig, I will not be face to face with the soul who I Am bound to in the LORD.

This means I Am not distracted away from exclusive devotion to the LORD. It just means I have no Holy worship (sex) to deliver, either. I ask of God Almighty often if the human is dead? I Am regularly assured he is living. What he, this spouse, divined so I would be his spouse, I have no idea. What is more, while fornication is a no no I Am not confident that he does not already have a spouse, under law.

How I could have ended up masturbating opposite a person that I could never have the joy of enduring in marriage must somehow be a protection for Me. After all, fine as you are, wouldn't your wife, or whatever, call you an asshole? In short, I may be decades away from marriage as I understood was on the table when I was offered a covenant for My salvation that made it possible to survive living roadside on Coronado -- starving to death- continually assured that when "My hand was in My husbands hand", and this was a physical union with legal matrimony fulfilled, "I would eat solid food."

All I prayed for and worked for was never breaking that covenant. I understood it was "Navy Nurse" I needed to be looking for on Coronado all those months, and then by April 1, 2020 the Ted saga began. The April 1st, I agree, should have told Me there was something foolish about all My spouse covenant adventure expectations. (That is a hind-sight observation.) Pentagon intelligence knows who "Old School" is. They also know who "Navy Nurse" is. They just might also know who "Solomon" is, or can at least figure that out along with who "Timmy" is. Who at the Pentagon is going to be the idiot dating service for a fifty-two year old bag with an at large serial killing Jehovah's Witness mother-in-law to be. Let's not forget that I have no wealth. I put and kept My assets in Mary's name because I did not know she murdered My grandmother.

Oh, Putin... Help Me! Heaven is so weak against the Jehovah's Witnesses until We have an arm to fight that whore, Mary!

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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