“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestObama, Enjoy Your Winnings
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestObama, Enjoy Your Winnings

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

Obama, Enjoy Your Winnings
June 16 and 17, 2023

Barack Obama

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Obamas, let's set straight another matter. What is worse than hell? Worse than hell is when your flesh is enslaved against your will. Worse is when your god is telling you you are failing while your flesh is enslaved, and your emotions are running contradictory to your objectives.


While eating a Kouign Amann, I was troubled by the LORD's interrupting Me. I finally told him, "My mouth is having sex this morning." That is oral sex and why the Ggods do not stop people's consuming or serving any food they want. Just ask Satan. Obama on My credit Spirit is taking the smouldering wick of hope Iran fosters to destroy the infidel and nuking London. As far as Biden and king Charlie's boobs in Baghdad, as if Spirit would allow those two bedbugs to steal your thunder or let such a chinchy plan smear Russia, and waste the glory of nuclear blasts on such a desolate, squandered, desperate, fuck-hole as Corpus Christi.
You Obama, will be responsible for taking kingship of the whole goddamned world, uniting it, once London is nuked to oblivion in all your glory as flesh. Congratulations on being the biggest nigger. We all agreed the United States, nay, North America, was too small a prize for one as great as you. You figure out how to conquer the world, asshole, when you are bankrupt in Heaven. As far as Michelle's accusation that I didn't satisfy Trump or Dinan, come eat a Kouign at Central Kitchen and you will know what those two felt. Then you will understand why all the witchcraft Heaven bound with Me had so fucking much power and why you had to be handed the whole fucking world as you demanded. King Charles merely needed to make modest provision for My means to avoid London's being nuked. There was no fucking way Diana's brat was inheriting his kingdom. That is what it means when your father hates you. Read on and you will understand how all the fuckers in North America have inherited a scrap of cloth in mine [Kingdom of Heaven].

Epistle's Erudition

The perverted logic of the learned of Jesus' day cast flesh in some hypothetical fantasy world of ghostly proportions when the LORD's day arrived. You are the flesh who has lived your life according to impulses of your flesh united with your Spirit. God to you, is you. Is there some mythical Spirit interacting with the masses? Somehow the little people know they are interacting with "some being" that is going to bring justice for them, the oppressed. In other words, the ghostly world had all been condensed like being in a giant freezer condensing their existence to absolute zero. Spirit was forced into being expressed as all the flesh without ability to exhort any exogenous influence over their own flesh unless of course a shit ton of witchcraft was done, and that meant your prayer against another hurt that other provided your Spirit was able to leverage who they were with the LORD.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

This means your flesh has absolutely no ability to learn wisdom. And that is a problem. In all that you have done you have proven that hell -- whack-a-mole meets merry-go-round -- is the place where you are not a harm to Heaven or Earth. You refused, like others refused, to do for their Spirit. You did not go after your global kingship when you left office. Why? Did the United Nations not have a grand enough red carpet for you to walk upon? Did you know that carpet is red to represent the blood the red carpet walker owes the Earth?

To put this bluntly Obamas, the jig is up. J-i-g is a mid sixteenth century word of unknown origin. Unknown meaning people just started to make the sound and understood what it meant. It most likely entered with letters written at the end of the fifteen hundreds when music or the antics of children were being described when parents wrote to family. Things along those lines, anyway. Artists make expressions of soul from food, music, and physical inert media and the critic, participant, observer or subject makes noise describing same. Language as it formed before Moses, the Babel tower bit, was a gift from the gods and included a genetic mix-up. Language is about the only evidence of evolution humanity has, as language is what humanity expresses its Ggodliness with -- and this includes transitions flesh is not even cognitively able to define -- to both the Divine and one another.

You failed to make the case that you needed to improve. You as you in your discrete awareness of coming into being at conception, a soul, do not live the life of your Spirit. You are headed to hell. You are headed there with a great crowd. Can you number this crowd? Do you know how many conceived humans there are? This is a little like asking can you count the hairs on your head? The one that sits atop you shoulders -- Ha Ha.

August 21, 2021 is when Spirit chose their King because you used your Spirit against its will binding promises taking away from your Spirit its life in exchange for yours. I gave Spirit their life back because you did not want to live in My Kingdom and they did. No human on this planet made the case to Me that they were adding value to Heaven. Now Heaven is closing down the flesh factory. That is what it means when the jig is up.

Do you want to make your case to Me that your being has value and should have more life than what your decaying flesh has you slated for? As in, I Am not defrauding hell. Why don't we just make two of you? I can offer you being resurrected as a slave later and you can work your way free. You can prove to be a faithful slave ministering over Spirit's house to their glory earning your freedom or you die, again. What kind of system is that? A slave is not greater than their master. As a slave you would be proving nothing about who you are. What makes a slavery system fool-proof proof? When the LORD is who is enslaved to your genetics, the decisions you make under every adversity the LORD has to experience and do likewise. Out of the many came one.

Why would your genetics be used again if after the first time it was proven that your being's mapping to godliness corrupted Heaven. Perhaps your genetics is okay. It is what you made your mind up on based on your environment you say. If so and so had not stolen my bike I would not have had to walk home and then I wouldn't have been late to dinner and then blah blah blah. So from want of a nail you ended up President of the United States? Twice?

Let's get back to the LORD. You see the Lord of Host's is the being, prodigal, from the flood of Noah's day forward searching out flesh for the one to be a slave to. That is Me. The LORD was a slave to the Lord of Host's. Then the Lord of Hosts pierced his ear for Me. The rest became the history you are furious over.

Obama, you like other flesh, proved who you were to the Lord of Hosts. That slavery system is why the Earth ended up so fucked up. It is why Heaven was plundered. When Allness was blown to bits the system was engineered for perfection to occur as Allness the MEGA Potter deemed perfection to Be. You want to talk to the face of Allness, the MEGA Potter? You are reading her letter, and it is to you. You blessed little tyke. Do you want to sit on My knee and tell Me about all the rewards you are due? It is no mystery why America was mining so much coal and had little interest in gold. Unless of course they could simply slosh it out of the water. Isn't it just wonderful how people understood they needed lumps of coal and mountains should not be moved?

You know where to look on the face of God Obama. I Am not happy with it either. I would like to get to Switzerland to have My needs ministered over perfecting My vanity for My own satisfaction. Those are rewards for another day. Hell is your future as you know yourself and you will be a good little Indian in that engine. You want to live again? I built a sandbox environment so you can live your life in freedom as you know yourself. Your body is the same and your awareness only impacts your physical environment. Your physical environment is earth. I Am King at that time over earth. You want to live then? You will have no currency in Heaven. People, the physical will be interacting with one another with the LORD as their God directing them, or not, and you will live until you decide you hate the LORD, the Earth, your King in Heaven or your King on Earth.

Heaven does not need you to walk the earth again. Satan does not need you to walk the earth again. The LORD does not need you to walk the earth again. I do not need you to walk the earth again. Do you want to walk the earth again? Are you the least bit curious that you would be willing to test the claim? What is that worth to you? Living again in not hell? What would you do for Me that I would want to see you again? Even just be glad that you grew a nice rose, made a great cup of coffee, or fed Me a nice meal so that in My natural gratitude that someone produced something nice I was willing to bestow a free gift on them? You did not bless Me asshole. I blessed the military. Yes, they do hate Me for it. Like I give a fuck about the hatred of one who takes a bullet for My name.

Obamas if you want to live again it will cost you money, now. The nice thing is you will not have Spirit to blame for any of your problems. You can blame yourself -- unlikely -- blame either King, blame the LORD, or blame Earth. Regardless of where you lay the blame, if you have broken the Law, I come and kill you. So what is the Law? You do not bear false witness, you do not steal, you do not commit adultery, you do not make gods for yourself, you do not murder, and you do not covet. What is different than the Ten Commandments? Firstly this Law was written for Spirit to follow while existing with flesh. Heaven was bound by the same Law. So in My Kingdom, My Word is the Law.

When America's constitution was created the constitution was lauded for the freedom persons were allowed live with and still have some kind of umbrella to fall back on if across the states one place or another was experiencing more favour than another. I Am not going to bore you with an American history lesson nor lecture you on how dependent the Constitution is on the ethics and morality of citizenry to prolong the Federal Government. What you do need to understand is the Constitution is the document that Satan needed to prove to Spirit just how vile your genetics were. You are not alone. Clearly, Trump and Biden are as bad as you.

What the Law will be, on this earth, is what I, as King, say it is. If I deem you a destroyer of good things I get rid of you. Your survival as flesh is a product of My service to the LORD. Obama, aren't you content to simply be cashing in your chips? Do you really want to have life again when you would have no way of seeing your daughters again? Forget the marriage. You two made a mistake, We All know that. Putting you two together again is clearly yoking an ox and a mule together. Why should Michele live at a time when she is reminded of you? Why should she be humiliated that you have a spouse that you enjoy sexually more than you ever could her? That you regard as more beautiful? Why should your daughters be in the place of knowing you finally have children that are better than they were to you? Awareness, ego, is fragile. What is fair, for all? Somehow you would need to be separated or brought back together as a family?

So what do the Ggods know? That there is no way the people of antichrist's mark can have existence again without being in that place of being cheated for living again because they were so fucking cheated now.

For the sake of rhetoric -- because you are not going to do this -- and so you can have some interstate commerce violation on Me as your motive for "doing" it, here goes. Obama go ahead and start a resurrection fund. Every cent is handed to Me. When that fund reaches $1,000,000,000,000.00 every person that paid into the fund is resurrected, and I Am the sole executor of the fund it having been transferred to Me -- tax free. No, I will not do it for a penny less. You can die for Me instead. Oh, right, that is what My soldiers do! Bear arms in My name Obama as a United States Army, Navy, Marine, or Air Force solider -- because that is what they are stuck with -- or build the fund. You have until August 21, 2023 to establish the fund and bind it with 1% at current dollar value set to August 21, 2023 value of the U.S. dollar.

Do you think you should be allowed to name your price and pay as an individual? Do I need to make some concession for how righteous you are? You add so fucking much value to the earth, do you? Why, do daffodils pop up in your wake as you walk past a vacant field? When a tornado is wiping out a housing development do you stop it? When the earth is splitting open or spewing fire into heaven do you stop it? Does a homeless person say, "Why I just met Barack Obama. I am going to get a job and stop living on the sidewalk. I know this was my lucky day, and I am going to have my own toilet to crap in." Do people decide to live by your standards just because they met you? Do people have access to live by your standards? You witchcrafted the destruction of humanity you stupid mother fucker. Did you do it thinking you were going to live in some paradise on earth where only you and Bill Gates live?

I do not mind being the draconian solution Obama. What I mind is that I can't throttle you. I can't take every goddamned cent "you" have ever earned out of the bank and spend it on Me. The only reason you earned a fucking cent is because Heaven backed money on Me. Now, why did you need to earn money? I mean, you were so powerful in Heaven, why did people expect you to pay? Why is it you needed to pay for your soda when you went to college? Obviously people will buy for you now, but, then, there is that favour they will want. Heaven is not backing that favour Obama. Think twice about taking anyones "gift." People will expect a gift back from you because to them they just wasted their money.

When We talk about money Obama why is it so hard for people to barter? Essentially that was the failure of the colonies and why they lobbied for independence. Why should dude A give dude B two sheep for two planks of lumber. State A's paper was crap. It took five thousand pieces of state A's paper to equal one-hundred pieces of state B's paper. Why? What was so different about the people from state A that what they did was worth so much less than those in state B? The central banking of London is what earned them destruction, and to keep an economy going in America meant My Holy Office being upheld, blah blah blah. Get people to agree on a common paper. Protect that common paper. Then money could become so convenient. A military needed to make America's money worth it on the world stage. Then you made your military worthless after the military made the dollar, US, so fucking valuable. Now, the dollar, US, is crap. A soldier is precious to Me. A veteran is garbage.

What is a fair amount of money for you to pay for this resurrection you are pimping Me for? How is it fair to a homeless person that might want to be resurrected? I will tell you what, jack ass, get your fucking act to Corpus Christi Texas, you tell Me, the Priest, what you will be doing differently and why you need to be resurrected. Bring a stenographer and relate your sins. That deposition will go to the FBI and you will be tried in criminal court. Serve your time for your crimes. After making a complete confession of your life including testifying to your Ggodliness and understanding of the Divine then experiencing the sentence you are due, you would be eligible to slave for Me for the remainder of your life with Me taking every cent you own as Mine and your life would belong to Me so you could have the resurrection to freedom in My Kingdom. You are getting a little long in the tooth for even that to be fair to Me. You would not outlive your prison sentence.

Enjoy your right to bear arms. Get to the gun range fool to protect your home because the nation will not be able to keep you as its pet much longer. The CIA is too fucking expensive. Obama, My question is who the fuck do you think you pray to? There is no evidence of accountability to anything greater any more. Everyone is so convinced everyone else just needs to make room for them just the way they are or they are making false judgements against a good person.

Prove to Me you are a good person Obama. Can you do good for one you hate? Soldiers frequently do. In the fire of hell from an insurgent the sergeant they hate they pull from the fire.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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