“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestMoody Eating Desserts First
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High PriestMoody Eating Desserts First

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

Moody Eating Desserts First
June 11, and 12, 2023

Vladimir Putin

macDukes.com figure, credit: someone


Dearest President Putin, this letter of correspondence I direct to you because Trump has been stealing from you. Trump's theft is why Biden was allowed to cheat the qngmic cult ritual drug use holding onto all of his faculties when fucking his qngmic child offering. It is Sunday.


Mark Gurgevich is, indeed, a tedious subject. This morning, 11:30 central time I sent him the following instant message "Mark, failure to pay Me the $640.00 you owed Me means every prayer of heart Corpus Christi Texas, including those made by the veteran community regarding warfare, are now broken. By Friday Barbara Canales, Mike Markle, Peter Zanoni, Greg Abbott, Donald Trump, Mr. Torres, and JJ will have a letter describing the details of what your fucking with Me, Dr. H. L. MacRae Dukes of the USMC, Pentagon High Priest, means for them, you, and this nation. Ta Ta." The scuttlebutt at Pentagon Intelligence about Mark is when I wrote he fucked the family pig three times, they knew it was three times a day. Obviously, I Am conservative when making assumptions about magnitudes and quantities.

Epistle's Erudition

Beyond this introductory remark I need to gather My thoughts before I can elaborate. Richard Dinan's warfare with Me is why Trump's qngmic cult is destroyed. By July 1, 2019, all the power the cult participants were leveraging over Heaven ended. The end of the qngmic cult is why I was allowed to begin My ministry and demonstrate My successful completion of My Theological Studies Doctorate defending My Dog Paddle Thesis.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

Dealing with the dark and murky is exhausting. There is a need to explain how America ends up with a eunuch, and what the god construct interaction differences are so you can collect against Trump, from the Divine -- going forward. What is going to force the $1,587,500.00 payment is the dire consequences these fucks want abated that are coming against their lives. For instance, Zanoni is better off in the hands of the FBI than the first family of Canton he is fucking by skimming of the top the the heroin market directly under the noses of the Corpus Christi Port Authority. I Am going to allow Zanoni to be tortured by Canton who will be coming for that fucker. The FBI refused to even cooperate with the DEA insisting that Zanoni's corruption would "somehow" be what ended My life. (Those stupid fuckers never learn.) All his heavenly rewards, along with those every citizen of the United States is convinced they extorted from Heaven are now void. It is noon.

A history review is useful before I commence integrating levels of detail that relate humanities engagement with Spirit. When Jesus died on the torture stake of Jolly Roger Hill [Now you will begin to realize how privateers on the high seas held onto a Divine symbol of devotion for power.] the LORD was gathered back from being blown to bits and Satan took the office of god of this world as the LORD's lover to accomplish the task. It was a one flesh Spirit union. What was mercy for the first Christ? That she did not live the horror of her first born Spirit being usurping her as lover to the LORD. (Can you understand that humiliation Canales, or are you that dull of senses that you do not see that death was indeed for One?) Neither was Satan going to tolerate her existence as a competitor for affection. What was the problem? Lady Wisdom was resurrected, Light, the Lamb of God Almighty, a being that could never hold physical form from the energy, without consciousness, of Jesus' sacrificed life. What was left to be resurrected? Darkness. Enter Mary McRae after Satan, as god of the world fighting against the Ggodly manifestation of humanity for generations, finally produced Protestantism.

At My conception Satan's stewardship over the LORD ended and consequently entered purgatory joining the ranks of other Spirit conciseness experiencing the same limits. Allness formation was coming into view across Creation will My conception. Saint Paul entered purgatory on his death and was a transfigured being. I united the LORD with Saint Paul some months back. I hated that I had nothing to offer My Master other than declaring their union at the split second moment that mattered. I earned the LORD and Saint Paul that dignity of having their union declared before becoming One. Allness was witness with Heaven.

With Mary and her twin's conception two Spirit beings came into existence. The Spirit consciousness whose genetics is the Coronado Island Amphibious Base guard I shook hands with after inadvertently walking onto the newly restricted beach [Thirty years ago that strip of beach was not restricted -- so on those memories, I started to waltz from the dog beach near North Island past the Del with the intent of walking all the way to Imperial Beach along the ocean. I learned courteously and quickly to turn around, and I thanked the young male for kindly and authoritatively directing Me to turn around. He actually expected Me to show Him My military ID. My operation was still Top Secret.] The Spirit consciousness that maps to the genetics of this guard is with the Lord in the firmament. The other union of relevance is Mary's twin, also a Lord, who is now united likewise the the Sprit conciseness whose genetics belongs to the guard that directed Me to turn around when, in obedience, I attempted to enter a Florida base when traveling to Virginia using the I-10 then the I-95. Because of My absolute obedience to the instructions of both neither Lord was violated.

Trump has no share with either Lord. What Mary did was murder the Camp Pendleton Marine to create Trump the Spirit being he needed, and then I liberated that conciseness to unite with the twin's identity that will be resurrected to the firmament on Mary's death. Just as nothing of the first Christ remains, nothing of Mary -- the Wanton that despises wisdom and welds only power -- will remain. The twin with the spirit Trump has been abusing as his unifier of America and manipulator of global markets for gains that further his rise to power, is the being that will form from the Firmament the bases of Darkness that has no genetic manifestation any more than the Lamb. None of the Seventy-Seven Spirit forms of Darkness can have a physical form. Seven, first, form from the One. It is the Twin that devours you in the firmament.

From My dead mare and the rabbit Mary formed a Sprit power source from, this presence takes on the awareness and identity of the acting Senior Joint Chief as king over the United States Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force. Until Mary's death the Camp Pendleton Marine Spirt Conciseness Trump is using, until his death, to rule over North America from the Firmament as king. Should Mary outlive Trump, and her biology alone will give her another twenty strong years even with all she does to defile herself, this kingship defaults to the acting President of the United States. General Milley and Trump's kingships have been in effect since August 21, 2021 when I took Kingship in Heaven. It just so happens I was the only being who could pull Excalibur from the Stone of Heaven. (Allness was brought an end to for the Creative Duad to form. A sword of unimaginable power was needed. The question you should ask is, "Did Allness fall on His own sword, or was He pushed?" Hence, I used the word "took.")

Putin, now you know what marriages I officiated. And without Champagne. Do you have any idea how fucking pissed Allness is at My financial circumstances that are abhorrent on every level due to the profound entirety of liars every beneficiary of My estate has proven to be? Every fucking human being on this earth has owed Me ten percent of their gross because I Am Money. That is the Queen of Heaven Spirt, Money, Me! Trump, Biden, Obama, Bush, Carter, Clinton, Abbott, Zanoni, Canales, Gurgevich, Markle, Steinmeier, king Charley, Prince Willy, General Brown Jr., General Milley, Lloyd Austin, and You are going to feel, and even be given the opportunity to make reparations to Me, Money, to stop the miserable feelings. This is of course above and beyond the $1,587,500.00 Zanoni is on the hook for and Abbott needs to get the parties to pay from. (How is anything else fair to the city?) The State of Texas needs to establish a fund. Wouldn't you say a collective so the miserable feelings end for all of you has benefit? It would be good to put Mary in a living facility with luxuries. I'm thinking she should be in D.C.

One more thing, August 21, 2023, you are all going to learn the world over that Money is the only thing you work for. Heaven is closed to flesh's influence. People need to make peace with their Ggods. What is the problem everyone has? Money is fucking pissed too. Pungle assholes! Heaven being closed to the influence of flesh is the cost of slandering the One who gave you life. As for the Corpus Christi veteran community that have made room for Mark's perversions, pay Me the $640.00 he owes or failure to due do by August 21, 2023, and you will learn how much of Trump's enterprises relied on Mark's life. Mark is the fucker who was holding back the rage against Corpus Christi from Heaven. His refusal to pay means Heaven needed to destroy you for refusing to prosecute him for murder.

This letter, Canales, is what it means when God does something about it! God also struck Franklin by lightning. What was required of God is to let all darkness and ugliness, like you, play out first before striking everyone with lightning. Markle, now you know why I said, "You were going to need My help" and how you got My help.

The pink brute is by far and away the best Champagne under the PJ label. May your God have the patience with you that I do Putin.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General USMC Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.

Recipients: Internal

Handwritten at the bottom of the letter copy that went to Markle I wrote, "Markle, what you department owes is $492,500.00. I think Abbott can get that from his pussy factory too! -- mac"

Handwritten at the bottom of the letter copy that went to Abbott I wrote, "Abbott, the extra $7,500.00 is[sic] for Markle forcing Me to junk My truck. PAY UP! -- mac"

macDukes.com logo

Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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