“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High Priestxxx
You Are HeremacDukes.com, the Pentagon High Priest's DomainA Visual Directory Accessing the www of macdukes.comWelcome to Herald of the Fine ShepherdThe Ba'al Deconstruction Orders from the Pentagon High Priestxxx

Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

January 8, 2023

Vladimir Putin
Russian President

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Dear President Putin,
I enjoy shepherd's pie with lamb, and lamb with curry. A lamb chop, presumably I would enjoy as well. Lamb, is generally tenderer than beef. (Right, a heavily colloquial way to replace more tender. Apple Pages had under dashed in red every character of the word "than.")


The contract and guarantee from the Heavens for Ukraine conquest then JW, and Jew extinction.

Epistle's Erudition

It is reasonable to assess that the black market of American arms -- including some that never reach the Ukraine army -- is fodder to fuel uprising. Uniting the former Soviet Socialist Republic now needs to include the Middle East through Africa. The gold standard is re-implemented, and based on the price of food. People will give up gold to feed themselves. Then after food, of course, gold is given up for housing, and comforts for family. Those males that have no ambition to build a future for family are part of the die-off. Females require discipline to be worthy of a male.

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

Accomplishing the above uniting in your fleshly lifetime is not possible. What is possible? Ending the war in Ukraine. Establishing economic alliances through the Middle East that secure Turkey with Iran is also possible. Beyond that? We would just about need to be attached at the hip, and no, fornication for you would be a no-no. That of course means marry (not Me) for sexual fulfilment. Further, no adultery. You would be traveling in warfare with Me. Longevity amongst flying shards of steel and earth requires, no fornication. I Am required in the front lines during all My campaigns. Sixty percent of My time distribution is physically in the front lines of battle.

Conquering the Jehovah's Witnesses and Jews means seizing their assets while simultaneously declaring them enemies of Righteousness and the LORD. Yes, there will be persons that decide to shield JW persons in their homes, that does not mean the shielded would be leaving behind a diary. I will be sweeping the major cities wiping out the sympathisers. The majority will be heading to borders when asset seizure happens.

Train those that do not immediately evacuate on their own accord to China on box cars. Fence a boundary at the boarder and defend it with buried explosives for about half a mile, and include poisoned wells as well as poisoned soil. What this amounts to, is those that recognize your sovereignty are saved. What portion of that might just be after saving their own skin, don't hold that against them. Those that are only serving themselves will die off under My urban campaigns.

After the logistics of dumping all of the JW's at the camp site, those that fail to evacuate to China are executed in the camp, and their blood and bodies are composted. Stop wasting energy on cremation. Should Jews stand with the JW's making noise about the inhumanity of what is happening, their own execution is delivered when Jerusalem cries. Just before the campaign a public notice will be announced. The announcement campaign can be as simple as posting signage on the new containment depo fencing at train ride end. From that, the press just might decide to cover the construction. All correspondence is of course from My hand as well as My name on the account fund seizure. Being invisible to the enemy or stupid is just valuable.

Ending the war in Ukraine begins with an announcement that the Christ is wiping out Zelenskyy's revolt against the Heavenly Sovereignty protecting the trade unity of the former USSR nations. I Am open to simply assassinating him, and of course his family, to bring an end to this quickly. But making a martyr out of that idiot prostitute is unwise. Evidently, Zelenskyy will repent his revolt, because the United States has no Heavenly authority to even protect its own boundaries. Not only that, militarily the US will be derelict in fulfilling the body count of soldiers and duties of warfare NATO contractually requires.

The real problem will be the anger of NATO nations furious that Ukraine is at peace. We will then be able to fortify ourselves against the British Common Wealth, France, Spain, Portugal, and the United States who remain steadfast with their hatred. Be prepared to receive as brothers the NATO abandoning nations. We will announce the economic stability and recovery planning. This will push the British Common Wealth and United States to blind rage.

We form a new banking and trade union from the seized funds and assets. Mining is increased as well. Trackable coin currency is standard, this can include a digital component, but it is backed by gold. Coins are gold, and silver. With paper for fractions of silver. Copper is still valuable for electron transmission, so let's not make copper pennies. Computer's will be less disposable. This stabilises system architecture and ends Microsoft's shit operating system.

With this letter I guarantee to perform and lead all operations that result in the unification of Russia with nations as described including extinguishing JW's and Jews. Russia will be setting the standards for humanities salvation as I have been describing with your participation in furthering My office. Uniting the Middle East and Africa will require soldiers steadfast against fornication serving the LORD in warfare. Trade inclusion of the Middle East is simply a matter of Me being present during negotiations and writing the contracts.

Training for the LORD's army is a six year campaign learning to listen to His voice. I need to complete Live Fornication Free, at least as a total teaching outline to begin the lecture series. I favour the Navy Admiralty offices in Saint Petersburg as My teaching location. The city would need to be prepared to receive a million new citizens from every place on earth to fill this army. The Rolls Royce dealership might leave town. But how about a Ferrari dealership replacing it?

You are welcome to send emissaries to discuss the nuts and bolts of commercial transitions and how a church indeed survives. I Am glad to visit Russia for an extended trial-period stay in Moscow. Mary and Terry need to be at least house arrested during this time as well as including travel for My cats and chaperone. Twelve weeks is a reasonable trial period. My reminder is, what you do to Me the Heavens does to you. During the trial period world events that support the guarantees of this letter will transpire. Should you host Me during this trial period these events will transpire in your favour. The twelve-week trial period commences January 22, 2023. The valuable consideration for this contract is My home at 4622 Dody Street, Corpus Christi TX 78411. Should you host Me, and the twelve weeks of world events not favour all of our efforts with Ukraine and the JW Jew business, My home is yours. My life is turned over to the state, Russia.

May Heaven humble your hand in making your decision to capture for Russia My hand as described here-in. To retrieve Me and Mine, you will need humility to send ambassadors before the January 22, 2023 commencement of Heavenly events against you. Please end your consumption of alcohol to prolong your life.

The Heaven is anxious to decimate the Eastern sea board of the United States and the State of California. The LORD is bringing about the economic destruction of this nation re-sculpting these two aforementioned landscapes for failing to honour My Heavenly office as Christ. The advantage to this is that the Mexican desert will sustain more life than even the arable lands of the United States given over to those homeless and destitute, but clearly saved by "God" for a higher purpose. That higher purpose will be squatting the mega-ranch and "farm" lands of the United States. The filth of Los Angeles will make post Katrina New Orleans Saints Stadium look like a five star resort.

This rage of the LORD against the United States of America and British Commonwealth will rage until I Am united with the United States Military conquering North America from Panama to the North Pole with all sleigh stops in between. That is how the LORD makes My Homecoming in Heaven visible on earth. It is up to you to save North America from Our furry by the 22nd. The LORD's furry will rage until then unabated and without mercy

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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