“shH-eeH-T” -- the Pacific Fleet

“pH-uuH-cK” -- the Pentagon

“Fuck Me Baby! That was awesome.” -- the Atlantic Fleet

“Over My dead Body.” -- General Brown

Neither entice nor tolerate badness.

Allness is like a fractal. He is conscious from the bits of humanity.

Better to learn in obedience, than be seduced by innocence.

A shitty pun is when you obsess over shit. None make flesh obsess over shit like God Almighty.

God Almighty has High places. Satan does not.

God Almighty cannot lie. In His classroom if we are humble we learn the environment that makes his Word True.

A Man protects Heaven from women.

Never disadvantage an adversary. Fortify your god.

Assuming innocence does not mean a "Friendly"
It assumes Spirit did not intend evil when the prayer was bound in Heaven.

All Things are possible with God
Righteousness is knowing Their right time -- meaning application, and place.

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Actor Direction Briefings

the Ba'al Deconstruction Orders

January 23, 24, and 26, 2023

General David H. Berger

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General Berger,
The United States Military, as it is now formed, is being disintegrated by the LORD to make room for Make America Great. Paying taxes is indeed ending. Putin has until February 14, 2023 to bring to My door the Russian soldier who hosts the Spirit consciousness, AW456F, that secured a heavenly alliance on or about May 14, 2019 when I golfed with "Navy Nurse." "Navy Nurse" was the soul hosting AW456F at that time. Had "Navy Nurse," the soul, at time of our meeting, kept his oath to the LORD, this letter would never have been written.


The first things first, and how being united happens.

Epistle's Erudition

The Lord has been united with her spouse equivalent in the firmament this very morning. (This would be far more entertaining if I gave the Lord some kind of animalistic or human qualities, and then posed her in some series of adventures with castles, moats, and dragons. A magic wand, pixie-dust, and other fantasy things would be fun too.)

Letter Body

“Epistle's Erudition” is the opening paragraph.

My imagination, for reader clarity, just assigned a random key stroke assignment to the Spirit identity. "Navy Nurse" I have no way of saying is alive as flesh or dead -- and that means dead with no Spirit consciousness. I would need to go back through My Herald articles to relate more detail. On August 21, 2021, when My Heavenly Kingdom was established, there was a massive change-up. And "Navy Nurse," as I met him at golf, received a new Spirit consciousness, as indeed everyone drawing the breath of Ggod did. We of course have firmament awareness, Spirit consciousness, and there was a change to the kidneys that I have not written about yet. People are just not the same as they once were.

Evidently My rambling letters are amusing to you, because even I do not know exactly what the point of this correspondence is, yet. I need to make clear, there is no human being, soul -- that would be about the living -- I have seen face to face that I have fixated on as someone I would enter a sex contract [A sex contract of course means matrimony under law, first.] with. I do not stalk the lives of people on the internet. I finally googled 'Mrs. General Milley.' With the amount of fornicating all of you have done, what you need to understand is headship you do not have. You. like Milley, are the weakling slave in the sex deal, not the one who has headship. Think of yourselves as a bunch of concubines. Does that make your fornicating any cleaner to you?

Getting back to My tedious personal life, I lived in absolute obedience to the LORD enduring every vile monster that was forced on Me and saying, "No" when I was authorized to do so. "No" being, 'No, I Am not having sex with you.' I can tell you honestly, never had I experienced a sexual interaction with someone that I pursued being in contact with My body. Never has My vanity been satisfied in My life. The LORD assures Me, "That actually matters." What I understood about My union in the LORD, is that in vision I had seen the individual I should expect to be united with. What I understood prevented Me from even allowing a thought to enter My mind that someone I looked at while digesting myself for survival on Coronado was, in any way, that person I understood the LORD had united Me with.

When I returned to Virginia and watched the sixty-nine cruise into Chesapeake Bay the few people, and I do mean five, who had attempted to attract My attention, by their usual arts, in no way matched My expectations, and may I remind you, I was expected to be united with Ted who was transferred off the sixty-nine earlier. Then in September 2020 I learned he had died, and I was subjected to a shit ton of Spirit abuses dumped on Me be you shitty niggers. Fuck-you. Now, forgive that! I masturbated under the Divine understanding that the soul, living, I would be united with under law, at a later time, was in real time a participant with Me. I was forced to masturbate on queue. Fuck-you. Now, forgive that!

The Heavenly components of worship that were restored to God Almighty, so the LORD's kingdom can be fulfilled, are in place because I have lived My life in obedience even to that abominable Lord. Fuck-you. Now, forgive that! When whatever set of strumpets [I assume that you are heterosexual.] fuck you, at some point during the divining of you witchy women, you all toss some queues into the universe that reveal to Me how Spirit unions must be fulfilled by Spirit or they are being forced on Me. In other words, I was learning the required Spirit unions that were forced apart by all manner of concubinage, then I was making sure the unions happened, and I proved Spirit would take back their spouses. This included chasing down the run-aways when necessary.

If in your travels you watched Me on the beach under your flight landing as I walked, busting a move, and said to yourself, "I'm going to fuck that." well, it translates into the divining misery, and there were times that the LORD assured Me you were never a part of the Sprit union fulfilment. In other words, no I never masturbated with the understanding that you as flesh fulfilled the vision. I don't know whether you are married, divorced, widowed, or are a confirmed bachelor. What I know, is you are a fornicator. You are just not alone, nor did you invent fornication.

While meeting "Navy Nurse," AW456F sent some divine cues that I wrote about in one of those confessional diary entries. AW456F genetics match a SEAL who was serving, at the time, on Coronado at the amphibious base. (Yes, him beautiful. My opinion.) So was Ted. Ted was who I observed in vision. When I observed the genetics of AW456F it was under My God Construct's direction to do so. He was with a team walking to the aquatic training facility on the beach under the noses of the infamous condo whores of Coronado. The Spirit consciousness of this SEAL had genetics represented by another person, and further more, "Navy Nurse" the genetics belongs to another Spirit consciousness. Putin has divine knowledge of this. This is why he has until February 14, 2023. No, I do not expect him to fulfil a damn thing. We at Team God get, "Something big" for Putin doing nothing. But We wait all the same. The scramble of the Divine, Spirit, hosted by genetics, and further still duplicated genetics - identical-enough-looking souls that are not identical twins -- is the doppelgänger effect Putin understood in creating a union for Me that others were anxious to divine off of.

I have lived in expectation of the fulfilment of My spouse in the flesh, whilst doing everything I could to make Myself motile so I could travel to Virgina and California again for fulfilment. I know what it is to feel divine force to destroy even My own work and creation. I know what it is to feel divine force to spend money, or even eat poison. What I know is that neither Leach, Trump, nor that fucking CC city manager have felt a lick of force, yet. These stupid fuckers all expect Me to believe that I should be receiving that check in the mail. What those stupid fuckers do not know is how, and when, that force they demanded using witchcraft is fulfilled. The LORD in his "Ted at years voice" makes clear, 'They are just going to be writing the checks.'

The other note, is that I Am not stupid enough to put any store in receiving My "back pay." It is Me you join for salvation jack-ass. Think of all chattels, revenue, souls, and contracts are handed to Me to join Me. I Am written an all-access pass to all things United Stated Military, and its allies, around the globe. That clearance needs to be created first. Don't bother with a pay check. Just hand me the ATM card to the entire account, all of it. I will be destroying existing contracts, and getting rid of civilians and vendors. I put Mary and Terry in holding at Guantanamo Bay, and outside of a credential, and team of paid soldiers that travel with Me -- No, I would not call them apostles -- I show up and ship out in any way I see fit, and every-one else is bumped, as needed to fulfil Jehovah's, the LORD's, kingdom. "Jesus" used in context to mean the transfigured soul of the Gospel is now under Divine protection. Regardless of the person invoking the name, the LORD is protecting the legacy Jesus walked the earth creating.

It is the morning of January 23, 2023, the thought of meeting you does, at this time, put Me in a place of feeling like I need to vomit. Another fat chick walked into Stingers Coffee, the one on Airline, and sat with her smart-phone keystroking fatter companion. Would you like to assess which one is prettier, or which one is worth the life of a marine? Is her being able to afford a cell-phone a criteria for a marine's death? How about her being able to earn money with Amazon or Walmart cash/gift cards as a phone sex personality teasing a masturbating marine who is hard-up for human stimulus of some kind. He has a porno magazine open with his phone at his ear, and hand on his manhood. What does he pay for this? Fucking is not free. Sex is a free gift when it is worship to one another in matrimony. For this, the act of sexual fulfilment in marital union, the Kingdom of Heaven is glorified. What went wrong? Women leveraging their husbands. (Can even Austin say "Duh" on this one?)

The two married persons are worshipping one another. God Almighty makes this happen. The LORD makes unions happen. The LORD is the Divine being who preserves flesh. We, at Team God, have covered the act of sexual intimacy in may different ways. Yes, I would take Mark Gurgevich's life if he attempted to touch Me in a sexual manner. I have had that right to protect Myself since on or about October 16, 2016. I would do that to any soul who was not the soul the LORD united Me with, unless that soul married Me under law first. Is it possible for a soul to put Me in the place of seducing Me into marrying him? The LORD would need to force Me into that matrimonial union. That force on Me would be, because I believed through My entire being, the soul I was marrying was indeed the soul I expected from vision. At some point, who I Am united with, this includes who I know from vision, will be fulfilled.

What needs to happen for Me before I would be even willing to look at a soul with expectation of matrimony? First My body would need to be what I need to look at during our sexual congress as husband and wife. I enjoy sexual congress, and mirrors are a value add. I need professional cosmetic care. That right now, I can't even buy a decent wrinkle cream or moisturiser does not even give Me a false since of having some vanity to even grin back at a tolerable male. From your headshot, if you were single, you would be a tolerable male. I generally raise My eye brow and snicker at what sloths around Corpus Christi seeking My attention, that way. I can rail-on more on this topic in visceral anger over My physical condition but I Am sick of the subject.

The other events I need to consider matrimony? I Am earning My living, not surviving as a slave. Fuck-you. Now, forgive that! Mary and Terry are in prison for murdering My grandmother. I Am enjoying warfare tourism, and writing Live Fornication Free. I still see Russia as a better place for My career fulfilment, even though I struggle with how I would gather professional soldiers from Russian warriors; as I now understand them to be.

Basically our situation is thus, from Heaven I end up dragging you with the army, navy, and air force, holding onto you as if carnally carrying you by the hair off in protest to My cave forcing you into matrimony by rape. Ain't that a pip of a visual? What is My problem? You are not even palatable enough to rape. How that is handled on paper and in person, I could not begin to tell you. My suggestion is, you had better figure out how to convince Me I want you. That does not happen through any form of Spirit. Should General Milley decide to entertain Me on a sea cruise, that would require a chaperone. We are now waiting out the February 14, 2023 date Putin arranged. Putin is now under trail, and the United States Military is destroyed.

Now, what are you going to do to convince Me you have something I want? I want to vanquish the Middle East. That desert is going to swallow you up with the rest of the world unless you have Me. And, you do not have Me.

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Dr. H.L. MacRae (mac) Dukes
the Christ | Pentagon High Priest
Lieutenant General U.S.M.C. Special Forces
The complete distribution list is internal information. Some correspondence may have been sent from My iPhone or other written form later scribed onto the web.


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